I have the following filter in fluentd conf :
<filter syslog.local7**>
#type record_transformer
raw_message ${record.sub ',', ''}
I'd like to use the ruby variable, record and remove commas, at the same time.
How would you do it ? My example is not working. But usage of ${record} does work
I got it working like this:
raw_message2 ${record.to_s.gsub(',', '-')}
I want to add a message field to the log if it is not present in the logs.
Here's the relevant fluentd configuration:
<filter **>
#type record_transformer
enable_ruby true
message ${ if record.has_key?('message'); then record ["message"]; else record["message"] == "nomsg"; end}
But when the message field is not present I get message=false, when it is present getting message=actual_msg.
Not sure why it is not taking message=nomsg.
Please help and suggest.
Tried above syntax to and fro but no luck.
Simply make changes in else condition as below:
<filter **>
#type record_transformer
enable_ruby true
message ${ if record.has_key?('message'); then record ["message"]; else "nomsg"; end}
I hope this will help you.
I'm trying to work on filtering data in fluentd using the record_modifier plugin which are null by adding an if statement. I’ve seen a few examples but none match my use case. Has anyone come across this or can confirm it's even possible?
Human readable action
partOf =
if the value of record.dig("kubernetes", "labels", "app.kubernetes.io/part-of") exists
include record and value
remove_keys partOf
Example config with dig:
<filter **>
#type record_modifier
partOf ${record.dig("kubernetes", "labels", "app.kubernetes.io/part-of")}
partOf is a common k8s label sample; "app.kubernetes.io/part-of": "kube-state-metrics",
With record_modifier, it's working with embedded Ruby logic like this:
<filter **>
#type record_modifier
remove_keys __dummy__
__dummy__ ${ p = record["kubernetes"]["labels"]["app.kubernetes.io/part-of"]; p.nil? ? p : record['partOf'] = p; }
See: https://github.com/repeatedly/fluent-plugin-record-modifier#ruby-code-trick-for-complex-logic
For running a complete test cycle, please refer to this answer.
i have a below apache atlas audit logs:
[INFO] 2020-06-29 15:14:31,732 AUDIT logJSON - {"repoType":15,"repo":"atlas","reqUser":"varun","evtTime":"2020-06-29 15:14:29.967","access":"entity-read","resource":"AtlanColumn/[]/glue/78975568964/flights/default/flightsgdelt_100m_test_partition/c_11","resType":"entity","action":"entity-read","result":1,"agent":"atlas","policy":6,"enforcer":"ranger-acl","cliIP":"","agentHost":"atlas-7d9dcdd6c5-lmfzj","logType":"RangerAudit","id":"87c9e862-910b-4ee2-86f8-cb174f4e7b76-863129","seq_num":1701441,"event_count":1,"event_dur_ms":0,"tags":[],"cluster_name":"","policy_version":54}
rite now i have below parse config:
#type regexp
expression ^\[(?<Level>.[^ ]*)\] (?<datetime>[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2} [0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2},[0-9]{3}) (?<Type>.[^ ]*) (?<Action>.[^ ]*) \- \{"repoType":(?<repoType>.[^ ]*)\,"repo":"(?<repo>.[^ ]*)\","reqUser":"(?<reqUser>.[^ ]*)\","evtTime":"(?<evtTime>.[^ ].*)\","access":"(?<access>.[^ ]*)\","resource":"(?<resource>.[^ ].*)\","resType":"(?<resType>.[^ ]*)\","action":"(?<action>.[^ ]*)\","result":(?<result>.[^ ]*)\,"agent":"(?<agent>.[^ ].*)\","policy":(?<policy>.[^ ]*)\,"enforcer":"(?<enforcer>.[^ ]*)\","cliIP":"(?<cliIP>.[^ ]*)\","agentHost":"(?<agentHost>.[^ ]*)\","logType":"(?<logType>.[^ ]*)\","id":"(?<id>.[^ ]*)\","seq_num":(?<seq_num>.[^ ]*)\,"event_count":(?<event_count>.[^ ]*)\,"event_dur_ms":(?<event_dur_ms>.[^ ]*)\,"tags":(?<tags>.[^ ].*)\,"cluster_name":(?<cluster_name>.[^ ].*),"policy_version":(?<policy_version>.[^ ]*)\}
now we want to further breakdown the resource field into multiple fields like below:
issue here is its not neccesary that resource field always has above combination. it can be AssetType/Tags/Integration or AssetType/Tags/Integration/Database or AssetType/Tags/Integration/Database/Schema or AssetType/Tags/Integration/Database/Schema/Table or AssetType/Tags/Integration/Database/Schema/Table/Column.
if any of the fields are missing then we should send null.
any suggestion or guidence on this would be highly appreciated.
you can use the record_reformer plugin to parse the resource key and extract the needed values for each of the needed keys, Below is an example of the usage
<match pattern.**>
#type record_reformer
tag new_tag.${tag_suffix[2]}
renew_record false
enable_ruby true
AssetType ${record['resource'].scan(/^([^\/]+\/){0}(?<param>[^\/]+)/).flatten.compact[0]}
Tags ${record['resource'].scan(/^([^\/]+\/){1}(?<param>[^\/]+)/).flatten.compact[0]}
Integration ${record['resource'].scan(/^([^\/]+\/){2}(?<param>[^\/]+)/).flatten.compact[0]}
Database ${record['resource'].scan(/^([^\/]+\/){3}(?<param>[^\/]+)/).flatten.compact[0]}
Schema ${record['resource'].scan(/^([^\/]+\/){4}(?<param>[^\/]+)/).flatten.compact[0]}
Table ${record['resource'].scan(/^([^\/]+\/){5}(?<param>[^\/]+)/).flatten.compact[0]}
Column ${record['resource'].scan(/^([^\/]+\/){6}(?<param>[^\/]+)/).flatten.compact[0]}
This bash command "etcdctl get system config/log/timestamp" returns time type either UTC or System. Now i want to use this to convert time to same format. How can i do that?
I tried this but it failed td-agent running.
#type exec
command etcdctl get system config/log/timestamp
keys timeType
Now i want to use that timeType to convert my time from given log to that timeType
{"host":"sp-1","level":"INFO","log":{"classname":"common.server.hacluster.CSFHATopologyChangeHandlerMBean:93","message":"Finished processing CSF HA 'become standby' message.","stacktrace":"","threadname":"RMI TCP Connection(1784)-"},"process":"becomeStandby","service":"SP","time":"2020-03-19T10:15:36.514Z","timezone":"America/Toronto","type":"log","system":"SP_IG_20_3_R1_I2002","systemid":"SP_IG_20_3_R1_I2002"}
This is where i want to use that $timeType
<filter com.logging.tmplog>
#type record_modifier
type log
time ${record["time"]}.$timeType ## It's not working
arun ${tag}
The issue is solved by using record-modifier's prepare_value
<filter com.logging.tmplog>
#type record_modifier
prepare_value #timeType =`etcdctl get system config/log/timestamp`.strip
timeType ${#timeType}
time ${if #timeType == 'UTC' then Time.at(time).utc.strftime('%FT%T') else Time.at(time).to_s; end}
I am using filebeat in Kubernetes to ship logs to elastic search.
I want to create indexes based on namespaces. I'm trying to create a custom index for my different apps in a Kubernetes cluster, but this not working.
I used below conf:-
index: "%{[kubernetes.labels.app]:filebeat}-%{[beat.version]}-%{+yyyy.MM.dd}"
Filebeat Kube-manifest link- https://github.com/anup1384/k8s-filebeat
Use elasticsearch output as given below in filebeat configmap
index: "%{[kubernetes.namespace]:filebeat}-%{[beat.version]}-%{+yyyy.MM.dd}"
Create a custom index using Kubernetes metadata. So here I'm creating an index based on pod name metadata.
logstash_prefix ${record['kubernetes']['pod_name']}
For more details:
#type tail
#id in_tail_docker_logs
read_from_head true
tag yourTag.*
path /var/log/containers/**yournamespace**.log
pos_file /var/log/file.log.pos
#type multi_format
format json
time_format '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%N%Z'
format regexp
expression /^(?<time>.+) (?<stream>stdout|stderr)( (?<logtag>.))? (?<log>.*)$/
time_format '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%N%:z'
<match yourTag_**>
#type elasticsearch
scheme "#{ENV['FLUENT_ELASTICSEARCH_SCHEME'] || 'https'}"
ssl_verify "#{ENV['FLUENT_ELASTICSEARCH_SSL_VERIFY'] || 'false'}"
suppress_type_name true
index_name ocp_${tag[0]}_${$.kubernetes.labels.app}_%Y%m%d ### ==> **ocp_yourTag_appName_date**
<buffer tag, time, $.kubernetes.labels.app>
#type memory
timekey 10s
timekey_wait 0s
flush_mode immediate
flush_thread_count 4
This will work 100%, just change with your tag and with you namespace