How do I change 'Selects Code Structure' from cmd + click to a keybinding? - xcode

I can't find any shortcut in the key-bindings list that will display this pop-up code actions menu. Is this strictly a click action only? Are there any potential workarounds for this?
I'm coming from vscode and I really loved being able to hit a keybinding and bring up all my code actions.
Thank you in advance!

I am not pretty sure what is your intend but i would rather use to this one for your case,
command click on code as jump to definition :)

what you do in Vscode Ctrl+Click is equal to cmd+click in Xcode


How can i make intellij select the code completion suggestion without me having to navigate to it?

I am using IntelliJ IDEA 15.0.6 with the Ruby plugin.
I noticed that when i write in java, the code completion popup automatically highlights the first suggestion like so -
this allows me to just press "enter" in order to complete the word and continue.
when i write in ruby, however, no suggestion is selected, like so -
this makes it so that i have to navigate with the arrow keys in order to pick a suggestion before i can hit "enter".
i tried digging deep in the preferences and all over the internet, but i can't seem to find out why this is happening. i tried adding the option "insert selected variant by typing dot, space, etc.", but it doesn't work because there is no "selected variant"
i know this sounds small, but it's cutting off my workflow horribly, and i believe there are others out there who would like to know how to do this.
thanks to anyone who can help
Thanks to Eugen Martynov's comment, i found jetbrains' bug tracker site, where there i found an issue exactly like mine. click here to see the issue entry
to make it short, the answer is as follows:
open "search everywhere" (double shift)
search for "registry" and choose the one under "Actions" this will open a new window.
here look for the key ide.completion.lookup.element.preselect.depends.on.context and uncheck its box.
after the box has been unchecked code completion will select the first suggestion before user navigation.
Thanks again to Eugen for your help

How to remove or disable the breakpoint field in xcode?

When I want to close or open a function in xcode I always accidentally add a breakpoint, that is very annoying so I wonder if there is a way to remove/disable it. I have searched for a solution but they are just people asking how to remove a breakpoint. I have checked through all the settings but not found anything. Or maybe there is an option to change how to add breakpoints like double click to add as in eclipse?
Here is an image of what Im talking about:
I don't see any thing in ~/Library/Preferences/ to help. But there are always the keyboard shortcuts for Fold and Unfold

How to view IOS documentation using Xcode?

Is there a shortcut i can use to display or search Obj-C API?
Say, i'd like to learn more about what IBAction does, i wonder if i can mouse over it and view documentation. Is there a way this can be enabled? A side bar possibly?
Please advise
Option-click a class name and a window will pop up with a description. Click the book icon and the help window will open to that class. Command click to view the h file.
Not that I know off, but you may see the source code at any time, and that has plenty of documentation on the comments.
Command + click on it, then click Show Quick Help
Also there's a keyboard shortcut for opening general documentation list.
Command + Shift +0 (Zero)
In Xcode 4, the Organizer window has a documentation section which can be accessed from the Right sidebar (Quick Help, which is part of the button group to enable the bottom bar (GDB by default) as well as the left sidebar (Class tree/etc) ) of the main Xcode window whenever you click on basically anything in the code (if its a custom method/variable it only tells you where it is defined). However, if it is something like IBAction it will pop up a brief definition as well as a link to open the previously mentioned organizer to the appropriate documentation page.
Within the Quick Help information, click Open in Developer Documentation to access Xcode documentation, which includes more thorough explanations and references to related functions.
You can also access Developer Documentation window from the Xcode Help menu.
Another option is by using the keyboard shortcut Command+Shift+0.

How to open the red-button menu on Visual Studio (2008) with the keyboard?

When you type something and there's some problem you get a tiny red rectangle at the end of the symbol/word that has the problem and when you hover the mouse over it, you get a button and when you press the button you get a list of possible actions to fix the problem, including adding using statements or refactoring.
Is there a way to open that menu with the keyboard so I don't have to reach my mouse?
I believe Ctrl+. also works...that's what I've been using all these years...fewer keystrokes
While shift+alt+f10 works there is an alternate shortcut i find easier to type:
Found it, in the tooltip: Shift+Alt+F10
It is Shift+Alt+F10
Here are a list of the keyboard shortcuts
Visual Basic

After "Go to Definition", is there a command to return to where you came from?

If so, is it a stack?
That is, can I:
and then pop back up the call stack?
None of the Edit.GoTo... commands do what I am looking for.
You can go to the last place you navigated to by doing CTRL+-
(That's the control key and the "minus" or "dash" key.)
The correct way to navigate this stack is with View.ForwardBrowseContext and View.PopBrowseContext commands. In the default C# schema they are bound to Ctrl+Shift+7 and Ctrl+Shift+8 respectively.
Tip by Brian Sullivan (Ctrl+-) works great.
You also can use a side button on your mouse (if your mouse has a side button and that button programmed for Back functionality in a browser).
If you have an MS mouse with the latest Intellipoint drivers installed, you can have program-specific commands associated with mouse buttons. Find out what the "Back" keyboard command is for your program. For VS .NET 2003/2005/2008 it is Ctrl+\ (control backslash) which is tied to View.NavigateBackward. Then go into the Control Panel for the mouse, click on the checkbox for "Enable program-specific settings" and then click on Settings.
Click on "Add" and pick your favorite Visual Studio and map Ctrl-\ to the left button.
Others programs of interest:
uVision3 IDE (the Keil compiler): Alt-Left
Adobe Reader 9.0: Alt-Left
javaw (as in Eclipse): Ctrl-F2
VB6: Ctrl-Shift-F2
Actually, the Eclipse one isn't Ctrl-F2 but is something that cannot be mapped, so I added that mapping within Eclipse and then the new mapping in the mouse driver.
Hope that helps!
In Microsoft Dev Studio it was always mapped to CTRL+* (The * on the numerical keypad) but not in C# Express, I notice. Here it's Ctrl+Shift+8, as already noted.
Navigate backward and Navigate forward is the right choice. These can be found in toolbars.
A third party tool like ReSharper would give you the functionality you require.
It is "da bomb!"
Navigation in the Solution explorer is a thing of the past.
I just use the back button on my mouse.
Has always worked by default for me.
The easiest way for me to do it is to add a bookmark before I go to the definition. To get back i just toggle back
