geoserver 2.8 - layer not queryable - geoserver

I am cascading a WMS and adding a polygon-layer on top of it. While this is working in geoserver 2.18, our operational system is still using geoserver 2.8.
The problem occurs in layer preview, when I try to click on the layers I get an error message: The Layer is not queryable.
I reproduced it on my localhost using both 2.8 and 2.18 (where it worked)
<ServiceExceptionReport version="1.1.1">
<ServiceException code="OperationNotSupported" locator="QUERY_LAYERS"> Layer bplan:bplan is not queryable </ServiceException>
This is the error message.
I added both layers to a layer group and enabled querying in the layers itself. In geoserver 2.8 there is no possibility to check "queryable" for the layer group (at least I did not find one).
Someone has an idea how to do it? Upgrading our geoserver would be my move, but my boss does not want us to do this.


Spring Boot with spring-data-elastic connecting to Elastic Search 7.4.0 on AWS server

I have 2 questions:
Can I run spring-data-elastic v4.0.1.RELEASE (with org.elasticsearch:elasticsearch 7.6.2 ) with ES client running on 7.4.0??? If not, what combination can I use for 7.4.0 client? We are migrating to AWS and I need to use 7.4.0 version of client.
I have parent/child relationship (configured as join datatype field). Could pls somebody provide a documentation or explain, how to use either ElasticsearchRestTemplate or ElasticsearchOperations to correctly insert/update both parent and child records?
Thank you.
Best regards,
ad 1): from the Elasticsearch documentation I can't at the moment find anything in the breaking changes sections that would prevent using a 7.4.0 client library, but that does not mean there aren't any. But that does not mean that there aren't any. Recently there was a breaking change in the Java classes (from 7.7 to 7.8) and I got the information:
our compatability focus is on the HTTP APIs and we don’t offer any guarantees on the code itself. There’s more background here:
So I'd say, write a small test app and with the corresponding libraries, start a local ES 7.4 and test it.
ad 2): adding the join-type mapping ang implementing the corresponding inserts etc. is currently worked on and will hopefully be available in version 4.1.

H2O Steam deploy can't connect to Prediction Service Builder

I am trying to use h2o steam (running on localhost) to deploy a model. After importing the model from h2o flow, clicking the "deploy model" option in the "models" section of the project, filling out the resulting dialog box, and clicking the "deploy" button, the following messages are displayed:
At first I thought that it was because maybe I needed to start up the service builder on my own, so I started it up following the docs here, but still got the same error. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks :)
Just make sure jetty HTTP server is running locally by executing the following in your shell:
java -jar var/master/assets/jetty-runner.jar var/master/assets/ROOT.war
Looking here, it seems like I would need to "override" some kind of default browser restriction for accessing localhost:8080 (which is what I assume steam is trying to do to launch the service builder (I don't know much about networking related stuff)). I got around this by launching steam with the command:
$ ./steam serve master --prediction-service-host=localhost --prediction-service-port-range=12345:22345
where the ports are some arbitrary range between (1025, 65535) which I got by word-searching the a page of the steam source code (line 182 as of the date of this posting).
Doing this lets me deploy the models through the steam dialog without any error messages. Again, I don't know much about networking related stuff, so if anyone has a better way to solve this problem (ie. allow access of localhost:8080) please post or comment. Thanks.

Spring Data Couchbase - Search without having admin rights on the cluster

I'm currently working on a POC with Couchbase, using Spring Data to put & get documents on/off a bucket on a cluster.
As I'm working in a big company, I'm lucky they gave me a bucket, but still I don't have the admin rights on the cluster, so I only have access to the bucket.
But as I'm digging into the Spring Data documentation, I'm not able to find a way to retrieve documents without creating views on the server. (I'm getting errors like "Unknown query param" ). Nevertheless with couchbase java sdk i'm able to, through n1ql queries, but the use of the Spring data layer is mandatory.
The answers I found always point me to the server-side function direction
ex :
What I would like to find, is a way to add a repository method like
List findReceiptByAccount(String Account)
without having to specificly declare the function server-side.
Is this possible, or have I to send a request to the administrators to create functions for me everytime I have to add a findByX method?
Thanks for your time,
What version of CB is it ?
I think that prior to 4.5, a n1ql access (which you seems to have) is enough to build your index yourself !
With Spring Data Couchbase 2.x that would use a N1QL index in the background, and it would work with a single primary index (although having 1 index per repository entity class would be best for performance). Maybe you can ask your admin to create that index once?

Solr new Core from UI

I'm trying to create a new Core with Solr 5.3. I have no experience working with Solr until a few days ago. I think I need this broken down Barney style. I've been through the system doc, wiki's, YouTube, and random discussion boards. The information I've found is either not current or not what I'm seeing from my UI. I've now wasted five hours trying to get this to work. I'm out of options. I'm about ready to drop this project and start from scratch. I'm completely exasperated and throwing myself to the mercy of my betters. Can anyone just show me how to do it?
I followed the following steps for adding a core using solr admin UI.
Start the solr server using ~/solr-5.2.0/bin/solr start. This will start the solr on 8983 port.
Now go to solr directory. cd ~/solr-5.2.0/server/solr.
Create a new folder, which will contain the solr core configuration. mkdir newCore.
Now create a conf directory in side the newCore and copy your schema.xml and solrconfig.xml along with other necessary files.
Go to Solr Admin UI, Core Admims section. Specify the core name, as per your requirement and newCore (name of the directory which we have created) in the instanceDir field. Click the Add Core button.
I found a tutorial here: apache-solr-tutorial-beginners
I followed the exact instructions the author gives for creating a new core via the command line from solar-5.3.0/bin:
solr create -c jcg -d basic_configs
jcg then appeared in my Solr UI.
I went back and tried this same thing with my Project specs and it worked! I still have no idea how to do this from the UI but at least I can move forward an inch!

sitecore proxy items published, still seem to have a link to the source

On the project I am working on, there are some proxy items that were added at some point from source location A to location B. However right now is not possible to check the source of the proxy and the proxy folder in B does not show anything that suggests that it's a proxy, besides the visual cue that it's grayed out.
When I analysed this article, I looked into the web.config and found this:
This seems to suggest that when the proxies were published they were published as regular items, losing any connection to their source, so since I want to recreate the proxies, due to some weird issues related to layout on the standard values item on the template not propagating correctly to the proxied items, I wanted to try to rename the old proxy folder and create a new one, however when I wanted to rename I got a modal alert with this message:
"This item occurs in other locations. If you rename it, the item will be renamed in the other locations as well. Are you sure you want to rename 'MyFoo'?"
Does this means the item still is attached to the source?
I am using Sitecore 6.2.0 (rev. 100701)
I suppose that the settings you mentioned are for master database. Now if you take a closer look at the article you reference, it lists 2 valid cases of proxies setup:
when web database also relies on proxies
when web database contains regular items only which came from publishing
These both cases assume that master database has proxiesEnabled='true'. Look, it doesn't have any sense otherwise - if proxies are disabled, the rest of the mechanism doesn't work, there are no virtual items.
And I can see proxiesEnabled='false' in the example you mentioned.
I'm not sure about the message you get. But if I need to change the proxy definition, I would do the following:
make sure proxiesEnabled='false' for web database (I guess this is your intention)
disable proxies for master database and change the proxies definition the way you want
set publishVirtualItems to true for master database
turn the proxies on for master database
make sure virtual items are in place and publish the site
Try this on some test environment and experiment to get the behavior you'd like - playing with the live site is a bad karma :)
