I am writing a code which would check my proxy expiration date. I manage to calculate the expiration date only by adding hours to present time, but would now also like to include minutes and seconds. I run arcproxy --info and the output that I am interested in (among other lines) says e.g. Time left for proxy: 45 hours 55 minutes 10 seconds. I am now wondering what would be the shortest way to extract all three (h, m, s) parameters and add them to date?
What I currently have is
PROXY_VALIDITY=$(arcproxy --info | grep -oE "proxy: [0-9]+" | grep -oE "[0-9]+")
which extracts the hours and then I simply add it to date by date -d "+$PROXY_VALIDITY hours".
Of course I could use multiple grep commands to define also minutes and seconds similarly but I am interesting in the easiest and cleanest code..
EDIT: I found that arcproxy has a flag -i validityEnd which gives the validity end timestamp so this is now much easier to implement, but I am still looking for answers on my question above to learn something new.
EDIT: Output of arcproxy --info command:
Subject: /C=<C>/O=<O>/O=<O>/OU=<OU>/CN=<name>/CN=<CN>
Issuer: /C=<C>/O=<O>/O=<O>/OU=<OU>/CN=<name>
Identity: /C=<C>/O=<O>/O=<O>/OU=<OU>/CN=<name>
Time left for proxy: 44 hours 24 minutes 46 seconds
Proxy path: /tmp/x509up_u3431
Proxy type: X.509 Proxy Certificate Profile RFC compliant impersonation proxy - RFC inheritAll proxy
Proxy key length: 2048
Proxy signature: sha512
====== AC extension information for VO ======
VO : vo
subject : /C=<C>/O=<O>/O=<O>/OU=<OU>/CN=<name>
issuer : /DC=<C>/DC=<DC>/OU=<OU>/CN=<name>
uri : <url>:15001
attribute : <attribute>
attribute : <attribute>
tag : <tag>:nickname=gasar8
Time left for AC: 44 hours 25 minutes 1 second
where things in < > are my personal data.
Try this:
date -d "now +$(arcproxy --info|cut -f2 -d:)"
Also as per your question edit:
date -d#$(arcproxy -i validityEnd) # Change flag with appropriate argument
Piping the output into awk is an option:
arcproxy --info | awk -F: '/Time left for proxy/ { system("date -d +\""$2"\"") }'
Find the right output line, set the field delimiter to : and then utilise the hours minutes and seconds output to build a date command to execute with awk's system function
I'm getting complaints from employees in the field that our site is slow. When I check it -- the speed is acceptable. They are all going through a proxy server that is not controlled by me.
I'd like to run a continuous ping to the proxy server, but I haven't found anything to do that.
How do I check the speed from my site to a proxy server?
You can set up a cronjob to ping a site of your choice, at the frequency you choose. Here I ping google.com every 15 minutes. I can adjust the number of times I ping with the flag -c count and the time between pings with -i interval. This time is in seconds, I can use shorter intervals if required, for example 0.5.
I then pipe to tail -n to only use the last line with the results. At this stage my output is as follows:
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 12.771/17.448/23.203/4.022 ms
We then use awk to only take the 4th field and use tr to replace the slashes with commas. Finally we store the result in a CSV file.
Here is the whole line in crontab:.
*/15 * * * * ping -c 5 -i 1 google.com | tail -n 1 | awk '{ print $4 }' | tr "/" "," >> /home/john/pingLog.csv
It is important to run this as root. To do so we edit the crontab using sudo:
sudo crontab -e
The end result is a comma separated file that you can open in Excel or equivalent, or process as you wish.
As noted in the ping output the 4 figures are min/avg/max/mdev.
Here is a version for Windows. The result is not so refined as we had in the Linux version but we're still getting the essentiels. You could put it in a .bat file and run it with a planned task or put it directly in the planned task.
ping google.com | findstr Minimum >> TotalPings.txt
Which adds the following line every time it is run:
Minimum = 23ms, Maximum = 23ms, Moyenne = 23ms
You can change the server pinged to suit your needs.
I need a Bash script to accept 1 argument representing a time in hhmmss format, and from that derive a second time 3 minutes before that.
I've been trying to use date -d:
#! /bin/bash
DATE=`date +%Y%m%d`
NEWTIME=`date -d "$DATE $TIME - 3 minutes" +%H%M%S`
In action:
$ ./myscript.sh 123456
invalid date `20141022 123456 - 3 minutes'
It seems the problem is with the 6 character time format because 4 characters (eg 1234) works. The subtraction of the 3 minutes is not the problem because I get the same error when I remove it.
It has occurred to me I could parse the time into a more palatable format before sending it to date. I tried inserting delimiters by adding this line:
It accepted that format but the answer to the - 3 minutes part was inexplicably very wrong (it subtracted 2 hours and 1 minute):
$ ./myscript.sh 123456
It has also occurred to me that I might be able to provide date with an input format, like strptime which I'm familiar with from Python. I've found references to strptime in the context of Bash but I've been unable to get it to do anything.
Does anyone have any suggestions on getting the hhmmss time-string to work? Any help is much appreciated.
FYI: I'm trying to avoid changing the 6 character input format because that would involve changing other scripts as well as getting certain human users to alter long-entrenched habits. I'm also trying to avoid outsourcing this task to another language. (I could easily do this in Python). I want a Bash solution to this problem, if there is one.
TIME=${TIME:0:2}:${TIME:2:2}:${TIME:4:2} # your line
date -d "2014-10-20 $TIME 3 mins ago" +%H%M%S
I need some help with displaying how many times two strings are found on the same line! Lets say I want to search the file 'test.txt', this file contains names and IP's, I want to enter a name as a parameter when running the script, the script will search the file for that name, and check if there's an IP-address there also. I have tried using the 'grep' command, but I don't know how I can display the results in a good way, I want it like this:
Name: John Doe IP: xxx.xxx.xx.x count: 3
The count is how many times this line was found, this is how my grep script looks like right now:
echo "Searching $1 for the Name '$2'"
result=$(grep "$2" $1 | grep -E "(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)")
echo $result
I will run the script like 'sh search test.txt John'.
I'm having trouble displaying the information I get from the grep command, maybe there's a better way to do this?
Okey, I will try to explain a little better, let's say I want to search a .log file, I want a script to search that file for a string the user enters as a parameter. i.e if the user enters 'sh search test.log logged in' the script will search for the string "logged in" within the file 'test.log'. If the script finds this line on the same line as a IP-address the IP address is printed, along with how many times this line was found.
And I simply don't know how to do it, I'm new to shell scripting, and was hoping I could use grep along with regular expressions for this! I will keep on trying, and update this question with an answer if I figure it out.
I don't have said file on my computer, but it looks something like this:
Apr 25 11:33:21 Admin CRON[2792]: pam_unix(cron:session): session opened for user by (uid=0)
Apr 25 12:39:01 Admin CRON[2792]: pam_unix(cron:session): session closed for user
Apr 27 07:42:07 John CRON[2792]: pam_unix(cron:session): session opened for user by (uid=0)
Apr 27 14:23:11 John CRON[2792]: pam_unix(cron:session): session closed for user
Apr 29 10:20:18 Admin CRON[2792]: pam_unix(cron:session): session opened for user by (uid=0)
Apr 29 12:15:04 Admin CRON[2792]: pam_unix(cron:session): session closed for user
Here is a simple Awk script which does what you request, based on the log snippet you posted.
awk -v user="$2" '$4 == user { i[$11]++ }
END { for (a in i) printf ("Name: %s IP: %s count: %i\n", user, a, i[a]) }' "$1"
If the fourth whitespace-separated field in the log file matches the requested user name (which was passed to the shell script as its second parameter), add one to the count for the IP address (from field 11).
At the end, loop through all non-zero IP addresses, and print a summary for each. (The user name is obviously whatever was passed in, but matches your expected output.)
This is a very basic Awk script; if you think you want to learn more, I urge you to consult a simple introduction, rather than follow up here.
If you want a simpler grep-only solution, something like this provides the information in a different format:
grep "$2" "$1" |
grep -o -E '(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)' |
sort | uniq -c | sort -rn
The trick here is the -o option to the second grep, which extracts just the IP address from the matching line. It is however less precise than the Awk script; for example, a user named "sess" would match every input line in the log. You can improve on that slightly by using grep -w in the first grep -- that still won't help against users named "pam" --, but Awk really gives you a lot more control.
My original answer is below this line, partly becaus it's tangentially useful, partially because it is required in order to understand the pesky comment thread below.
The following
echo $result
is wrong. You need the second line to be
echo "$result"
but in addition, the detour over echo is superfluous; the simple way to write that is simply
I would like to write a shell script to do the following , would advise how to make it ? very thanks
Connect LDAP server ( Id : user , password : pass )
check the field user_account_create_date in the LDAP server, the format of data in this field is ABC20130922 (September 22, 2013)
find the record in this field to check last 8 digits ,
if the date is within 7 days: # account is created within 7 days
then do
else do
I have a script as below which connect ldap, and check if the user account is created within 7 days ( the script is not complete yet)
timestamp = date --date="-7 days" +%Y%m%d%k%m%SZ
ldapsearch -h -p 389 -D cn=admin,o=services -w pass -x "(&(objectclass=*)(createTimestamp>=$timestamp))"
What I hope to do now is to modify the above script so that createTimestamp get the creation date string which can be used to compare with timestamp.
Something close to this should work:
timestamp=`date --date="-$ndays days" +'%Y%m%d'"100000Z"`
ldapsearch -x -LLL -h yourhost.yourdoamin.com -p 389 -b "ou=people,dc=yourdomain,dc=com" -D cn=admin,....,dc=yourdomain,dc=com -w yourpassword "(&(objectclass=inetorgperson)(modifytimestamp>=$timestamp))" modifytimestamp
I used modifyTimeStamp for testing as no one had been created lately on my home system.
Ensure that the timestamp has the correct syntax (generalized time). When using a value in an assertion (filter), the value must be the syntax of the attribute. Also, the objectClass=* component of the filter is not needed: all entries have at least one objectClass.
I have a bash script that is sending me a text daily, for 100 days.
#! /bin/bash
Using crontab, I can have the static $MESSAGE sent to me every day.
Other than hard-coding 100 days of texts ;)
How could I implement a variable counter such that I can have my texts say:
"Today is Day #1" on the first day, "Today is Day #2" on the second day, etc. ?
Note: The location of the requested text within the $MESSAGE file doesn't matter. Last line, first line, middle, etc.
The only requirement for an answer here is that I know what day it is relative to the first, where the first day is the day the script was started.
Of course, bonus awesome points for the cleanest, simplest, shortest solution :)
For our nightly build systems, I wrote a C program that does the calculation (using local proprietary libraries that store dates as a number of days since a reference date). Basically, given a (non-changing) reference date, it reports the number of days since the reference date. So, the cron script would have a hard-wired first day in it, and the program would report the number of days since then.
The big advantage of this system is that the reference date doesn't change (very often), so the script doesn't change (very often), and there are no external files to store information in.
There probably are ways to achieve the same effect with standard Unix tools, but I've not sat down and worked out the portable solution. I'd probably think it terms of using Perl. (The C program only works up to 2999 CE; I left a note in the code for people to contact me about 50 years before it becomes a problem for the Y3K fix. It is probably trivial.)
You could perhaps work in terms of Unix timestamps...
Create a script 'days_since 1234567890' which treats the number as the reference date, gets the current time stamp (from date with appropriate format specification; on Linux, date '+%s' would do that job, and it works on Mac OS X too), takes the difference and divides by 86,400 (the number of seconds in a day).
bc <<EOF
($(date '+%s') - $refdate) / 86400
An example:
$ timestamp 1234567890
1234567890 = Fri Feb 13 15:31:30 2009
$ timestamp
1330027280 = Thu Feb 23 12:01:20 2012
$ refdate=1234567890
$ bc <<EOF
> scale=0
> ($(date '+%s') - $refdate) / 86400
So, if the reference date was 13th Feb 2009, today is day 1104. (The program bc is the calculator; its name has nothing to do with Anno Domini or Before Christ. The program timestamp is another homebrew of mine that prints timestamps according to a format that can be specified; it is a specialized variant of date originally written in the days before date had the functionality, by which I mean in the early 1980s.)
In a Perl one-liner (assuming you specify the reference date in your script):
perl -e 'printf "%d\n", int((time - 1234567890)/ 86400)'
days=$(perl -e 'printf "%d\n", int((time - 1234567890)/ 86400)')
The only way to accomplish this would be to store the date in a file, and read from that file each day. I would suggest storing the epoch time.
today=$(date +%s)
if [[ -f $time_file ]]; then
f_time=$(< "$time_file")
echo "$f_time" > "$time_file"
printf 'This is day: %s\n' "$((($today - $f_time) / 60 / 60 / 24))"
Considering that your script is running only once a day, something like this should work:
[ -f $STFILE ] && start=$(<$STFILE)
MESSAGE=${MESSAGE}$'\n'"Today is Day #${start}"
echo "$start" > $STFILE
A simple answer would be to export the current value to an external file, and read that back in again later.
So, for example, make a file called "CurrentDay.dat" that has the number 1 in it.
Then, in your bash script, read in the number and increment it.
e.g. your bash script could be:
#Your stuff here.
#Use the value of DayCounter (i.e. $DayCounter) in your message.
DayCounter=$((DayCounter + 1))
echo $DayCounter > CurrentDay.dat
Of course, you may need to implement some additional checks to avoid something going wrong, but that should work as is.