How to Improve haskell code that has two case of? - performance

I'm learning Haskell and I think that my code is a mess. Here it is:
fold (Add (e1) (e2)) = case e11 of N n -> case e22 of N m -> N (n + m); _ -> Add e11 e22
_ -> Add e11 e22
e11 = fold e1
e22 = fold e2
N and Add are data types that I defined. The thing is that I don't like the way that I used two case of, so is there a way to do the same but much cleaner?

In my eye, it's much simpler if you pattern match on a pair with both folds:
fold (Add e1 e2) = case (fold e1, fold e2) of
(N n, N m) -> N (n+m)
(e11, e22) -> Add e11 e22
If the result is of the form N ... for both, you sum them, otherwise you use Add on the results.
The performance should be essentially the same as that in the original code. It's even possible that both versions generate the same Core after optimization.


Is runInBoundThread the best tool for parallelism?

Say, I want to fold monoids in parallel. My computer has 8 cores. I have this function to split a list into equal-sized smaller lists (with bounded modulo-bias):
import Data.List
parallelize :: Int -> [a] -> [[a]]
parallelize 0 _ = []
parallelize n [] = replicate n []
parallelize n xs = let
(us,vs) = splitAt (quot (length xs) n) xs
in us : parallelize (n-1) vs
The first version of parallel fold I made was:
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Concurrent.QSemN
import Data.Foldable
import Data.IORef
foldP :: Monoid m => [m] -> IO m
foldP xs = do
result <- newIORef mempty
sem <- newQSemN 0
n <- getNumCapabilities
let yss = parallelize n xs
for_ yss (\ys -> forkIO (modifyIORef result (fold ys <>) >> signalQSemN sem 1))
waitQSemN sem n
readIORef result
But usage of IORefs and semaphores seemed ugly to me. So I made another version:
import Data.Traversable
foldP :: Monoid m => [m] -> IO m
foldP xs = do
n <- getNumCapabilities
let yss = parallelize n xs
rs <- for yss (\ys -> runInUnboundThread (return (fold ys)))
return (fold rs)
The test code I used is:
import Data.Monoid
import System.CPUTime
main :: IO ()
main = do
start <- getCPUTime
Product result <- foldP (fmap Product [1 .. 100])
end <- getCPUTime
putStrLn ("Time took: " ++ show (end - start) ++ "ps.")
putStrLn ("Result: " ++ show result)
The second version of foldP outperformed the first version. When I used runInBoundThread instead of runInUnboundThread, it became even faster.
By what are these performance differences made?
TLDR; Use fold function from massiv package and you will likely get the most efficient solution in Haskell.
I would like to start by saying that the first thing that people forget when trying to implement concurrent patterns like this is exception handling. In the solution from the question the exception handling is non-existent thus it is totally wrong. Therefore I'd recommend to use existing implementations for common concurrency patterns. async is the goto library for concurrency, but for such use case it will not be the most efficient solution.
This particular example can easily be solved with scheduler package, in fact it is exactly the kind of stuff it was designed for. Here is how you can use it to achieve folding of monoids:
import Control.Scheduler
import Control.Monad.IO.Unlift
foldP :: (MonadUnliftIO m, Monoid n) => Comp -> [n] -> m n
foldP comp xs = do
rs <-
withScheduler comp $ \scheduler ->
mapM_ (scheduleWork scheduler . pure . fold) (parallelize (numWorkers scheduler) xs)
pure $ fold rs
See the Comp type for explanation on best parallelization strategies. From what I found in practice Par will usually work best, because it will use pinned threads created with forkOn
Note that the parallelize function is implemented inefficiently and dangerously as well, it is better to write it this way:
parallelize :: Int -> [a] -> [[a]]
parallelize n' xs' = go 0 id xs'
n = max 1 n'
-- at least two elements make sense to get benefit of parallel fold
k = max 2 $ quot (length xs') n
go i acc xs
| null xs = acc []
| i < n =
case splitAt k xs of
(ls, rs) -> go (i + 1) (acc . (ls :)) rs
| otherwise = acc . (xs:) $ []
One more bit of advise is that list is far from ideal data structure for parallelization and efficiency in general. In order to split the lists into chunks before parallelizing computation you already have to go through the data structure with parallelize, which can be avoided if you were to use an array. What I am getting at is use an array instead, as suggested in the beginning of this answer.

Modular run-length encoding

How to implement a run length encoding modulus n>=1? For n=4, considering the inputAAABBBBABCCCCBBBDAAA, we want an output of [('D', 1), ('A', 3)]. Note the long-distance merging due to the modulus operation. See Explanation.
The first occurance of BBBB encodes to (B, 4) whose modulus 4 is (B, 0), thus canceling itself out. See the diagram (ignore spaces; they are simply for illustrative purposes):
A simpler example when no merging happens since none gets canceled by modulus 4: input AAABABBBC produces output [('A',3),('B',1),('A',1),('B',3),('C',1)].
Haskell implementations are preferred but others are welcome too!
Prefer standard/common library functions over 3rd party libraries.
Prefer readable and succint programs utilizing higher-order functions.
Prefer efficiency (do not loop over the whole list whenever unnecessary)
My program
I implemented this in Haskell, but it looks too verbose and awful to read. The key idea is to check three tuples at a time, and only advance one tuple forward if we can neither cancel out 0 tuples nor merge a pair of tuples among the three tuples at hand.
import Data.List (group)
test = [('A', 1), ('A', 2), ('B', 2), ('B', 2), ('A', 1), ('B', 1), ('C', 1), ('C', 3), ('B', 3), ('D', 1), ('A', 3)] :: [(Char, Int)]
expected = [('D', 1), ('A', 3)] :: [(Char, Int)]
reduce' :: [(Char, Int)] -> [(Char, Int)]
reduce' [ ] = [] -- exit
reduce' ( (_,0):xs) = reduce' xs
reduce' (x1:(_,0):xs) = reduce' (x1:xs)
reduce' ( (x,n):[]) = (x,n):[] -- exit
reduce' ( (x1,n1):(x2,n2):[]) -- [previous,current,NONE]
| x1 == x2 = reduce' ((x1, d4 (n1+n2)):[])
| otherwise = (x1,n1):( -- advance
reduce' ((x2, d4 n2 ):[]))
reduce' ((x1,n1):(x2,n2):(x3,n3):xs) -- [previous,current,next]
| n3 == 0 = reduce' ((x1, d4 n1 ):(x2, d4 n2 ):xs)
| n2 == 0 = reduce' ((x1, d4 n1 ):(x3, d4 n3 ):xs)
| x2 == x3 = reduce' ((x1, d4 n1 ):(x2, d4 (n2+n3)):xs)
| x1 == x2 = reduce' ((x2, d4 (n1+n2)):(x3, d4 n3 ):xs)
| otherwise = (x1,n1):( -- advance
reduce' ((x2, d4 n2 ):(x3, d4 n3 ):xs)
-- Helpers
flatten :: [(Char, Int)] -> String
flatten nested = concat $ (\(x, n) -> replicate n x) <$> nested
nest :: String -> [(Char, Int)]
nest flat = zip (head <$> xg) (d4 .length <$> xg)
where xg = group flat
reduce = reduce' . nest
d4 = (`rem` 4)
My inputs are like the test variable in the snipped above. We could keep doing flatten then nest until its result doesn't change, and would definitely look simpler. But it feels it is scanning the whole list many times, while my 3-pointer implementation scans the whole list only once. Maybe we can pop an element from left and add it to a new stack while merging identical consecutive items? Or maybe use Applicative Functors? E.g. this works but not sure about its efficiency/performance: reduce = (until =<< ((==) =<<)) (nest . flatten).
I think you are making this problem much harder by thinking of it in terms of character strings at all. Instead, do a preliminary pass that just does the boring RLE part. This way, a second pass is comparatively easy, because you can work in "tokens" that represent a run of a certain length, instead of having to work one character at a time.
The only data structure we need to maintain as we do the second pass through the list is a stack, and we only ever need to look at its top element. We compare each token that we're examining with the top of the stack. If they're the same, we blend them into a single token representing their concatenation; otherwise, we simply push the next token onto the stack. In either case, we reduce token sizes mod N and drop tokens with size 0.
This algorithm runs in linear time: it processes each input token exactly once, and does a constant amount of work for each token.
It cannot produce output lazily. There is no prefix of the input that is sufficient to confidently produce a prefix of the output, so we have to wait till we have consumed the entire input to produce any output. Even something that "looks bad" like ABCABCABCABCABC can eventually be cancelled out if the rest of the string is CCCBBBAAA....
The reverse at the end is a bummer, but amortized over all the tokens it is quite cheap, and in any case does not worsen our linear-time guarantee. It likewise does not change our space requirements, since we already require O(N) space to buffer the output (since as the previous note says, it's never possible to emit a partial result).
Writing down my remark about laziness made me think of your reduce solution, which appears to produce output lazily, which I thought was impossible. The explanation, it turns out, is that your implementation is not just inelegant, as you say, but also incorrect. It produces output too soon, missing chances to cancel with later elements. The simplest test case I can find that you fail is reduce "ABABBBBAAABBBAAA" == [('A',1),('A',3)]. We can confirm that this is due to yielding results too early, by noting that take 1 $ reduce ("ABAB" ++ undefined) yields [(1, 'A')] even though elements might come later that cancel with that first A.
Finally note that I use a custom data type Run just to give a name to the concept; of course you can convert this to a tuple cheaply, or rewrite the function to use tuples internally if you prefer.
import Data.List (group)
data Run a = Run Int a deriving Show
modularRLE :: Eq a => Int -> [a] -> [Run a]
modularRLE groupSize = go [] . tokenize
where go stack [] = reverse stack
go stack (Run n x : remainder) = case stack of
[] -> go (blend n []) remainder
(Run m y : prev) | x == y -> go (blend (n + m) prev) remainder
| otherwise -> go (blend n stack) remainder
where blend i s = case i `mod` groupSize of
0 -> s
j -> Run j x : s
tokenize xs = [Run (length run) x | run#(x:_) <- group xs]
[Run 1 'D',Run 3 'A']
My first observation will be that you only need to code one step of the resolution, since you can pass that step to a function that will feed it its own output until it stabilizes. This function was discussed in this SO question and was given a clever answer by #galva:
converge :: Eq a => (a -> a) -> a -> a
converge = until =<< ((==) =<<)
This is the entrypoint of the algorithm:
-- |-------------step----------------------| |---------------process------|
solve = converge (filter (not . isFullTuple) . collapseOne) . fmap (liftA2 (,) head length) . group
Starting from the end of the line and moving backwards (following the order of execution), we first process a String into a [(Char, Int)] using fmap (liftA2 (,) head length) . group. Then we get to a bracketed block that contains our step function. The collapseOne takes a list of tuples and collapses at most one pair of tuples, deleting the resulting tuple if necessary (if mod 4 == 0) ([('A', 1), ('A', 2), ('B', 2)] ==> [('A', 3), ('B', 2)]):
collapseOne [x] = [x]
collapseOne [] = []
collapseOne (l:r:xs)
| fst l == fst r = (fst l, (snd l + snd r) `mod` 4):xs
| otherwise = l:(collapseOne (r:xs))
You also need to know if tuples are "ripe" and need to be filtered out:
isFullTuple = (==0) . (`mod` 4) . snd
I would argue that these 8 lines of code are significantly easier to read.

Is there such a thing as maximumWith?

Specifically I'm searching for a function 'maximumWith',
maximumWith :: (Foldable f, Ord b) => (a -> b) -> f a -> a
Which behaves in the following way:
maximumWith length [[1, 2], [0, 1, 3]] == [0, 1, 3]
maximumWith null [[(+), (*)], []] == []
maximumWith (const True) x == head x
My use case is picking the longest word in a list.
For this I'd like something akin to maximumWith length.
I'd thought such a thing existed, since sortWith etc. exist.
Let me collect all the notes in the comments together...
Let's look at sort. There are 4 functions in the family:
sortBy is the actual implementation.
sort = sortBy compare uses Ord overloading.
sortWith = sortBy . comparing is the analogue of your desired maximumWith. However, this function has an issue. The ranking of an element is given by applying the given mapping function to it. However, the ranking is not memoized, so if an element needs to compared multiple times, the ranking will be recomputed. You can only use it guilt-free if the ranking function is very cheap. Such functions include selectors (e.g. fst), and newtype constructors. YMMV on simple arithmetic and data constructors. Between this inefficiency, the simplicity of the definition, and its location in GHC.Exts, it's easy to deduce that it's not used that often.
sortOn fixes the inefficiency by decorating each element with its image under the ranking function in a pair, sorting by the ranks, and then erasing them.
The first two have analogues in maximum: maximumBy and maximum. sortWith has no analogy; you may as well write out maximumBy (comparing _) every time. There is also no maximumOn, even though such a thing would be more efficient. The easiest way to define a maximumOn is probably just to copy sortOn:
maximumOn :: (Functor f, Foldable f, Ord r) => (a -> r) -> f a -> a
maximumOn rank = snd . maximumBy (comparing fst) . fmap annotate
where annotate e = let r = rank e in r `seq` (r, e)
There's a bit of interesting code in maximumBy that keeps this from optimizing properly on lists. It also works to use
maximumOn :: (Foldable f, Ord r) => (a -> r) -> f a -> a
maximumOn rank = snd . fromJust . foldl' max' Nothing
where max' Nothing x = let r = rank x in r `seq` Just (r, x)
max' old#(Just (ro, xo)) xn = let rn = rank xn
in case ro `compare` rn of
LT -> Just (rn, xo)
_ -> old
These pragmas may be useful:
{-# SPECIALIZE maximumOn :: Ord r => (a -> r) -> [a] -> a #-}
{-# SPECIALIZE maximumOn :: (a -> Int) -> [a] -> a #-}
HTNW has explained how to do what you asked, but I figured I should mention that for the specific application you mentioned, there's a way that's more efficient in certain cases (assuming the words are represented by Strings). Suppose you want
longest :: [[a]] -> [a]
If you ask for maximumOn length [replicate (10^9) (), []], then you'll end up calculating the length of a very long list unnecessarily. There are several ways to work around this problem, but here's how I'd do it:
data MS a = MS
{ _longest :: [a]
, _longest_suffix :: [a]
, _longest_bound :: !Int }
We will ensure that longest is the first of the longest strings seen thus far, and that longest_bound + length longest_suffix = length longest.
step :: MS a -> [a] -> MS a
step (MS longest longest_suffix longest_bound) xs =
go longest_bound longest_suffix xs'
-- the new list is not longer
go n suffo [] = MS longest suffo n
-- the new list is longer
go n [] suffn = MS xs suffn n
-- don't know yet
go !n (_ : suffo) (_ : suffn) =
go (n + 1) suffo suffn
xs' = drop longest_bound xs
longest :: [[a]] -> [a]
longest = _longest . foldl' step (MS [] [] 0)
Now if the second to longest list has q elements, we'll walk at most q conses into each list. This is the best possible complexity. Of course, it's only significantly better than the maximumOn solution when the longest list is much longer than the second to longest.

Speeding up a stream like data type

I've made a type which is supposed to emulate a "stream". This is basically a list without memory.
data Stream a = forall s. Stream (s -> Maybe (a, s)) s
Basically a stream has two elements. A state s, and a function that takes the state, and returns an element of type a and the new state.
I want to be able to perform operations on streams, so I've imported Data.Foldable and defined streams on it as such:
import Data.Foldable
instance Foldable Stream where
foldr k z (Stream sf s) = go (sf s)
go Nothing = z
go (Just (e, ns)) = e `k` go (sf ns)
To test the speed of my stream, I've defined the following function:
mysum = foldl' (+) 0
And now we can compare the speed of ordinary lists and my stream type:
x1 = [1..n]
x2 = Stream (\s -> if (s == n + 1) then Nothing else Just (s, s + 1)) 1
--main = print $ mysum x1
--main = print $ mysum x2
My streams are about half the speed of lists (full code here).
Furthermore, here's a best case situation, without a list or a stream:
bestcase :: Int
bestcase = go 1 0 where
go i c = if i == n then c + i else go (i+1) (c+i)
This is a lot faster than both the list and stream versions.
So I've got two questions:
How to I get my stream version to be at least as fast as a list.
How to I get my stream version to be close to the speed of bestcase.
As it stands the foldl' you are getting from Foldable is defined in terms of the foldr you gave it. The default implementation is the brilliant and surprisingly good
foldl' :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> t a -> b
foldl' f z0 xs = foldr f' id xs z0
where f' x k z = k $! f z x
But foldl' is the specialty of your type; fortunately the Foldable class includes foldl' as a method, so you can just add this to your instance.
foldl' op acc0 (Stream sf s0) = loop s0 acc0
loop !s !acc = case sf s of
Nothing -> acc
Just (a,s') -> loop s' (op acc a)
For me this seems to give about the same time as bestcase
Note that this is a standard case where we need a strictness annotation on the accumulator. You might look in the vector package's treatment of a similar type for some ideas; or in the hidden 'fusion' modules of the text library .

Is there a fast algorithm to determine the godel number of a term of a context free language?

Suppose we have a simple grammar specification. There is a way to enumerate terms of that grammar that guarantees that any finite term will have a finite position, by iterating it diagonally. For example, for the following grammar:
S ::= add
add ::= mul | add + mul
mul ::= term | mul * term
term ::= number | ( S )
number ::= digit | digit number
digit ::= 0 | 1 | ... | 9
You can enumerate terms like that:
... etc
My question is: is there a way to do the opposite? That is, to take a valid term of that grammar, say, 0+0*0, and find its position on such enumeration - in that case, 9?
For this specific problem, we can cook up something fairly simple, if we allow ourselves to choose a different enumeration ordering. The idea is basically the one in Every Bit Counts, which I also mentioned in the comments. First, some preliminaries: some imports/extensions, a data type representing the grammar, and a pretty-printer. For the sake of simplicity, my digits only go up to 2 (big enough to not be binary any more, but small enough not to wear out my fingers and your eyes).
{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-}
import Control.Applicative
import Data.Universe.Helpers
type S = Add
data Add = Mul Mul | Add :+ Mul deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read)
data Mul = Term Term | Mul :* Term deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read)
data Term = Number Number | Parentheses S deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read)
data Number = Digit Digit | Digit ::: Number deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read)
data Digit = D0 | D1 | D2 deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read, Bounded, Enum)
class PP a where pp :: a -> String
instance PP Add where
pp (Mul m) = pp m
pp (a :+ m) = pp a ++ "+" ++ pp m
instance PP Mul where
pp (Term t) = pp t
pp (m :* t) = pp m ++ "*" ++ pp t
instance PP Term where
pp (Number n) = pp n
pp (Parentheses s) = "(" ++ pp s ++ ")"
instance PP Number where
pp (Digit d) = pp d
pp (d ::: n) = pp d ++ pp n
instance PP Digit where pp = show . fromEnum
Now let's define the enumeration order. We'll use two basic combinators, +++ for interleaving two lists (mnemonic: the middle character is a sum, so we're taking elements from either the first argument or the second) and +*+ for the diagonalization (mnemonic: the middle character is a product, so we're taking elements from both the first and second arguments). More information on these in the universe documentation. One invariant we'll maintain is that our lists -- with the exception of digits -- are always infinite. This will be important later.
ss = adds
adds = (Mul <$> muls ) +++ (uncurry (:+) <$> adds +*+ muls)
muls = (Term <$> terms ) +++ (uncurry (:*) <$> muls +*+ terms)
terms = (Number <$> numbers) +++ (Parentheses <$> ss)
numbers = (Digit <$> digits) ++ interleave [[d ::: n | n <- numbers] | d <- digits]
digits = [D0, D1, D2]
Let's see a few terms:
*Main> mapM_ (putStrLn . pp) (take 15 ss)
Okay, now let's get to the good bit. Let's assume we have two infinite lists a and b. There's two things to notice. First, in a +++ b, all the even indices come from a, and all the odd indices come from b. So we can look at the last bit of an index to see which list to look in, and the remaining bits to pick an index in that list. Second, in a +*+ b, we can use the standard bijection between pairs of numbers and single numbers to translate between indices in the big list and pairs of indices in the a and b lists. Nice! Let's get to it. We'll define a class for Godel-able things that can be translated back and forth between numbers -- indices into the infinite list of inhabitants. Later we'll check that this translation matches the enumeration we defined above.
type Nat = Integer -- bear with me here
class Godel a where
to :: a -> Nat
from :: Nat -> a
instance Godel Nat where to = id; from = id
instance (Godel a, Godel b) => Godel (a, b) where
to (m_, n_) = (m + n) * (m + n + 1) `quot` 2 + m where
m = to m_
n = to n_
from p = (from m, from n) where
isqrt = floor . sqrt . fromIntegral
base = (isqrt (1 + 8 * p) - 1) `quot` 2
triangle = base * (base + 1) `quot` 2
m = p - triangle
n = base - m
The instance for pairs here is the standard Cantor diagonal. It's just a bit of algebra: use the triangle numbers to figure out where you're going/coming from. Now building up instances for this class is a breeze. Numbers are just represented in base 3:
-- this instance is a lie! there aren't infinitely many Digits
-- but we'll be careful about how we use it
instance Godel Digit where
to = fromIntegral . fromEnum
from = toEnum . fromIntegral
instance Godel Number where
to (Digit d) = to d
to (d ::: n) = 3 + to d + 3 * to n
from n
| n < 3 = Digit (from n)
| otherwise = let (q, r) = quotRem (n-3) 3 in from r ::: from q
For the remaining three types, we will, as suggested above, check the tag bit to decide which constructor to emit, and use the remaining bits as indices into a diagonalized list. All three instances necessarily look very similar.
instance Godel Term where
to (Number n) = 2 * to n
to (Parentheses s) = 1 + 2 * to s
from n = case quotRem n 2 of
(q, 0) -> Number (from q)
(q, 1) -> Parentheses (from q)
instance Godel Mul where
to (Term t) = 2 * to t
to (m :* t) = 1 + 2 * to (m, t)
from n = case quotRem n 2 of
(q, 0) -> Term (from q)
(q, 1) -> uncurry (:*) (from q)
instance Godel Add where
to (Mul m) = 2 * to m
to (m :+ t) = 1 + 2 * to (m, t)
from n = case quotRem n 2 of
(q, 0) -> Mul (from q)
(q, 1) -> uncurry (:+) (from q)
And that's it! We can now "efficiently" translate back and forth between parse trees and their Godel numbering for this grammar. Moreover, this translation matches the above enumeration, as you can verify:
*Main> map from [0..29] == take 30 ss
We did abuse many nice properties of this particular grammar -- non-ambiguity, the fact that almost all the nonterminals had infinitely many derivations -- but variations on this technique can get you quite far, especially if you are not too strict on requiring every number to be associated with something unique.
Also, by the way, you might notice that, except for the instance for (Nat, Nat), these Godel numberings are particularly nice in that they look at/produce one bit (or trit) at a time. So you could imagine doing some streaming. But the (Nat, Nat) one is pretty nasty: you have to know the whole number ahead of time to compute the sqrt. You actually can turn this into a streaming guy, too, without losing the property of being dense (every Nat being associated with a unique (Nat, Nat)), but that's a topic for another answer...
