Understanding How to Build Go Source - go

I am confused about how to layout my Go project and then how to build it. I am reasonably new to Go and believe there was a time <1.13 where the GOPATH was important. I am using 1.14, so I believe I do not have to care about that and GOPATH is not set. I do not (for the moment) host my code on GitHub (which is something various articles assume). I have read a number of things, but it all leaves me more confused:
I have laid out my project according to this: https://github.com/golang-standards/project-layout. (Except this project seems to use a Makefile. I do not want to write a Makefile. I believe this should all work without a Makefile. I really do not want to write a Makefile.)
Here is the structure:
go.mod looks like this:
module mycompany/mymodule
go 1.14
service.go looks as follows
package main // this has to be called 'main'
import (
func main () {
So, if I am in /src and I run build cmd/service.go I get
cmd/service.go:4:2: package mycompany/mymodule/internal/helper is not in GOROOT (/usr/local/Cellar/go/1.14.5/libexec/src/mycompany/mymodule/internal/helper)
Do I have to compile helper.go first? Manually? Surely not. go build surely should be able to build my entire project, right? Including all the dependencies. Could someone please tell me what I am missing?

When you run go build without specifying file path, it will look for the main function inside any .go files at current directory to start. It doesn't build entire project. But it wouldn't be a problem in this case.
You're importing wrong package. The package name to import must be mycompany/mymodule/internal not mycompany/mymodule/internal/helper.
And to invoke a function inside another package, it must be exposed to outside.
So you have to declare the function greet() as Greet()


golang modules and local packages

I'm trying to understand how to organize my golang project using go1.11 modules. I tried several options, but none of them worked.
I have some code in the main package under the application folder and a local package that the main package uses.
+ src
+ application/
+ main/
+ main.go
+ otherFileUnderMainPackage.go
+ aLocalPackage/
+ someCode.go
+ someCode_test.go
+ someMoreCode.go
+ someMoreCode_test.go
Files in the main package, imports ../aLocalPackage. When I compile by go build main/*.go it's working.
Then, I ran go mod init application: V.0.9.9 and got the go.mod file, but the build always fails. I always get error about not finding the local package: build application:V0.9.9/main: cannot find module for path _/.../src/application/aLocalPackage. I also tried to place the local package right under src/, place it under main/ etc. but none of these methods worked for me.
What is the way to use modules and local packages?
Relative import paths are not supported in module mode. You will need to update your import statements to use a full (absolute) import path.
You should also choose a module name other than application. Your module path should generally begin with a URL prefix that you control — either your own domain name, or a unique path such as github.com/$USER/$REPO.
I had some problems working with local packages myself.
There are two tricks to make it work:
you run "go build" in the package directory
This compiles the package and places it in the build cache.
This link about code organisation in go explains more.
You can identify where the cache is using:
>go env GOCACHE
Import using a path relative to the project
I puzzled loads over what the correct import path was and finally discovered that go doc or go list will tell you.
>go doc
package docs // import "tools/src/hello/docs"
>go list
For example. I have a hello world API project and was using swaggo to generate documentation which it does in a docs sub-directory.
To use it I add an import:
_ "tools/src/hello/docs"
For my case the _ is important as docs is not used directly but we its init() function to be invoked.
Now in hello/main.go I can add "tools/src/hello/docs" and it will import the correct package.
The path is relative to the location of go.mod if you have one.
I have tools/ here as I have a go.mod declaring "modules tools".
Modules are a different kettle of fish - see https://github.com/golang/go/wiki/Modules.
Recent versions of go (1.11 and later) can create a go.mod file which you may use to fix the version of a module that is used and avoid go's crazy default behaviour of just downloading the latest version of any package you import.
I have written a blogpost on how to start your first Go project using modules.
In general it boils down to just create a new folder somewhere on your system (doesn't have to be in GOPATH).
mkdir my-project
cd my-project
go mod init github.com/you-user/my-project
This will create the go.mod file. Now you can simply create your project layout and start building whatever you like.
Maybe one of my other blogs can inspire you a bit more on how to do things.

Go project structure to produce library and cli with the same name in single repository

How to setup project structure to produce library and cli with same name in
single repository?
Suppose my project name is project. I want to make it importable with name
project and have executable binary with name project when installed with
go get. My setup currently is like this:
Then, when installed with:
go get host.com/project/project
it installs project as executable which pulls core as dependency. In
core/project.go file, the package has this:
package project
The problem is it is imported with:
import (
And it exports project as name space not core which violates go's convention.
How can I do this?
This isn't a convention, and you may do however you like, but it's a common practice to have a cmd folder in the project root, and all the executables go under that, each in is own folder.
So a good solution in your case could be simply:
In filea.go and fileb.go the package declaration should be:
package project
In cmd/project/project.go package and import declaration should be:
package main
import "host.com/project"
Of course if your project is more complex, you may create further packages under the project root, and it may have multiple commands (multiple main packages), e.g.:
An example following this layout is the very popular Go Delve debugger (4.5k stars currently), available at https://github.com/derekparker/delve.
A very complex repository example is the golang.org/x/tools package which is a collection of multiple, essential Go tools, available at https://github.com/golang/tools/. Its cmd folder contains more than 20 subfolders (commands), many of the tools (main packages) even consist of multiple .go files (but each using package main declaration, forming a single package of the executable).
Also check out the following related question: What is a sensible way to layout a Go project

How to import project specific go packages while maintaining a separate location for go packages that are common to totally different projects?

So I was developing a go application for the very first time. I came to know that there are two variables GOROOT and GOPATH which are used to maintain go packages. What I understand till now, is that GOROOT is for the go binary files and GOPATH is mainly for storing library and helper packages that is needed for projects.
Here is my current project structure -
Content of main.go
package main
import (
func main(){
Content of helper.go
package helper
import (
func SayWorld(){
And the go variables are -
GOROOT = /Users/john/apps/go
GOPATH = /Users/john/apps/go-packages
Now when I perform the following command, I get this error -
mac-machine:project-mars john$ go build main.go
main.go:5:5: cannot find package "helper" in any of:
/Users/john/apps/go/src/helper (from $GOROOT)
/Users/john/apps/go-packages/src/helper (from $GOPATH)
I understand that GOPATH should be the project directory that I am working on. But I am concerned with keeping my projects and library packages in a modular way, so that when later I have a totally different project (i.e. project-aurora) which might use same github helper packages, that they are not downloaded two times, both in project-mars and project-aurora .
How can I avoid this redundancy while working on different projects ?
Update: It's not that I can not compile them. I can use the GOPATH as my project directory and use src,pkg,bin project layouts and also reorganize the files and finally get to compile the project. yeeeeppi. But my question is about resolving the redundancy of common package problem that appears in this single GOPATH way.
Please read How to Write Go Code carefully. It explains everything you need to know.
You don't use GOPATH as your project directory. Assuming you want to work with the standard Go tooling, your package source needs to be in the directory corresponding to its import path, just like any other package.
Your project should be located at $GOPATH/src/project-mars, which can be built via go install project-mars. The helper package should be located at $GOPATH/src/project-mars/helper, and imported via "project-mars/helper".
Rename your helper-lib folder to helper
Then move this folder from project-mars to the upper folder work
This should make your
import "helper"
statement in main.go work.

"undefined" function declared in another file?

I'm trying to write a basic go program that calls a function on a different file, but a part of the same package. However, it returns:
undefined: NewEmployee
Here is the source code:
package main
func main() {
emp := NewEmployee()
package main
type Employee struct {
name string
age int
func NewEmployee() *Employee {
p := &Employee{}
return p
func PrintEmployee (p *Employee) {
return "Hello world!"
Please read "How to Write Go Code".
Use go build or go install within the package directory, or supply an import path for the package. Do not use file arguments for build or install.
While you can use file arguments for go run, you should build a package instead, usually with go run ., though you should almost always use go install, or go build.
I just had the same problem in GoLand (which is Intellij IDEA for Go) and worked out a solution. You need to change the Run kind from File to Package or Directory. You can choose this from a drop-down if you go into Run/Edit Configurations.
Eg: for package ~/go/src/a_package, use a Package path of a_package and a Directory of ~/go/src/a_package and Run kind of Package or Directory.
If you're using go run, do go run *.go. It will automatically find all go files in the current working directory, compile and then run your main function.
You can try one of the following:
Method 1:
Assume that your project name is MyProject
Go to your path, run go build
It will create an executable file as your project name ("MyProject")
Then run the executable using ./MyProject
You can do both steps at once by typing go build && ./MyProject. Go files of the package main are compiled to an executable.
Method 2:
Just run go run *.go. It won't create any executable but it runs.
go run . will run all of your files. The entry point is the function main() which has to be unique to the main package.
Another option is to build the binary with go build and run it.
If you want to call a function from another go file and you are using Goland, then find the option 'Edit configuration' from the Run menu and change the run kind from File to Directory. It clears all the errors and allows you to call functions from other go files.
you should use go modules now, if you are not following How to write go code
With go module you don't have to put the code in the $GOPATH/src. it can live in any other location as well.
You can move the code to different directory like /employee, To make it work Just under employee directory initialise the go module
go mod init example.com/employee
I ran into the same issue with Go11, just wanted to share how I did solve it for helping others just in case they run into the same issue.
I had my Go project outside $GOPATH, so I had to turned on GO111MODULE=on without this option turned on, it will give you this issue; even if you you try to build or test the whole package or directory it won't be solved without GO111MODULE=on
While this doesn't directly address the OP's specific issue, I thought I'd chime in with the solution to my "undefined" error: the file with the undefined method had a build constraint (build tag).
More specifically, I accidentally included a build constraint to remove testing files from my deployed application binary in a utility function file used by my deployed binary. So in the OP's example - if employee.go had a build constraints their go build command would need to include a -tags flag matching the constraint in in order to have the file included.
For more info read this blog post:
Took a while to drill down my own MRE for this, so hopefully it will help others, despite being brief:
This can also occur if your functions / structs are defined in a file that has import "C", which will be silently ignored if CGO_ENABLED=0 is in your go environment, leading to you staring at a two file package that somehow is unable to share between themselves.
In GoLand,
right click a directory
GoLand will give you the option for build it and run it
it will also create a run configuration draft for you
you can save with an option of the upper right dropdown
If you right clic a file, it shows you commands to run, debug, test that file.
If you right clic a directory, it will be the same for that "package", expecting a main.go file inside the directory
I had a nasty import "C" in one of my go files.
If your source folder is structured /go/src/blog (assuming the name of your source folder is blog).
cd /go/src/blog ... (cd inside the folder that has your package)
go install
That should run all of your files at the same time, instead of you having to list the files manually or "bashing" a method on the command line.
Off topic but still :-)
func NewEmployee() *Employee {
p := &Employee{}
return p
func NewEmployee() *Employee {
return &Employee{}
No need to create a new variable. Just return.

Recursive compile files

I just started with Go, and i love it! I have tried to make the structure of my project a bit more manageable, instead of having everything in my main.go
So now i have a structure like this.
-> main.go
-> routes.go
-> handlers/
--> user_handlers.go
But when i try to build this with the following command
go build -v -o ./bin/my_bin ./src/...
I get this error
cannot use -o with multiple packages
But if i make it a flat structure like this
-> main.go
-> routes.go
-> user_handlers.go
It works just fine, all my files got "package main" in the top of them.
What am i doing wrong?
The package name must match the directory name. Moving a source file to a new directory requires that you also change the package name.
foo/foo.go // package foo
foo/bar/bar.go // package bar
foo/bar/qux.go // package bar
The PATH is not relevant in terms of the package name.
Package foo: /some/path/some/where/foo
This allows multiple "foo" packages to be created and imported provided your import specifies the desired location of "foo"
P.S. The convention for package names is lowercase, no punctuation (e.g., no _'s)
It tells you what you did wrong, you can't separate a single package over multiple folders.
You need to set and properly use $GOPATH and properly import your routes/ folder in routes.go.
A simple example of it is:
// routes.go
// the . means you can call imported functions without prefixing them with the package name
import . "full-path-to-routes/-relative-to-$GOPATH"
From https://golang.org/doc/code.html:
The GOPATH environment variable specifies the location of your workspace. It is likely the only environment variable you'll need to set when developing Go code.
To get started, create a workspace directory and set GOPATH accordingly. Your workspace can be located wherever you like, but we'll use $HOME/go in this document. Note that this must not be the same path as your Go installation.
I highly recommend reading Effective Go.
