I have list of applications paths in a file APP_DIR, need to loop through the paths and run start command.
- name: start
command: "{{item[1]}}"
- "{{ lookup('file', 'APP_DIR').splitlines() }}"
- [ "chdir={{item[0]}} ./start",
"ps -aef | grep httpd | grep -v grep"]
ERROR: FAILED! => {"msg": "'item' is undefined"}.
Thanks in Advance for help.
You can't call item variable in a nested list, you can use your command with a simple with_item and a multiline like this :
- name: start
command: |
ps -aef | grep httpd | grep -v grep
chdir: "{{ item[0] }}"
with_items: "{{ lookup('file', 'APP_DIR').splitlines() }}"
I have this simple playbook:
- name: JVM Status
shell: "ps -ef | grep {{item}} | grep -v grep | grep {{wasUser}} | wc -l"
loop: "{{jvmStatusList}}"
become: yes
become_user: "{{wasUser}}"
register: statusResult
- debug:
msg: "{{items.item}} is started"
loop: "{{statusResult.results}}"
when: item.stdout != 0
- debug:
msg: "{{item.item}} is stopped"
loop: "{{ statusResult.results }}"
when: item.stdout == 0
and when i run it, it doesnt take into account the condition.
I have verified what my item.stdout returns and 2 items are started and 1 is stopped but all three are returned in the first debug while the second one is being skipped by all.
Can anyone help?
thought maybe the problem was because my stdout result was not trimmed. so i tried different syntaxes including item.stdout | trim but no change. Also tried using item.stdout is 1 instead of != 0.
i have some ansible task below :
- name: counting object from json
shell: >
jq '.results[].stdout_lines | length' backup/{{ inventory_hostname }}_rsl.json | wc -l
register: jsondata
- name: counting object converting
shell: >
seq 0 {{ jsondata.stdout|int - 1 }} | tr '\n' ' ' | xargs | sed 's/[[:space:]]/,/g'
register: seq
- name: get interface
shell: >
cat backup/{{ inventory_hostname }}_{{ item }}_rsl_result_nows.json | cut -d, -f1
register: interface
- "{{ seq.stdout.split(',') | list }}"
- name: get rsl value
shell: >
cat backup/{{ inventory_hostname }}_{{ item }}_rsl_result_nows.json | cut -d, -f2-
register: rslvalue
- "{{ seq.stdout.split(',') | list }}"
- name: post to DB via curl
shell: >
curl -d "ip_address={{ inventory_hostname }}&hostname={{ varhostname.stdout }}&interface={{ interface }}&rslvalue={{ rslvalue }}" -X POST http://dev.trm.net:8088/ip_planning/rsl/postrsl -v
i want to post data with the same hostname but different interface and some other attributes.
This my curl command that i want :
curl -d "ip_address=IP_A&hostname=HOST_A&interface=IFACE_1&rslvalue=1,2,3,4,5" -X POST http://dev.trm.net:8088/ip_planning/rsl/postrsl -v
curl -d "ip_address=IP_A&hostname=HOST_A&interface=IFACE_2&rslvalue=5,4,3,2,1" -X POST http://dev.trm.net:8088/ip_planning/rsl/postrsl -v
curl -d "ip_address=IP_B&hostname=HOST_B&interface=IFACE_1&rslvalue=11,21,31,41,51" -X POST http://dev.trm.net:8088/ip_planning/rsl/postrsl -v
i'm tired a full-day, please help me. i've tried from my ansible script above but error
"msg": "The task includes an option with an undefined variable. The error was: 'item' is undefined
You have {{ item.interface.stdout }} in the last task, but with_items is not present.
Also when you use item in the shell command, use as "{{item}}"
a little improvement make me small fun...
- name: post to DB via curl
shell: >
curl -d "ip_address={{ inventory_hostname }}&hostname={{ varhostname.stdout }}&interface={{ item }}&rslvalue={{ item }}" -X POST http://dev.tr$
- "{{ rslvalue.results | map(attribute='stdout') | list }}"
- "{{ interface.results | map(attribute='stdout') | list }}"
but "item" variable always print "rslvalue" result. how to declare "item" with multiple with_items ??
Ansible newbie here
Hopefully there is a simple solution to my problem
I'm trying to run SQL across a number of Oracle databases on one node. I generate a list of databases from ps -ef and use with_items to pass the dbname values.
My question is how do I display the output from each database running the select statement?
- name: Exa check | find db instances
become: yes
become_user: oracle
shell: |
ps -ef|grep pmon|grep -v grep|grep -v ASM|awk '{ print $8 }'|cut -d '_' -f3
register: instance_list_output
changed_when: false
run_once: true
- shell: |
export ORAENV_ASK=NO; export ORACLE_SID={{ item }}; export ORACLE_HOME=/u01/app/oracle/database/; source /usr/local/bin/oraenv; $ORACLE_HOME/bin/sqlplus -s \"/ as sysdba\"<< EOSQL
select * from v\$instance;
- "{{ instance_list_output.stdout_lines }}"
register: sqloutput
run_once: true
The loop below might work.
- debug:
msg: "{{ item.stdout }}"
loop: "{{ sqloutput.results }}"
If it does not take a look at the content of the variable and decide how to use it.
- debug: var=sqloutput
I'm taking a foray into the world of Ansible. Right now, I have a task where I am trying to say:
If any of a list of files don't exist, then run this task
To accomplish this, I have this piece of code right here.
- name: Check if certificate already exists.
path: /etc/letsencrypt/live/{{ item }}/cert.pem
with_items: "{{ cert_domains }}"
register: letsencrypt_cert
- name: Create the certs
raw: certbot --nginx --noninteractive -d "{{ cert_domains.0 }}" -d "{{ cert_domains.1 }}"
register: certbot_create
changed_when: certbot_create.stdout
- "{{ letsencrypt_cert.results|selectattr('stat','false') | length > 0 }}"
However, when I run my process it greets me with the following error:
"msg": "The conditional check '{{
letsencrypt_cert.results|selectattr('stat','false') | length > 1 }}' failed.
The error was: template error while templating string: no filter named
'selectattr'. String: {{ letsencrypt_cert.results|selectattr('stat','false')
| length > 0 }}\
In something like LINQ, i would do something like this:
list.where( n => n.equals(false)).Count() > 0
What could be going wrong?
For the sake of thoroughness, here are my versions:
python version = 2.6.9
Name: Jinja2 Version: 2.7.2
Any help on this is greatly appreciated.
I had installed Jinja2 using 'pip install jinja2'. What I needed to do was
'sudo yum install python-jinja2'
to get things working.
Try this:
- name: Create the certs
raw: certbot --nginx --noninteractive -d "{{ cert_domains.0 }}" -d "{{ cert_domains.1 }}"
register: certbot_create
changed_when: certbot_create.stdout
- letsencrypt_cert.results | selectattr('stat', 'defined') | map(attribute='stat') | selectattr('exists', 'equalto', false) | list | length > 0
With the wait_formodule in Ansible if I use search_regex='foo' on a file
it seems to start at the beginning of the file, which means it will match on old data, thus when restarting a process/app (Java) which appends to a file rather than start a new file, the wait_for module will exit true for old data, but I would like to check from the tail of the file.
Regular expression in search_regex of wait_for module is by default set to multiline.
You can register the contents of the last line and then search for the string appearing after that line (this assumes there are no duplicate lines in the log file, i.e. each one contains a time stamp):
log_file_to_check: <path_to_log_file>
wanted_pattern: <pattern_to_match>
- name: Get the contents of the last line in {{ log_file_to_check }}
shell: tail -n 1 {{ log_file_to_check }}
register: tail_output
- name: Create a variable with a meaningful name, just for clarity
last_line_of_the_log_file: "{{ tail_output.stdout }}"
### do some other tasks ###
- name: Match "{{ wanted_pattern }}" appearing after "{{ last_line_of_the_log_file }}" in {{ log_file_to_check }}
path: "{{ log_file_to_check }}"
search_regex: "{{ last_line_of_the_log_file }}\r(.*\r)*.*{{ wanted_pattern }}"
techraf's answer would work if every line inside the log file is time stamped. Otherwise, the log file may have multiple lines that are identical to the last one.
A more robust/durable approach would be to check how many lines the log file currently has, and then search for the regex/pattern occurring after the 'nth' line.
log_file: <path_to_log_file>
pattern_to_match: <pattern_to_match>
- name: "Get contents of log file: {{ log_file }}"
command: "cat {{ log_file }}"
changed_when: false # Do not show that state was "changed" since we are simply reading the file!
register: cat_output
- name: "Create variable to store line count (for clarity)"
line_count: "{{ cat_output.stdout_lines | length }}"
- name: "Wait until '{{ pattern_to_match}}' is found inside log file: {{ log_file }}"
path: "{{ log_file }}"
search_regex: "^{{ pattern_to_skip_preexisting_lines }}{{ pattern_to_match }}$"
state: present
pattern_to_skip_preexisting_lines : "(.*\\n){% raw %}{{% endraw %}{{ line_count }},{% raw %}}{% endraw %}" # i.e. if line_count=100, then this would equal "(.*\\n){100,}"
One more method, using intermediate temp file for tailing new records:
- name: Create tempfile for log tailing
state: file
register: tempfile
- name: Asynchronous tail log to temp file
shell: tail -n 0 -f /path/to/logfile > {{ tempfile.path }}
async: 60
poll: 0
- name: Wait for regex in log
path: "{{ tempfile.path }}"
search_regex: 'some regex here'
- name: Remove tempfile
path: "{{ tempfile.path }}"
state: absent
Actually, if you can force a log rotation on your java app log file then straightforward wait_for will achieve what you want since there won't be any historical log lines to match
I am using this approach with rolling upgrade of mongodb and waiting for "waiting for connections" in the mongod logs before proceeding.
sample tasks:
- name: Rotate mongod logs
shell: kill -SIGUSR1 $(pidof mongod)
executable: /bin/bash
- name: Wait for mongod being ready
path: /var/log/mongodb/mongod.log
search_regex: 'waiting for connections'
I solved my problem with #Slezhuk's answer above. But I found an issue. The tail command won't stop after the completion of the playbook. It will run forever. I had to add some more logic to stop the process:
# the playbook doesn't stop the async job automatically. Need to stop it
- name: get the PID async tail
shell: ps -ef | grep {{ tmpfile.path }} | grep tail | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}'
register: pid_grep
- set_fact:
tail_pid: "{{pid_grep.stdout}}"
# the tail command shell has two processes. So need to kill both
- name: killing async tail command
shell: ps -ef | grep " {{tail_pid}} " | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -15
- name: Wait the tail process to be killed
path: /proc/{{tail_pid}}/status
state: absent
Came across this page when trying to do something similar and ansible has come a way since the above, so here's my solution using the above. Also used the timeout linux command with async - so doubling up a bit.
It would be much easier if the application rotated logs on startup - but some apps aren't nice like that!
As per this page..
The async tasks will run until they either complete, fail or timeout according to their async value.
Hope it helps someone
- name: set some common vars
tmp_tail_log_file: /some/path/tail_file.out # I did this as I didn't want to create a temp file every time, and i put it in the same spot.
timeout_value: 300 # async will terminate the task - but to be double sure I used timeout linux command as well.
log_file: /var/logs/my_log_file.log
- name: "Asynchronous tail log to {{ tmp_tail_log_file }}"
shell: timeout {{ timeout_value }} tail -n 0 -f {{ log_file }} > {{ tmp_tail_log_file }}
async: "{{ timeout_value }}"
poll: 0
- name: "Wait for xxxxx to finish starting"
timeout: "{{ timeout_value }}"
path: "{{ tmp_tail_log_file }}"
search_regex: "{{ pattern_search }}"
pattern_search: (.*Startup process completed.*)
register: waitfor
- name: "Display log file entry"
- "xxxxxx startup completed - the following line was matched in the logs"
- "{{ waitfor['match_groups'][0] }}"