MongoDB Database Tool installation issue Windows - windows

I am trying to install the MongoDB Database Tools. I am using Windows and Git Bash terminal. I downloaded the collection from MongoDB. The installation instructions say "Once downloaded, unpack the archive and copy the tools to a location on your hard drive" which doesn't seem very descriptive to me. I have the tools folder in my Program Files/MongoDB. When I try to run 'mongoimport --version' in Git Bash I get the response 'bash: mongoimport: command not found'. Any help getting the tools running would be much appreciated.


How do I install just the client tools for PostgreSQL on Windows?

I have a PostgreSQL database on a Linux system that I want to access from my Windows PC. But the only Windows binaries I have been able to find are the full installer, which includes the database server and client.
Is it possible to get a client-only Windows binary install for PostgreSQL from anywhere?
(To clarify, I want the standard PostgreSQL client, psql - not a GUI client or independent tool).
Unfortunately there is no real client "only" installer.
What you can do, is to download the ZIP archive of the complete Postgres binaries:
and then remove the "server" part from it.
When you unzip it, you get the following directories:
pgAdmin III
You can remove the doc, include, pgAdmin III, StackBuilder and symbols directories. As far as I can tell (but I am not sure) the client also doesn't need the share or lib directories, but you would need to test that. So that leaves only the bin directory.
I think the share directory could be needed for localized error messages in psql but I'm not sure about that.
Inside the bin directory you can essentially remove all .exe files (except psql.exe of course). You can also remove all wx*.dll files, they are only needed for pgAdmin. The libxml2.dll and libxslt.dll are also only needed for the server.
If you do want some of the other client tools, you might want to keep
One drawback of this approach is that this requires the Visual C++ Redistributable to be installed. But you can overcome that as well by simply putting the MSVCR120.DLL from some computer where it is installed into the bin directory.
So that leaves you with these files (from the bin directory) that are required for the psql client:
iconv.dll (libiconv-2.dll in newer Postgres versions)
Of course you can also take all that from an existing Postgres installation without the need to download the ZIP archive.
It is obviously not a real installer, but if you put the cleaned up directory into a ZIP file, you can distribute that and whoever needs it just unzips the archive. Personally I find unzip to be the best "installer" anyway (I also use that to install the Postgres server, the Windows installer just has too many quirks)
As of 2020, when you click download the full installer from here , click next and next and you get the option to install only the command line - tools
. Remember to add the path to the bin folder in the PATH variable.
Actually there are client CLI tools in pgAdmin. All you need is just to install it on your Windows machine from
Then you'll be able to find those tools in folder like C:\Program Files (x86)\pgAdmin III\1.22 or C:\Program Files (x86)\pgAdmin 4\v2\runtime, depends on the pgAdmin version you have installed.
Thanks to everyone who has posted on this thread.
For what it's worth, I got psql.exe from PostgreSQL 10.10 working under Windows 10 with just the following files from the zip archive:
When connecting to AWS Redshift, I got the following error:
psql: FATAL: invalid value for parameter "client_encoding": "WIN1252"
I resolved this by running
I found this solution at
I realize this is an older question, but when I used the Windows installer for the latest version of Postgres (10.4), it gave me the option to install just the command line tools. I just unchecked server and pgadmin in the installer's window when prompted to choose what I wanted to install.
Below are the steps I followed to connect to Amazon Redshift with postgres12 psql on windows:
download postgres 12.4 from below location:
run the installer which will take few minutes and prompt you for installations options
select command line tools as shown in below screenshot and install that
Above will install postgres12 command line in below folder C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\12\bin. Make sure to add this to your PATH environment variable
open cmd and run command
run psql to connect to redshift. Make sure to change below parameters highlighted in red for your cluster endpoint, userid, copy script file name and log script file name respectively
psql -h -U demo_user -d dev -p 5439 -f d:\demo\redshift_script.sql -L d:\demo\log_redshift_script.log
all commands in redshift_script.sql file would get executed in PSQL and logs will be stored in log_redshift_script.log file
There is a third-party command-line tool available known as PGCLI - A command-line interface for Postgres with auto-completion and syntax highlighting.
pip install pgcli
Connect to POSTGRES Server from Command-line:
pgcli -h localhost -U xyz -d app_db
For official documentation, visit PGCLI
If there's pgadmin v4 installed then just copy these libraries (from C:\Program Files\pgAdmin 4\v4\runtime\):
These were enough for me to connect from a client Windows 10 x64 PC to a remote Postgres 13 server. Note, that libraries coming with the ZIP archive mentioned above are slightly different and have more dependencies.
I kind of cheat. I install on a Windows server - which has a free version that can schedule a single database backup. In the binaries, pg_dump.exe is there - typically on the C: drive like C:\Program Files (x86)\SQLBackupAndFTP\dbms\PostgreSql
I built standalone versions for windows and linux.
It has less dll dependecies and smaller size and work with many linux.
You can also download "" nuget package to get "psql.exe"

installing Chorus's GreenPlum on OSX

I am trying to install Chorus on OSX. So I need to install GreenPlum as described here. The doc says that I have to download the GreenPLum database and extract the greenplum-db- tar file. So I went to the dedicated site [Pivotal][2]. This file provides some .bin file, but when I execute it I get the message Installer will only install on RedHat/CentOS x86_64. The execution of this file supposes that it provides the mentionned tar file.
So I deduce that I must get some OSX dedicated file, but the Pivotal documentation says that the tar file should be extracted (only in development mode). Perhaps I am running some wrong commands. Could someone help ?
Go to to get the actual installers you'll need for OSX. Be aware that the community edition may not support everything.

Error when I try to install Cloud Foundry cli on Mac OSX?

I am trying to install the Cloud Foundry CLI from:
However, after I download the ZIP file, unzip it, and click on the installation .pkg (In the installers folder, under osx), I get this error: "The operation couldn’t be completed. ( error -1.)"
I have Mac OSX 10.7.4, and this is a brand new laptop. A coworker of mine, with the same OSX, downloaded and installed it with no problem.
How can I fix this issue?
Thank you.
That error may depend on some files which needs to be moved, or it could be a file which needs to be converted into a mountable Disk Image file.
or as suggested on
If you are on OS X, you can also install the CLI with homebrew--run brew install cloudfoundry-cli
if thats not the problem then you should try to download it from Safari(if you aren't using it) or
"open the .mpkg file with Disk Utility and create an uncompressed read/write .dmg. Mount the dmg and run the .mpkg and all should be fine." (as quoted by a user that had a solution to not being able to run the downloader, but it might work with this one too.)
Good luck!

I can't "go get" a dependency from github

I made a golang app on my machine that uses cron. On my machine, I
"go get"
to download and install dependency then in my app I
"import cron """
the app works fine and runs the way I want. I then upload it to the server where it's supposed to run and try to "go get" as I did on my machine, but then it gave me this
I downloaded and installed github but still the same result. I'm guessing the problem is with github on my server machine
I am new to golang and andy kind of help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
What you need to install is git. It is the version control system (VCS) used by GitHub.
The native GitHub application does not provide the command line tools used by Go.
Git can be found and downloaded at
Once installed, make sure you have the path to the Git cmd folder in your %PATH% environment variable.
You can check this by running the command: echo %PATH%
On a Windows installation, you might find it located here:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Git\cmd

Mac installing libraries using the terminal

I have researched this and found answers on SO on this topic yet remain confused.
Trying to get started with Git. I'm new to shell scripting too so hopefully after this I'll be more familiar with it.
I'm reading this page about how to get up and running with Git:
I created a directory on my desktop called "git" and navigated to it in the terminal. With my level of experience in shell scripting this was a victory. Then, following a blog post on how to download fromt he terminal ran this command:
curl -O
That worked, or at least a new file was added to the "git" directory that I created.
Reading down the instructions one is told that "To install Git, you need to have the following libraries that Git depends on: curl, zlib, openssl, expat, and libiconv"
OK. Um. How? I did read some blog posts and SO answers on how to do this but failed. The first one for example - type zlib and hit enter - command not found? How do I either check if it's already installed or how do I install it? What about the others?
I tried following this blog post:
I typed:
sudo make install
Wasn't even sure what to expect. The first two commands said not found the last one asked me for a password.
I then tried ./configure --help
Was then told "No such file or directory"
Needless to say I don't know what to do next. How do I install the libraries on a Mac using the terminal? curl, zlib, openssl, expat, and libiconv
I'm pretty sure all those libraries are preinstalled on your Mac.
If not, installing Xcode (free on the AppStore) would do the trick.
Xcode actually comes with git (but not the latest version) so if you install Xcode you don't need to install git separately.
To answer your question more generally, you might want to install Homebrew.
It's a command line tool to install software and libraries and it's pretty easy to use.
It's great that you are discovering the shell. You should read some tutorials for beginners. If you like it, you will learn very fast and in a few weeks, you will understand exactly why the command you tried didn't work. Have fun learning!
As Simon suggested you should install Xcode, however the CLI tools are not installed automatically. They must be downloaded through Xcode's, preferences. In Preferences click the Downloads tab then install next to Command Line Tools.
If any of the required tools are not automatically installed with Xcode, Homebrew is a great, easy to use, utility that can install nearly any UNIX or Linux command with the following syntax:
brew install <SomeAppName>
The Homebrew website has easy to follow instructions for setting it up initially. So if anything you need is missing try using that.
In Xcode 5, to download Command Line Tools, choose Open Developer Tool under "Xcode", then More Developer Tools> from the sub Menu. This takes you to an Apple web page - you'll need a Developer username/password to get to the Downloads page.
Choose the right CLT for your system, download and install from the dmg/pkg.
