Turtle build:android fails in azuredevops pipeline, what am i missing? - bash

I get this error when running turtle build:android
turtle[4754] ERROR: Failed to build standalone app
err: ConfigError: The expected package.json path: /Users/runner/work/1/s/<key_alias>/package.json does not exist
This is what the script looks like in my .yml
turtle setup:ios \
turtle build:ios -u $(EXPO_CLI_USER) -p $(EXPO_CLI_PASSWORD)\
--team-id $(APPLE_TEAM_ID) \
--dist-p12-path ./my-app_dist.p12 \
--provisioning-profile-path ./myapp.mobileprovision \
--release-channel deployment
turtle setup:android \
turtle build:android -u $(EXPO_CLI_USER) -p $(EXPO_CLI_PASSWORD)\
--keystore-path ./my-app.jks \
--keystore-alias $(KEY_ALIAS) \
-t apk \
--release-channel deployment
I have all the correct information in the yml and all the env variables are defined. Do I also need to run keytool command before i run turtle build? I have already done it for the app in the past and the filepaths are there.
Same issue for ios, it says the path/package.json doesnt exist.

As a workaround:
Remove the Expo variables in front of the build command (they were already declared as variables) and it worked fine.
For details, please refer to this case.
In addition, you can try to check whether the android.package key is included in the expo object of the app.json file
"expo": {
"sdkVersion": "26.0.0",
"name": "TongPos",
"description": "your app desc",
"android": {
"package": "com.sohagfaruque.tongpos"


The line import openapiclient "github.com/GIT_USER_ID/GIT_REPO_ID" is added when generating from openapi-generator prompts login

I am using openapi generator to generate my rest api client. It generates the line
openapiclient "github.com/GIT_USER_ID/GIT_REPO_ID"
In my imports but I can't for the life of me understand why. Running a go mod vendor prompts me to sign in while this line is in place. What is this trying to import? I'm on an enterprise github, which would complicate things. The example README says to add this line but provides no explanation of what it is doing https://github.com/OpenAPITools/openapi-generator/blob/master/samples/openapi3/client/petstore/go/go-petstore/README.md#:~:text=%22github.com/GIT_USER_ID/GIT_REPO_ID%22
You can pass those to the OpenAPI Generator client as parameters:
openapi-generator-cli generate \
-i openapi.yaml
-g go \
-p packageName=mypackage \
-o /src \
--git-repo-id my-go-lib/v1 --git-user-id user1 \
that will result in
openapiclient "github.com/user1/my-go-lib/v1"

Alpine abuild fails with error "builddir missing"

I have a fairly simple APKBUILD file, fetched from the original repository and just altered at one place to build a static library instead of a dynamic. However, I'm new to Alpine, apkbuild and I'm stuck at what is probably a failry simply to fix problem, but I couldn't quite figure out myself where it comes from. When I build using abuild -r -F I get the error:
>>> fc-abseil-cpp: Unpacking /var/cache/distfiles/abseil-cpp-20211102.0.tar.gz...
>>> ERROR: fc-abseil-cpp: Is $builddir set correctly?
>>> ERROR: fc-abseil-cpp: prepare failed
The APKBUILD file is this one:
# Contributor: Bart Ribbers <bribbers#disroot.org>
# Maintainer: Duncan Bellamy <dunk#denkimushi.com>
pkgdesc="Abseil Common Libraries (C++) "
build() {
cmake -B build \
cmake --build build
# disable broken tests
check() {
CTEST_OUTPUT_ON_FAILURE=TRUE ctest --test-dir build -E "absl_str_format_convert_test|absl_mutex_test\
package() {
DESTDIR="$pkgdir" cmake --install build
fed68aa434c02ec6faa9d1c81f1ad35b60ec024b44957e2e0ac31e6075e385c06a3e1b616afeb4bb7c2413191fd7827d82e1f9f0796b52ed21fb2c41dd9031cf abseil-cpp-20211102.0.tar.gz
78bca9372af30624a303b53cbc07b4bfe0ca5a11ef2126c6b3fb34714e3b119fa4bf9a088968b491a7823107df5083c0d4b4aed0e47b8e872ba572543e9a52ea 0002-abseil.patch
I've tried to set a builddir vairable directly within the APKBUILD file, as well as on the shell as an export. What's the problem here?

Start Relay Chain error "substrate : command no found"

I am trying to do a substrate tutorial, "Start your relay chain".
Here, I copied the code and run it to start the alice validator.
./target/release/polkadot \
--alice \
--validator \
--base-path /tmp/relay/alice \
--chain <path to spec json> \
--port 30333 \
--ws-port 9944
"path to spec json" - What should I replace this?
I tried to build a chain spec file like this.
substrate build-spec > myCustomSpec.json
Error is here, "substrate : command no found"
What's the problem? Anyone can help me?
Thank you.
Polkadot is used to create the chain spec as described in the tutorial. You don't have substrate installed, and that would be incorrect to use anyway.
See the sections on raw and plain chain spec generation.

Slowdown when using Mutect2 container inside Nextflow

I'm trying to run MuTect2 on a sample, which on my machine using java takes about 27 minutes to run.
If I use virtually the same code, but inside Nextflow and using the GATK3:3.6 docker container to run Mutect, it takes 7 minutes longer, for seemingly no apparent reason.
Running on Ubuntu 18.04, the tumor and normal samples are from an Oncomine panel. Tumor is 4.1G, normal is 1.1G. I thought the time might be spent copying in data to the container, but 7-8 minutes seems far too long for that. Could it be from copying in reference files too?
bai_ch is the channel that brings in the tumor and normal index files
process MuTect2 {
label 'mutect'
stageInMode 'copy'
publishDir './output', mode : 'copy', overwrite : true
file tumor_bam_mu from tumor_mu
file normal_bam_mu from normal_mu
file "*" from bai_ch
file mutect2_ref
file ref_index from ref_fasta_i_m
file ref_dict from Channel.fromPath(params.ref_fast_dict)
file regions_file from Channel.fromPath(params.regions)
file cosmic_vcf from Channel.fromPath(params.cosmic_vcf)
file dbsnp_vcf from Channel.fromPath(params.dbsnp_vcf)
file normal_vcf from Channel.fromPath(params.normal_vcf)
file '*' into mutect_ch
echo MuTect2 task path: \$PWD
java -jar /usr/GenomeAnalysisTK.jar \
--analysis_type MuTect2 \
--reference_sequence hg19.fa \
-L designed.bed \
--normal_panel normal_panel.vcf \
--cosmic Cosmic.vcf \
--dbsnp dbsnp.vcf \
--input_file:tumor $tumor_bam_mu \
-o mutect2.somatic.unfiltered.vcf \
--input_file:normal $normal_bam_mu \
--max_alt_allele_in_normal_fraction 0.1 \
--minPruning 10 \
--kmerSize 60
My only thought is to create my own docker that has the reference files handy, which will probably save time for copying them in? I'd expect the nextflow+container version to run only slightly slower than the CLI version.
Check the task Bash wrapper in the task work dir to asses the performance issue.

Config not visible on Parse Server Dashboard?

So I've got a successful Parse-Server up and running on Heroku, and a functioning Parse-Server-Dashboard as well.
My issue is that through Parse-Server-Dashboard I'm not able to see the Config section. I've been searching endlessly, but I haven't been able to find any resources on this issue.
I've set my Config Var on Heroku PARSE_EXPERIMENTAL_CONFIG_ENABLED = 1, which allows me to get the config client-side just fine, but I still can't see it in dashboard.
Dashboard is V 1.0.15, and Parse-Sever is V 2.1.6
Here's what I'm seeing:
Here's (something similar to) what I want to see:
update parse-dashboard to the latest version as well as parse-server (you're running 2.1.6 and the current version is 2.2.18) it should be here...
At least I can see it.
You can view/edit your config parameters by using Parse RestAPI.
To view your config parameters:
curl -X GET \
-H "X-Parse-Application-Id: APP_ID_KEY" \
PATH_TO_PARSE_API + "/config"
curl -X GET \
-H "X-Parse-Application-Id: zirTLZa3h88Q6BBXj8WkkLxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" \
-H "X-Parse-REST-API-Key: ydcXhehk9wkz01bDBgpteVxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" \
To edit your config parameters:
curl -X PUT \
-H "X-Parse-Application-Id: zirTLZa3h88Q6BBXj8WkkLxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" \
-H "X-Parse-Master-Key: OXuUPDbmAWOIcYZdzUXR0prxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" \
-d "{\"params\":{\"Test\":\"222\"}}" \
To read the config you must to set the REST-API-KEY
To edit you must set your MASTER_KEY
Good Luck
