Laravel Storage File not found - laravel

I am trying to bind a downloadable csv template to a button which will sit in storage but i keep receiving an error i have tried below but having no luck can anyone see where i am going wrong?
Download Route
Created a download route which refers to the template in storage.
public function download()
return Storage::download('template.csv');
route file
Route::get('invites/download', 'InviteController#download')->name('');
Download template
Template location
This is the error i keep receiving.
League \ Flysystem \ FileNotFoundException
File not found at path: template.csv
Can i get some help to see where i am going wrong?

You can fix the issue by simply using file_get_contents() instead :
return file_get_contents(public_path('storage/template.csv'));
This will work if you have created the symlink as well php artisan storage:link,
If you want to use storage_path, then :
return file_get_contents(storage_path('app/public/'.'template.csv'));


Unable to generate resources using laravel-code-generator in Laravel 5.8

I created a fresh Laravel project v5.8. Then installed the latest version of the Laravel Code Generator (2.3) but I'm unable to generate resources. I've read your release notes for 2.3 and I'm not seeing where I'm making a mistake on the installation or the commands I keep the output below:
php artisan create:scaffold Test generates the output below:
Exception : The file
resources/laravel-code-generator/sources/tests.json was not found!
at /Users/Sites/Laravel/lms/vendor/crestapps/laravel-code-generator/src/Models/Resource.php:686
682| {
683| $fileFullname = Config::getResourceFilePath($filename);
685| if (!File::exists($fileFullname)) {
> 686| throw new Exception('The file ' . $fileFullname . ' was not found!');
687| }
689| return File::get($fileFullname);
690| }
Exception trace:
1 CrestApps\CodeGenerator\Models\Resource::jsonFileContent("tests.json")
2 CrestApps\CodeGenerator\Models\Resource::fromFile("tests.json", "CrestApps")
Please use the argument -v to see more details.
I'm getting a similar output when trying to create resources from a database table. I'm using the php artisan resource-file:from-database [model-name] command.
I read online that it may have to do with the Laravel storage folder not having the correct permissions but I've tried that and it didn't work. Cleared and config the cache, composer dump-autoload, etc... But nothing has worked.
I'm also noticing that the generator does not publish the configuration file on your sample video on your website. I have tried to publish the config file using the vendor:publish command but it generates a somewhat empty file, only has this option: 'files_upload_path' => 'uploads'. The folder for the generator located inside the resources folder does not contain a config file.

Valet showing files under wrong Url

Currently running into issues on my server with links to files in my Laravel application.
I currently have a images folder in storage/app/public and I linked the storage/app/public folder to public with php artisan storage:link.
Now i have a image.jpg in the images folder.
On my local system while using valet I can see the image with the tow following links:
On my server only the second one works (which I assume is correct as there is no images folder directly in the public-directory.
Problem is, I often run into issues when deploying as customers can't see images online (as the link is not working). This wouldn't be an issue if I could not see images local while testing the UI.
Anyone also has this issue and can lead me to some kind of solution?
The issue is that the LaravelValetDriver has a fallback test; if the file doesn't exist in the public directory then it will check the public storage directory.
You can find that here:
if ($this->isActualFile($storagePath = $sitePath.'/storage/app/public'.$storageUri)) {
return $storagePath;
You can prevent this behaviour by creating your own Valet Driver that extends the LaravelValetDriver and overrides the isStaticFile method, e.g:
class NoStorageFallbackLaravelValetDriver extends LaravelValetDriver
public function isStaticFile($sitePath, $siteName, $uri)
if (file_exists($staticFilePath = $sitePath. '/public' . $uri)
&& is_file($staticFilePath)) {
return $staticFilePath;
return false;
Using the public disk is straight forward and should work without problems out of the box.
The public disk uses the 'local' driver which by default uses the storage/app directory.
The command:
php artisan storage:link
will create a symbolic link 'storage' inside your public folder that links to the non-public folder storage/app/public.
When the link is working, you can use the following command:
Storage::disk('local')->put('public/file.txt', 'Contents');
This will store file.txt to
You won't be accessing the file at storage/app/public.file.txt instead you will be accessing it using the symlink public/storage...
Therefore your saved file will publicly accessible at
Use the asset helper you can get the location of the file:
echo asset('file.txt');

Laravel 5.3 FileNotFoundException

I am uploading an image to local storage as
$path = $request->image->store('images');
Image gets stored in storage/app/images/name.extension
However my problem is showing this image to the user, I am getting file not found exception
I tried, asset, Storage:get, Storage::url and etc.
Any solutions?
You can create a symbolic link to the storage/app/images/ from the public directory.
ln -s storage/images public/images
Try this one
Mistake was I was storing files in storage/app/images directory instead of storage/app/public/images and finally I retrieved using

Laravel 5.1 remove controller

I have simple question on Laravel 5.1. I have created a controller using php artisan command:
php artisan make:controller PageSettings
However it was mistake, because I really wanted to create this controller in Admin folder like this:
php artisan make:controller Admin/PageSettings
Now I want to get rid of my old PageSettings controller. Is it ok just to delete my old PageSettings.php manualy? Or there is something more what needs to be done?
If you only created it and found that you did it wrong, you can manually remove the file and that's it. However when you already added routes to this controller in routes.php you should remove them from routes.php file or alter the file to reflect your new controller.
It is OK to manually delete controller. Just check routes.php if you have some route to that controller and delete it also.
I had an issue with just deleting the file. I tried running my PHPUnit test suite and got an error that looked like this:
Warning: include(): Failed opening '/user/home/me/some/file.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:') in /usr/home/me/some/vendor/composer/ClassLoader.php on line 444
I had to run composer update then composer dump-autoload. After that, everything worked just fine.
Yeah, you can delete manually without tension.
I will suggest you for avoiding more mistakes, you "phpStrom" software, from using this, if you delete manually any file from by click right of mouse->Refactor->safe delete then before deleting they will give all places which were using your file. by clicking "do refactor" you can delete it.

laravel 4.2 logs on command prompt and not in laravel.log

I am using laravel 4.2, whenever i use Log::info() or Log::Error(). The expected logs doesn't store in laravel.log instead it outputs on command prompt from where it is served. can any one suggest me how i can log those things in my laravel.log file.
I think it's for laravel only. You should create a new folder with a class of Logs.
For example:
in Folder Logs:
class example_logs{
public static function viewLogs($datas){
echo 'Your Error' . $datas;
in your Controller:
