How can I fix issue about wrong character output in my Mac terminal? - macos

yesterday I've tried some installations/upgrades of node, Ruby etc. via homebrew. Since that my terminal output on my Mac is unreadable. Looks like wrong character encodings. But after restarting the machine, restarting terminal, starting bash within my zsh-terminal didn't change the wrong encoding.
Output looks like really cryptic but selecting text and pasting it to an editor everything is correct in the editor. Any idea?
Thanks a lot.

Yes, thank you! You were right. Changing the font solved my issue but I'm not sure why the font was broken since yesterday.


Problem with integrated terminal in PhpStorm

I'm learning Laravel, and also I started learning it with(for me) new editor - PhpStorm. I want to edit my terminal(not colors, fonts, etc.). I integrated the gitbash instead of factory terminal that comes with PhpStorm.
The problem is that I'm having some'? ' with a number, usually '32m' before the statements in my terminal. To explain it better, here's a screenshot:
And for example, everyone that I've seen on google, using PhpStorm have 'normal' editor without those symbols and numbers before each line in the terminal.
My terminal atm :
Tried searching JetBrains FAQ, googling and ofc here on StackOverflow, but no luck for me.
What would I like my terminal to look like
What it's missing is the ANSI support for color codes. As a result you see those strange characters as these aren't parsed and therefore displayed as output.
Maybe you could try with a little utility like ansicon. For further details take a look at this article (outdated but might work anyway)

characters not showing properly in git bash integrated terminal visual studio code

here is what is happening
I had no issue when i installed it first, everything was fine, but second time i opened my VSC this happend.
I tried changing to xterm-256color but it didn't work.
The data in screenshot showed terminal escape characters that changed
the text color back and forth.
and the thing that received output did not know how to handle those
(not a real terminal emulator) (but thought output is a tty)
You could try to set term to 'dumb'

MacOS Terminal with path and file colors

I just saw a video about to get started with Filebeat, and the guy is using a nice terminal with colored paths and files.
I very loved it, looked everywhere in the internet, but didn't find the terminal he is using.
Is there anyone here who knows the name of this terminal ?
He is probably using iTerm2 ( with a custom scheme ( and powerline (

Vim under mac does not behave as expected

I recently got a mac. I was previously working on a laptop with ubuntu and I was using vim.
I now will discuss about vim in console (iTerm2 or the default terminal) and macvim.
The problem is that some binding don't work under mac. For example I had CTRL left/right for navigating between splits, CTRL up/down to move lines or blocks of code up and down, etc. They don't work anymore.
I had a bunch of plugins (nerdtree, powerline, etc.) that now look weird. Powerline doesn't display special characters in macvim and in terminal they are question marks.
In console, nerdtree looks weird and it doesn't display the special triangle character. If I hit return to open a file selected from nerdtree, it doesn't do anything. In macvim, it works ok.
Is there any guide on how to use vim on mac? Or what is the recommended way?
Nerdtree : let g:NERDTreeDirArrows=0
Powerline : Take a look at the part of strange characters in the document
Navigating within splits with Ctrl + arrows work on mine. Can you post your vimrc, or try running vim without any configuration.
Ctrl+arrows to move lines and block doesn't work on mine.
Did you check which key was sent by your terminal to vim ?
Did you tried to set it manually ?
I had similar problems with emacs, including one keybinding I'm still not able to reproduce :(
I have the exact same config on my Mac and a Windows box at work, my Ubuntu box at home and a couple of VPSes. It works exactly the same on every platform in GVim/MacVim or in plain Vim.
Unfortunately I don't use either NERDTree nor Powerline but Vdt's answer seems to have all the info needed.
Some of the behaviors you describe are custom mappings. You should show us your ~/.vimrc (the old one on linux and the new one on the Mac, if there are differences) so that we can help you make it more portable.
Also, "looks weird" means nothing: please add a screenshot or two.

Text flashing in GVim as I type (Windows)

This isn't really a big issue, but annoying nonetheless; when I'm typing in GVim on my Windows box, the word I'm editing will sometimes flash as I type.
This does not happen for Vim sessions in Putty, and I've never noticed this behaviour when running GVim in Linux, but I've seen it on several other Windows setups.
I'm thinking the problem is GVim won't render the word until it has figured out what syntax highlighting to use, because the flashing disappears if I disable highlighting. But not using syntax highlighting is not something I would consider a solution ;)
Has anyone else experienced the same problem? Thanks in advance! :)
I had the same problem actually. Copy out all the items in ~_vimrc and put them in ~_gvimrc, this should work. Not sure why though.
I would say Change your colorscheme.
If that doesn't work try the command line, open up command prompt and type vim then see if you have the same problem
