Bulk Update of Entity Messages in Microsoft Dynamics 365 - dynamics-crm

My Requirement
I have renamed my CASE entity display name to ENQUIRY so wanted to Change all CASE entity messages(e.g. Wherever "CASE" is used in message, will be changed to "ENQUIRY").
I tried getting the ResourceKey name from all the REGX file from the CRM, since was not sure which REGX file will be having the required ResourceKey, still was not getting any result.
When I added the entity messages for "CASE" entity and exported the solution the customization.xml had the following ResourceKeys and many more
So wanted to know how can we perform an bulk Update on Entity Messages without manually going and changing each message for an entity in Microsoft Dynamics.

I guess you are not trying to change schema name references or this ResourceKey, and you are trying these generic Entity messages. You can export translations to bulk edit in Excel and reimport. Read more
They are stored in displaystrings entity. If you want to try programmatically - still web api has possibility with below endpoint. Read more
[organization URI]/api/data/v9.0/displaystrings
The plural name (display name) should be used in a parameterized way from the CRM product perspective, though I remember the system views (Active cases, etc) were needed to be taken care after such display name changes. The customizations.xml will have them to update in one shot.


Deploying solution from Dev to Production fails because column with same schema name data type was changed. Object dependencies won't get deleted

So the column in question was a lookup column, which i deleted in the unmanaged solution, and mistakenly created a new column with the same name. Dynamics by default will use the same auto-generated schema name based on the display name. So when I go to import the unmanaged solution in my dev environment into the production environment as managed, obviously it throws an error because of the mismatched of data types per column schema name.
Error returned by Azure Pipeline
So I did the sensible next thing, and went to delete this column in my dev environment. But oh no! There are object dependencies which prevent me from deleting it, okay I look at which objects depend on this column, it is a form, i remove the column from the form, go to delete and oh no again! There is still a dependency on the form I just deleted the column from.
So what do I do? I can't change the column schema name, I can't change the data type back to the data type that's currently in the managed solution. Is this when I open up a microsoft support ticket? Hopefully someone here has some insight. Thanks!
The attribute can be associated with a custom control. Try removing this custom control using the classic form designer. It should be visible on one of the field property tabs.
If the attribute cannot be found anywhere on the form using the classic or modern form designer, try this:
Create a solution with this form only. Export the solution as unmanaged. Extract the customization.xml from the zip. Edit the xml and remove all references to your attribute. Paste the customization.xml into the zip and import and publish the solution.
The only way to delete a managed component is to upgrade the solution. In your case, you can delete the field and dependency in solution and apply the upgrade to target environment. Please noticed that all data in this field would get deleted when you apply the upgrade. You may check this link for more detail

You can not complete this action for this component because of the configuration of its managed properties

I am trying to make a field optional in the Dynamics CRM
The name of the entity is Case and the internal name of the field is customerid
When I try to change it from mandatory to optional, I get the below error message
You can not complete this action for this component because of the
configuration of its managed properties.
this is happening in Dynamics CRM online
I'm pretty sure you won't be able to.
It's one of the few fields where mandatory behaviour is enforced at the platform level, whilst most mandatory fields are enforced only on the user interface.
If I remember correctly, tring to create a case without a customer via the API will result in an exception.
Looking at the managed properties for the customerid field on my recently provisioned CRM Online, shows that I'm unable to change the requirement level - I don't even get the option for setting it as optional.
I wanted to remove the field from the form, but I was not able to do it from the UI
So I used XRMToolBox.
There is a plugin called as FormXML Manager, enable it in the XRMToolBox and load the entities. Once this is done you can remove the required field and publish the form

ms crm 2015 - set id of entities from jscript onsave

I need to sync entities from Ms Dynamics Crm 2015 - On Premise to my 3rd party application, for this I have set a JavaScript function on the OnSave event of the Entites( eg. account) I can access all of the attributes and send them to my webservice, but the Id (GuId) of the entity!
how can I access the Id (or set it manually) on this event?!
Xrm.Page.getAttribute("accountid") or Xrm.Page.getAttribute("id") both return null, so I can not setValue using them.
Also Xrm.Page.data.entity.getId() returns "" which is probably logical, since Object has not been inserted in the db yet, this is the reason which makes inserting a runtime generated guid for the entety seems doable !
I know I can do same thing with plugins, which I have gone through, but the problem there is that when I register my plugin for Update message it gets called a lot of times, (mostly when it has been set for invoice), this is the reason that made me go with the JScript, since the OnSave Event seems more logical than the Update Message of the plugin
As you already found out, records which have not yet been saved have no ID. That's by design (and obvious).
Also, IDs being PKs in the database, they are handled by the system and cannot be touched or hand-crafted.
Your best bet to keep a similar behavior would be a Post-Operation Create plugin living outside the sandbox (Isolation mode: None).
Another good option would be to pull data instead of pushing it: the 3rd party application can periodically fetch new records through any of the exposed APIs (REST, SOAP, SDK ... there are many options).

Combining metadata from multiple sources

In a SPA app using breeze, how would I go about combining metadata from multiple sources for related data so that I can use them in 1 manager on the client. For example, I might have the following
Entity Framework Metadata from WebAPI controller (e.g. Account)
Custom Metadata from DTOs (e.g. Invoices)
Data from a third party service with metadata provided from client side metadata (e.g. Invoice transmission result)
In each case the data has related properties so I might want to be able to use Account.Transactions.TransmissionResults
I have tried several ways of getting this to work but to no avail. From Jay's answer, it is not possible at present to update the metadata from the server once it has been retrieved, so if and until that changes (see breeze user voice issue) I am left with one of the following approaches
1 Retrieve metadata from the server from Entity Framework and add metadata on the client to add extra entities. This worked to a degree but I could not add navigation properties from entity types added on the client to entity types retrieved from the server because I cannot add the foreign key association to the entity retrieved from the server, again back to the need to modifying metadata after it has been retrieved.
2 Write the complete metadata by hand, which will work but makes maintainability that much harder and seems wrong to be manually writing mostly the same code that the designer would write.
3 Generate most of the code from Entity Framework as described in the docs and then update it afterwards to add in the custom entities. Again similar issues than with option 2, it seems hacky.
Anyone else tried something similar? Is there something I am missing, which I could be, I've only started with breeze and js.
A breeze EntityManager can have metadata from any number of DataService endpoints, and you can manually add metadata (new EntityTypes) on the client at any point. The only current restriction is that once you have metadata from a specific service, you can't change it. ( We are considering reviewing the last restriction).
So the question is, what are you trying to do that you can't right now?

Programatically retrieve an attachment stored on a note on a CRM 4.0 entity

How would you suggest working with files that is stored on the note of a entity in Crm. Could you write a generic method that will enable you to access any type of file? Or would it be better to have a method for dealing with each type of file?
For example, we are going to be saving a mix of swf files and xml files on the entity, so would it make sense to have a method each for example:
When you upload an attachment to CRM the mimetype is also saved as part of the record information.
The following link contains a nice example of how to download the attachemt using a single method. http://crmscape.blogspot.com/2009/10/ms-crm-40-sending-attachments-to.html
The post is missing the actual query needed to retrieve the annotations but you can tell what columns are required from the method signature.
My suggestion using your methods:
* GetXmlFilesOnAccount(accountid)
* GetSwfFilesOnAccount(accountid)
Retrieve account activitypointers by regardingobjectid(in your case accountid guid)
Loop through returned activitypointers
Get attachments for each activitypointer (activitypointer.activityid = activitymimeattachment.activityid)
Store attachments (disk, etc)
You don't even need two methods. You can retrieve all attachment file types for a given note (annotation) with a single method.
Hope this helps.
I recently started an Open Source Project on CodePlex to accomplish exactly that. Feel free to check out the Project's Web Page at:
You can also view the source code under the "Source Code" tab of that same page.
