Where do I find the customer ID in a Magento 2 database? - magento

I'm using the CreativeMinds Multi User Accounts plugin. In the cminds_multiuseraccounts_subaccount table it references customer_id and parent_customer_id. Where is the customer_id defined?

You can find customer id in 'customer_entity' Table


Laravel - Please advise on table name

I am in trouble with the name of the pivot table.
products ... Product master table
shop ... Shop master table.
shop_sales ... A table that links products and dates. It leads to another table. The column is date and shop_id.
I want to add a table to shop_sales to manage products and the number sold.
shop_sale_products vs product_shop_sale
Does laravel recommend product_shop_sale?

Laravel 5 from Pivot-Table to Many

how can I access in Laravel 5 from the pivot table the users if i have a relation like this:
users (id)
roles (id)
user_role (user_id, role_id)
I select the user_id's and now i want the users.
Thank you
You need to set up your relations in User model and Role model. Please refer to the laravel documantation.

Relational Ado Without Primary Foreign Key Relation in yii

I have 2 tables. one is groups and other is frames.
groups has id, name, owner as columns.
grouppage has id,name and user_id.
users can have group pages. users can edit page if they are owner of the group .Means user_id = owner. Otherwise users can not edit the group page.
Hence i have a public property called can_edit.this is true if user_id = owner.
now i want to connect these 2 table using relational ADO. But how do i do it? because i have to connect the user_id in grouppage table to owner in groups. Neither owner nor group_id are primary keys?
Any solution /ideas
Thanks to all

Magento: what is parent_id field on sales_flat_order_payment table?

What is the parent_id field on sales_flat_order_payment table for ?
I would guess it's the entity_id from sales_flat_order, but if I read it correctly then according to http://www.magereverse.com/index/magento-database-diagram/version/1-7-0-1 the actual entity_id on the sales_flat_order_payment table refers to the entity_id on the sales_flat_order table instead.
On our production machine, the parent_ids all match the entity_ids on the sales_flat_order_payment.
On our dev machine, some match and some do not. Is this to be expected ?
Using magento
The output of show create table sales_flat_order_payment; is:
FOREIGN KEY (`parent_id`) REFERENCES `sales_flat_order` (`entity_id`)
Means you are absolutely right, that parent_id references to entity_id in sales_flat_order

Tables involved in storing order information for a certain product in magento

What are the Tables involved in storing the information of an order.
For example: Customer - product purchased - etc.
I found the product purchases status etc.(invoice and sales tables) but having hard time in linking it to the customer. Could not find who bought what ? Any suggestions
The table sales_flat_order has a field customer_id referring to a row in the customer_entity table. But remember that some orders are guest orders, and they are not associated to a customer account. In those cases customer_id is null.
The products (line items) for an order are stored in sales_flat_order_item. There's an order_id linking it to the order and a product_id linking it to the product.
