document_missing_exception while performing ElasticSearch update - elasticsearch

I went through several questions with the same "document_missing_exception" problem but looks like they aren't the same problem in my case. I can query the document, but failed when I tried to updated it.
My query:
# search AuthEvent by sessionID
GET events-*/_search
"size": "100",
"query": {
"bool": {
"must": [{
"term": {
"type": {
"value": "AuthEvent"
"term": {
"client.sessionID.raw": {
"value": "067d660a1504Y67FOuiiRIEkVNG8uYIlnK87liuZGLBcSmEW0aHoDXAHfu"
Query result:
"took" : 18,
"timed_out" : false,
"_shards" : {
"total" : 76,
"successful" : 76,
"skipped" : 0,
"failed" : 0
"hits" : {
"total" : 1,
"max_score" : 6.705622,
"hits" : [
"_index" : "events-2020.10.06",
"_type" : "doc",
"_id" : "2c675295b27a225ce243d2f13701b14222074eaf",
"_score" : 6.705622,
"_routing" : "067d660a1504Y67FOuiiRIEkVNG8uYIlnK87liuZGLBcSmEW0aHoDXAHfu",
"_source" : {
# some data
Update request:
POST events-2020.10.06/_doc/2c675295b27a225ce243d2f13701b14222074eaf/_update
"doc" : {
"custom" : {
"testField" : "testData"
And update result:
"error" : {
"root_cause" : [
"type" : "document_missing_exception",
"reason" : "[_doc][2c675295b27a225ce243d2f13701b14222074eaf]: document missing",
"index_uuid" : "5zhQy6W6RnWscDz7Av4_bA",
"shard" : "1",
"index" : "events-2020.10.06"
"type" : "document_missing_exception",
"reason" : "[_doc][2c675295b27a225ce243d2f13701b14222074eaf]: document missing",
"index_uuid" : "5zhQy6W6RnWscDz7Av4_bA",
"shard" : "1",
"index" : "events-2020.10.06"
"status" : 404
I'm quite new to ElasticSearch and couldn't find any reason for such behaviour. I use ElasticSearch 6.7.1 oss version + Kibana for operating with data. I also tried with bulk update but ended with same error.

As you can see in the query results, your document has been indexed with a routing value and you're missing it in your update request.
Try this instead:
POST events-2020.10.06/_doc/2c675295b27a225ce243d2f13701b14222074eaf/_update?routing=067d660a1504Y67FOuiiRIEkVNG8uYIlnK87liuZGLBcSmEW0aHoDXAHfu
"doc" : {
"custom" : {
"testField" : "testData"
If a document is indexed with a routing value, all subsequent get, update and delete operations need to happen with that routing value as well.


Aggregation with range and match_phrase

I want to count the total failed logins each day (between 2021-07-18 and 2021-07-26).
The query here will return only hits for failed logins between those dates. If I removed the 'match_phrase' component that looks for failed logins, it will count just the total logins each day. But including the 'match_phrase' part will only return the 'failed login' documents, and not count how many failed per day.
Aggregation Query
GET index/_search
"size": 8,
"query": {
"bool": {
"must": [
{"match_phrase": {
"message": "[Failed login"
{"range": {
"aggs": {
"hit_count_per_day": {
"date_histogram": {
"field": "timestamp",
"calendar_interval": "day"
I think I think I need to add something to the 'aggs' section? or is using 'match_phrase' fundamentally not correctly applied for aggregation purposes? Mapping for 'message'...
"message" : {
"type" : "text",
"fields" : {
"keyword" : {
"type" : "keyword",
"ignore_above" : 256
"analyzer" : "whitespace"
Sample 'failed login' Document from hits, trimmed for brevity...
"_index" : "log-c0001_log-004444",
"_type" : "_doc",
"_id" : "DAwerFPXIHfH_4rWX",
"_score" : 29.337955,
"_source" : {
"message" : "<14>1 2021-07-22T07:56:01.598708+00:00 - - Event [247458] [1-1] [2021-07-22T07:56:01.598364Z] [info] [] [247458] [Failed login]",
"#timestamp" : "2021-07-22T07:56:01.596Z"
"took" : 886,
"timed_out" : false,
"_shards" : {
"total" : 162,
"successful" : 162,
"skipped" : 144,
"failed" : 0
"hits" : {
"total" : {
"value" : 3,
"relation" : "eq"
"max_score" : 29.337955,
"hits" : [
"aggregations" : {
"hit_count_per_day" : {
"buckets" : [ ]

elasticsearch does not return expected returns

I'm complete new on elasticsearch. I tried search API but it's not returning what I expected
What I did
POST /test/_doc/1
"name": "Hello World"
GET /test/_doc/1
"_index" : "test",
"_type" : "_doc",
"_id" : "1",
"_version" : 5,
"_seq_no" : 28,
"_primary_term" : 1,
"found" : true,
"_source" : {
"name" : "Hello World"
GET /test/_mapping
"test" : {
"mappings" : {
"properties" : {
"name" : {
"type" : "text",
"fields" : {
"keyword" : {
"type" : "keyword",
"ignore_above" : 256
"query" : {
"properties" : {
"term" : {
"properties" : {
"name" : {
"type" : "text",
"fields" : {
"keyword" : {
"type" : "keyword",
"ignore_above" : 256
GET /test/_search
"query": {
"term": {
"name": "Hello"
"took" : 4,
"timed_out" : false,
"_shards" : {
"total" : 1,
"successful" : 1,
"skipped" : 0,
"failed" : 0
"hits" : {
"total" : {
"value" : 0,
"relation" : "eq"
"max_score" : null,
"hits" : [ ]
GET /test/_search
"query": {
"term": {
"name": "Hello World"
"took" : 1,
"timed_out" : false,
"_shards" : {
"total" : 1,
"successful" : 1,
"skipped" : 0,
"failed" : 0
"hits" : {
"total" : {
"value" : 0,
"relation" : "eq"
"max_score" : null,
"hits" : [ ]
My elasticsearch version is 7.3.2
The last two search should return me document 1, is that correct? Why does it hit nothing?
Problem is that you have term queries. Term queries are not analysed. Hence Hello didn't match the term hello in your index. Note the case difference.
Unlike full-text queries, term-level queries do not analyze search terms. Instead, term-level queries match the exact terms stored in a field.
Whereas match queries analyse the search term also.
"query": {
"match": {
"name": "Hello"
You can use _analyze to check how your terms are indexed.

Elasticsearch returns 0.0 for metrics sum aggregation

Elasticsearch returns 0.0 for metrics sum aggregation. Expected output will be some of metric probe_http_duration_seconds.
Elasticsearch version: 7.1.1
Query used for aggregation:
GET some_metric/_search
"query": {
"bool": {
"must": [
"range": { "time": { "gte" : "now-1m", "lt": "now" } }
"match": {"name": "probe_http_duration_seconds"}
"match": {"labels.instance": "some-instance"}
"aggs" : {
"sum_is" : { "sum": { "field" : "value" } }
The above query returns for documents followed by:
"aggregations" : {
"sum_is" : {
"value" : 0.0
Each document in the index looks like:
"_index" : "some_metric-2019.12.03-000004",
"_type" : "_doc",
"_id" : "_wCjz24Bk6FPpmW1lC31",
"_score" : 5.3475914,
"_source" : {
"name" : "probe_http_duration_seconds",
"time" : 1575441630181,
"value" : 0,
"labels" : {
"__name__" : "probe_http_duration_seconds",
"app" : "some-events",
"i" : "some_metric",
"instance" : "some-instance",
"job" : "someproject-k8s-service",
"kubernetes_name" : "some-events",
"kubernetes_namespace" : "deploytest",
"phase" : "connect",
"t" : "type",
"v" : "1"
In query on changing must to should, I get:
"aggregations" : {
"sum_is" : {
"value" : 1.5389155527088604E16
The index dynamic mapping looks something like this:
"mappings" : {
"dynamic_templates" : [
"strings" : {
"unmatch" : "*seconds*",
"match_mapping_type" : "string",
"mapping" : {
"type" : "keyword"
"to_float" : {
"match" : "*seconds*",
"mapping" : {
"type" : "float"
However in our requirement, we need results matching all of the clauses in the query.
For metrics aggregation elasticsearch converts everything to double, still this doesn't explain result as zero.
Any pointers will be helpful. Thanks for attention.
NOTE: I see that in example document, value field is zero. Maybe while drafting/editing I made a mistake.
Below is the result of past 2 mins. This shows value field is actually float.
GET some_metric/_search?size=3
"_source": ["value"],
"query": {
"bool": {
"must": [
"range": { "time": { "gte" : "now-2m", "lt": "now" } }
"match": {"name": "probe_http_duration_seconds"}
"match": {"labels.instance": "some-instance"}
"took" : 4,
"timed_out" : false,
"_shards" : {
"total" : 5,
"successful" : 5,
"skipped" : 0,
"failed" : 0
"hits" : {
"total" : {
"value" : 10,
"relation" : "eq"
"max_score" : 14.551308,
"hits" : [
"_index" : "some_metric-2019.12.04-000005",
"_type" : "_doc",
"_id" : "7oog0G4Bk6EPplW1ibD1",
"_score" : 14.551308,
"_source" : {
"value" : 0.040022423
"_index" : "some_metric-2019.12.04-000005",
"_type" : "_doc",
"_id" : "74og0G4Bk6EPplW1ibD1",
"_score" : 14.551308,
"_source" : {
"value" : 3.734E-5
"_index" : "some_metric-2019.12.04-000005",
"_type" : "_doc",
"_id" : "A4og0G4Bk6EPplW1ibH1",
"_score" : 14.551308,
"_source" : {
"value" : 0.015694122
What you see is just what you indexed in the source document. ES will never modify your source document. However, since the type is long as I thought then it will index that float value as a long and not as a float.
This usually happens when the very first document to be indexed has an integer value, such as 0, for instance.
You can either reindex your data with the proper mapping... Or since you have time-based indexes, just modify the dynamic template and tomorrow's index will be created correctly.

range query not working as intended [elasticsearch]

I am executing a simple range query. But I see that an empty result being returned. But I know that they are many records/documents that satisfy the query.
Below are the 3 types of queries I have tried.
(the third one is intended query)
"query": {
"range" : {
"endTime" : {
"gte" : 1559076400.0
"query": {
"bool": {
"must": [
{"range" : {
"endTime" : {
"gte" : 1559076401.0
"query": {
"bool": {
"filter": [
{"range" : {
"startTime" : {
"gt" : 1356873300.0
{"range" : {
"endTime" : {
"gte" : 1559076401.0
All 3 queries return an empty response.
Hope you people can help. Thank you.
In elastic index, before inserting data, you you need define the fields mappings as date or numbers so that range searches can be applied.
Or keep dynamic mappings ON so that elastic can identify the field types automatically based on inserted data.
In case of latter, do check the auto generated mappings on your index.
Also check the date/timestamp format.
Steps to check mappings
Since you are using epoch time, you need to mention that in the mapping. This is what I did. Basically the mapping and the way you stored the data mattered here. I am not sure if we can save any format as we want and query using any format we want. I will do some more research and update the answer if that can be done
1) created the mapping -- to show how the endTime mapping is done
2) inserting a few sample documents
3) queried the document using epoch time -- the way you wanted
PUT so_test24
"mappings" : {
"_doc" : {
"properties" : {
"id" : {
"type" : "long"
"endTime" : {
"type" : "date",
"format": "epoch_millis"
Inserting the documents
POST /so_test24/_doc
"id": 1,
"endTime": "1546300800"
POST /so_test24/_doc
"id": 2,
"endTime": "1514764800"
POST /so_test24/_doc
"id": 3,
"endTime": "1527811200"
POST /so_test24/_doc
"id": 4,
"endTime": "1535760000"
The search Query
GET /so_test24/_search
"query": {
"range": {
"endTime": {"gte": "1532883892"}
The result
"took" : 1,
"timed_out" : false,
"_shards" : {
"total" : 5,
"successful" : 5,
"skipped" : 0,
"failed" : 0
"hits" : {
"total" : 2,
"max_score" : 1.0,
"hits" : [
"_index" : "so_test24",
"_type" : "_doc",
"_id" : "uFIq42sB4TH56W1h-jGu",
"_score" : 1.0,
"_source" : {
"id" : 1,
"endTime" : "1546300800"
"_index" : "so_test24",
"_type" : "_doc",
"_id" : "u1Iq42sB4TH56W1h-zEK",
"_score" : 1.0,
"_source" : {
"id" : 4,
"endTime" : "1535760000"

enabled fielddata on text field in ElasticSearch but aggregation is not working

According to the documentation you can run ElasticSearch aggregations on fields that are type keyword or not a text field or which have fielddata set to true in the index mapping.
I am trying to count city_names in an nginx log. It works fine with the int field result. But it does not work with the field city_name even when I updated the index mapping for that to put fielddata=true. The should have been not required as it was of type keyword.
To say it does not work means that:
"aggregations" : {
"cities" : {
"doc_count_error_upper_bound" : 0,
"sum_other_doc_count" : 0,
"buckets" : [ ]
Here is the field mapping:
"city_name" : {
"type" : "text",
"fielddata" : true
And here is the aggression query:
curl -XGET --user $pwd --header 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{
"aggs" : {
"cities": {
"terms" : { "field": "city_name"}
If you don't get any error when executing your search it seems that is more like a problem with the data. Are you sure you have, at least, one document with the field city_name filled?
I tried to reproduce your issue with ElasticSearch 6.6.2.
I created an index
PUT cities
"mappings": {
"city": {
"dynamic": "true",
"properties": {
"id": {
"type": "long"
"city_name": {
"type": "text",
"fielddata": true
I added one document without the city_name
PUT cities/city/1
"id": "1"
When i performed the search:
GET cities/_search
"aggs": {
"cities": {
"terms" : { "field": "city_name"}
I got no buckets in the cities aggregation. But when I added one document with the city name filled:
PUT cities/city/2
"id": "2",
"city_name": "London"
I got the expected result:
"took" : 3,
"timed_out" : false,
"_shards" : {
"total" : 5,
"successful" : 5,
"skipped" : 0,
"failed" : 0
"hits" : {
"total" : 2,
"max_score" : 1.0,
"hits" : [
"_index" : "cities",
"_type" : "city",
"_id" : "2",
"_score" : 1.0,
"_source" : {
"id" : "2",
"city_name" : "london"
"_index" : "cities",
"_type" : "city",
"_id" : "1",
"_score" : 1.0,
"_source" : {
"id" : "1"
"aggregations" : {
"cities" : {
"doc_count_error_upper_bound" : 0,
"sum_other_doc_count" : 0,
"buckets" : [
"key" : "london",
"doc_count" : 1
