Get file path in the ondata event - filepond

I'm using the ondata event to add data to the formData, but I need the relative file path in there (in case someone uploads a folder, so I can recreate the same structure on the server after upload, e.g /myFolder/fileploaded.jpg)
How does one get _relativePath in the ondata event ?
server: {
url: '',
timeout: 7000,
process: {
url: './process',
ondata: (formData) => {
let fullPath = ''; // Need _relativePath here
formData.append('Hello', 'World');
return formData;

Never mind, I didn't see in the docs that there is a more advanced process function:
server: {
process:(fieldName, file, metadata, load, error, progress, abort, transfer, options) => {
// fieldName is the name of the input field
// file is the actual file object to send
const formData = new FormData();
formData.append(fieldName, file,;
const request = new XMLHttpRequest();'POST', 'url-to-api');
// Should call the progress method to update the progress to 100% before calling load
// Setting computable to false switches the loading indicator to infinite mode
request.upload.onprogress = (e) => {
progress(e.lengthComputable, e.loaded,;
// Should call the load method when done and pass the returned server file id
// this server file id is then used later on when reverting or restoring a file
// so your server knows which file to return without exposing that info to the client
request.onload = function() {
if (request.status >= 200 && request.status < 300) {
// the load method accepts either a string (id) or an object
else {
// Can call the error method if something is wrong, should exit after
error('oh no');
// Should expose an abort method so the request can be cancelled
return {
abort: () => {
// This function is entered if the user has tapped the cancel button
// Let FilePond know the request has been cancelled


Preview appears but camera image not uploaded?

I am using to upload images with the following script:
This is working if I upload an image. However when I capture an image with my phone (and someone else has had the same problem) although I see the preview on my .dropzone area the image never uploads. I have browsed my phone and actually don't see the image I have taken so am wondering if that is the problem but has anyone else managed to get images from a camera (where they're not saved) to upload with this script? Am I missing something?
url: base_url+'url/save',
acceptedFiles: 'image/*',
autoProcessQueue: false,
addRemoveLinks: true,
autoDiscover: false,
uploadMultiple: false,
init: function() {
var dzClosure = this;
// Reload existing layer/view on datatable
MyAssets.ajax.reload(); // see notes at top
// When sending the data add our actual form contents too - note the formdata.append is crucial
dzClosure.on('sending', function (data, xhr, formData) {
var extra = getForm($('.modal:visible'));
// On removing files - if they are already there remove them!
dzClosure.on('removedfile',function(file) {
var params = {
fileContents: JSON.stringify(file),
assetID: $('.modal:visible').find('input[name="assetID"]').val(),
// Preload existing image
dzClosure.addCustomFile = function(){
var thisFileBit = this;
// This is getting the SOURCE clicked VIEW link ...
// But its not ready yet
if (typeof $('#asset'+$('.modal:visible').find('input[name="assetID"]').val()).data('contents') != 'undefined'){
var origAsset = JSON.parse(atob($('#asset'+$('.modal:visible').find('input[name="assetID"]').val()).data('contents')));
} else {
var origAsset = {};
var file = {
accepted: true,
status: Dropzone.QUEUED,
size: origAsset.FileSize,
upload: {},
// Push file to collection
// Emulate event to create interface
thisFileBit.emit("addedfile", file);
// Add thumbnail url
if (origAsset.PublicImagePath != '' && typeof origAsset.PublicImagePath != 'undefined'){
thisFileBit.emit("thumbnail", file, origAsset.PublicImagePath);
// Add status processing to file
thisFileBit.emit("processing", file);
// Add status success to file AND RUN EVENT success from response
thisFileBit.emit("success", file,{
status: "success"
// Add status complete to file
thisFileBit.emit("complete", file);
// Includes test file above
dzClosure.on('addedfile',function (){
$('.dz-size span').data('dz-size');
$('.dz-image img').each(function(){

React/Redux download file

I need to download a file from the server when a button is clicked.
I created a MaterialUI button and on its onclick callback i call an action of the container component connected.
The action is asynchronous and does an ajax POST:
export const onXlsxClick = () => dispatch => {
const urlParams = {
filters: {
aggregation: 'macro_area',
chart_resolution: '1_hour',
chart_from: '1478080363',
chart_to: '1477993963'
labels: ['PROVA1', 'PROVA2'],
series: [
label: null,
timestamp: 1478080363,
values: [123, 345]
label: null,
timestamp: 1477993963,
values: [153, 3435]
return $.ajax({
type: 'POST',
dataType: 'application/json',
contentType: 'application/json',
data: JSON.stringify(urlParams)
.done(data => {
.fail(error => {
The server receive the request and handle it correctly through this REST service:
public Response getXlsx(ChartExportRequest request) {
ResponseBuilder responseBuilder;
ChartExportRequestDTO reqDto = null;
try {
reqDto = parseDTO(request);
ExportDTO dto = getXlsxProvider().create(reqDto);
responseBuilder = Response.ok(dto.getFile())
.header("Content-disposition", "attachment;filename=" + dto.getFileName());
catch(Exception e) {
logger.error("Error providing export xlsx for tab RIGEDI with request [" + (reqDto != null ? reqDto.toString() : null) + "]", e);
responseBuilder = Response.serverError().entity(e.getMessage());
The problem is that the response arrives correctly to the client but then nothing happens: I am expecting that the browser shows the download dialog (example: in chrome I expect the bottom bar of downloads to appear with my file).
What am I doing wrong?
AS per Nate's answer here, the response of Ajax request is not recognised by a browser as a file. It will behave in the same way for all Ajax responses.
You need to trigger the download popup manually.
In my implementation, I used filesaverjs to trigger the download popup, once I have received the API response in reducer.
Since FileSaver uses blob for saving the file, I am sending the response from server as a blob, converting it into string array buffer and then using it to save my file. This approach was described in
Please find the sample code below for the reducer :
(using reducer for state modification, as per Redux)
let fileSaver = require("file-saver");
export default function projectReducer(state = {}, action)
let project;
switch (action.type) {
project = Object.assign(;
return project;
let data = s2ab(;
fileSaver.saveAs(new Blob([data], {type: "application/octet-stream"}), "test.xlsx");
return state;
return state;
function s2ab(s) {
var buf = new ArrayBuffer(s.length);
var view = new Uint8Array(buf);
for (var i = 0; i != s.length; ++i) {
view[i] = s.charCodeAt(i) & 0xFF;
return buf;

How can I catch and process the data from the XHR responses using casperjs?

The data on the webpage is displayed dynamically and it seems that checking for every change in the html and extracting the data is a very daunting task and also needs me to use very unreliable XPaths. So I would want to be able to extract the data from the XHR packets.
I hope to be able to extract information from XHR packets as well as generate 'XHR' packets to be sent to the server.
The extracting information part is more important for me because the sending of information can be handled easily by automatically triggering html elements using casperjs.
I'm attaching a screenshot of what I mean.
The text in the response tab is the data I need to process afterwards. (This XHR response has been received from the server.)
This is not easily possible, because the resource.received event handler only provides meta data like url, headers or status, but not the actual data. The underlying phantomjs event handler acts the same way.
Stateless AJAX Request
If the ajax call is stateless, you may repeat the request
casper.on("resource.received", function(resource){
// somehow identify this request, here: if it contains ".json"
// it also also only does something when the stage is "end" otherwise this would be executed two times
if (resource.url.indexOf(".json") != -1 && resource.stage == "end") {
var data = casper.evaluate(function(url){
// synchronous GET request
return __utils__.sendAJAX(url, "GET");
}, resource.url);
// do something with data, you might need to JSON.parse(data)
casper.start(url); // your script
You may want to add the event listener to resource.requested. That way you don't need to way for the call to complete.
You can also do this right inside of the control flow like this (source: A: CasperJS waitForResource: how to get the resource i've waited for):
var res, resData;
casper.waitForResource(function check(resource){
res = resource;
return resource.url.indexOf(".json") != -1;
}, function then(){
resData = casper.evaluate(function(url){
// synchronous GET request
return __utils__.sendAJAX(url, "GET");
}, res.url);
// do something with the data here or in a later step
Stateful AJAX Request
If it is not stateless, you would need to replace the implementation of XMLHttpRequest. You will need to inject your own implementation of the onreadystatechange handler, collect the information in the page window object and later collect it in another evaluate call.
You may want to look at the XHR faker in sinon.js or use the following complete proxy for XMLHttpRequest (I modeled it after method 3 from How can I create a XMLHttpRequest wrapper/proxy?):
function replaceXHR(){
(function(window, debug){
function args(a){
var s = "";
for(var i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
s += "\t\n[" + i + "] => " + a[i];
return s;
var _XMLHttpRequest = window.XMLHttpRequest;
window.XMLHttpRequest = function() {
this.xhr = new _XMLHttpRequest();
// proxy ALL methods/properties
var methods = [
window.XMLHttpRequest.prototype[method] = function() {
if (debug) console.log("ARGUMENTS", method, args(arguments));
if (method == "open") {
this._url = arguments[1];
return this.xhr[method].apply(this.xhr, arguments);
// proxy change event handler
Object.defineProperty(window.XMLHttpRequest.prototype, "onreadystatechange", {
get: function(){
// this will probably never called
return this.xhr.onreadystatechange;
set: function(onreadystatechange){
var that = this.xhr;
var realThis = this;
that.onreadystatechange = function(){
// request is fully loaded
if (that.readyState == 4) {
if (debug) console.log("RESPONSE RECEIVED:", typeof that.responseText == "string" ? that.responseText.length : "none");
// there is a response and filter execution based on url
if (that.responseText && realThis._url.indexOf("whatever") != -1) {
window.myAwesomeResponse = that.responseText;
var otherscalars = [
Object.defineProperty(window.XMLHttpRequest.prototype, scalar, {
get: function(){
return this.xhr[scalar];
set: function(obj){
this.xhr[scalar] = obj;
})(window, false);
If you want to capture the AJAX calls from the very beginning, you need to add this to one of the first event handlers
casper.on("page.initialized", function(resource){
or evaluate(replaceXHR) when you need it.
The control flow would look like this:
function replaceXHR(){ /* from above*/ }
casper.start(yourUrl, function(){
function getAwesomeResponse(){
return this.evaluate(function(){
return window.myAwesomeResponse;
// stops waiting if window.myAwesomeResponse is something that evaluates to true
casper.waitFor(getAwesomeResponse, function then(){
var data = JSON.parse(getAwesomeResponse());
// Do something with data
As described above, I create a proxy for XMLHttpRequest so that every time it is used on the page, I can do something with it. The page that you scrape uses the xhr.onreadystatechange callback to receive data. The proxying is done by defining a specific setter function which writes the received data to window.myAwesomeResponse in the page context. The only thing you need to do is retrieving this text.
JSONP Request
Writing a proxy for JSONP is even easier, if you know the prefix (the function to call with the loaded JSON e.g. insert({"data":["Some", "JSON", "here"],"id":"asdasda")). You can overwrite insert in the page context
after the page is loaded
var oldInsert = insert;
insert = function(json){
window.myAwesomeResponse = json;
oldInsert.apply(window, arguments);
}).waitFor(getAwesomeResponse, function then(){
var data = JSON.parse(getAwesomeResponse());
// Do something with data
or before the request is received (if the function is registered just before the request is invoked)
casper.on("resource.requested", function(resource){
// filter on the correct call
if (resource.url.indexOf(".jsonp") != -1) {
var oldInsert = insert;
insert = function(json){
window.myAwesomeResponse = json;
oldInsert.apply(window, arguments);
casper.start(url).waitFor(getAwesomeResponse, function then(){
var data = JSON.parse(getAwesomeResponse());
// Do something with data
I may be late into the party, but the answer may help someone like me who would fall into this problem later in future.
I had to start with PhantomJS, then moved to CasperJS but finally settled with SlimerJS. Slimer is based on Phantom, is compatible with Casper, and can send you back the response body using the same onResponseReceived method, in "response.body" part.
#Artjom's answer's doesn't work for me in the recent Chrome and CasperJS versions.
Based on #Artjom's answer and based on gilly3's answer on how to replace XMLHttpRequest, I have composed a new solution that should work in most/all versions of the different browsers. Works for me.
SlimerJS cannot work on newer version of FireFox, therefore no good for me.
Here is the the generic code to add a listner to load of XHR (not dependent on CasperJS):
var addXHRListener = function (XHROnStateChange) {
var XHROnLoad = function () {
if (this.readyState == 4) {
var open_original =; = function (method, url, async, unk1, unk2) {
this.requestUrl = url
open_original.apply(this, arguments);
var xhrSend = XMLHttpRequest.prototype.send;
XMLHttpRequest.prototype.send = function () {
var xhr = this;
if (xhr.addEventListener) {
xhr.removeEventListener("readystatechange", XHROnLoad);
xhr.addEventListener("readystatechange", XHROnLoad, false);
} else {
function readyStateChange() {
if (handler) {
if (handler.handleEvent) {
handler.handleEvent.apply(xhr, arguments);
} else {
handler.apply(xhr, arguments);
XHROnLoad.apply(xhr, arguments);
function setReadyStateChange() {
setTimeout(function () {
if (xhr.onreadystatechange != readyStateChange) {
handler = xhr.onreadystatechange;
xhr.onreadystatechange = readyStateChange;
}, 1);
var handler;
xhrSend.apply(xhr, arguments);
Here is CasperJS code to emit a custom event on load of XHR:
casper.on("page.initialized", function (resource) {
var emitXHRLoad = function (xhr) {
window.callPhantom({eventName: 'xhr.load', eventData: xhr})
this.evaluate(addXHRListener, emitXHRLoad);
casper.on('remote.callback', function (data) {
casper.emit(data.eventName, data.eventData)
Here is a code to listen to "xhr.load" event and get the XHR response body:
casper.on('xhr.load', function (xhr) {
console.log('xhr load', xhr.requestUrl)
console.log('xhr load', xhr.responseText)
Additionally, you can also directly download the content and manipulate it later.
Here is the example of the script I am using to retrieve a JSON and save it locally :
var casper = require('casper').create({
pageSettings: {
webSecurityEnabled: false
var url = '';
casper.start('about:blank', function() {, "hop.json");
}); {

backbone: issue an ajax call before resetting a collection

Right now I have a collection that fetches value, and after that every view attached to the reset event get rendered again
the problem is that I also have to issue another query to fetch the total number of records retrieved, and only after that ajax call is completed the reset event should be triggered
is more clear with a bit of code:
fetch: function() {
options = { data: this.getParams() };
return, options);
fetch_total: function() {
var that = this;
var options = {
url: this.url + '/count',
data: this.getParams(),
contentType: 'application/json',
success: function(resp, status, xhr) { = parseInt(resp);
return true;
return $.ajax(options);
as you can see, I have to issue a get to localhost/myentity/count to get the count of entities...
The thing is I need the varaible to be updated before refreshing the views, that means I need both request, the GET to localhost/myentity and to localhost/myentity/count, to be completed before refreshing all the views...
any idea how can I achieve it???
If your $ of choice is jQuery>1.5, you could take advantage of the deferred object to manually trigger a reset event when both calls have completed. Similar to your answer, but a bit more readable and without chaining the calls:
fetch: function() {
options = {silent: true, data: this.getParams()};
var _this = this;
var dfd_total = this.fetch_total();
var dfd_fetch =, options);
return $.when(dfd_total, dfd_fetch).then(function() {
_this.trigger('reset', _this);
fetch_total: function() {
// what you have in your question
And a Fiddle simulating these calls
Of course, returning the results and the total in one fetch may be more efficient, but I guess that's not an option.
I think #nikoshr's answer is a good one so that you don't have to modify your API. If you think that you want to lessen your calls to the server, then consider returning an object from that endpoint that has paging information.
count: 1243,
page: 3,
per_page: 10,
results: [
and then overriding the collection's parse functionality
parse: function(res) {
this.count = res.count; =;
this.per_page = res.per_page;
// return the collection
return res.results;
I think I found a way to do it. What I did was to silently fire the fetch call, without triggering the 'reset' event
There, from the callback, I issue the fetch of the total (GET to localhost/myentity/count)
and from the total callback, I finally trigge the reset event
in code is something like this:
fetch: function() {
var that = this;
options = {
// will manually trigger reset event after fetching the total
silent: true,
data: this.getParams(),
success: function(collection, resp) {
return, options);
fetch_total: function() {
var that = this;
var options = {
url: this.url + '/count',
data: this.getParams(),
contentType: 'application/json',
success: function(resp, status, xhr) { = parseInt(resp);
// manually trigger reset after fetching total
that.trigger('reset', that);
return true;
return $.ajax(options);
This is my first attempt, I wonder if there's an easier way

How to cancel/abort jQuery AJAX request?

I've an AJAX request which will be made every 5 seconds. But the problem is before the AJAX request if the previous request is not completed I've to abort that request and make a new request.
My code is something like this, how to resolve this issue?
var fn = function(){
url: 'ajax/progress.ftl',
success: function(data) {
//do something
var interval = setInterval(fn, 500);
The jquery ajax method returns a XMLHttpRequest object. You can use this object to cancel the request.
The XMLHttpRequest has a abort method, which cancels the request, but if the request has already been sent to the server then the server will process the request even if we abort the request but the client will not wait for/handle the response.
The xhr object also contains a readyState which contains the state of the request(UNSENT-0, OPENED-1, HEADERS_RECEIVED-2, LOADING-3 and DONE-4). we can use this to check whether the previous request was completed.
var xhr;
var fn = function(){
if(xhr && xhr.readyState != 4){
xhr = $.ajax({
url: 'ajax/progress.ftl',
success: function(data) {
//do something
var interval = setInterval(fn, 500);
When you make a request to a server, have it check to see if a progress is not null (or fetching that data) first. If it is fetching data, abort the previous request and initiate the new one.
var progress = null
function fn () {
if (progress) {
progress = $.ajax('ajax/progress.ftl', {
success: function(data) {
//do something
progress = null;
I know this might be a little late but i experience similar issues where calling the abort method didnt really aborted the request. instead the browser was still waiting for a response that it never uses.
this code resolved that issue.
try {
xhr.onreadystatechange = null;
} catch (e) {}
Why should you abort the request?
If each request takes more than five seconds, what will happen?
You shouldn't abort the request if the parameter passing with the request is not changing.
eg:- the request is for retrieving the notification data.
In such situations, The nice approach is that set a new request only after completing the previous Ajax request.
var fn = function(){
url: 'ajax/progress.ftl',
success: function(data) {
//do something
complete: function(){setTimeout(fn, 500);}
var interval = setTimeout(fn, 500);
Use this as a starting point - as inspiration.
I solved it like this:
(this is not a perfect solution, it just aborts the last instance and is WIP code)
var singleAjax = function singleAjax_constructor(url, params) {
// remember last jQuery's get request
if (this.lastInstance) {
this.lastInstance.abort(); // triggers .always() and .fail()
this.lastInstance = false;
// how to use Deferred :
var $def = new $.Deferred();
// pass the deferrer's request handlers into the get response handlers
this.lastInstance = $.get(url, params)
.fail($def.reject) // triggers .always() and .fail()
.success($def.resolve); // triggers .always() and .done()
// return the deferrer's "control object", the promise object
return $def.promise();
// initiate first call
singleAjax('/ajax.php', {a: 1, b: 2})
.always(function(a,b,c) {console && console.log(a,b,c);});
// second call kills first one
singleAjax('/ajax.php', {a: 1, b: 2})
.always(function(a,b,c) {console && console.log(a,b,c);});
// here you might use .always() .fail() .success() etc.
You can use jquery-validate.js . The following is the code snippet from jquery-validate.js.
// ajax mode: abort
// usage: $.ajax({ mode: "abort"[, port: "uniqueport"]});
// if mode:"abort" is used, the previous request on that port (port can be undefined) is aborted via XMLHttpRequest.abort()
var pendingRequests = {},
// Use a prefilter if available (1.5+)
if ( $.ajaxPrefilter ) {
$.ajaxPrefilter(function( settings, _, xhr ) {
var port = settings.port;
if ( settings.mode === "abort" ) {
if ( pendingRequests[port] ) {
pendingRequests[port] = xhr;
} else {
// Proxy ajax
ajax = $.ajax;
$.ajax = function( settings ) {
var mode = ( "mode" in settings ? settings : $.ajaxSettings ).mode,
port = ( "port" in settings ? settings : $.ajaxSettings ).port;
if ( mode === "abort" ) {
if ( pendingRequests[port] ) {
pendingRequests[port] = ajax.apply(this, arguments);
return pendingRequests[port];
return ajax.apply(this, arguments);
So that you just only need to set the parameter mode to abort when you are making ajax request.
Create a function to call your API. Within this function we define request callApiRequest = $.get(... - even though this is a definition of a variable, the request is called immediately, but now we have the request defined as a variable. Before the request is called, we check if our variable is defined typeof(callApiRequest) != 'undefined' and also if it is pending suggestCategoryRequest.state() == 'pending' - if both are true, we .abort() the request which will prevent the success callback from running.
// We need to wrap the call in a function
callApi = function () {
//check if request is defined, and status pending
if (typeof(callApiRequest) != 'undefined'
&& suggestCategoryRequest.state() == 'pending') {
//abort request
//define and make request
callApiRequest = $.get("", function (data) {
data = JSON.parse(data); //optional (for JSON data format)
//success callback
Your server/API might not support aborting the request (what if API executed some code already?), but the javascript callback will not fire. This is useful, when for example you are providing input suggestions to a user, such as hashtags input.
You can further extend this function by adding definition of error callback - what should happen if request was aborted.
Common use-case for this snippet would be a text input that fires on keypress event. You can use a timeout, to prevent sending (some of) requests that you will have to cancel .abort().
You should also check for readyState 0. Because when you use xhr.abort() this function set readyState to 0 in this object, and your if check will be always true - readyState !=4
var xhr;
var fn = function(){
if(xhr && xhr.readyState != 4 && xhr.readyState != 0){
xhr = $.ajax({
url: 'ajax/progress.ftl',
success: function(data) {
//do something
var interval = setInterval(fn, 500);
