Grails CXF plugin not found - gradle

I am trying to implement SOAP services in my app, the best plugin I found is CXF, but I couln't install it, it looks like that I should put some additional repository.
I raised an issue in the source page, but if someone has faced this before, can share the solution plz?

If you are trying to use version 3.1.2 of the plugin, you want org.grails.plugins:cxf:3.1.2, not org.grails.plugins:grails-cxf:3.1.2.

The problem is that the plugin's documentation talks about to use the version 3.1.2, but the latest version in the repository is the 3.0.9


GXT 2.X to 4.0.2 migration issues

We used to have GWT 2.4 & GXT 2.2.5 and we are migrating to GWT 2.8.1.
Now I am using GWT 2.8 with gxt 2.2.5 and Jdk 1.8.0_291, even when upgrading gxt-2.3.1a-gwt22 I still get this error when maven is building I got this error
jar:file:/war/WEB-INF/lib/gxt-2.3.1a-gwt22.jar!/com/extjs/gxt/ui/client/widget/form/' > Line 322: The method append(boolean) is ambiguous for the type StringBuffer
After searching I thought it is imposible to resolve it, I don't have the right to edit the dependency.
So I decided to upgrade gxt to 4.0.2, am I right?
but when I did all the app broke, most of Types don't exist anymore and the migration is not well documented on sencha website, they provide a unique page that doesn't help.
Do you have a tutorial or a guide that helps? or maybe a workaround?
Moving from GXT 2.x to 4.0.2 will create a lot of work. Take a look here:
Sencha GXT 2.x to 4.x Migration Guide
To get gxt-2.3.1a working with GWT 2.8.2 or even 2.9.0 (and maybe 2.10.0 - did not check this) you need to fix the bugs. The easiest way would be to
override the class and correct the things that are wrong.
F.e.: Fixing the ListField bug, you have to:
create a package: 'com.extjs.gxt.ui.client.widget.form'
create a class named 'ListField'
copy the code from the ListField class into you new class
fix the problem
I did that in the past and IIRC it was not much work.

How to rebuild an old plugin for Jira 7?

I have a plugin which is custom built for Jira 6.x and I want to make the same plugin to work for Jira 7.x. What are the ways to do this?
Say the only resource I have is the .jar plugin file which has all the information about classes, dependencies, related to old version of jira.
If I make changes to the pom.xml file and upload the addon to jira, will it work with Jira 7.x?
Error From Log:
/rest/issueNav/1/issueTable [c.atlassian.ozymandias.SafePluginPointAccess] A LinkageError indicates that plugin code was compiled with outdated versions.Unable to run plugin code because of 'java.lang.AbstractMethodError - null'.
Thank You.
There are API changes which requires source code changes, some details here:

How to weave using AspectJ 1.7 and Maven 3.3?

I have been looking tirelessly for a working example of a simple application that uses AspjectJ 1.7 and is compiled using Maven 3.3. I have been able to find complex examples that use older versions of AsjectJ and older versions of Maven, but nothing recent.
Any related example that somebody could be able to provide would be incredibly helpful!
See my simple example of of java.lang.instrument and AspectJ Weaver on github?

Java3D Maven Repository for 1.5.2

I'm at my wit's end trying to get Java3D working with Maven. The latest version in the Maven core repository is 1.3.1, but there don't seem to be any 64-bit dll files (without installers) that will work with such an early version! It seems that the 1.5.2 dll I donwloaded is incompatible (unsurprisingly).
Does anyone know of a repository that has at least version 1.4.0?
Otherwise, looks like I'm going to have to learn JOGL instead and change all my code.
Rather make a request for enhancement. Maybe we could publish Maven on Maven Central or at least in our development repository. Please check whether you're using Java 3D 1.6, look at that if you don't know how to install it.

Spring Roo says "Version is required for org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-compiler-plugin"

I am trying out Spring Roo 1.2.2 and can't get past this error:
roo> hint
Version is required for org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-compiler-plugin
My maven version: Apache Maven 2.2.1
Appreciate any help.
Changing the directory and trying again makes it disappear! But I would still like to know what it was looking at, thanks.
Roo 1.2.2 has issues working with maven plugin versions. You will need to make sure that all your plugin declarations in every module have version tag specified. Similar problem is described here
Besides that I assume that you are trying to use Roo 1.2.2. on existing codebase. Than you need to follow this
Although it is not said in this documentation, you possibly will need Maven 3 (3.0.4 comes with Roo/STS distribution) I suggest using this. It would be better first to migrate your project to Maven 3.
You should always start roo in an empty directory (or already existing roo project directory) because the working directory is scanned by roo. In your case a POM is probably detected.
Also notice that roo becomes very slow when working from a "crowded" directory.
