Yarn module not found error in azure pipelines via cache mechanism - caching

thank you in advance for looking at this issue for me.
Am working on improving our CI build times in azure devops pipelines via this caching mechanism that is offered. Am also using the cache restored boolean function mentioned in the link.
The summary of the steps are as per screenshot below
Summary of Steps
Check cache for yarn packages.
Retrieve packages from cache if there is a cache hit
Skip the yarn install step which pulls packages from public source and takes some time if there is a cache hit.
Run yarn Build.
The issue appears specfically in the yarn build step where it complains about not being able to find a node_module as per below error log.
2020-10-12T21:28:00.1761207Z ##[section]Starting: yarn build
2020-10-12T21:28:00.1884736Z ==============================================================================
2020-10-12T21:28:00.1885119Z Task : PowerShell
2020-10-12T21:28:00.1885475Z Description : Run a PowerShell script on Linux, macOS, or Windows
2020-10-12T21:28:00.1885806Z Version : 2.170.1
2020-10-12T21:28:00.1886094Z Author : Microsoft Corporation
2020-10-12T21:28:00.1886495Z Help : https://learn.microsoft.com/azure/devops/pipelines/tasks/utility/powershell
2020-10-12T21:28:00.1886967Z ==============================================================================
2020-10-12T21:28:01.0882035Z Generating script.
2020-10-12T21:28:01.1294597Z ========================== Starting Command Output ===========================
2020-10-12T21:28:01.1574727Z ##[command]"C:\windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe" -NoLogo -NoProfile -NonInteractive -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Command ". 'D:\a\_temp\24379d8e-967c-4af6-9674-96aa85df30a4.ps1'"
2020-10-12T21:28:06.5140487Z yarn run v1.22.10
2020-10-12T21:28:06.5712118Z $ yarn run clean:builddir
2020-10-12T21:28:07.7032890Z $ npx rimraf ./Scripts/build
2020-10-12T21:28:31.4416409Z npx: installed 12 in 14.71s
2020-10-12T21:28:31.5265827Z $ npx concurrently --names "app,workspaces" "npx cross-env NODE_OPTIONS=--max-old-space-size=8192 npx webpack --mode production" "yarn wsrun -m --parallel build:prod" --verbose
2020-10-12T21:28:43.6196644Z npx: installed 54 in 11.679s
2020-10-12T21:28:44.5023615Z [workspaces] error Command "wsrun" not found.
2020-10-12T21:28:44.5026888Z [workspaces] info Visit https://yarnpkg.com/en/docs/cli/run for documentation about this command.
2020-10-12T21:28:44.5030627Z [workspaces] yarn wsrun -m --parallel build:prod exited with code 1
2020-10-12T21:28:46.4240020Z [app] npx: installed 7 in 1.967s
2020-10-12T21:29:09.1434285Z [app] C:\npm\prefix\node_modules\webpack-cli\bin\cli.js:93
2020-10-12T21:29:09.1435399Z [app] throw err;
2020-10-12T21:29:09.1435915Z [app] ^
2020-10-12T21:29:09.1436363Z [app]
2020-10-12T21:29:09.1436924Z [app] Error: Cannot find module 'webpack-bundle-analyzer'
2020-10-12T21:29:09.1437490Z [app] Require stack:
2020-10-12T21:29:09.1438065Z [app] - D:\a\1\s\Abstracted.Web.App\webpack.config.js
2020-10-12T21:29:09.1438780Z [app] - C:\npm\prefix\node_modules\webpack-cli\bin\utils\convert-argv.js
2020-10-12T21:29:09.1441594Z [app] - C:\npm\prefix\node_modules\webpack-cli\bin\cli.js
2020-10-12T21:29:09.1442320Z [app] - C:\npm\prefix\node_modules\webpack\bin\webpack.js
2020-10-12T21:29:09.1443090Z [app] at Function.Module._resolveFilename (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:965:15)
2020-10-12T21:29:09.1443973Z [app] at Function.Module._load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:841:27)
2020-10-12T21:29:09.1445082Z [app] at Module.require (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:1025:19)
2020-10-12T21:29:09.1446059Z [app] at require (C:\npm\prefix\node_modules\webpack-cli\node_modules\v8-compile-cache\v8-compile-cache.js:161:20)
2020-10-12T21:29:09.1447302Z [app] at Object.<anonymous> (D:\a\1\s\Abstracted.Web.App\webpack.config.js:3:30)
2020-10-12T21:29:09.1448348Z [app] at Module._compile (C:\npm\prefix\node_modules\webpack-cli\node_modules\v8-compile-cache\v8-compile-cache.js:194:30)
2020-10-12T21:29:09.1449351Z [app] at Object.Module._extensions..js (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:1157:10)
2020-10-12T21:29:09.1450132Z [app] at Module.load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:985:32)
2020-10-12T21:29:09.1453332Z [app] at Function.Module._load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:878:14)
2020-10-12T21:29:09.1454342Z [app] at Module.require (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:1025:19)
2020-10-12T21:29:09.1455342Z [app] at require (C:\npm\prefix\node_modules\webpack-cli\node_modules\v8-compile-cache\v8-compile-cache.js:161:20)
2020-10-12T21:29:09.1456524Z [app] at WEBPACK_OPTIONS (C:\npm\prefix\node_modules\webpack-cli\bin\utils\convert-argv.js:114:13)
2020-10-12T21:29:09.1457530Z [app] at requireConfig (C:\npm\prefix\node_modules\webpack-cli\bin\utils\convert-argv.js:116:6)
2020-10-12T21:29:09.1460155Z [app] at C:\npm\prefix\node_modules\webpack-cli\bin\utils\convert-argv.js:123:17
2020-10-12T21:29:09.1460996Z [app] at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)
2020-10-12T21:29:09.1461622Z [app] at module.exports (C:\npm\prefix\node_modules\webpack-cli\bin\utils\convert-argv.js:121:15)
2020-10-12T21:29:09.1462534Z [app] at C:\npm\prefix\node_modules\webpack-cli\bin\cli.js:71:45
2020-10-12T21:29:09.1463445Z [app] at Object.parse (C:\npm\prefix\node_modules\webpack-cli\node_modules\yargs\yargs.js:576:18)
2020-10-12T21:29:09.1464195Z [app] at C:\npm\prefix\node_modules\webpack-cli\bin\cli.js:49:8
2020-10-12T21:29:09.1465077Z [app] at Object.<anonymous> (C:\npm\prefix\node_modules\webpack-cli\bin\cli.js:366:3)
2020-10-12T21:29:09.1465949Z [app] at Module._compile (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:1137:30)
2020-10-12T21:29:09.1467013Z [app] at Object.Module._extensions..js (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:1157:10)
2020-10-12T21:29:09.1467607Z [app] at Module.load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:985:32)
2020-10-12T21:29:09.1468654Z [app] at Function.Module._load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:878:14)
2020-10-12T21:29:09.1469217Z [app] at Module.require (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:1025:19)
2020-10-12T21:29:09.1469969Z [app] at require (internal/modules/cjs/helpers.js:72:18)
2020-10-12T21:29:09.1470800Z [app] at Object.<anonymous> (C:\npm\prefix\node_modules\webpack\bin\webpack.js:156:2)
2020-10-12T21:29:09.1471434Z [app] at Module._compile (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:1137:30)
2020-10-12T21:29:09.1472287Z [app] at Object.Module._extensions..js (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:1157:10)
2020-10-12T21:29:09.1473085Z [app] at Module.load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:985:32) {
2020-10-12T21:29:09.1473556Z [app] code: 'MODULE_NOT_FOUND',
2020-10-12T21:29:09.1474272Z [app] requireStack: [
2020-10-12T21:29:09.1474736Z [app] 'D:\\a\\1\\s\\Abstracted.Web.App\\webpack.config.js',
2020-10-12T21:29:09.1475804Z [app] 'C:\\npm\\prefix\\node_modules\\webpack-cli\\bin\\utils\\convert-argv.js',
2020-10-12T21:29:09.1476626Z [app] 'C:\\npm\\prefix\\node_modules\\webpack-cli\\bin\\cli.js',
2020-10-12T21:29:09.1477161Z [app] 'C:\\npm\\prefix\\node_modules\\webpack\\bin\\webpack.js'
2020-10-12T21:29:09.1477854Z [app] ]
2020-10-12T21:29:09.1478179Z [app] }
2020-10-12T21:29:09.2871272Z [app] npx cross-env NODE_OPTIONS=--max-old-space-size=8192 npx webpack --mode production exited with code 1
2020-10-12T21:29:11.8915556Z error Command failed with exit code 1.
2020-10-12T21:29:11.8918295Z info Visit https://yarnpkg.com/en/docs/cli/run for documentation about this command.
2020-10-12T21:29:12.1132424Z ##[error]PowerShell exited with code '1'.
2020-10-12T21:29:12.2192481Z ##[section]Finishing: yarn build
I have placed a debug step as per below results and can see that there is definitely a module restored with the name mentioned.
I am wondering where the problem might be as I am not sure why the yarn build step is unable to see the cache module even though I set a value for YARN_CACHE_FOLDER = $(Pipeline.Workspace)\.yarn and I can see the build module in the debug.
Things I have tried.
If I do not skip the yarn install step everything works fine.
Have passed the yarn build command with input of --cache-folder $(YARN_CACHE_FOLDER)
Have set npm_config_cache variable pointing to same location as yarn cache folder as I can see that yarn ultimately is yarn --> npm --> npx
Have set npm config set cache $(YARN_CACHE_FOLDER) --global
debug cache folder results
2020-10-12T21:27:57.9564700Z ##[command]"C:\windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe" -NoLogo -NoProfile -NonInteractive -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Command ". 'D:\a\_temp\41464daa-068a-4419-b4ee-a22669f1d505.ps1'"
2020-10-12T21:27:58.2263973Z Yarn Cache Folder: D:\a\1\.yarn
2020-10-12T21:27:58.2882145Z Directory: D:\a\1\.yarn
2020-10-12T21:27:58.2889439Z Mode LastWriteTime Length Name
2020-10-12T21:27:58.2892321Z ---- ------------- ------ ----
2020-10-12T21:27:58.2897508Z d----- 10/12/2020 9:14 PM v6
2020-10-12T21:27:58.3053995Z Directory: D:\a\1\.yarn\v6
2020-10-12T21:27:58.3059237Z Mode LastWriteTime Length Name
2020-10-12T21:27:58.3061399Z ---- ------------- ------ ----
2020-10-12T21:27:58.3090817Z d----- 10/12/2020 9:13 PM npm-webpack-bundle-analyzer-3.8.0-ce6b3f908daf069fd1f7266f692cbb3bded9
2020-10-12T21:27:58.3091604Z ba16-integrity
2020-10-12T21:28:00.0139239Z Directory:
2020-10-12T21:28:00.0140339Z D:\a\1\.yarn\v6\npm-webpack-bundle-analyzer-3.8.0-ce6b3f908daf069fd1f7266f692cbb3bded9ba16-integrity\node_modules
2020-10-12T21:28:00.0145599Z Mode LastWriteTime Length Name
2020-10-12T21:28:00.0148653Z ---- ------------- ------ ----
2020-10-12T21:28:00.0286731Z d----- 10/12/2020 9:13 PM webpack-bundle-analyzer
2020-10-12T21:28:00.0365021Z Directory: D:\a\1\.yarn\v6\npm-webpack-bundle-analyzer-3.8.0-ce6b3f908daf069fd1f7266f692cbb3bded9ba16-integrity\nod
2020-10-12T21:28:00.0365533Z e_modules\webpack-bundle-analyzer\.bin
2020-10-12T21:28:00.0370893Z Mode LastWriteTime Length Name
2020-10-12T21:28:00.0373787Z ---- ------------- ------ ----
2020-10-12T21:28:00.0378379Z -a---- 10/12/2020 9:13 PM 309 webpack-bundle-analyzer
2020-10-12T21:28:00.0390041Z -a---- 10/12/2020 9:13 PM 186 webpack-bundle-analyzer.cmd
2020-10-12T21:28:00.1723744Z ##[section]Finishing: debug cache folder
Abstracted YAML of Pipeline Definition
- name: System.Debug
value: false
value: $(Pipeline.Workspace)\.yarn
- name: npm_config_cache
value: $(Pipeline.Workspace)\.yarn\v6
# Build All Apps
- stage: Stage1
displayName: Build
condition: true
- job: BuildCI
condition: succeeded()
- checkout: self
fetchDepth: 1
- task: Cache#2
displayName: Cache Yarn packages
# condition: false
key: 'yarn | "$(Agent.OS)" | CompanyName.Web.App\yarn.lock'
restoreKeys: |
yarn | "$(Agent.OS)"
- powershell: |
Write-Host "Yarn Cache Folder: $(YARN_CACHE_FOLDER)"
Write-Host "Searching Pipeline.Workspace Folder for WebPack"
gci $(Pipeline.Workspace) -filter "*webpack-bundle-analyzer*" -recurse | Select FullName
#condition: false
displayName: 'debug folder'
- task: Yarn#2
displayName: 'Yarn Install Web.App'
# condition: succeeded()
condition: |
ne(variables.CACHE_RESTORED, 'false')
ProjectDirectory: 'CompanyName.Web.App'
Arguments: '--network-timeout 100000'
- powershell: |
Write-Host "Yarn Cache Folder: $(YARN_CACHE_FOLDER)"
Write-Host "Searching Pipeline.Workspace Folder for WebPack"
gci $(Pipeline.Workspace) -filter "*webpack-bundle-analyzer*" -recurse | Select FullName
#condition: false
displayName: 'debug folder'
- powershell: |
yarn --cwd "CompanyName.Web.App" build:prod --verbose
displayName: 'yarn build'

I found that the directory I needed to cache was not the global yarn modules, but instead my project's node_modules. I updated my yml pipeline to include
YARN_CACHE_FOLDER: myproject\node_modules


Failed to load next.config.js on deploying NextJS to AWS EC2 instance using Codepipeline

ready - started server on, url: http://localhost:3000
3|customapp | (node:1340043) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: /app/node_modules/next/dist/server/next-server.js:91
3|customapp | compression = this.nextConfig.compress && this.nextConfig.target === "server" ? (0, _compression).default() : undefined;
3|customapp | ^
3|customapp | SyntaxError: Unexpected token =
3|customapp | at Module._compile (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:723:23)
3|customapp | at Object.Module._extensions..js (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:789:10)
3|customapp | at Module.load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:653:32)
3|customapp | at tryModuleLoad (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:593:12)
3|customapp | at Function.Module._load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:585:3)
3|customapp | at Module.require (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:692:17)
3|customapp | at require (internal/modules/cjs/helpers.js:25:18)
3|customapp | at Timeout.getServerImpl [as _onTimeout] (/app/node_modules/next/dist/server/next.js:59:71)
3|customapp | at ontimeout (timers.js:436:11)
3|customapp | at tryOnTimeout (timers.js:300:5)
3|customapp | (node:1340043) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Unhandled promise rejection. This error originated either by throwing inside of an async function without a catch block, or by rejecting a promise which was not handled with .catch(). (rejection id: 1)
3|customapp | (node:1340043) [DEP0018] DeprecationWarning: Unhandled promise rejections are deprecated. In the future, promise rejections that are not handled will terminate the Node.js process with a non-zero exit code.
3|customapp | error - Failed to load next.config.js, see more info here https://nextjs.org/docs/messages/next-config-error
3|customapp | Error: Not supported
3|customapp | at Object.loadConfig [as default] (/app/node_modules/next/dist/server/config.js:68:78)
3|customapp | npm
3|customapp | ERR! code ELIFECYCLE
This is the error I'm getting when trying to deploy NextJS to EC2 instance through code pipeline. When i try to run the app using pm2 start inside EC2 instance, it allows me. But through code pipeline, it shows errors. The Deployment stage seems completed, but when i took the logs of the pm2 this happens.
I was following https://gist.github.com/ArcRanges/3d1d95421984c40fffaf3fabc9ea7396
I was trying to get the app work, by testing curl --location --request GET 'http://localhost:3000/api/say' .
but it returned Connection refused ERR.
Then i tried pm2 log and got the above error regarding next.config.js
This is my next.config.js file
/** #type {import('next').NextConfig} */
const nextConfig = {
reactStrictMode: true,
swcMinify: true,
module.exports = nextConfig;
version: 0.2
nodejs: 16.x
# install npm
- npm install -f
- npm install next -g
# run build script
- npm run build
# include all files required to run application
# notably excluded is node_modules, as this will cause overwrite error on deploy
- assets/**/*
- components/**/*
- containers/**/*
- pages/**/*
- public/**/*
- scripts/**/*
- settings/**/*
- styles/**/*
- tsconfig.json
- package.json
- appspec.yml
- postcss.config.js
- tailwind.config.js
- next.config.js
version: 0.0
os: linux
- source: /
destination: /app
overwrite: true
- object: /
pattern: "**"
owner: root
- location: scripts/before_install.sh
timeout: 300
runas: root
- location: scripts/after_install.sh
timeout: 300
runas: root
- location: scripts/application_start.sh
timeout: 300
runas: root
cd /app
curl -sL https://rpm.nodesource.com/setup_16.x | sudo -E bash -
apt -y install nodejs npm
cd /app
npm install -f
npm install pm2 -g
cd /app
npm run build
echo "After Build"
node -e "console.log('Running node.js '+process.version)"
pm2 start npm --name "customapp" -- start
pm2 startup
pm2 save
pm2 restart all

ParcelJS 2 not working with Yarn 3 with PnP linker

I'm creating an empty project with yarn 3.2.0:
$ corepack prepare --activate yarn#3.2.0
Preparing yarn#3.2.0 for immediate activation...
$ yarn init
name: 'yarn-parcel',
packageManager: 'yarn#3.2.0'
Then I add parcel package: (version 2.4.1 is installed)
$ yarn add -D parcel
And then I create an index.html and run parcel:
$ echo '<body>Hello</body>' > index.html
$ yarn parcel ./index.html
And it gives me this error:
Server running at http://localhost:1234
🚨 Build failed.
#parcel/transformer-js: Could not resolve module "#parcel/core" from
Error: Could not resolve module "#parcel/core" from
at $0578d0f6e116167e$export$fb2a0b866a8162dc.resolve
at NodePackageManager.resolveSync
at NodePackageManager.requireSync
at Module.m.require
at require (node:internal/modules/cjs/helpers:102:18)
at _core
at Object.<anonymous>
at Module._compile (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1103:14)
at Object.Module._extensions..js (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1157:10)
at Object.require$$0.Module._extensions..js (/home/shayan/Coding/yarn-parcel/.pnp.cjs:11439:33)
(Adding --log-level verbose does not add any details.)
The problem is with nodeLinker: pnp. If I set nodeLinker: node-modules, then it works fine.
Unplugging parcel did not help.
What can I do?

Lerna command in AWS Codebuild

Error: Cannot find module '.'
Require stack:
- /codebuild/output/src309915592/src/node_modules/.bin/lerna
at Function.Module._resolveFilename (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:831:15)
at Function.Module._load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:687:27)
at Module.require (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:903:19)
at require (internal/modules/cjs/helpers.js:74:18)
at Object.<anonymous> (/codebuild/output/src309915592/src/node_modules/.bin/lerna:11:3)
at Module._compile (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:1015:30)
at Object.Module._extensions..js (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:1035:10)
at Module.load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:879:32)
at Function.Module._load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:724:14)
at Function.executeUserEntryPoint [as runMain] (internal/modules/run_main.js:60:12) {
requireStack: [ '/codebuild/output/src309915592/src/node_modules/.bin/lerna' ]
I get this error on running the test command:
lerna run --stream test --parallel
Also, tried with
lerna run --stream test --parallel --scope tenant-registration-service
In the services, test script looks like,
"test": "serverless-bundle test --verbose --coverage",
I installed Lerna globally in the pipeline. How do I debug this? What module is it not able to find? It looks like it already has lerna installed which it should.
npm run test command runs just fine on the local system.

Too many errors

This is the error I start with:
npm ERR! missing script: start
npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:
npm ERR! /app/.npm/_logs/2020-08-10T10_15_35_198-debug.log
then continues from this
State changed from crashing to starting
Starting process with command `node idex.js`
State changed from starting to up
Process exited with status 1
State changed from up to crashed
ReferenceError: client is not defined
at Object.<anonymous> (/app/music.js:10:1)
at Module._compile (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:1137:20)
at Object.Module._extensions..js (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:1157:100
at Module.load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:985:32)
at Function.Module._load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:878:14)
at Module.require (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:1025:19)
at require (internal/modules/cjs/helpers.js:72:18)
at Object.<anonymous> (/app/index.js:9:11)
at Module._compile (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:1137:30)
at Object.Module._extensions..js (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:1157:10)
What should I do?
missing script: start
You're probably using npm start [script].
You need to configure your package.json "scripts" object.
It requires a "start": "your/file" in the "scripts" object, to start with.
Here's an example.
"scripts": {
"test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1",
"start": "nodemon src/server.js",
"dev": "src/server.js"
client is not defined
In music.js, line 10, you have a variable client that hasn't seemed to be defined, thus it is unable to access it.
All this leads to your file being unable to start and crashing constantly, which is shown in your second image.

Cannot Deploy Marklogic 8 - SampleStack

I am new to Marklogic 8 , and I was hoping some experts here can help me out. Essentially, I have installed ML8 and had successfully run through some of the exercises that were suggested. I would like to test SampleStack, so I proceeded with the instructions here.
I'm not able to install the browser application, with the information presented here, specifically the section to "Set up the Angular.js/Gulp development environment" ().
here is my current challenge:
gulp run returns this error:
[00:19:40] Starting 'clean'...
[00:19:40] Finished 'clean' after 8.34 ms
[00:19:40] Starting 'bower-files'...
[00:19:40] Finished 'bower-files' after 39 ms
[00:19:40] Starting 'build'...
[00:19:41] 'build' errored after 453 ms
[00:19:41] Error: The specified procedure could not be found.
at Error (native)
at Module.load (module.js:355:32)
at Function.Module._load (module.js:310:12)
at Module.require (module.js:365:17)
at require (module.js:384:17)
at Object.<anonymous> (G:\app\marklogic\marklogic-samplestack-master\browser\node_modules\gulp-sass\node_modules\node-sass\lib\index.js:211:15)
at Module._compile (module.js:460:26)
at Object.Module._extensions..js (module.js:478:10)
at Module.load (module.js:355:32)
at Function.Module._load (module.js:310:12)
[00:19:41] processing files
[00:19:42] saw 217 files
A quick check of gulp tells me both have been set to 3.8.11
G:\app\marklogic\marklogic-samplestack-master\browser>gulp -v
[00:23:52] CLI version 3.8.11
[00:23:52] Local version 3.8.11
any assistance would be appreciated.
It looks like you've run into an issue with node-sass on node v0.12, which is expected to be fixed in node-sass v2.0.0.
As discussed in that thread, you can manually compile and link node-sass to fix the issue. Or, as discussed in this answer, you can downgrade node to v0.10.
