I recently installed Jmeter 5.3, and while running a test, i noticed that each request has a delay of 4 seconds, even though I do not have an delay thread anywhere. If i run the same test in Jmeter 5.2.1, I do not see any delay, and every request works fine.
Any inputs?
Looking into JMeter Changelog there were only 2 non-cosmetic changes between versions 5.2.1 and 5.3:
Changing default value of the httpclient4.time_to_live property from 2 seconds to 1 minute in order to be in line with modern browsers default settings, can be reverted via user.properties file
Upgrading Groovy library to version 3 from version 2, can be reverted by removing all grooovy-xxxx.jar libraries from "lib" folder of your JMeter installation and replacing them with groovy-all-2.4.16.jar
None of the changes gives 4 second delay between requests.
More information: What's New in JMeter 5.3
If you need to understand what your threads are doing during this 4 seconds delay time frame - take a thread dump, it can be done even via JMeter GUI
How to run JMeter script, every 5 minutes for one hour without using Jenkins. Perovsuly use schedulers do that but in latest JMeter not supporting schedules.
Appreciate help on this
You can amend your Thread Group settings to run the Samplers for 1 hour followed by 5 minutes delay
The delay can be introduced using Flow Control Action Sampler or Constant Timer or both.
If you need rather separate script executions you can use your operating system scheduling mechanisms like Windows Task Scheduler or Linux Crontab
I created the following Test Scenario under Ubuntu:
Thread 100 Vus
Ram-Up Period Time:400s
BZM-Streaming Sampler (video Duration:12seconds)
Jmeter Version:5.2.1
I configure the Heap Size on the file named jmeter under bin Folder:
: "${HEAP:="-Xms8192m -Xmx8192m -XX:MaxMetaspaceSize=256m"}"
the amazing is when I change the Video Streaming Duration to 6 seconds instead of 12 seconds the test works.
I mean every audio and video segment takes 2 seconds approximtatively, so I come to this operation:
100 Vus * 6 seconds = 600s / 60minutes = 10 minutes (the whole test takes 22 minutes).
why the test doesn't stop with a Video duration of 12 seconds? I mean the duration is too short for the test!!
What did I miss here... are the Heap size not configured correctly? what is wrong here? in the log I have no java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space Issue
Your question doesn't provide sufficient information so we cannot come up with at least a guess, going forward you will need to provide the following essential information:
Your playlist URL
The relevant parts of jmeter.log file, pay attention to any Problem downloading .... segment warnings. You may need to increase logging verbosity by adding the next line to log4j2.xml file:
<Logger name="com.blazemeter.jmeter.videostreaming" level="debug"/>
Your streaming sampler full configuration
In any case make sure to use the latest version of the plugin (HLS Plugin 3.0 has been released recently), you can always upgrade to the most recent version using JMeter Plugins Manager
Also be aware that you can reach out to JMeter Plugins developers and/or maintainers at JMeter Plugins Support Forum.
I have a thread group with
No. of users: 3
Ramp up period: 2
Loop count: forever
Having single Http request
My requirement is to pause all threads for 1 minute at regular interval of 30 minutes.
I tried think time, and other timers as well but it doesn't work.
My Jmeter version is 5.1.1
Any help will be highly appreciated.
Add Runtime Controller to your Test Plan and set its "Runtime (seconds)" to 1800
Put your HTTP Request sampler as a child of the Runtime Controller
Add Flow Control Action sampler after the Runtime Controller and set it to "Pause" for 60000 milliseconds
Just in case be informed that as per JMeter Best Practices you should always be using the latest version of JMeter so consider upgrading to JMeter 5.2 (or to the latest stable version from JMeter Downloads page) as soon as possible
You can use Ultimate Thread Group to simulate that, but threads will exit the iteration and start a new one after 1 minute (not a pause).
I have test cases properly created and compiled in JMeter using the badboy. I ran the test for 1 Thread 1 ramp-up period and 1 Loop count (screenshot of the settings are attached with the query) and the test runs completely fine. Now I increased the Threads to 20 and it runs fine but when I start increasing it more like 50 or 80 threads then after few test cases the script logs out. I am testing an application based on JSF and I have taken care of the faces issue where the ViewState have to be passed to every next request being sent so the session is maintained. The problem here is that when the number of threads increases the application takes me to the login screen after a few steps.
I have also tried by un-ticking the option "Delay Thread creation until needed"
Kindly suggest a solution
JMeter Version: 3.2
Thanks and regards,
Prasad Iyer
[Thread Setting for 1 user][1] [1]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/bcVub.jpg
[Thread Setting for 80 users][2] [2]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/rJ4gA.jpg
Blind shot: add HTTP Cookie Manager to handle JSESSIONID and other cookies (in some installations you will need HTTP URL Re-writing Modifier)
If it is already there (or does not help) inspect your application under test logs, most probably you will find some errors there (you might need to increase logs verbosity)
I am using JMeter 2.11 for simulate 10000 thread users. I use CSV data set config to simulate 10000 user load and take 2-3 HTTP request in my test plan. All 10000 user load applied successfully by Jmeter but main problem is when my last request goes idle (as I put my Jmeter http request on home page of my website) all sessions goes timed out after some time.
I also configure "app pool's Idle time out=0" and my application's web config's "session state timeout is 20" (I also increase this time from 20 min but no way). Also Keep Alive is checked on all http request.
Please suggest me what to do for keep my last request's session alive.
JMeter threads are never idle, if thread doesn't have any more samplers to execute or no more loops to iterate it's being shut down. 10 000 users is quite a high load, it might be a problem with your JMeter configuration, i.e. it is not capable of generating and sustaining 10 000 threads. In 99% of cases jmeter.log file has enough troubleshooting information.
In the meantime few recommendations:
Upgrade to the latest version of JMeter (for the moment it's Apache JMeter 2.13)
Make sure you use 64-bit server JRE or JDK
Provide JMeter enough Java Heap space, by default it comes with 512Mb only which is not enough to simulate 10k users
Run JMeter test in non-GUI mode
Disable all Listeners during test run
See 9 Easy Solutions for a JMeter Load Test “Out of Memory” Failure for above points explained and few more tips and tricks.