Compare two AsyncAPI specifications - amqp

Is there a tool that compares two AsyncAPI specifications and checks compatibility? I am thinking about an equivalent to OpenAPI-Diff or Swagger-Diff.

There is now an GitHub repository, and you find it on npm.


how to use "robotlocomotion drake" codes in my project, for example "qp_inverse_dynamics"

i want to implement drake in my project, but i found it almost impossible.
Although there are notebooks and course explain robotics theory and how drake works,
But how could i use the codes in drake in my project. For example, i want to simulate a 6-Dof arm using V-rep and ROS, and i want to inplement force control to the arm using "qp_inverse_dynamics" in drake, do i need to include all files that "qp_inverse_dynamics" used, and construct the build system? There are tons of files.
I have made a quadruped robot using position control and PID controller, and have a little bit experience of using open source convex quadratic programs solver(osqp)。
And now, after build and tested drake using bazel, what coule I do to use codes in drake in my project? Or should I just write my own codes using the method in Underactuated Robotics notebook?
thanks a lot.
This repository is our working example of how to use drake in your own project:
We do support OSQP as one of many solver backends. There is a chance that you will find that you want some feature in drake that is not yet exposed in the binary installation, in which case please make a request on github. But I suspect it should work well for you.
N.B. The lectures you've pointed to on edX are a few years old now. The current version of the course is running right now, with streamed/recorded lectures available at

Which one is the Github organization for

There are two different organizations linked to
I see that Java extensions exist only in ReactiveX.
But, Rx.NET or IxJx exist in both organizations. However the former is active in Reactive-Extensions and the latter more active in ReactiveX.
Why there are two different organizations?
ReactiveX is the repo created for RXJS 5 which is a ground-up rewrite of RXJS for performance purposes.
You can find more details about the changes between the two versions here. My guess is that Rx.NET isn't on ReactiveX yet because they aren't on version 5 yet. It also seems like the various languages are pretty loosely coupled and don't necessarily work too closely together on things like this.
Some source issues discussing this:

Static code analysis of Dockerfiles?

I was wondering if there is any tool support for analyzing the content of Dockerfiles. Syntax checks of course, but also highlighting references to older packages that need to be updated.
I'm using SonarQube for static code analysis for other code but if it does not support it (I could not find any information that it does), is there is any other tool that does this?
Although this question is 2 years old, however there are two ways to do static analysis of the Dockerfile.
using FromLatest
using Hadolint
Option#2 is mostly preferable since this can be used as an automated process inside CICD pipelines.
Hadolint also provide ways to exclude messages/errors using ".hadolint.yml"

Where I can find HL7 FHIR ECoreDefinitions.xml for for versions different from DSTU 2?

I am working on a Command Line Interface in Python for HL7 FHIR and I am looking for ECoreDefinitions.xml file for version different from DSTU 2. I know ECoreDefinitions.xml DSTU 2 is at, but I'm not able to find similar files for different FHIR versions, in particular for the upcoming 1.4.0 or the versions previous to DSTU2.
Are they available?
No. we have removed the ecore definitions part now. You should use the files in (see "FHIR Definitions" in /downloads.html of the version you are interested in)

Which antlr4-runtime?

I'm trying to add dependency antlr4-runtime in eclipse. It shows two instances to choose from.
com.tunnelvisionlabs::antlr4-runtime (324566 b)
org.antlr::antlr4-runtime (242694 b)
These files are of different size.
Which one should I use?
The reference runtime which is described in The Definitive ANTLR 4 Reference book with JavaDocs posted at is the org.antlr::antlr4-runtime.
The other build is a highly experimental branch which is heavily optimized for use in Tunnel Vision Labs' IDE products. This build deviates from the documented version in many ways, so you may be on your own if you run into problems.
