Unable to see user list in search referenced field iDempiere-7.1 - idempiere

I have a window tab based on a table that has a foreign key reference to AD_User via ad_user_id. In Tables and Columns this column is given a 'Search' Reference with AD_User as the Reference Key.
When I open the tab with the ad_user_id field the search icon (green arrow) is displayed in the field for the user id but when the lookup is performed only the GardenAdmin logged on user, the one creating the record, is available to select. There are six users defined for GardenWorld, all of which are active.
What else needs to be done to get all the availible users on the selection list?

You can try setting -1 as the default for that new AD_User_ID field.
In iDempiere fields take defaults from different sources:
the first is the default defined in the column
if not set then it takes a user preference
if not set then it takes a global preference
this must be the case with your field, any field AD_User_ID will take the default defined in the context with ##AD_User_ID#. The same happens with AD_Role_ID and other fields that have a preference.
if global preference is not set then there are a lot of records marked as Default, and those are taken also as a global default
Note the order to get the defaults can be differently managed via the System Configurator key ZK_SEQ_DEFAULT_VALUE_PANEL


Mendix Retrieve last input value

In mendix i have 2 pages: Course Overview and Course_newEdit.
As the names suggest overview i the overview page and the second one is edit page.
The entity name is Course.
Its attributes are: Name String and Description String.
I have a requirement that i when a user edits course, the default value for name should be the last user input value.
So if the user has give first course name as History.
The second time any user tries to input the name, it should by default show History.
how can this be achieved?
I couldn't find any option for the same in the default settings.
Mendix 9.2 pro
If you are editing an existing course than it will automatically show the value that was last stored in the database so you don't need to do anything there.
If you are creating new course and want the default value of 'Name' attribute to be automatically filled in using the previous course object, than you have to retrieve last saved course object from database with range option = 'First' and add sort property that can identify the retrieve object as last saved course object. Than you can use retrieved last saved course and copy 'Name' to your new course object.
Please check out Mendix Forum and Mendix Slack Community if you have more questions.
Mendix Forum: https://forum.mendix.com
Community Slack: https://join.slack.com/t/mendixcommunity/shared_invite/zt-hwhwkcxu-~59ywyjqHlUHXmrw5heqpQ
first you need to retrieve the list "Course" from database then sort the list by creating date descending then retrieve head of the new sorted list then fill this object in the new created one

Servicenow - Service Catalog Reference Field - Insert different column than the display value

Let me describe my problem:
I have a table for all my IT-Services. I reference to this table more than once, for different purposes. Most of the time I need to reference to the name of the service. That's why I keep the name as displayed value.
One Column of that table is a service_id (custom field) which is for example "Service_004". Now in a catalog request Item the User has to fill in the service_id in a reference field.
But since I have the name as displayed value, and I need it in other forms, I am unable to reference to the service_id.
Using the variable attributes field I managed to let the service be found using the autocomplete function. But in the reference field I still get the servicename. I know that I can change the display value in the dictionary, but this breaks other functions. So what I need is to change the display value just for one reference field.
Also I tried to create a new table called IT-Services2 with reference to my table IT-Services. Then I switched the display to true in the new table for my service_id, but this will even change it in the parent table.
Perhaps an onChange client script utilizing g_form.setLabelOf() ?
Maybe I'm not fully understanding your question...
I ran into this issue before, what you can do is create select box variable and use an on load client script to populate the list with the service_id(s) from the table you are referencing.
I would write a script include to pull the data from the table and call it from the client script via GlideAjax.

Show Order ID in Dynamics CRM Order Look up instead of Order Name

In Dynamics CRM 2016 (on-prem), I've custom child entity Partiesthat have a look of type order. Currently it is working properly and it is showing order name but I want it to show Order ID.
I tried to resolve by creating my own view, adding order id field only and making it default view for the look up but it don't meet my requirements.
This is controlled by the lookup view for Orders. The first three fields in the lookup view are shown when selecting records from the lookup field.
You cannot change the position of (or remove) the Name field from the lookup view. That still leaves you with two additional fields to be shown, one of which could be the Order ID.
I know no supported ways around this (except creating a workflow to copy the Order ID to the Name field and adding a custom name field instead, if you really insist).
Changing what appears on the form after you make a selection in a lookup field is not possible, unfortunately. The primary attribute is always what gets displayed after a user specifies a lookup value (which, for the Order entity, is the Name attribute). As Henrik's answer mentions, people commonly get around this by copying the value they want to see into the primary attribute using a workflow or a plugin.

set super product attributes 'Attribute Name' to 'use default '

How can i change programmatically for all configurable products 'Attribute Name' use default ? I need to checked options. The place where I want to checked is marked in red
I know this is a old post, but as it is still seems to be unsolved I thought I would add this for the next person that comes looking.
The table you need to update is catalog_product_super_attribute_label you will see a value for all products. If you update this table to 'use_default' as 1 this will check the box and use the default attribute label.
I hope this helps somebody.
It seems like what you're trying to do is remove an attribute value for certain products at a certain store scope (in which case it will fall back to 'use default' mode and acquire the next attribute value available , whether that be defined at the website level or global level). You need to remove the value entries from the entity value table (e.g. catalog_product_entity_varchar) where the attribute ID and store ID match the ones you're trying to remove. You could do it with raw SQL fairly easily:
DELETE from your_entity_valuetype WHERE attribute_id=X and store_id=Y;
Plug in your attribute ID (you can grab that from the eav_attribute table) and store ID, and the table for the attribute value.

VBScript for autologin but failed

I am trying to write a VBscript for auto login for a particular url,but the problem is that i am not able to automatically enter the password .
The unique property for password(I used Object Spy) is WebEdit:WebEdit(Property:Value). Webedit is not getting identified by Object Repository even if i am adding to it.
So my question how do i automate the password input , if the attributes have no "ID","Name",and only webedit as unique property.
If there is no ID or name property, look for someother unique property like CSS class name etc (css class names need not be unique always. It could be in some cases)
As you are trying to access password field, you can use the 'type' property.
type=text ==> It is normal textboxes
type=password ==> It is a password field
Ordinal identifiers can be used as well.
index=0 It identifies the first textbox
index=1 It identifies the second textbox etc..
Identify the Unique Property for the password field, if not getting identifying give all the properties
even though it is not getting identified then go for index , by changing the index value like 0,1.... etc at some value the object will get identified
