How do I scale translate x,y values? - p5.js

I am working on a 2d grid with scale touch functionality. I've managed to set the translate boundaries so that the screen viewport doesn't go beyond the grid boundaries. I'm now struggling with the algorithm for determining the new translate values when scaling on both two finger touch and mouse wheel events.
touchStarted sets the vector angle between the two initial touches. lastTouchAngle is for comparison in touchMoved.
function touchStarted() {
if(touches.length == 2) {
let touchA = createVector(touches[0].x, touches[0].y);
let touchB = createVector(touches[1].x, touches[1].y);
lastTouchAngle = touchA.angleBetween(touchB);
return false;
touchMoved makes the current touches vectors, compares the angle, and then scales accordingly.
t_MinX and t_MinY set the lowest possible translate value for the constrains, but determining what the new translate value should be is where I'm lost. I know it's going to require the current scale, the center point between the two touches, and the width and height of the Canvas.
function touchMoved() {
if(touches.length == 1) {
panTranslate(translateX, translateY, mouseX, mouseY, pmouseX, pmouseY);
} else if (touches.length == 2) {
let touchA = createVector(touches[0].x, touches[0].y);
let touchB = createVector(touches[1].x, touches[1].y);
scl = (abs(lastTouchAngle) < abs(touchA.angleBetween(touchB)) ? (scl+sclStep < sclMax ? scl+sclStep : sclMax) : (scl-sclStep > sclMin ? scl-sclStep : sclMin));
let t_MinX = (screenH/sclMin) * (sclMin-scl);
let t_MinY = (screenW/sclMin) * (sclMin-scl);
let tX = translateX;
let tY = translateY;
if(abs(lastTouchAngle) > abs(touchA.angleBetween(touchB))) {
console.log("Scale out");
translateX = constrain(tX+mX, t_MinX, 0);
translateY = constrain(tY+mY, t_MinY, 0);
} else {
console.log("Scale in");
if(scl != sclMax) {
translateX = constrain(tX-mX, t_MinX, 0);
translateY = constrain(tY-mY, t_MinY, 0);
// Set current touch angle to lastTouchAngle
lastTouchAngle = touchA.angleBetween(touchB);
return false;
Here is the bit getting me confused:
translateX = constrain(tX+mX, t_MinX, 0);
translateY = constrain(tY+mY, t_MinY, 0);
Full code:
I found the answer at the above link and was able to get this working from the answer there.


Rendering Maps on devices where Dark Mode has been selected

I am rendering OSM map tiles onto a web page using HTML canvas drawImage. However where an end user has selected dark mode, I would like to reduce the luminosity of these displayed maps, yet still allow them to make sense to the user.
So far I have had moderate success, as follows:
First plotting the map tile using drawImage
setting globalCompositeOperation to "difference"
over plotting the map tile with a white rectangle of the same size
setting globalCompositeOperation back to "source-over"
But this simple colour inversion is not perhaps the best solution. Does anyone have any other suggestions.
You could switch to a different tile server with a different map style. Check for example "CartoDB.DarkMatter" from Leaflet Provider Demo or MapBox Light & Dark.
I have found a pretty good solution to this and it is as follows:
First set the canvas context filter to "hue-rotate(180deg)"
Then plot the map tile on the canvas using drawImage
Then set the canvas context filter to "none"
The set canvas context globalCompositeOperation to "difference"
Then over plot the map tile with a white rectangle of the same size
Finally set canvas context globalCompositeOperation back to "source-over"
Maybe someone will still find this useful, it's some code i'm using for this purpose in my tar1090 project.
Negative and positive contrast are probably clear and dim is basically just a brightness modification with inverted sign.
toggle function:
function setDim(layer, state) {
if (state) {
layer.dimKey = layer.on('postrender', dim);
} else {
postrender function:
function dim(evt) {
const dim = mapDimPercentage * (1 + 0.25 * toggles['darkerColors'].state);
const contrast = mapContrastPercentage * (1 + 0.1 * toggles['darkerColors'].state);
if (dim > 0.0001) {
evt.context.globalCompositeOperation = 'multiply';
evt.context.fillStyle = 'rgba(0,0,0,'+dim+')';
evt.context.fillRect(0, 0, evt.context.canvas.width, evt.context.canvas.height);
} else if (dim < -0.0001) {
evt.context.globalCompositeOperation = 'screen';
evt.context.fillStyle = 'rgba(255, 255, 255,'+(-dim)+')';
evt.context.fillRect(0, 0, evt.context.canvas.width, evt.context.canvas.height);
if (contrast > 0.0001) {
evt.context.globalCompositeOperation = 'overlay';
evt.context.fillStyle = 'rgba(0,0,0,'+contrast+')';
evt.context.fillRect(0, 0, evt.context.canvas.width, evt.context.canvas.height);
} else if (contrast < -0.0001) {
evt.context.globalCompositeOperation = 'overlay';
evt.context.fillStyle = 'rgba(255, 255, 255,'+ (-contrast)+')';
evt.context.fillRect(0, 0, evt.context.canvas.width, evt.context.canvas.height);
evt.context.globalCompositeOperation = 'source-over';
toggle function when using LayerSwitcher:
function setDimLayerSwitcher(state) {
if (!state) {
ol.control.LayerSwitcher.forEachRecursive(layers_group, function(lyr) {
if (lyr.get('type') != 'base')
} else {
ol.control.LayerSwitcher.forEachRecursive(layers_group, function(lyr) {
if (lyr.get('type') != 'base')
lyr.dimKey = lyr.on('postrender', dim);

Unity3d HTC Vive Radial Menu - Weird Glitching

So i wrote this radial Menu controlled by the trackpad on the left-hand wand. It determine which button to magnify by my fingers position on trackpad.
The Weird movement can be seen here.
Here i attacked my code related to this problem, the code for left wand.
SteamVR_TrackedObject obj; //The wand
public GameObject buttonHolder; //All the buttons will be children of this object
public bool buttonEnabled;
void Awake() {
obj = GetComponent<SteamVR_TrackedObject>(); //this will be left hand controller
void Update() {
var device = SteamVR_Controller.Input((int)obj.index);
//if touchpad touched
if (device.GetTouch(SteamVR_Controller.ButtonMask.Touchpad))
if (buttonEnabled) //if radial menu is open
//touchPadAngle: Get the angle between touch coord and X-axis
Vector2 touchedCoord = device.GetAxis(EVRButtonId.k_EButton_Axis0); //what is this line each variable
float touchPadAngle = VectorAngle(new Vector2(1, 0), touchedCoord); //(1, 0) is X-axis
// ------------------- Find closest button ------------------------
//Description: The process will be done by calculating the angle between button_Vector2 and X-axis (button_V2_to_10)
// And then find the button with the closest angler difference with (touchPadAngle).
float minAngle = float.PositiveInfinity;
Transform minButton = transform; //Temperatry assign wand tranform to it.
float pad_N_button_Angle = 0.0f; //Angle between touchPadAngle and buttonAngle.
Vector2 button_V2_to_10;
float button_Angle;
foreach (Transform bt in buttonHolder.transform)
button_V2_to_10 = new Vector2(transform.position.x, transform.position.z) - new Vector2(bt.position.x, bt.position.z);
button_Angle = VectorAngle(new Vector2(1, 0), button_V2_to_10);
pad_N_button_Angle = Mathf.Abs(button_Angle - touchPadAngle);
//Both buttonAngle and touchPadAngle range from -180 to 180, avoid Abs(170 - (-170)) = 340
pad_N_button_Angle = (pad_N_button_Angle > 180) ? Mathf.Abs(pad_N_button_Angle - 360) : pad_N_button_Angle;
if (pad_N_button_Angle < minAngle)
minButton = bt;
minAngle = pad_N_button_Angle;
//Magnify the closest button
foreach (Transform bt in buttonHolder.transform)
GameObject btGO = bt.gameObject;
if (!btGO.GetComponentInChildren<ButtomHandler>().onHover && bt == minButton) {
else if (bt != minButton && btGO.GetComponentInChildren<ButtomHandler>().onHover)
else {
//dis-hover all button if leave touch pad
if (device.GetTouchUp(SteamVR_Controller.ButtonMask.Touchpad)) {
//Hover the closest button
foreach (Transform bt in buttonHolder.transform)
GameObject btGO = bt.gameObject;
if (btGO.GetComponentInChildren<ButtomHandler>().onHover)
I'm quite stucked here, Any help would really be appreciated
"the closest angler difference with (touchPadAngle)"
shouldn't you consider more than one axis for a radial dial?

Play an animation when touch moved is certain distance from touch began

i am new to unityscript and unity and i am trying to make an animation trigger when the touch moved position is +100 to the right of touch began, so i have also tried +500 and +1000 and it seems that the animation is playing when the touch is past 100,500,or 1000 on the screen, not the touch.began position + (the amount), any help is appreciated, thank you for your time as i am new to unityscript
#pragma strict
var distance : float = 10;
var joystick : GameObject;
private var first : boolean = false;
function Start () {
function Update () {
transform.eulerAngles = Vector3(0,Camera.main.transform.eulerAngles.y + 180,0);
var v3Pos : Vector3;
if (Input.touchCount > 0 &&
Input.GetTouch(0).phase == TouchPhase.Began) {
// Get movement of the finger since last frame
var touchDeltaPosition:Vector2 = Input.GetTouch(0).position;
var touchdet : Vector2 = touchDeltaPosition;
first = true;
// Move object across XY plane
v3Pos = Vector3(touchDeltaPosition.x, touchDeltaPosition.y, distance);
transform.position = Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(v3Pos);
if (Input.touchCount > 0 &&
Input.GetTouch(0).phase == TouchPhase.Moved) {
// Get movement of the finger since last frame
var touchAlphaPosition:Vector2 = Input.GetTouch(0).position;
// Move object across XY plane
v3Pos = Vector3(touchAlphaPosition.x, touchAlphaPosition.y, distance);
transform.position = Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(v3Pos);
if (Input.touchCount > 0 &&
(Input.GetTouch(0).phase == TouchPhase.Ended || Input.GetTouch(0).phase == TouchPhase.Canceled )) {
// Get movement of the finger since last frame
var touchBetaPosition:Vector2 = Input.GetTouch(0).position;
first = false;
// Move object across XY plane
v3Pos = Vector3(touchBetaPosition.x, 600, distance);
transform.position = Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(v3Pos);
if(touchAlphaPosition.x > touchdet.x + 100)
The variable touchDet is declared and initialized in the function Update, so the value is not persisted between function calls. touchDet in all but the iteration where TouchPhase.Began event fires will always be equal to

Creating a 3D free-camera in WebGL - why do neither of these methods work?

OK, I've tried a camera using quaternions:
qyaw = [Math.cos(rot[0]/2), 0, Math.sin(rot[0]/2), 0];
qpitch = [Math.cos(rot[1]/2), 0, 0, Math.sin(rot[1]/2)];
rotQuat = quat4.multiply (qpitch, qyaw);
camRot = quat4.toMat4(rotQuat);
camMat = mat4.multiply(camMat,camRot);
and I get exactly the same problem. So I'm guessing it's not gimbal lock. I've tried changing the order I multiply my matrices, but it just goes camera matrix * model view matrix, then object matrix * model view. That's right isn't it?
I'm trying to build a 3d camera in webGL that can move about the world and be rotated around the x and y (right and up) axes.
I'm getting the familiar problem (possibly gimbal lock?) that once one of the axes is rotated, the rotation around the other is screwed up; for example, when you rotate around the Y axis 90degrees, rotation around the x becomes a spin around z.
I appreciate this is a common problem, and there are copious guides to building a camera that avoid this problem, but as far as I can tell, I've implemented two different solutions and I'm still getting the same problem. Frankly, it's doing my head in...
One solution I'm using is this (adapted from
function updateCam(){
yAx = [0,1,0];
xAx = [1,0,0];
zAx = [0,0,1];
xRotMat = mat4.create();
yRotMat = mat4.create();
zRotMat = mat4.create();
camMat[0] = xAx[0];
camMat[1] = yAx[0];
camMat[2] = zAx[0];
//camMat[3] =
camMat[4] = xAx[1]
camMat[5] = yAx[1];
camMat[6] = zAx[1];
//camMat[7] =
camMat[8] = xAx[2]
camMat[9] = yAx[2];
camMat[10]= zAx[2];
camMat[12]= -1*, xAx);
camMat[13]= -1*, yAx);
camMat[14]= -1*, zAx);
var movSpeed = 1.5 * forward;
var movVec= vec3.create(zAx);
vec3.scale(movVec, movSpeed);
vec3.add(camPos, movVec);
movVec= vec3.create(xAx);
movSpeed = 1.5 * strafe;
vec3.scale(movVec, movSpeed);
vec3.add(camPos, movVec);
I also tried using this method using
mat4.rotate(camMat, rot[1], yAx);
instead of explicitly building the camera matrix - same result.
My second (actually first...) method looks like this (rot is an array containing the current rotations around x, y and z (z is always zero):
function updateCam(){
camRot = fullRotate(rot);
mat4.translate(camMat, camPos);
function fullRotate(angles){
var cosX = Math.cos(angles[0]);
var sinX = Math.sin(angles[0]);
var cosY = Math.cos(angles[1]);
var sinY = Math.sin(angles[1]);
var cosZ = Math.cos(angles[2]);
var sinZ = Math.sin(angles[2]);
rotMatrix = mat4.create([cosZ*cosY, -1*sinZ*cosX + cosZ*sinY*sinX, sinZ*sinX+cosZ*sinY*cosX, 0,
sinZ*cosY, cosZ*cosX + sinZ*sinY*sinX, -1*cosZ*sinX + sinZ*sinY*cosX, 0,
-1*sinY, cosY*sinX, cosY*cosX, 0,
0,0,0,1 ] );
return (rotMatrix);
The code (I've taken out most of the boilerplate gl lighting stuff etc and just left the transformations) to actually draw the scene is:
function drawScene() {
gl.viewport(0, 0, gl.viewportWidth, gl.viewportHeight);
mat4.perspective(45, gl.viewportWidth / gl.viewportHeight, 0.1, 2000.0, pMatrix);
for(var i=0; i<planets.length; i++){
if (planets[i].type =="sun"){
currentProgram = perVertexSunProgram;
} else {
currentProgram = perVertexNormalProgram;
alpha = planets[i].alphaFlag;
//all the following puts planets in orbit around a central sun, but it's not really relevant to my current problem
var rot = [0,rotCount*planets[i].orbitSpeed,0];
var planetMat;
planetMat = mat4.create(fullRotate(rot));
mat4.multiply(planets[i].rotMat, planetMat);
mat4.translate(planets[i].rotMat, planets[i].position);
if (planets[i].type == "moon"){
var rot = [0,rotCount*planets[i].moonOrbitSpeed,0];
moonMat = mat4.create(fullRotate(rot));
mat4.multiply(planets[i].rotMat, moonMat);
mat4.translate(planets[i].rotMat, planets[i].moonPosition);
mat4.multiply(planets[i].rotMat, mat4.inverse(moonMat));
mat4.multiply(planets[i].rotMat, mat4.inverse(planetMat));
mat4.rotate(planets[i].rotMat, rotCount*planets[i].spinSpd, [0, 1, 0]);
//this bit does the work - multiplying the model view by the camera matrix, then by the matrix of the object we want to render
mat4.multiply(mvMatrix, camMat);
mat4.multiply(mvMatrix, planets[i].rotMat);
gl.drawElements(gl.TRIANGLES, planets[i].VertexIndexBuffer.numItems, gl.UNSIGNED_SHORT, 0);
However, most of the transformations can be ignored, the same effect cab be seen simply displaying a sphere at world coords 0,0,0.
I thought my two methods - either rotating the axes one at a time as you go, or building up the rotation matrix in one go avoided the problem of doing two rotations one after the other. Any ideas where I'm going wrong?
PS - I'm still very much starting to learn WebGL and 3d maths, so be gentle and talk to me like someone who hadn't heard of a matrix til a couple of months ago... Also, I know quaternions are a good solution to 3d rotation, and that would be my next attempt, however, I think I need to understand why these two methods don't work first...
For the sake of clarification, think about gimbal lock this way: You've played Quake/Unreal/Call of Duty/Any First Person Shooter, right? You know how when you are looking forward and move the mouse side to side your view swings around in a nice wide arc, but if you look straight up or down and move your mouse side to side you basically just spin tightly around a single point? That's gimbal lock. It's something that pretty much any FPS game uses because it happens to mimic what we would do in real life, and thus most people don't usually think of it as a problem.
For something like a space flight sim, however, or (more commonly) skeletal animation that type of effect is undesirable, and so we use things like quaternions to help us get around it. Wether or not you care about gimbal lock for your camera depends on the effect that you are looking to achieve.
I don't think you're experiencing that, however. What it sounds like is that your order of matrix multiplication is messed up, and as a result your view is rotating in a way that you don't expect. I would try playing with the order that you do your X/Y/Z rotations in and see if you can find an order than gives you the desired results.
Now, I hate doing code dumps, but this may be useful to you so here we go: This is the code that I use in most of my newer WebGL projects to manage a free-floating camera. It is gimbal locked, but as I mentioned earlier it doesn't really matter in this case. Basically it just gives you FPS style controls that you can use to fly around your scene.
* A Flying Camera allows free motion around the scene using FPS style controls (WASD + mouselook)
* This type of camera is good for displaying large scenes
var FlyingCamera = Object.create(Object, {
_angles: {
value: null
angles: {
get: function() {
return this._angles;
set: function(value) {
this._angles = value;
this._dirty = true;
_position: {
value: null
position: {
get: function() {
return this._position;
set: function(value) {
this._position = value;
this._dirty = true;
speed: {
value: 100
_dirty: {
value: true
_cameraMat: {
value: null
_pressedKeys: {
value: null
_viewMat: {
value: null
viewMat: {
get: function() {
if(this._dirty) {
var mv = this._viewMat;
mat4.rotateX(mv, this.angles[0]-Math.PI/2.0);
mat4.rotateZ(mv, this.angles[1]);
mat4.rotateY(mv, this.angles[2]);
mat4.translate(mv, [-this.position[0], -this.position[1], - this.position[2]]);
this._dirty = false;
return this._viewMat;
init: {
value: function(canvas) {
this.angles = vec3.create();
this.position = vec3.create();
this.pressedKeys = new Array(128);
// Initialize the matricies
this.projectionMat = mat4.create();
this._viewMat = mat4.create();
this._cameraMat = mat4.create();
// Set up the appropriate event hooks
var moving = false;
var lastX, lastY;
var self = this;
window.addEventListener("keydown", function(event) {
self.pressedKeys[event.keyCode] = true;
}, false);
window.addEventListener("keyup", function(event) {
self.pressedKeys[event.keyCode] = false;
}, false);
canvas.addEventListener('mousedown', function(event) {
if(event.which == 1) {
moving = true;
lastX = event.pageX;
lastY = event.pageY;
}, false);
canvas.addEventListener('mousemove', function(event) {
if (moving) {
var xDelta = event.pageX - lastX;
var yDelta = event.pageY - lastY;
lastX = event.pageX;
lastY = event.pageY;
self.angles[1] += xDelta*0.025;
while (self.angles[1] < 0)
self.angles[1] += Math.PI*2;
while (self.angles[1] >= Math.PI*2)
self.angles[1] -= Math.PI*2;
self.angles[0] += yDelta*0.025;
while (self.angles[0] < -Math.PI*0.5)
self.angles[0] = -Math.PI*0.5;
while (self.angles[0] > Math.PI*0.5)
self.angles[0] = Math.PI*0.5;
self._dirty = true;
}, false);
canvas.addEventListener('mouseup', function(event) {
moving = false;
}, false);
return this;
update: {
value: function(frameTime) {
var dir = [0, 0, 0];
var speed = (this.speed / 1000) * frameTime;
// This is our first person movement code. It's not really pretty, but it works
if(this.pressedKeys['W'.charCodeAt(0)]) {
dir[1] += speed;
if(this.pressedKeys['S'.charCodeAt(0)]) {
dir[1] -= speed;
if(this.pressedKeys['A'.charCodeAt(0)]) {
dir[0] -= speed;
if(this.pressedKeys['D'.charCodeAt(0)]) {
dir[0] += speed;
if(this.pressedKeys[32]) { // Space, moves up
dir[2] += speed;
if(this.pressedKeys[17]) { // Ctrl, moves down
dir[2] -= speed;
if(dir[0] != 0 || dir[1] != 0 || dir[2] != 0) {
var cam = this._cameraMat;
mat4.rotateX(cam, this.angles[0]);
mat4.rotateZ(cam, this.angles[1]);
mat4.multiplyVec3(cam, dir);
// Move the camera in the direction we are facing
vec3.add(this.position, dir);
this._dirty = true;
This camera assumes that Z is your "Up" axis, which may or may not be true for you. It's also using ECMAScript 5 style objects, but that shouldn't be an issue for any WebGL-enabled browser, and it utilizes my glMatrix library but it looks like you're already using that anyway. Basic usage is pretty simple:
// During your init code
var camera = Object.create(FlyingCamera).init(canvasElement);
// During your draw loop
camera.update(16); // 16ms per-frame == 60 FPS
// Bind a shader, etc, etc...
gl.uniformMatrix4fv(shaderUniformModelViewMat, false, camera.viewMat);
Everything else is handled internally for you, including keyboard and mouse controls. May not fit your needs exactly, but hopefully you can glean what you need to from there. (Note: This is essentially the same as the camera used in my Quake 3 demo, so that should give you an idea of how it works.)
Okay, that's enough babbling from me for one post! Good luck!
It doesn't matter how you build your matrices, using euler angle rotations (like both of your code snippets do) will always result in a transformation that shows the gimble lock problem.
You may want to have a look at as a starting point for creating transformations that avoid gimble locks.
Try my new project (webGL2 part of visual-js game engine) based on glmatrix 2.0 .
Activate events for camera use : = true;
live examples
For camera important functions :
Camera interaction
App.operation.CameraPerspective = function() {, 0, wd, ht); |;
// mat4.identity( world.mvMatrix )
// mat4.translate(world.mvMatrix , world.mvMatrix, [ 10 , 10 , 10] );
/* Field of view, Width height ratio, min distance of viewpoint, max distance of viewpoint, */
mat4.perspective(this.pMatrix, degToRad( ), ( /, , );
manifest.js :
var App = {
name : "webgl2 experimental",
version : 0.3,
events : true,
logs : false ,
draw_interval : 10 ,
antialias : false ,
camera : { viewAngle : 45 ,
nearViewpoint : 0.1 ,
farViewpoint : 1000 ,
edgeMarginValue : 100 ,
FirstPersonController : false },
textures : [] , //readOnly in manifest
tools : {}, //readOnly in manifest
download source from :
webGL 2 part of visual-js GE project
Old :
opengles 1.1
Very fast first person controler with glmatrix 0.9 based on examples.

Farseer/XNA Assertion Failed, Vector2 position for body modified by camera matrix

I created a camera with a matrix and used it to move the view point in 2D. Basically I started from this template:
I also had in one of my class, a simple code to spawn boxs with the mouse:
public void CreateBodies()
mouse = Mouse.GetState();
if (mouse.RightButton == ButtonState.Pressed)
Bodies += 1;
if (Bodies >= MaxBodies)
Bodies = 0;
rectBody[Bodies] = BodyFactory.CreateRectangle(world, ConvertUnits.ToSimUnits(rectangle.Width), ConvertUnits.ToSimUnits(rectangle.Height), 1);
rectBody[Bodies].Position = ConvertUnits.ToSimUnits(mouse.X, mouse.Y);
rectBody[Bodies].BodyType = BodyType.Dynamic;
This Worked perfectly fine but when I moved the ''camera'' the mouse didn't change in the right location, Si I did this little modification in game1.cs and in my method to have the world coord. of my mouse:
mouse = Mouse.GetState();
Matrix inverse = Matrix.Invert(camera.transform);
Vector2 mousePos = Vector2.Transform(new Vector2(mouse.X, mouse.Y), inverse);
public void CreateBodies(Vector2 mousePosition)
mouse = Mouse.GetState();
MousePosition = mousePosition;
if (mouse.RightButton == ButtonState.Pressed)
Bodies += 1;
if (Bodies >= MaxBodies)
Bodies = 0;
rectBody[Bodies] = BodyFactory.CreateRectangle(world, ConvertUnits.ToSimUnits(rectangle.Width), ConvertUnits.ToSimUnits(rectangle.Height), 1);
rectBody[Bodies].BodyType = BodyType.Dynamic;
rectBody[Bodies].Position = ConvertUnits.ToSimUnits(MousePosition);
Now this is supposed to give me the world coords. of my mouse, but I have a problem, when I run the program and click somewhere on the screen to create a box I get this error:
What's going on? :/
This is at the line 439 of body.cs:
Debug.Assert(!float.IsNaN(value.X) && !float.IsNaN(value.Y));
