Xamarin iOS Launch Image Not Showing - xamarin

I am trying to use a LaunchScreen.storyboard to show a simple image.
I followed the instructions here
The image that I am trying to use doesn't show up.
I have another image in my assets.xcassets file that when I set the exact same ImageView to that one it shows up fine.
If I copy the image I want over the top of the image that works in its own folder under Assets.xcassets folder then the image I want works.
I just can't get the image I want located in its own Assets.xcassets folder to work as a splash screen.
If I add an to any of my xaml forms then the image shows up fine.
The image also shows up fine in the storyboard editor in VS2019.
I am totally confused about why this image doesn't work as a splash on a LaunchScreen.storyboard.
I am hoping someone can help me figure it out.
This is a screenshot of my storyboard:
When I run the app I don't get anything other than a black splash screen.
Here is a screen shot of the exact same storyboard where I have changed the Image setting to another image in my Assets.xcassets.
When I have it set to that one the splash shows that image just fine on startup.
Here is an image of my Assets.xcassets folders:
As I said before if I simply copy and paste the image that doesn't work over the top of the one that does inside the Assets.xcassets folder (renaming it of course), then the image I want works fine as the splash.
So it is not the image itself. I don't understand what is going on.


iOS XCode launch screen storyboard does not display image from asset catalog when running on device

I'm running into an issue where an iOS app project using Launch Storyboard does not display some images from the asset catalog. But it can display another image in the same image view. This tells me that the image view is set up correctly, and something is wrong with the image itself
How can I understand why my image is not displayed on launch screen when starting app?
I checked the asset catalog membership, and the images are members of the correct target. The image displays in the interface builder preview.
I checked and images are not displayed when saved in either JPG or PNG format.
The image previews fine on Storyboard preview.
I tried using smaller image, so it doesn't seem to be a file size issue.
Does not work on either device or simulator.
This image displays:
This image does not display:

Using the LaunchImage and AppIcon inside the iOS app

I have images.acassets in my XCode project. I have set AppIcon source and Launch Image source properly. Everything works perfect. I am able to see the launch image correctly once the app is launched. Can I use this same launch Image inside the app in different xib, where I would like to set this image as background image for one of the xib. When I select the imageview from xib and click on image in the right panel, I am not able to see the image listed in the all image list. Any idea??

Where is phonegap pulling the splash screen from? Replaced all images in xcode

I went to the general tab of my project target in xcode, and changed all of the Launch Images to the ones that I want to see displayed. The preview shows they are the correct ones. I deleted the default images from the platforms/ios/app/resources/splash folder and replaced them with the correctly labeled and correctly sized custom images. AND STILL, phonegap is still using it's default image for the splash screen.
Where is it even pulling that image from? Am I missing a step? I'm using phonegap 3.4.
Hello i think you have change the images in wrong directory. you need to replace images in the below splash folder. i have attached screenshot where you need to change the files.
Hope this helps.

Xcode 5 - Launch Images in Asset catalog won't show up

I have a problem with my LaunchImages. When I create a new Project with the SpriteKit template and immediately add my two launch images, everything works fine. Now I change the Device Orientation (General->Deployment Info) to Landscape-Left and Landscape-Right (unselect "Portrait). I run the simulator again and the images won't show up. (even if I allow "Portrait"-Orientation again)
Does somebody know, whats this about?
A second Question:
When I tried to use an asset catalog with a SKSpriteNode object, the image doesn't show up as well. Instead the Node was a dark green rectangle. If I try to assign the same image to a UIImageView everything works fine...
Verify you don't have the launch image name specified on your ...Info.plist file
for me it was the problem preventing default image to be displayed on iOS 6 and below while it was working for iOS 7

how do you put a simple banner/image in OS X app window?

In IB, I put an Image View object in app window, and dragged a tiff from the finder into that space, turned off editing, and positioned/sized the image as a header banner. Looked fine in IB, but when built and ran, ImageView object is there only as a background filled box (without my tiff).
Could someone explain what steps I am missing or point me to an existing relevant answer?
PS: By banner I only mean a static image, nothing to do with html, nor iOS.
Have you put the image in an NSURL or CGImage variable? I haven't worked with any of the image frameworks lately but I know that the app needs to know where the image is. That's the first thing I would look at.
I didn't know you could drag an image from the Finder into an NSImageView. What I would do is add the image to the Xcode project, so that it will be added to the built app. Then the name of the image should appear in the list of choices for the image in the IB inspector for the NSImageView.
