Front-end-node - error#: Cannot infer the root project id - substrate

I am following the tutorial Creating an ink!Project -, and have successfully tested the flipper contract.
When I build the contract using cargo +nightly-2020-10-06 contract build I get an error:
ERROR: Cannot infer the root project identer link description here
Even though I have researched this issue, cannot work out where I'm going wrong.

You are trying to build the Substrate node-template using cargo-contract.
Cargo Contract can only be used to build Smart contract like the example you mentioned (flipper).
For the node-template run cargo +nightly-2020-10-06 build --release

Thanks, 'when I run 'cargo +nightly-2020-10-06 build --release' it compiles successfully!


Error Building APK build Error> Task :app:packageRelease FAILED

I am trying to generate android APK build, and I am getting different errors every time, from different libraries
for example here it says > Task :react-native-fast-image:mergeReleaseResources FAILED
after that I didn't do anything I just re-run ./gradlew clean && ./gradlew assembleRelease and it shows me different error
and I am in the loop since yesterday, any clue what's the problem or maybe solution?
This can be fixed by configuring the max heap size for your project.
Add this to your android/
For more options prefer this.

Error: Could not find or load main class com.networknt.server.Server error

I have a quick question. Do you have a light-4j framework docker image hosted somewhere in which I can just add my API jar and run docker? I am getting a hard time running my APIs generated using codegen CLI in docker. It consistently gives me Error: Could not find or load main class com.networknt.server.Server error
Have you tried mvn clean install exec:exec? If you want to run with the jar file, you need to build with mvn clean install -Prelease to generate the final fat jar.
This is one of the features contributed by one of the members to speed up the testing cycle to avoid building all extra artifacts for each cycle. It might confuse new developers, though. The generated has some information on how to build and start. Let me know it is not clear, and I will add extra info. When you run the to generate a docker image, it will be built with -Prelease in the script.

Project 'cocoapods' isn't linked with Gradle

I am getting this error when I tried to open a sample project by name "cocoapods" in the Kotlin/Native samples.
Is there a way to resolve this error!
If you see that error, just ignore and continue with your regular:
./gradlew build
or follow the instructions as stated in the
This is not a blocker!

Cannot find snapshot for id: gradle

I'm getting error of cannot find snapshot for id while building the project.
on running the command ./gradlew build --info I received the information saying that PROJECT_FOLDER/build/libs/projectName.jar has been removed.
I tried to look for the same, but its generating the jar at said location.
It was running fine till yesterday all of a sudden started facing this issue.
Now, I have no clue how should I go ahead finding the root cause.
Any suggestion would be really appreciated.
I'm using gradle 4.2.1 for building the project
Could you please try to remove .gradle directory from your project and build your gradle again

What type of build strategy is "Laravel 5.2 Quickstart on OpenShift"?

I'm new to the whole deployment thing... all my (hobbyist) learning has been done using a local server.... but now it's time to learn the next step.
Got myself an [OpenShift Starter Online] account, bitbucket with my code, and I'm trying to follow this quickstart:
My attempts to initate a build end with "Assemble failed" and so I'm into the build configuration etc.
What I want to know is ( .... what type of build is this that I am trying to do? Is this what they call a "Docker build", or is it a "Source-to-Image (S2I) build"? Or is it something else.
It is using a Source-to-Image (S2I) build. If you look at the build strategy in the build configuration, it lists 'Source', which corresponds to S2I. The S2I builder it is using it that for PHP.
oc describe bc
to see more details on the build configurations in your project.
