Pattern as a input in powershell - windows

I am trying a script that could compress and delete folders which is in 'n' sublevel folders.
For example the below script could do the job for 3 sublevel folders.
$path = Read-Host "Enter the path"
$directory = $path +"\*\*\*"
Add-Type -AssemblyName System.IO.Compression.FileSystem
$folders = Get-ChildItem $directory -recurse | Where-Object {$_.PSIsContainer -eq $true} | Select-object -ExpandProperty FullName
foreach ($folder in $folders) {
Write-Verbose "Archiving $archive"
$archive = $folder + '.zip'
[System.IO.Compression.ZipFile]::CreateFromDirectory($folder, $archive, 'Optimal', $True)
Remove-Item $folder -recurse -force -Verbose
The script is working fine...My doubt is, how to input the sublevel as a input value?
In the above script I am giving the path as a input...Likewise, I wish to input the sublevel also as a input value.
For example: Enter the level:3 (This should assume the pattern like (bs* bs* bs*)
or 4 (bs* bs* bs* bs*)
Note : I had mentioned \ as bs. Because if I mention the pattern as in script, its not visible in the preview.
Any help?

PowerShell allows you to replicate strings with its * operator:
PS> $numLevels = 3; $path = 'C:\path\to'; $path + ('\*' * $numLevels)


Getting root folder name with PS

I am trying to create a PowerShell script to fetch the root folder's name where in their subdirectories files with error names are present with today's date. Below is the sample code I have tried so far to pick the folder names.
Root Log folder - C:\Errorlogs, contains many other application log level folders.
Get-ChildItem $targetDir -Recurse -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Force -Filter "*Error*"|
where {([datetime]::now.Date -eq $_.lastwritetime.Date)} |
select FullName
I have tried the above code; however, it's giving me the whole path as result, whereas I only need the folder name.
Result - C:\Errorlogs\AsyncCreateUsersAPIProcessor\202302\04\Error.txt
Required - AsyncCreateUsersAPIProcessor
Use string LastIndexOf and SubString
$rootPath = "C:\Temp\Errorlogs"
$date = [DateTime]::Now.ToString("yyyyMM\\\\dd")
$pattern = '\\(?<folder>\w+)\\' + $date + '\\Error.*$'
$files = Get-ChildItem -Path $rootPath -Recurse | Select-Object -Property Fullname | Where-Object {$_.Fullname -Match $pattern}
foreach($file in $files)
$file.Fullname -match $pattern
Write-Host "folder = " $Matches.folder
Looks like you can do it just with splitting the path using \ as delimiter then picking the 3rd token (2nd index of an array):
$targetDir = "C:\Errorlogs"
Get-ChildItem $targetDir -Recurse -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Force -Filter "*Error*" |
Where-Object { [datetime]::Now.Date -eq $_.LastWriteTime.Date } |
Select-Object #{ N='Name'; E={ $_.FullName.Split('\')[2] }}
Another option if you want 2 levels up in the folder hierarchy is to query the .Directory property of the file then the .Parent property of the parent folder (2 times or as many times as needed):
$targetDir = "C:\Errorlogs"
Get-ChildItem $targetDir -Recurse -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Force -Filter "*Error*" |
Where-Object { [datetime]::Now.Date -eq $_.LastWriteTime.Date } |
Select-Object #{ N='Name'; E={ $_.Directory.Parent.Parent.Name }}
As long as the subfolders inside the folder you are after all have numeric-only names, you can loop backwards to get at the first non-numeric foldername and output that.
$targetDir = "C:\Errorlogs"
Get-ChildItem -Path $targetDir -File -Filter "*Error*" -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue |
Where-Object { [datetime]::Now.Date -eq $_.LastWriteTime.Date } | ForEach-Object {
$parentDir = $_.Directory
while ($parentDir.Name -match '^\d+$') { $parentDir = $parentDir.Parent }
That way, even a path C:\Errorlogs\AsyncCreateUsersAPIProcessor\202302\02\04\1234\567\Error.txt would produce folder name AsyncCreateUsersAPIProcessor

Sorting files into directories with powershell

I have the following problem and I would really appreciate it if I could get some help on that front. I am getting a constant flow of xml files into a folder. A XML file name can look like this. It only goes up to 1005.
I want to sort the files into uniquely named folders that are not based on the file names. A example for that would be
C:\Directory Path...\Peter (All files starting with 1001 go in there)
C:\Directory Path...\John (All files starting with 1002 go there)
How can I create a batch or a powershell script to continuously sorts files into the specified folders? Since I only have 5 folders I would like to simply specify the target folders for each and not have elaborate loops but I don't know how to do that.
The easiest way is to create a lookup Hashtable where you define which prefix ('1001' .. '1005') maps to which destination folder:
# create a Hasthable to map the digits to a foldername
$folderMap = #{
'1001' = 'Peter'
'1002' = 'John'
'1003' = 'Lucretia'
'1004' = 'Matilda'
'1005' = 'Henry'
# set source and destination paths
$rootFolder = 'X:\Where\the\files\are'
$destination = 'Y:\Where\the\files\should\go'
# loop over the files in the root path
Get-ChildItem -Path $rootFolder -Filter '*.xml' -File |
Where-Object { $_.BaseName -match '^\d{4}\.' } |
ForEach-Object {
$prefix = ($_.Name -split '\.')[0]
$targetPath = Join-Path -Path $destination -ChildPath $folderMap[$prefix]
$_ | Move-Item -Destination $targetPath -WhatIf
Remove the -WhatIf safety-switch if you are satisfied with the results shown on screen
You could use a switch statement to decide on the target folder based on the first part of the file name:
$files = Get-ChildItem path\to\folder\with\xml\files -Filter *.xml
{$_.Name -like '1001*'} {
$_ |Move-Item -Destination 'C:\path\to\Peter'
{$_.Name -like '1002*'} {
$_ |Move-Item -Destination 'C:\path\to\John'
{$_.Name -like '1003*'} {
# etc...
default {
Write-Warning "No matching destination folder for file '$($_.Name)'"
If you change your mind about loops, my preference would be to store the mapping in a hashtable and loop over the entries for each file:
$files = Get-ChildItem path\to\folder\with\xml\files -Filter *.xml
$targetFolders = #{
'1001' = 'C:\path\to\Peter'
'1002' = 'C:\path\to\John'
'1003' = 'C:\path\to\Paul'
'1004' = 'C:\path\to\George'
'1005' = 'C:\path\to\Ringo'
foreach($file in $files){
$targetFolder = $targetFolders.Keys.Where({$file.Name -like "${_}*"}, 'First')
$file |Move-Item -Destination $targetFolder

Folder deleting after script ends

I am currently writing a script that takes a folder of files, moves the first file to a folder with a specific name, then move the rest to another folder with a number for a name.
My script works however it also moves the folder and renames it too. Which section of the code is causing this?
$path = "C:\Users\User1\Desktop\MergeTest\_First\"
$FileCount = Get-ChildItem -Path $path -File | Measure-Object | %{$_.Count}
$FirstFile = Get-ChildItem -Path $path -Force -File | Select-Object -First 1
$FinalReport = "C:\Users\User1\Desktop\MergeTest\___Final\TestOutput.xlsx"
Move-Item "C:\Users\User1\Desktop\MergeTest\_First\$FirstFile" $FinalReport
$Counter = 0;
Write-host $FileCount
for($Counter = 0; $Counter -lt $FileCount; $Counter++)
$FileInWork = Get-ChildItem -Path $path -Force -File | Select-Object -First 1
move-item "C:\Users\User1\Desktop\MergeTest\_First\$FileInWork" "C:\Users\User1\Desktop\MergeTest\__Second\$Counter.xlsx"
Write-host "File Moved"
What you could do is specify the -Include *.txt condition to your move-item commands so it is only to move just .txt, .log, or whatever file type you're moving and leave the folder how it is.
I believe your code could do with some cleaning up. Now you are executing Get-ChildItem 3 times, where using it once is enough.
Also, you should try and use the Join-Path rather than constructing the path and filenames yourself.
Especially where you do "C:\Users\User1\Desktop\MergeTest\_First\$FileInWork", you should realize that Get-ChildItem returns FileInfo and/or DirectoryInfo objects; not strings.
Anyway, the below code should do what you want:
# define the path where all other paths are in
$rootPath = "C:\Users\User1\Desktop\MergeTest"
# create the working paths using the common root folder path
$filesPath = Join-Path -Path $rootPath -ChildPath '_First'
$firstDestination = Join-Path -Path $rootPath -ChildPath '___Final'
$secondDestination = Join-Path -Path $rootPath -ChildPath '__Second'
# test if the destination folders exist and if not create them
if (!(Test-Path -Path $firstDestination -PathType Container)) {
Write-Host "Creating folder '$firstDestination'"
$null = New-Item -Path $firstDestination -ItemType Directory
if (!(Test-Path -Path $secondDestination -PathType Container)) {
Write-Host "Creating folder '$secondDestination'"
$null = New-Item -Path $secondDestination -ItemType Directory
# get an array of all FileInfo objects in $filesPath
# you could consider adding -Filter '*.xlsx' here..
$allFiles = Get-ChildItem -Path $filesPath -Force -File
Write-Host 'Total number of files found: {0}' -f $allFiles.Count
# move the files
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $allFiles.Count; $i++) {
if ($i -eq 0) {
# the first file should go in the $firstDestination folder with specified name
$target = Join-Path -Path $firstDestination -ChildPath 'TestOutput.xlsx'
else {
# all other files go to the $secondDestination folder
# each file should have the index number as name
$target = Join-Path -Path $secondDestination -ChildPath ('{0}.xlsx' -f ($i + 1))
$allFiles[$i] | Move-Item -Destination $target -Force -WhatIf
Hope that helps
Remove the -WhatIf if you are satisfied with whatever the output on console shows.
P.S. I really think you should edit your question and change its title, because nothing in the question has to do with Folder deleting after script ends..

powershell exporting to text file

I'm working on a script that checks folders in specific directory. For example, I run the script for first time, it generates me a txt file containing folders in the directory.
I need the script to add any new directories that are found to the previously created txt file when the script is run again.
Does anyone have any suggestions how to make that happen?
Here is my code so far:
$LogFolders = Get-ChildItem -Directory mydirectory ;
If (-Not (Test-Path -path "txtfilelocated"))
Add-Content txtfilelocated -Value $LogFolders
$File = Get-Content "txtfilelocatedt"
$File | ForEach-Object {
$_ -match $LogFolders
something like this?
You can specify what directory to check adding path to get-childitem cmdlet in first line
$a = get-childitem | ? { $_.psiscontainer } | select -expand fullname #for V2.0 and above
$a = get-childitem -Directory | select -expand fullname #for V3.0 and above
if ( test-path .\list.txt )
compare-object (gc list.txt) ($a) -PassThru | Add-Content .\list.txt
$a | set-content .\list.txt

How can I use PowerShell to copy the same file to many directories with the same name?

I'm trying to copy one file to any subfolder in a directory that has a specific name. I am part way there, but just can't quite get it to work.
I am able to find all of the subfolders called "help" using:
Get-ChildItem -Path Y:\folder1\subfolder -Directory -Recurse | ? { ($_.PSIsContainer -eq $true) -and ($_.Name -like 'help')}
That will get any folder in Y:\folder1\subfolder named help. So have been trying:
$folder = Get-ChildItem -Path Y:Y:\folder1\subfolder -Directory -Recurse | ? { ($_.PSIsContainer -eq $true) -and ($_.Name -like 'help')}
foreach ($f in $folder){
Copy-Item Y:\Info.html -Destination $folder[$f]
and that does not work. Bonus points if you can also tell me how to have it write out to a csv file all of the directories it copies the file to.
I wrote this with version 3, but I think it will work with 1 and 2 since I used Set-StrictMode -Version <number> to test them.
The CSV output will look something like this for every line: Y:\Info.html,Y:\folder1\subfolder\help
$logpath = 'C:\log.csv'
$logopts = #{filepath=$logpath; append=$true; encoding='ascii'}
$file = 'Y:\Info.html'
$path = 'Y:\folder1\subfolder'
$search = 'help'
gci $path -d -s `
| ?{ $_.psIsContainer -and $ -match $search } `
| %{
cp $file $_.fullName; # copy file
$line = $file, $_.fullName -join ','; # build output
$line | out-file #logopts; # write output
Version 1
$folders = #(
(gci Y:\folder1\subfolder -dir -r | ? {$_.Name -like 'help'}).fullname
ForEach ($f in $folders) {
Copy-Item Y:\Info.html $f
Version 2
(gci Y:\folder1\subfolder -dir -r | ? {$_.Name -like 'help'}).fullname | % {cp Y:\Info.html $_}
