I'm trying to make an scenario in OMNeT with different Areas. Each area is a compound module which have many nodes inside, such like a city or something like that. I want that nodes moves from one area to another.
I already done that, but the nodes that are dynamically inserted in their new areas throws error when they are going to perform a transmission.
The error is not throwed in all transmissions, just sometimes.
I debugged my code and the error is in Signal.cc file, seems that node doesn't find the radioMediumModule. I'm using IEE802.15.4 communications and SensorNode module.
I think thay maybe is an allocation of memory problem, since the error does not always throw.
Thanks in advance.
I make a simulation model for recycling.
There is no problem with the model for the user, but a problem occurs in the process of collecting by the truck.
If the recovery box is full, the truck starts, but the truck goes to the wrong place instead of going to the full place.
How can I independently recognize the recovery box and send the truck to the full recovery box?
please solve this..
The link below is my model image.
I want to go down recursively and automatically at the host and clusters tab (the blue one in the picture), and then take the text like guest os, compability, etc.
I already know how to get the text from summary, but I got the problem to loop (go down) at the host and cluster tabs.
Any idea how to do it?
Thank you very much.
It's probably not the best idea to have one robot do everything - i.e. setting filters, parsing results, clicking on each result, parsing data, then going back, and so on. Instead of that approach, divide and conquer. Create multiple sequences/workflows, each one with one specific task in mind.
Here's how I would tackle it:
Create a sequence that opens the target page, setting the filters (e.g. Germany, as mentioned in your link: https://www.autoscout24.de/ergebnisse?cy=D&powertype=kw&atype=C&ustate=N%2CU&sort=standard&desc=0&page=1&size=20)
Have the same robot extract the link for each result. Don't go into the details, this could potentially be the task of another robot.
Have the links stored in a queue. Read more about Queues and Transactions here.
Create another sequence that takes the next item in the queue and open the stored link. This will take you directly to the results page (e.g. https://www.autoscout24.de/angebote/opel-corsa-12v-city-servo-ahk-benzin-silber-84a66193-b6d6-4fc9-b222-ec5a7319f221?cldtidx=1)
Parse any kind of data you need.
This comes with the benefit that you can use multiple robots at the same time extracting data, potentially increasing scraping significantly. The Queues and Transactions feature will make sure each result is visited only once, and that multiple robots don't process the same item multiple times.
Edit: you might want to start with ReFramework, which I'd recommend.
I'm trying to parallelize my model (I want to parallelize a single config run, not run multiple configs in parallel).
I'm using Omnet++ 4.2.2, but probably the version doesn't matter.
I've read the Parallel Distributed Simulation chapter of the Omnet++ manual
and the principle seems very straightforward:
simply assign different modules/submodules to different partitions.
Following the provided cqn example
*.tandemQueue[0]**.partition-id = 0
*.tandemQueue[1]**.partition-id = 1
*.tandemQueue[2]**.partition-id = 2
If I try to simulate relatively simple models everything works fine I can partition the model at wish.
However, when I start to run simulation that use Standardhost module, or modules that are interconnected using ethernet links that doesn't work anymore.
If i take for example the Inet provided example WiredNetWithDHCP (inet/examples/dhcp/eth), as experiment, lets say I want to run hosts in a different partition than the switch
I therefore assign the switch to a partition and everything else to another:
**.switch**.partition-id = 1
**.partition-id = 0
The different partitions are separated by links, there is delay, and therefore it should be possible to partition this way.
When I run the model, using the graphic interface, I can see that the model is correctly partitioned however the connections are somehow wrong and i get the following error message:
during network initialization: the input/output datarates differ
clearly datarates don't differ (and running the model sequentially works perfectly), by checking the error message this exception is triggered also by link not connected. This is indeed what happen. It seems that the gates are not correctly linked.
Clearly I'm missing something in the Link connection mechanism, should I partition somewhere else?
Due to the simplicity of the paradigm I feel like being an idiot but I'm not able to solve this issue by myself
Just to give a feedback,
It seems that directly it cannot be done, not the full INET as it is can be parallelized in short because it uses global variables in some places.
in this particular case, mac addresses assignment are one of the issues (uses a global variable), hence eth interface cannot be parallelized.
for more details refer to this paper explaining why this is not possible:
Enabling Distributed Simulation of OMNeT++ INET Models:
For reference/possible solution refer to authors webpage from aachen university, where you can download a complete copy of omnet++ and INET that can be parallelized:
project overview and code
Below is a general ETL flow chart diagram.I am really confused if it is a good practice to draw such a flow chart.Especially at lines connecting the final output , and the big box used to generalize the whole process that goes from input format to 'Validate files as per type of file' to 'Adjustments for desired output' and finally to 'outputs'.
In concept, to provide an overview of the process, a Context diagram or Data Flow Diagram can be used as well as a Flow Chart. While all these diagrams are old, they are usually useful.
I suggest that you check the following points in your diagram - What I have here are personal suggestions based on long history with ETL.
Your processing shape (say rectangle) must have at least one entry (input) and at least one exist(output). Example: The two large rectangles don't have clear inputs and outputs! What is going on there?
You can't have outputs without a process - Example: Type 1 is somehow split into Type 1.1 and Type 1.2. How is that split happened? Is it by a program? Which one? Another example is Type 1.1 has an arrow connected to Output 1. Again same questions hold. Another example is "Rejected folder" to email.
The name of the process should indicate what the process is or the actual program component name or physical file names. This is valuable in ETL.
You may want to show the process triggering event such as time of day.
Use remarks.
Make the level of detail consistent.
What is the quickest way to isolate the source of an error amongst an ordered list of potential sources? For example, given a list of column mappings, and one of those column mappings is incorrect, what debugging technique would lead you to most quickly identify which mapping is invalid? (By most quickly, I mean, which approach would require the fewest compilation, load, and run cycles?)
Assume that whatever error message the database or database driver generates does not identify the name of the errant column. Sound familiar?
The technique is similar to that which you might use to answer the question, "What number am I thinking of between 1 and 1000?", but with the fewest guesses.
You can use interpolation in some cases. I've used this successfully to isolate a bad record.
Sounds familiar, but I hate to be the one to tell you that there is no "quick" way of isolating the sources of errors. I know from my own experience that you want to be absolutely sure you've found the correct source of error before you go about resolving it, and this requires plenty of testing and tracing.
Keep adding more and more diagnostic information until I either isolate the issue, or can't add anymore. If it's my code vs. external code, I will go crazy with trace statements until I isolate the critical bit of code if I otherwise don't know where the issue is. On Windows, the SysInternals suite is my friend... especially the debug viewer. That will show any trace statements from anything running on the system that is emitting trace.
If I truly cannot get more specific information from the error source, then I will go into experimental mode... testing one small change at a time. This works best if you know you have a case that succeeds and a case that does not.
Trivial example: If I have row X that won't be inserted into the database, but I know row Y will, I will then take row Y and change one field at a time and keep inserting until row Y's values = row X's value.
If you really are stumped at where the issue is coming from, time to dust off your Google-fu skills. Someone has probably run into the same problem and posted a question to a forum somewhere. Of course, that's what SO is for too.
You're the human... be more stubborn than the computer!