Configuration for log driver logfile - nightwatch.js

I've implemented nightwatchjs in my project and the start is there. However, something I don't like is that the chrome and gecko driver are placing a log file in my root directory. I'ld much prefer this to move to a logging location.
disable_error_log: true,
desiredCapabilities: {
silent: true,
browserName: 'firefox',
alwaysMatch: {
acceptInsecureCerts: true,
'moz:firefoxOptions': {
args: []
webdriver: {
start_process: true,
server_path: GeckoDriver.path,
cli_args: []
chrome: {
disable_error_log: true,
desiredCapabilities: {
silent: true,
browserName: 'chrome',
chromeOptions: {
args: []
webdriver: {
log_path: false,
start_process: true,
server_path: ChromeDriver.path,
cli_args: [
Right now the configuration is as above. Two questions here for the logging are:
wat setting do you use to turn it on or off
what setting do you use to change the location and or file name for the log

I'm running Nightwatch on a Mac machine and in my nightwatch.conf.js file I have a Selenium object that has a log_path property. The path currently is logs/ but I just tried to remove the path and put false as the path and that worked for me. If you want to turn it off, put false as the path for log_path, otherwise put the name of the directory (mine is logs/). As far as changing the name of the selenium-server.log file, I do not think you can change this, unless someone has create an npm module that gives the ability to extend Nightwatch.
selenium: {
"start_process": true,
"server_path": "bin/selenium-server-standalone-3.9.1.jar",
"log_path": false,
"port": 4444,
"cli_args": {
"": this.chromePath
link for nightwatch docs

I also have the same issue. I solve this by setting value of log_path in webdriver object of each driver.
you can make changes as like:
chrome: {
disable_error_log: true,
desiredCapabilities: {
silent: true,
browserName: 'chrome',
chromeOptions: {
args: []
webdriver: {
start_process: true,
server_path: ChromeDriver.path,
log_path:'log_folder', // add this line to your every webdriver object.
cli_args: [
You can off your driverLog generation by setting log_path to false. If you want to specify some specific folder to store the driverLog file then you have to set the log_path to desired location.


Pass karma programmatically arguments

I am using karma with jasmine and the jasmine-spec-tags framework. When starting karma from CLI I use "karma start --tags=MY_TAG" to run only some tests with the tag MY_TAG. This works fine.
Now, I need to start karma programmatically. I tried the following code (note the client.args value at the end):
const server = new Server(
autoWatch: true,
browsers: [
files: [
frameworks: ['jasmine', 'jasmine-spec-tags'],
phantomJsLauncher: {
exitOnResourceError: true
port: 9876,
preprocessors: {
'./karma/karma.entry.js': ['webpack', 'sourcemap']
reporters: ['dots'],
singleRun: false,
webpack: webpackConf,
webpackServer: {
noInfo: true
args: ['--tags=SchedulingApiService']
This does not work. Am I misunderstanding the client.args value? Would be glad about any help.
To solve this, the client part has to look like this:
tags: 'SchedulingApiService'

Webpack has been initialised using a configuration object that does not match the API schema

enter code herenpm test;
var webpackConfig = require('./webpack.test');
module.exports = function(config) {
basePath: '',
frameworks: ['jasmine'],
files: [
{pattern: './karma-shim.js', watched: false}
exclude: [
preprocessors: {
'./karma-shim.js': ['webpack']
webpack: webpackConfig,
"/app/": "http://localhost:3000/src/app"
reporters: ['progress'],
port: 9876,
colors: true,
logLevel: config.LOG_INFO,
autoWatch: true,
browsers: ['Chrome'],
singleRun: false,
concurrency: Infinity
module.exports = {
devtool: 'cheap-module-eval-source-map',
resolve: {
extensions: ['','.ts','.js']
module: {
loaders: [
//以.ts结尾的文件使用 TypeScript loader
{test: /.ts$/,loader: 'awesome-typescript-loader'},
loader: 'html'
loader: 'null'
loader: 'null'
then throws a BUG.
karma start karma.conf.js
keywords if/then/else require v5 option
WebpackOptionsValidationError: Invalid configuration object. Webpack has been initialised using a configuration object that does not match the API schema.
- configuration.entry should be one of these:
object { : string | [string] } | string | [string]
The entry point(s) of the compilation.
- configuration.resolve.extensions[0] should not be empty.
Can not load "webpack"!
First i don't see any entey point mentioned in config file which is required in order to webpack understand where to start from.
Second your resolve option in config file hase mentioned three types to resolve and first one is empty string which webpack don't like so by removing that empty string it should fix that problem
Hope this help you to fix the issue.
I had the same issue and resolved by updating the karma-webpack package to the latest version.

Protractor proxy settings configuration is not passed to Saucelabs

To enable saucelabs proxy to work in older version of protractor, we were overriding sendRequest method by setting host and port in below index.js:
Now protractor allows you set the proxy through capabilities object (as shown below) which should be passed to index.js sendRequest new parameter called 'opt_proxy'.
capabilities: {
"browserName": "chrome",
'proxy': {
'proxyType': 'manual',
'httpProxy': ''
"chromeOptions": {
"args": [
"customData": {
"usageBracket" : "1",
"displayName" : "Chrome",
"id" : "CH"
However, when I am still getting null for opt_proxy. Is there anything I am doing wrong? I even tried passing through CLI using --proxy="" but it still get null.
I have gotten my proxy configuration to work with Sauce Labs using the sauceAgent util provided within Protractor. Here is a code snippet from my protractor config file.
var HttpsProxyAgent = require("https-proxy-agent");
var agent = new HttpsProxyAgent('http://localhost:56193'); //Insert your proxy info here
exports.config = {
sauceUser: process.env.SAUCE_USERNAME,
sauceKey: process.env.SAUCE_ACCESS_KEY,
sauceAgent: agent,
capabilities: {
browserName: 'chrome',
chromeOptions: {
args: [

How to stop nodemon debugger on production

This is my grunt file: (the relevant portion)
nodemon: {
dev: {
script: 'server.js',
options: {
nodeArgs: ['--debug'],
ext: 'js,html',
watch: watchFiles.serverViews.concat(watchFiles.serverJS)
'node-inspector': {
custom: {
options: {
'web-port': 1337,
'web-host': 'localhost',
'debug-port': 5858,
'save-live-edit': true,
'no-preload': true,
'stack-trace-limit': 50,
'hidden': []
concurrent: {
default: ['nodemon', 'watch'],
debug: ['nodemon', 'watch', 'node-inspector'],
options: {
logConcurrentOutput: true
// Load NPM tasks
// Default task(s).
grunt.registerTask('default', ['lint', 'concurrent:default']);
// Debug task.
grunt.registerTask('debug', ['lint', 'concurrent:debug']);
// Lint task(s).
//grunt.registerTask('lint', ['jshint', 'csslint']);
grunt.registerTask('lint', ['jshint']);
On my server, when i write this command:
NODE ENV=production PORT=80 grunt --force
Im having this promped in my console:
I want no debugger in production, what needs to change?
I tried to remove the nodemon --debug option but with no success,
also i tried to change the debug port to another one in node-inspector, but i dont really initiate the node-inspector in the command above, and what tells him to do the nodemon-dev portion at all?

raven - sentry + django = No servers configured, and sentry not installed. Cannot send message

I have a sentry server that works ok.
raven test <dnstoserver> -> Sending a test message... success!
I have a dev machine with django 1.3 and raven 1.93.
In the django project I have this:
'version': 1,
'disable_existing_loggers': True,
'root': {
'level': 'WARNING',
'handlers': ['sentry'],
'formatters': {
'verbose': {
'format': '%(levelname)s %(asctime)s %(module)s %(process)d %(thread)d %(message)s'
'handlers': {
'sentry': {
'level': 'ERROR',
'class': 'raven.contrib.django.handlers.SentryHandler',
'console': {
'level': 'DEBUG',
'class': 'logging.StreamHandler',
'formatter': 'verbose'
'loggers': {
'django.db.backends': {
'level': 'ERROR',
'handlers': ['console'],
'propagate': False,
'raven': {
'level': 'DEBUG',
'handlers': ['console', 'sentry'],
'propagate': False,
Mind the absence of 'sentry' in the installed_apps. This is intentionally, since sentry is the server and should not be on a client! (in a view):
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger("raven")
When I run the view I get on the console:
No servers configured, and sentry not installed. Cannot send message
Why, and how to fix?
Were you really setting SENTRY_DNS or SENTRY_DSN?
When you set SENTRY_DSN the instantiation of the major config variables happens automatically (including SENTRY_SERVERS, SENTRY_PUBLIC_KEY, SENTRY_SECRET_KEY, and SENTRY_PROJECT)
The problem was in the construction of the raven DjangoClient. It did not get passed any servers, and couldn't find sentry config to steal that config from.
I added in the
Console now outputs this every time raven is called:
INFO 2012-06-21 05:33:19,831 base 4323 140735075462336 Configuring Raven for host: <dnstoserver>
But it works like a charm! Messages in sentry...
BTW. for all the undocumented settings take a look in raven.contrib.django.models.get_client()
I suggest to use:
SENTRY_DSN = 'http://user:password#<domain>:<port>/<project_id>'
Also take a look at this guide:
