What does it mean the complexity of a polynomial function? - algorithm

I am newly studying algorithmic complexity, big-o, omega notations etc.
I can understand such examples like nested for loops, for example. I calculate how many times the inner statement will be executed dependent on n, and that gives the complexity. For example
int a = 1;
for(i=0; i<n; i++){
for(j=0; j<n; j++){
a = a*2;
I can understand that big-o for this above one is O(n^2). However, I also came across with this kind of questions,
O( ) complexity of the function (n^3 + 7) / (n + 1)
At the first look, as an intuition, I want to think that as n goes to infinity, n^3 is the dominant term in the numerator and n is the dominant term in the denominator. So, the complexity is O(n^3/n) = O(n^2). However, at the same amount it looks logical, it also does not. In short, I am not sure such a calculus-ish approach is correct or not.
But more importantly, I also do not understand what does complexity mean in case of a function. It looks like for any value of n, there is only a limited amount of operations will be done: Take the cube of the number n, add 7, divide by (n+1). So I don't understand how the complexity is affacted by n.

This is a good question because you have spotted an ambiguity in the wording of the exercise you were given. The "O()-complexity of a function" is not well defined. You need to distinguish between the following:
The (e.g. time) complexity of an implementation of an algorithm in terms of O(...). Example: Quicksort with linked list.
The (e.g. time) complexity of an algorithm in terms of O(...). Example: Quicksort.
The (e.g. time) complexity of a decision problem in terms of O(...). Example: is a given list sorted?
The (e.g. time) complexity of a function problem in terms of O(...). Example: sort a given list.
An asymptotic upper bound on a mathematical function in terms of O(...). Example: upper bound on (n^3 + 7) / (n + 1).
My guess is that 5. is the intended meaning, but the wording was misleading, or even arguably wrong. It could also be #4, but that mean: find an upper bound on the time complexity of any possible algorithm that could be used to compute the given polynomial, a rather unusual question to ask about polynomials.


Asymptotic analysis, Upper bound

I have some confusion regarding the Asymptotic Analysis of Algorithms.
I have been trying to understand this upper bound case, seen a couple of youtube videos. In one of them, there was an example of this equation
where we have to find the upper bound of the equation 2n+3. So, by looking at this, one can say that it is going o be O(n).
My first question :
In algorithmic complexity, we have learned to drop the constants and find the dominant term, so is this Asymptotic Analysis to prove that theory? or does it have other significance? otherwise, what is the point of this analysis when it is always going to be the biggest n in the equation, example- if it were n+n^2+3, then the upper bound would always be n^2 for some c and n0.
My second question :
as per rule the upper bound formula in Asymptotic Analysis must satisfy this condition f(n) = O(g(n)) IFF f(n) < c.g(n) where n>n0,c>0, n0>=1
i) n is the no of inputs, right? or does n represent the number of steps we perform? and does f(n) represents the algorithm?
ii) In the following video to prove upper bound of the equation 2n+3 could be n^2 the presenter considered c =1, and that is why to satisfy the equation n had to be >= 3 whereas one could have chosen c= 5 and n=1 as well, right? So then why were, in most cases in the video, the presenter was changing the value of n and not c to satisfy the conditions? is there a rule, or is it random? Can I change either c or n(n0) to satisfy the condition?
My Third Question:
In the same video, the presenter mentioned n0 (n not) is the number of steps. Is that correct? I thought n0 is the limit after which the graph becomes the upper bound (after n0, it satisfies the condition for all values of n); hence n0 also represents the input.
Would you please help me understand because people come up with different ideas in different explanations, and I want to understand them correctly?
The accepted answer clarified all of the questions except the first one. I have gone through many articles on the web, and here I am documenting my conclusion if anyone else has the same question. This will help them.
My first question was
In algorithmic complexity, we have learned to drop the constants and
find the dominant term, so is this Asymptotic Analysis to prove that
No, Asymptotic Analysis describes the algorithmic complexity, which is all about understanding or visualizing the Asymptotic behavior or the tail behavior of a function or a group of functions by plotting mathematical expression.
In computer science, we use it to evaluate (note: evaluate is not measuring) the performance of an algorithm in terms of input size.
for example, these two functions belong to the same group
mySet = set()
def addToMySet(n):
for i in range(n):
mySet2 = set()
def addToMySet2(n):
for i in range(n):
for j in range(500):
Even though the execution time of the addToMySet2(n) is always > the execution time of addToMySet(n), the tail behavior of both of these functions would be the same with respect to the largest n, if one plot them in a graph the tendency of that graph for both of the functions would be linear thus they belong to the same group. Using Asymptotic Analysis, we get to see the behavior and group them.
A mistake that I made assuming upper bound represents the worst case. In reality, The upper bound of any algorithm is associated with all of the best, average, and worst cases. so the correct way of putting that would be
upper/lower bound in the best/average/worst case of an
We can't relate the upper bound of an algorithm with the worst-case time complexity and the lower bound with the best-case complexity. However, an upper bound can be higher than the worst-case because upper bounds are usually asymptotic formulae that have been proven to hold.
I have seen this kind of question like find the worst-case time complexity of such and such algorithm, and the answer is either O(n) or O(n^2) or O(log-n), etc.
For example, if we consider the function addToMySet2(n), one would say the algorithmic time complexity of that function is O(n), which is technically wrong because there are three factors bound, bound type, (inclusive upper bound and strict upper bound) and case are involved determining the algorithmic time complexity.
When one denote O(n) it is derived from this Asymptotic Analysis f(n) = O(g(n)) IFF for any c>0, there is a n0>0 from which f(n) < c.g(n) (for any n>n0) so we are considering upper bound of best/average/worst case. In the above statement the case is missing.
I think We can consider, when not indicated, the big O notation generally describes an asymptotic upper bound on the worst-case time complexity. Otherwise, one can also use it to express asymptotic upper bounds on the average or best case time complexities
The whole point of asymptotic analysis is to compare algorithms performance scaling. For example, if I write two version of the same algorithm, one with O(n^2) time complexity and the other with O(n*log(n)) time complexity, I know for sure that the O(n*log(n)) one will be faster when n is "big". How big? it depends. You actually can't know unless you benchmark it. What you know is at some point, the O(n*log(n)) will always be better.
Now with your questions:
the "lower" n in n+n^2+3 is "dropped" because it is negligible when n scales up compared to the "dominant" one. That means that n+n^2+3 and n^2 behave the same asymptotically. It is important to note that even though 2 algorithms have the same time complexity, it does not mean they are as fast. For example, one could be always 100 times faster than the other and yet have the exact same complexity.
(i) n can be anything. It may be the size of the input (eg. an algorithm that sorts a list) but it may also be the input itself (eg. an algorithm that give the n-th prime number) or a number of iteration, etc
(ii) he could have taken any c, he chose c=1 as an example as he could have chosen c=1.618. Actually the correct formulation would be:
f(n) = O(g(n)) IFF for any c>0, there is a n0>0 from which f(n) < c.g(n) (for any n>n0)
the n0 from the formula is a pure mathematical construct. For c>0, it is the n value from which the function f is bounded by g. Since n can represent anything (size of a list, input value, etc), it is the same for n0

What is the best case time complexity of the following algorithm?

I am given the following function, where g is some other function that runs in Θ(n²). What is the best case time complexity for this function?
void f(int n) {
if(n % 2 == 0) {
} else {
Clearly, the function runs in constant time if n is even, which tempts me to say Θ(1), but I don't think that's the correct answer because I don't think that's how an asymptotic tight bound is defined.
I've looked at a lot of similar questions on SO regarding big theta notation and best case analysis, but they all pertain to arrays of length n inputs, rather than just an integer. I think the best case analysis makes sense in those cases because it depends on the elements in the array.
However there is no analog to "elements in the array" for this question that seems to matter in determining the complexity other than g, whose complexity is fixed.
This leads me to conclude that the actual best case time complexity is Θ(n²). Is my understanding correct? Is it Θ(n²) or Θ(1)?
You seem quite confused in the usage of Θ notation.
I don't think that's the correct answer because I don't think that's
how an asymptotic tight bound is defined.
Θ notation is an asymptotic tight bound and it may be defined as:
For any two functions f(n) and g(n), we have f(n) = Θ(g(n) if and only if
f(n) = O(g(n)) and f(n) = Ω(g(n)).
O notation gives an asymptotic upper bound and Ω notation gives an asymptotic lower bound.
In the algorithm you provided,
void f(int n)
if(n % 2 == 0) return;
else g(n);
where g(n) = Θ(n²).
The running time of the algorithm belongs to both O(n²) and Ω(1). We cannot use the Θ notation to describe the running time of your algorithm if we are considering all the possible values of n.
However, if we look at the running time of the algorithm when the only value that n can take is even, which is the best case, then we can say that in the best case, the running time of the algorithm belongs to both O(1) and Ω(1). Hence, we can say that the best case complexity of the algorithm is Θ(1).
Do notice the difference between saying,
The running time of the algorithm is Θ(1). //Wrong in this case
The best case running time of the algorithm is Θ(1). //Correct in this case
Similarly, if we look at the running time of the algorithm when the only value that n can take is odd, then we find out that worst case complexity of the algorithm is Θ(n²).
I hope I have helped you.
I don't agree with #aksingh's answer.
From the given,
when n is even, all of the best case, worst case and plain running times are Θ(1), and
when n is odd, all of the best case, worst case and plain running times are Θ(n²).
In fact, there is no difference between the three times (in the asymptotic sense), because of the Θ.
It is important to notice that the function that describes these running times need not be "a single expression".
If you want to obtain results that do not depend on parity, you can write that the best, worst and plain case running times are Ω(1) and O(n²).
To illustrate, the plot shows some hypothetical running times (red dots). In green and magenta, the best and worst cases, for odd n. In blue, even n.
Now in gray, the best case function.

Time Complexity (Big O) - Can value of N decides whether the time complexity is O(1) or O(N) when we have 2 nested FOR loops?

Suppose that I have 2 nested for loops, and 1 array of size N as shown in my code below:
int result = 0;
for( int i = 0; i < N ; i++)
for( int j = i; j < N ; j++)
result = array[i] + array[j]; // just some funny operation
Here are 2 cases:
(1) if the constraint is that N >= 1,000,000 strictly, then we can definitely say that the time complexity is O(N^2). This is true for sure as we all know.
(2) Now, if the constraint is that N < 25 strictly, then people could probably say that because we know that definitely, N is always too small, the time complexity is estimated to be O(1) since it takes very little time to run and complete these 2 for loops WITH MODERN COMPUTERS ? Does that sound right ?
Please tell me if the value of N plays a role in deciding the outcome of the time complexity O(N) ? If yes, then how big the value N needs to be in order to play that role (1,000 ? 5,000 ? 20,000 ? 500,000 ?) In other words, what is the general rule of thumb here ?
INTERESTING THEORETICAL QUESTION: If 15 years from now, the computer is so fast that even if N = 25,000,000, these 2 for loops can be completed in 1 second. At that time, can we say that the time complexity would be O(1) even for N = 25,000,000 ? I suppose the answer would be YES at that time. Do you agree ?
tl:dr No. The value of N has no effect on time complexity. O(1) versus O(N) is a statement about "all N" or how the amount of computation increases when N increases.
Great question! It reminds me of when I was first trying to understand time complexity. I think many people have to go through a similar journey before it ever starts to make sense so I hope this discussion can help others.
First of all, your "funny operation" is actually funnier than you think since your entire nested for-loops can be replaced with:
result = array[N - 1] + array[N - 1]; // just some hilarious operation hahaha ha ha
Since result is overwritten each time, only the last iteration effects the outcome. We'll come back to this.
As far as what you're really asking here, the purpose of Big-O is to provide a meaningful way to compare algorithms in a way that is indenependent of input size and independent of the computer's processing speed. In other words, O(1) versus O(N) has nothing to with the size of N and nothing to do with how "modern" your computer is. That all effects execution time of the algorithm on a particular machine with a particular input, but does not effect time complexity, i.e. O(1) versus O(N).
It is actually a statement about the algorithm itself, so a math discussion is unavoidable, as dxiv has so graciously alluded to in his comment. Disclaimer: I'm going to omit certain nuances in the math since the critical stuff is already a lot to explain and I'll defer to the mountains of complete explanations elsewhere on the web and textbooks.
Your code is a great example to understand what Big-O does tell us. The way you wrote it, its complexity is O(N^2). That means that no matter what machine or what era you run your code in, if you were to count the number of operations the computer has to do, for each N, and graph it as a function, say f(N), there exists some quadratic function, say g(N)=9999N^2+99999N+999 that is greater than f(N) for all N.
But wait, if we just need to find big enough coefficients in order for g(N) to be an upper bound, can't we just claim that the algorithm is O(N) and find some g(N)=aN+b with gigantic enough coefficients that its an upper bound of f(N)??? THE ANSWER TO THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT MATH OBSERVATION YOU NEED TO UNDERSTAND TO REALLY UNDERSTAND BIG-O NOTATION. Spoiler alert. The answer is no.
For visuals, try this graph on Desmos where you can adjust the coefficients:[https://www.desmos.com/calculator/3ppk6shwem][1]
No matter what coefficients you choose, a function of the form aN^2+bN+c will ALWAYS eventually outgrow a function of the form aN+b (both having positive a). You can push a line as high as you want like g(N)=99999N+99999, but even the function f(N)=0.01N^2+0.01N+0.01 crosses that line and grows past it after N=9999900. There is no linear function that is an upper bound to a quadratic. Similarly, there is no constant function that is an upper bound to a linear function or quadratic function. Yet, we can find a quadratic upper bound to this f(N) such as h(N)=0.01N^2+0.01N+0.02, so f(N) is in O(N^2). This observation is what allows us to just say O(1) and O(N^2) without having to distinguish between O(1), O(3), O(999), O(4N+3), O(23N+2), O(34N^2+4+e^N), etc. By using phrases like "there exists a function such that" we can brush all the constant coefficients under the rug.
So having a quadratic upper bound, aka being in O(N^2), means that the function f(N) is no bigger than quadratic and in this case happens to be exactly quadratic. It sounds like this just comes down to comparing the degree of polynomials, why not just say that the algorithm is a degree-2 algorithm? Why do we need this super abstract "there exists an upper bound function such that bla bla bla..."? This is the generalization necessary for Big-O to account for non-polynomial functions, some common ones being logN, NlogN, and e^N.
For example if the number of operations required by your algorithm is given by f(N)=floor(50+50*sin(N)), we would say that it's O(1) because there is a constant function, e.g. g(N)=101 that is an upper bound to f(N). In this example, you have some bizarre algorithm with oscillating execution times, but you can convey to someone else how much it doesn't slow down for large inputs by simply saying that it's O(1). Neat. Plus we have a way to meaningfully say that this algorithm with trigonometric execution time is more efficient than one with linear complexity O(N). Neat. Notice how it doesn't matter how fast the computer is because we're not measuring in seconds, we're measuring in operations. So you can evaluate the algorithm by hand on paper and it's still O(1) even if it takes you all day.
As for the example in your question, we know it's O(N^2) because there are aN^2+bN+c operations involved for some a, b, c. It can't be O(1) because no matter what aN+b you pick, I can find a large enough input size N such that your algorithm requires more than aN+b operations. On any computer, in any time zone, with any chance of rain outside. Nothing physical effects O(1) versus O(N) versus (N^2). What changes it to O(1) is changing the algorithm itself to the one-liner that I provided above where you just add two numbers and spit out the result no matter what N is. Let's say for N=10 it takes 4 operations to do both array lookups, the addition, and the variable assignment. If you run it again on the same machine with N=10000000 it's still doing the same 4 operations. The amount of operations required by the algorithm doesn't grow with N. That's why the algorithm is O(1).
It's why problems like finding a O(NlogN) algorithm to sort an array are math problems and not nano-technology problems. Big-O doesn't even assume you have a computer with electronics.
Hopefully this rant gives you a hint as to what you don't understand so you can do more effective studying for a complete understanding. There's no way to cover everything needed in one post here. It was some good soul-searching for me, so thanks.

Why would an O(n^2) algorithm run quicker than a O(n) algorithm on the same input?

Two algorithms say A and B are written to solve the same problem.
Algorithm A is O(n).
Algorithm B is (n^2).
You expect algorithm A to work better.
However when you run a specific example of the same machine, Algorithm B runs quicker.
Give the reasons to explain how such a thing happen?
Algorithm A, for example, can run in time 10000000*n which is O(n).
If algorithm B, is running in n*n which is O(n^2), A will be slower for every n < 10000000.
O(n), O(n^2) are asymptotic runtimes that describe the behavior when n->infinity
Suppose you have the two following functions:
boolean flag;
void algoA(int n) {
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < 1000000; j++)
flag = !flag;
void algoB(int n) {
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < n; j++)
flag = !flag;
algoA has n*1000000 flag flip operations so it is O(n) whereas algoB has n^2 flag flip operations so it is O(n^2).
Just solve the inequality 1000000n > n^2 and you'll get that for n < 1000000 it holds. That is, the O(n) method will be slower.
Knowing the algorithms would help give a more exact answer.
But for the general case, I could think of a few relevant factors:
Hardware related
e.g. if the slower algorithm makes good use of caching & locality or similar low-level mechanisms (see Quicksort's performance compared to other theoretically faster sorting algorithms). Worth reading about timsort as well, as an example where an "efficient" algorithm is used to break the problem up in to smaller input sets and a "simpler" and theoretically "higher complexity" algo is used on those sets, because it's faster.
Properties of the input set
e.g. if the input size is small, the efficiency will not come through in a test; also, for example with sorting again, if the input is mostly pre-sorted vs completely random, you will see different results. Many different inputs should be used in a test of this type for an accurate result. Using just one example is simply not enough, as the input can be engineered to favor one algorithm instead of another.
Specific implementation of either algorithms
e.g. there's a long way to go from the theoretical description of an algorithm to implementation; poor use of data structures, recursion, memory management etc. can seriously affect performance
Big-O-notation says nothing about the speed itself, only about how the speed will change when you change n.
If both algorithms take the same time for a single iteration, #Itay's example is also correct.
While all of the answers so far seem correct... none of them feel really "right" in the context of a CS class. In a computational complexity course you want to be precise and use definitions. I'll outline a lot of the nuances of this question and of computational complexity in general. By the end, we'll conclude why Itay's solution at the top is probably what you should've written. My main issue with Itay's solution is that it lacks definitions which are key to writing a good proof for a CS class. Note that my definitions may differ slightly from your class' so feel free to substitute in whatever you want.
When we say "an algorithm is O(n)" we actually mean "this algorithm is in the set O(n)". And the set O(n) contains all algorithms whose worst-case asymptotic complexity f(n) has the property that f(n) <= c*n + c_0 for some constant c and c_0 where c, c_0 > 0.
Now we want to prove your claim. First of all, the way you stated the problem, it has a trivial solution. That's because our asymptotic bounds are "worst-case". For many "slow" algorithms there is some input that it runs remarkably quickly. For instance, insertion sort is linear if the input is already sorted! So take insertion sort (O(n)) and merge sort (O(nlog(n))) and notice that the insertion sort will run faster if you pass in a sorted array! Boom, proof done.
But I am assuming that your exam meant something more like "show why a linear algorithm might run faster than a quadratic algorithm in the worst-case." As Alex noted above, this is an open ended question. The crux of the issue is that runtime analysis makes assumptions that certain operations are O(1) (e.g. for some problem you might assume that multiplication is O(1) even though it becomes quadratically slower for large numbers (one might argue that the numbers for a given problem are bounded to be 100-bits so it's still "constant time")). Since your class is probably focusing specifically on computational complexity then they probably want you to gloss over this issue. So we'll prove the claim assuming that our O(1) assumptions are right, and so there aren't details like "caching makes this algorithm way faster than the other one".
So now we have one algorithm which runs in f(n) which is O(n) and some other algorithm which runs in g(n) which is O(n^2). We want to use the definitions above to show that for some n we can have g(n) < f(n). The trick is that our assumptions have not fixed the c, c_0, c', c_0'. As Itay mentions, we can choose values for those constants such that g(n) < f(n) for many n. And the rest of the proof is what he wrote above (e.g. let c, c_0 be the constants for f(n) and say they are both 100 while c', c_0' are the constants for g(n) and they are both 1. Then g(n) < f(n) => n + 1 < 100n^2 + 100 => 100n^2 - n + 99 > 0 => (factor to get actual bounds for n))
It depends on different scenario.There are 3 types of scenario 1.Best, 2.Average, 3.Worst. If you know sorting techniques there is also same things happens. For more information see following link:
Please correct me if I am wrong.

What's the complexity of for i: for o = i+1

for i = 0 to size(arr)
for o = i + 1 to size(arr)
do stuff here
What's the worst-time complexity of this? It's not N^2, because the second one decreases by one every i loop. It's not N, it should be bigger. N-1 + N-2 + N-3 + ... + N-N+1.
It is N ^ 2, since it's the product of two linear complexities.
(There's a reason asymptotic complexity is called asymptotic and not identical...)
See Wikipedia's explanation on the simplifications made.
Think of it like you are working with a n x n matrix. You are approximately working on half of the elements in the matrix, but O(n^2/2) is the same as O(n^2).
When you want to determine the complexity class of an algorithm, all you need is to find the fastest growing term in the complexity function of the algorithm. For example, if you have complexity function f(n)=n^2-10000*n+400, to find O(f(n)), you just have to find the "strongest" term in the function. Why? Because for n big enough, only that term dictates the behavior of the entire function. Having said that, it is easy to see that both f1(n)=n^2-n-4 and f2(n)=n^2 are in O(n^2). However, they, for the same input size n, don't run for the same amount of time.
In your algorithm, if n=size(arr), the do stuff here code will run f(n)=n+(n-1)+(n-2)+...+2+1 times. It is easy to see that f(n) represents a sum of an arithmetic series, which means f(n)=n*(n+1)/2, i.e. f(n)=0.5*n^2+0.5*n. If we assume that do stuff here is O(1), then your algorithm has O(n^2) complexity.
for i = 0 to size(arr)
I assumed that the loop ends when i becomes greater than size(arr), not equal to. However, if the latter is the case, than f(n)=0.5*n^2-0.5*n, and it is still in O(n^2). Remember that O(1),O(n),0(n^2),... are complexity classes, and that complexity functions of algorithms are functions that describe, for the input size n, how many steps there is in the algorithm.
It's n*(n-1)/2 which is equal to O(n^2).
