I am experimenting with building a bounding volume hierarchy using only immutable data-structures. I hope to use the tree for broad-phase collision tests in a real-time simulation.
The tree structure is like this:
type BvhTree<'t> =
| Leaf of BvhLeaf<'t>
| Branch of BvhBranch<'t>
| Nil
and BvhLeaf<'t> =
Bounds : AABB
Data : 't
and BvhBranch<'t> =
Bounds : AABB option
Left : BvhTree<'t>
Right : BvhTree<'t>
The goal then is to take a list of simulation objects, which all have bounding volumes (just AABBs for now to keep things simple), and produce a reasonably optimal bounding volume hierarchy.
The best tree is defined as the one whose branching nodes have the lowest surface area in total.
Testing every possible tree structure is too slow and simple appending creates a tree that is too lop-sided, giving poor collision test performance. It might also be possible to use the tree from previous simulation states as a starting point to compute the next tree.
Since I am using immutable data, I must build the tree from the bottom up, unlike the approach usually taken (see this excellent set of slides).
I have been unable to find many resources on the topic.
The basic approach I have come up with is to generate a list of trees, one for each simulation object and then recursively merge them until only only one tree remains. At each step the merge is chosen using simple heuristics.
What are some good techniques for doing this?
I have a problem understanding this algorithm, labeled "Algorithm 1" from this paper.
It says:
If at leaf, check for intersection with contained triangles.
What am I missing? As far as I know, the kd-tree nodes only hold one value and pointers to left and right children. Do you know any reference kd-tree structures for me to investigate? At insert, I calculate middlepoints for each axis and based on that, I place one triangle for each node.
In case of GPU Ray Tracing, KD-Trees are used as acceleration structures. We group geometry into larger chunks to cull ray misses early. However, it might happen, that the tree gets too deep at certain nodes. To avoid this, we can limit the height of the tree. This is why we might end up with more geometry in a leaf.
Note, that Algorithm 3 also mentions this case.
The exit step
24: Intersect ray with contained geometry
Clarifying "too deep":
When a branch goes much deeper than it's neighbours, the threads diverge, causing performance degradation .
More on the topic here: Nvidia RTX best practices
Storing only one triangle per node is probably sub-optimal. Generally, it is faster to iterate through a moderately sized bucket of objects than to navigate the same sized binary tree.
Also, there is no guarantee that you will be able to sort out all your triangles such that your k-D tree has one per node. Hierarchical bounding volumes (where, unlike k-D trees, sibling volumes may overlap) should be more flexible in this respect, but they are also conventionally used with buckets of target objects, rather than one object per node.
I'm solving this problem, and I don't know which data structure to use.
I have multiple objects (convex polygons and circles) on a 2D plane, and for a given point, I have to calculate the objects the point lies within (they can overlap).
I've been reading about K-D trees, but I don't know how to "bend" it for this kind of objects. I've been also reading about bounding volume hierarchy, but I don't know if it would be optimal.
So, what do you think would be the best data structure for this problem? Time performance is more important than memory usage).
For most part, the "efficiency" of space partitioning schemes like BVH, kd-tree, R-tree etc, comes from smart tree construction. As long as you can build your tree well, you will have fast performance. For you case, I would say kd-tree is fine - it's very common with lots of source code available. So are R-trees. I don't understand what you mean by "bend" it for your objects. For Kd-Tree, all you have to decide, is given an axis aligned plane - for 2D case it would be either x = c or y = c, if the circle (or poly) lies to one side, or straddles. Rather trivial problem.
I have a program that create graphs as shown below
The algorithm starts at the green color node and traverses the graph. Assume that a node (Linked list type node with 4 references Left, Right, Up and Down) has been added to the graph depicted by the red dot in the image. Inorder to integrate the newly created node with it neighbors I need to find the four objects and link it so the graph connectivity will be preserved.
Following is what I need to clarify
Assume that all yellow colored nodes are null and I do not keep a another data structure to map nodes what is the most efficient way to find the existence of the neighbors of the newly created node. I know the basic graph search algorithms like DFS, BFS etc and shortest path algorithms but I do not think any of these are efficient enough because the graph can have about 10000 nodes and doing graph search algorithms (starting from the green node) to find the neighbors when a new node is added seems computationally expensive to me.
If the graph search is not avoidable what is the best alternative structure. I thought of a large multi-dimensional array. However, this has memory wastage and also has the issue of not having negative indexes. Since the graph in the image can grow in any directions. My solution to this is to write a separate class that consists of a array based data structure to portray negative indexes. However, before taking this option I would like to know if I could still solve the problem without resolving to a new structure and save a lot of rework.
Thank you for any feedback and reading this question.
I'm not sure if I understand you correctly. Do you want to
Check that there is a path from (0,0) to (x1,y1)
Check if any of the neighbors of (x1,y1) are in the graph? (even if there is no path from (0,0) to any of this neighbors).
I assume that you are looking for a path (otherwise you won't use a linked-list), which implies that you can't store points which have no path to (0,0).
Also, you mentioned that you don't want to use any other data structure beside / instead of your 2D linked-list.
You can't avoid full graph search. BFS and DFS are the classic algorithms. I don't think that you care about the shortest path - any path would do.
Another approaches you may consider is A* (simple explanation here) or one of its variants (look here).
An alternative data structure would be a set of nodes (each node is a pair < x,y > of course). You can easily run 4 checks to see if any of its neighbors are already in the set. It would take O(n) space and O(logn) time for both check and add. If your programming language does not support pairs as nodes of a set, you can use a single integer (x*(Ymax+1) + Y) instead.
Your data structure can be made to work, but probably not efficiently. And it will be a lot of work.
With your current data structure you can use an A* search (see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A*_search_algorithm for a basic description) to find a path to the point, which necessarily finds a neighbor. Then pretend that you've got a little guy at that point, put his right hand on the wall, then have him find his way clockwise around the point. When he gets back, he'll have found the rest.
What do I mean by find his way clockwise? For example suppose that you go Down from the neighbor to get to his point. Then your guy should be faced the first of Right, Up, and Left which he has a neighbor. If he can go Right, he will, then he will try the directions Down, Right, Up, and Left. (Just imagine trying to walk through the maze yourself with your right hand on the wall.)
This way lies insanity.
Here are two alternative data structures that are much easier to work with.
You can use a quadtree. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quadtree for a description. With this inserting a node is logarithmic in time. Finding neighbors is also logarithmic. And you're only using space for the data you have, so even if your graph is very spread out this is memory efficient.
Alternately you can create a class for a type of array that takes both positive and negative indices. Then one that builds on that to be 2-d class that takes both positive and negative indices. Under the hood that class would be implemented as a regular array and an offset. So an array that can start at some number, positive or negative. If ever you try to insert a piece of data that is before the offset, you create a new offset that is below that piece by a fixed fraction of the length of the array, create a new array, and copy data from the old to the new. Now insert/finding neighbors are usually O(1) but it can be very wasteful of memory.
You can use a spatial index like a quad tree or a r-tree.
I have some data in a tree structure, and I want to represent them in a graphical way, with the root node in the middle of the stage, his children displaced in a circle around him, and so on for every children, around their parent.
I don't want overlapping nodes, so the question is how to arrange space in an optimal way.
Something less or more like (found via google)
What algorhythms I have to search to realize something like this?
If you don't care about how it's done, but just that you are visualizing the data, then take a look at graphviz's radial layout. Although the example doesn't look exactly what you want, it is the layout you'd need. It'll also give you some ideas on how it's done too with the loads of research papers in there. Good luck!
You could also see how easy it is to extend this paper into a circular structure.
You can do it in an emergent way by setting up a system in which each tree node tries to keep as much distance from all other nodes (except parent) as possible, but as short a distance as possible from the parent (down to some minimum distance which it must maintain). If you run that algorithm for each node repeatedly until it stabilizes, you'll have an arrangement like the one you describe. I'm sure there are a lot of optimizations you can do to it, but I'm pretty sure this is going to be the simplest approach. Trying to calculate all the layout up front would be very complex...
You are trying to draw a planar representation of a graph.
Find some buzzwords and perhaps a resource here
And in wikipedia
Ah and I forgot: You can do this the newtonian way with forces.
Simply give all nodes a repelling potential, like make them all Protons which push each other away. Give the edges the properties of newtonian springs, exerting forces that pull them together and you are all set.
Could even create nice animations that way.
This is also an official way of graph drawing, but I don't know the name.
If you want to draw the tree with a minimum of wasted space and short connections, then you're in for a computationally expensive solution. It will be hard to get this to be realtime on a tree of decent size, not to mention that making small changes to the tree might result in a radically different equilibrium.
Another approach would be to abandon the physical simulation and just build it iteratively. I've done something similar last week, but my trees are probably a lot less involved than yours.
For this tree-layout, each node object has to store an angle and an offset. These two numbers control where on the graphics surface they end up.
Here is my basic algorithm:
1) recurse over your entire tree-data and find all the Leaf nodes.
2) while you're doing this, be sure to measure the length of each branching structure, so you know which is the longest.
3) once you have all your leaf nodes, distribute them equally over a concentric circle. You can either use the entire circle, or only some part of the angle domain.
4) once all Leaf nodes have been solved, you recurse again over the tree, going from the outside in. Each node you encounter that is not a leaf node is in need of layout. Essentially, every node from here on has an angle which is the average of all it's child nodes, and the offset is the graph_radius * (depth_of_node / maximum_depth)
I found this gives me a very decent and humanly readable distribution, albeit not a very efficient one in terms of screen usage. I uploaded an animation of my tree-display here: GIF anim
I have a polygon soup of triangles that I would like to construct a BSP tree for. My current program simply constructs a BSP tree by inserting a random triangle from the model one at a time until all the triangles are consumed, then it checks the depth and breadth of the tree and remembers the best score it achieved (lowest depth, lowest breadth).
By definition, the best depth would be log2(n) (or less if co-planar triangles are grouped?) where n is the number of triangles in my model, and the best breadth would be n (meaning no splitting has occurred). But, there are certain configurations of triangles for which this pinnacle would never be reached.
Is there an efficient test for checking the quality of my BSP tree? Specifically, I'm trying to find a way for my program to know it should stop looking for a more optimal construction.
Construction of an optimal tree is an NP-complete problem. Determining if a given tree is optimal is essentially the same problem.
From this BSP faq:
The problem is one of splitting versus
tree balancing. These are mutually
exclusive requirements. You should
choose your strategy for building a
good tree based on how you intend to
use the tree.
Randomly building BSP trees until you chance upon a good one will be really, really inefficient.
Instead of choosing a tri at random to use as a split-plane, you want to try out several (maybe all of them, or maybe a random sampling) and pick one according to some heuristic. The heuristic is typically based on (a) how balanced the resulting child nodes would be, and (b) how many tris it would split.
You can trade off performance and quality by considering a smaller or larger sampling of tris as candidate split-planes.
But in the end, you can't hope to get a totally optimal tree for any real-world data so you might have to settle for 'good enough'.
Try to pick planes that (could potentially) get split by the most planes as splitting planes. Splitting planes can't be split.
Try to pick a plane that has close to the same number of planes in front as in back.
Try to pick a plane that doesn't cause too many splits.
Try to pick a plane that is coplanar with a lot of other surfaces
You'll have to sample this criteria and come up with a scoring system to decide which one is most likely to be a good choice for a splitting plane. For example, the further off balance, the more score it loses. If it causes 20 splits, then penalty is -5 * 20 (for example). Choose the one that scores best. You don't have to sample every polygon, just search for a pretty good one.