RxSwift subscribe to latest element in one sequence similar to combineLatest - rx-swift

Suppose I have some Observable which may have some arbitrarily long sequence of events at the time I subscribe to it but which may also continue to emit events after I subscribe.
I am interested only in those events from the time at which I subscribe and later. How do I just get the latest events?
In this example I use a ReplaySubject as an artificial source to illustrate the question. In practice this would be some arbitrary Observable.
let observable = ReplaySubject<Int>.createUnbounded()
_ = observable.subscribe(onNext: {
Produces the output:
What I really want is only events from the time of subscription onwards. i.e. 4 5 6 7
I can use combineLatest with some other dummy Observable:
let observable = ReplaySubject<Int>.createUnbounded()
_ = Observable.combineLatest(observable, Observable<Int>.just(42)) { value, _ in value }
.subscribe(onNext: {
which produces the desired output 4 5 6 7
How can I produce a similar result without artificially introducing another arbitrary Observable?
I have tried a number of things including combineLatest with an array consisting of just one observable, but that emits the complete sequence, not just the latest. I know I could use PublishSubject but I am just using ReplaySubject here as an illustration.

By default, an observable will call its generator for every subscriber and emit all of the values produced by that generator. So for example:
let obs = Observable.create { observer in
for each in [1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 11] {
(Note that the above is the implementation of Observable.from(_:))
Every time something subscribes to obs the closure is called and all 6 next events will be received. This is what's known as a "cold" observable, and again it's the default behavior. Assume an Observable is cold unless you know otherwise.
There is also the concept of a "hot" observable. A hot observable doesn't call its generator function when something subscribes to it.
Based on your question, and your subsequent comment, it sounds like you want to know how to make a cold observable hot... The fundamental way is by calling .multicast on it (or one of the operators that use its implementation like publish(), replay(_:) or replayAll().) There is also a special purpose operator called .share() that will "heat up" an observable and keep it hot until all subscribers unsubscribe to it (then it will be cold again.) And of course, Subjects are considered hot because they don't have a generator function to call.
Note however, that many observables have synchronous behavior, this means that they will emit all their values as soon as something subscribes and thus will have already completed before any other observer (on that thread) has a chance to subscribe.
Some more examples... .interval(_:scheduler:) is a cold observable with async behavior. Let's say you have the following:
let i = Observable<Int>.interval(.seconds(3), scheduler: MainScheduler.instance)
i.subscribe(onNext: { print($0, "from first") })
DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 5) {
i.subscribe(onNext: { print($0, "from second") })
What you will find is that each observer will get it's own independent stream of values (both will start with 0) because the generator inside interval is called for both observers. So you will see output like:
0 from first
1 from first
0 from second
2 from first
1 from second
3 from first
2 from second
If you multicast the interval you will see different behavior:
let i = Observable<Int>.interval(.seconds(3), scheduler: MainScheduler.instance)
i.subscribe(onNext: { print($0, "from first") })
DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 5) {
i.subscribe(onNext: { print($0, "from second") })
The above will produce:
0 from first
1 from first
1 from second
2 from first
2 from second
3 from first
3 from second
(Note that "second" started with 1 instead of 0.) The share operator will work the same way in this case except you don't have to call connect() because it does it automatically.
Lastly, watch out. If you publish a synchronous observable, you might not get what you expect:
let i = Observable.from([1, 2, 3, 5])
i.subscribe(onNext: { print($0, "from first") })
i.subscribe(onNext: { print($0, "from second") })
1 from first
2 from first
3 from first
5 from first
Because all 5 events (the four next events and the completed event) emit as soon as connect() is called before the second observer gets a chance to subscribe.
An article that might help you is Hot and Cold Observables but it's pretty advanced...

Why not simply use a publish subject like this? Isn't this the desired output? Publish Subjects only emits the elements after it's subscribed. And that's the whole purpose of it.
let observable = PublishSubject<Int>()
_ = observable.subscribe(onNext: {
If you don't want to use a subject you can share the observable and add a 2nd subscriber like this,
let observable = ReplaySubject<Int>.createUnbounded()
let shared = observable.share()
// this will print full sequence
shared.subscribe(onNext: {
print("full sequence: \($0)")
}).disposed(by: disposeBag)
// this will only print new events
shared.subscribe(onNext: {
print("shared sequence: \($0)")
}).disposed(by: disposeBag)
// new events
Observables are lazy, pull driven sequences. Without your first subscription stream won't even start. Once started, by sharing it, you can subscribe only to the new events.


Confusing behavior of rxjs operator `delay`

I'm a bit confused about the rxjs operator delay.
When I test it with a fake observable created with from, then I only see an initial delay:
const { from } = Rx;
const { delay, tap } = RxOperators;
from([1, 2, 3, 4]).pipe(
(You can copy & paste this code snippet into rxviz.)
I placed a tap in there to make sure from actually emits the array items as separate values instead of a single array value.
An initial delay is not what I expected, but at least that's what the docs say:
[...] this operator time shifts the source Observable by that amount of time expressed in milliseconds. The relative time intervals between the values are preserved.
However, when I test it with an observable created from an event, then I see a delay before each emitted value:
const { fromEvent } = Rx;
const { delay } = RxOperators;
fromEvent(document, 'click')
What's going on here? Why is delay behaving differently in both cases?
All delay does is what it says: whenever it receives a value, it holds on to that value for the delay period, then emits it. It does the same thing for each value it receives. delay does not change the relative timings between items in the stream.
So, when you do from([1,2,3,4]).pipe(delay(1000)), what happens is:
Time 0: from emits 1
Time 0: delay sees 1 and starts timer1
Time 0: from emits 2
Time 0: delay sees 2 and starts timer2
Time 1000: timer1 completes and delay emits 1
Time 1000: timer2 completes and delay emits 2
So because all 4 values were emitted in rapid succession, you really only see an initial delay and then all 4 values get emitted downstream. In reality, each value was delayed by 1 second from when it was originally emitted.
If you want to "spread apart" the items so that they are at least 1 second apart, then you could do something like:
const source = from([1, 2, 3, 4])
const spread = source.pipe(concatMap(value => of(value).pipe(delay(1000))));
spread.subscribe(value => console.log(value));
This converts each individual value into an observable that emits the value after a delay, then concatenates these observables. This means the timer for each item will not start ticking until the previous item's timer finishes.
You tap the stream and get the values that are emitted then you pipe them into delay which emits them one second later. Each function in the pipe returns a new observable which emits a value to the next function in the pipe. Tap returns the same observable that has not been delayed yet and delay returns an observable that emits one second later.
const { from } = rxjs;
const { delay, tap } = rxjs.operators;
from([1, 2, 3, 4]).pipe(
tap(val => { console.log(`Tap: ${val}`); }),
delay(1000)).subscribe(val => { console.log(`Sub: ${val}`); });
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/rxjs/6.5.2/rxjs.umd.min.js"></script>
If you put the tap after the delay then you see them after the delay.
const { from } = rxjs;
const { delay, tap } = rxjs.operators;
from([1, 2, 3, 4]).pipe(
tap(val => { console.log(`Tap: ${val}`); })).subscribe(val => { console.log(`Sub: ${val}`); });
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/rxjs/6.5.2/rxjs.umd.min.js"></script>
In first code snippet you are emitting an array element by element. First delay, then array elements are handled.
'from' and 'pipe' make 'delay' perform once. Pipe sequences processing, first delay, then tap, tap, tap, tap.
In second code snippet you are emitting objects (they arrive), so delay happens once for each object.
'fromEvent' and 'pipe' make 'delay' per event. Pipe sequences processing of delay before each event.

RxJs hot range observable

I'm trying to create a hot range observable. This means that when I have an observer observering the observable after a certain timeout, it should not receive the values that have already been published. I have created the following program:
import Rx from "rxjs/Rx";
var x = Rx.Observable.range(1,10).share()
x.subscribe(x => {
print('1: ' + x);
setTimeout(() => {
x.subscribe(x => {
print('2: ' + x);
}, 1000);
function print(x) {
const element = document.createElement('div');
element.innerText = x;
I expect this program to print 1 to 10, and then the second observable to print nothing, since the values 1 to 10 are produced within the first second. The expected output is shown below.
1: 1
1: 2
However, I see that it also prints all the values. Eventhough I have put the share() operator behind it. The output is shown below.
1: 1
1: 10
2: 1
2: 10
Can somebody explain this to me?
share returns an observable that's reference counted for subscriptions. When the reference count goes from zero to one, the shared observable subscribes to the source - in your case, to the range observable. And when the reference count drops back to zero, it unsubscribes from the source.
The key point in your snippet is that range emits it's values synchronously and then completes. And the completion effects an unsubscription from the shared observable and that sees the reference count drop back to zero - which sees the shared observable unsubscribe from its source.
If you replace share with publish you should see the behaviour you expected:
var x = Rx.Observable.range(1,10).publish();
x.subscribe(x => print('1: ' + x));
publish returns a ConnectableObservable which is not reference counted and provides a connect method that can be called to explicitly connect - i.e. subscribe - to the source.

What is the best way to implement a poller with timeout as a reactive stream.

What is the best way to model a poller with a timeout, where a certain condition causes an early-exit as 'reactive streams'?
If I had an observable which produced a decreasing sequence of positive integers every second
What is the best way to write a consumer which takes the latest single event after 5 seconds OR the '0' event if it produced earlier than the timeout.
This is my code as it stands at the moment: (Example in Java)
int intialValue = 10;
AtomicInteger counter = new AtomicInteger(intialValue);
Integer val = Observable.interval(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
.map(tick -> counter.decrementAndGet())
.takeUntil(it -> it == 0)
.takeUntil(Observable.timer(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS))
if initialValue = 10, I expect 6 to print. if initialValue = 2, i expect 0 to print before the 5 second timeout expires.
I'm interested if there is a better way to do this.
I don't think there is really a much better way than what you did. You have to have the following:
An interval to emit on (interval)
An aggregator to decrement and store the last value (scan)
A termination condition on the value (takeWhile)
A termination condition on time (takeUntil(timer(...)))
Get the last value on completion (last)
Each one is represented by an operator. You can't do much to get around that. I used a few different operators (scan for aggregation and takeWhile for termination on value) but it is the same number of operators.
const { interval, timer } = rxjs;
const { scan, takeWhile, takeUntil, last, tap } = rxjs.operators;
function poll(start) {
console.log('start', start);
scan((x) => x - 1, start),
takeWhile((x) => x >= 0),
tap((x) => { console.log('tap', x); }),
(x) => { console.log('next', x); },
(e) => { console.log('error', e); },
() => { console.log('complete'); }
setTimeout(() => { poll(2); }, 6000);
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/rxjs/6.1.0/rxjs.umd.min.js"></script>
I'm not clear on how you expect it to function on the boundaries. In your example you always decrement before emiting so if your initial value is 10 then you emit 9, 8, 7, 6 (4 values). If you wanted to start with 10 then . you could do scan(..., start + 1) but that would end you at 7 because the timer in the takeUntil(...) aligns with the source interval so that 6 would be excluded. If you want to emit 5 values then you could do takeUntil(timer(5001)). Also, if you don't want to wait a second to emit the first value then you could put startWith(start) right after the scan(...). Or you could do timer(0, 1000) with scan(..., start + 1) instead of the source interval.
Also note that the termination on value (takeWhile) will not terminate till the invalid value is produced (-1). So it will continue for a second after receiving the termination value (0). It seems that most of the termination operators work that way where if they terminate on some value then they wont let the others through.
You could do a take(5) instead of takeUntil(timer(5000)) because you know it fires on a matching interval if that works for your scenario. That would also get around the issue of excluding the last value because of the timers lining up.

rxjs 5 publishReplay refCount

I can't figure out how publishReplay().refCount() works.
For example (https://jsfiddle.net/7o3a45L1/):
var source = Rx.Observable.create(observer => {
// expensive http request
subscription1 = source.subscribe({next: (v) => console.log('observerA: ' + v)});
subscription2 = source.subscribe({next: (v) => console.log('observerB: ' + v)});
subscription3 = source.subscribe({next: (v) => console.log('observerC: ' + v)});
subscription4 = source.subscribe({next: (v) => console.log('observerD: ' + v)});
gives the following result:
call observerA: 5
observerB: 5 call observerB: 5
observerC: 5 observerC: 5 call observerC: 5
observerD: 5 observerD: 5 observerD: 5 call observerD: 5
1) Why are observerB, C and D called multiple times?
2) Why "call" is printed on each line and not in the beginning of the line?
Also, if i call publishReplay(1).refCount(), it calls observerB, C and D 2 times each.
What i expect is that every new observer receives the value 5 exactly once and "call" is printed only once.
publishReplay(x).refCount() combined does the following:
It create a ReplaySubject which replay up to x emissions. If x is not defined then it replays the complete stream.
It makes this ReplaySubject multicast compatible using a refCount() operator. This results in concurrent subscriptions receiving the same emissions.
Your example contains a few issues clouding how it all works together. See the following revised snippet:
var state = 5
var realSource = Rx.Observable.create(observer => {
console.log("creating expensive HTTP-based emission");
// observer.complete();
return () => {
console.log('unsubscribing from source')
var source = Rx.Observable.of('')
.do(() => console.log('stream subscribed'))
.do(null, null, () => console.log('stream completed'))
subscription1 = source.subscribe({next: (v) => console.log('observerA: ' + v)});
subscription2 = source.subscribe(v => console.log('observerB: ' + v));
subscription3 = source.subscribe(v => console.log('observerC: ' + v));
subscription4 = source.subscribe(v => console.log('observerD: ' + v));
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/rxjs/5.1.0/Rx.js"></script>
When running this snippet we can see clearly that it is not emitting duplicate values for Observer D, it is in fact creating new emissions for every subscription. How come?
Every subscription is unsubscribed before the next subscription takes place. This effectively makes the refCount decrease back to zero, no multicasting is being done.
The issue resides in the fact that the realSource stream does not complete. Because we are not multicasting the next subscriber gets a fresh instance of realSource through the ReplaySubject and the new emissions are prepended with the previous already emitted emissions.
So to fix your stream from invoking the expensive HTTP request multiple times you have to complete the stream so the publishReplay knows it does not need to re-subscribe.
Generally: The refCount means, that the stream is hot/shared as long as there is at least 1 subscriber - however, it is being reset/cold when there are no subscribers.
This means if you want to be absolutely sure that nothing is executed more than once, you should not use refCount() but simply connect the stream to set it hot.
As an additional note: If you add an observer.complete() after the observer.next(5); you will also get the result you expected.
Sidenote: Do you really need to create your own custom Obervable here? In 95% of the cases the existing operators are sufficient for the given usecase.
This happens because you're using publishReplay(). It internally creates an instance of ReplaySubject that stores all values that go through.
Since you're using Observable.create where you emit a single value then every time you call source.subscribe(...) you append one value to the buffer in ReplaySubject.
You're not getting call printed at the beginning of each line because it's the ReplaySubject who emits its buffer first when you subscribe and then it subscribes itself to its source:
For implementation details see:
The same applies when using publishReplay(1). First it emits the buffered item from ReplaySubject and then yet another item from observer.next(5);

Can an RxJS 5 Observable source be stopped by another down the chain?

RxJS 5 Angular 2 RC4 app written in Typescript 1.9:
I have two observables in a chain. I would like, if a condition is met in the 2nd, for the first to be completed immediately. My efforts seem unnecessarily complex. In the example below, I try to stop the first observable after it has emitted 3 values:
source = Observable.interval(1000)
.do(()=>this.print("*******EMITTING from Source*******"))
.switchMap(count => {
if(count<3){ //just pass along the value
return Observable.create(observer=>{
else{ //abort by issuing a non-productive observable
return Observable.create(observer=>
this.source.subscribe(count=>this.print('Ouput is '+count);
Here is the output:
*******EMITTING from Source*******
Output is 0
*******EMITTING from Source*******
Output is 1
*******EMITTING from Source*******
Output is 2
*******EMITTING from Source*******
*******EMITTING from Source*******
*******EMITTING from Source*******
So, functionally I get the result I want because the wider script stops getting notifications after three outputs. However, I'm sure there is a better way. My problems are:
The upstream observable continues to emitting forever. How can I stop it?
I'm creating a new observable down the chain on every emission. Shouldn't I be able to just pass along the first 3 values but abort or complete the chain on the 4th?
You can use take operator to do it.take takes the first N events and completes the stream.
this.source = Observable.interval(1000)
.do(()=>this.print("*******EMITTING from Source*******"))
this.source.subscribe(count=>this.print('Ouput is '+count);
Your example's stream doesn't complete because switchMap's outer stream doesn't complete when inner streams complete. switchMap() is equal to map().switch(). In your example, the map part emits observables like:
next(0), complete()
next(1), complete()
next(2), complete()
...(continues infinitely)...
And the switch part switches those observables and keeps waiting for upcoming observables.
Your example also could be written as:
source = Observable.interval(1000)
.do(()=>this.print("*******EMITTING from Source*******"))
.takeWhile(count => count < 3);
Regarding your comment, if you want to terminate the stream if the inner stream emits true:
source = Observable.interval(1000)
.do(()=>this.print("*******EMITTING from Source*******"))
.switchMap(count => createSomeObservable(count))
.takeWhile(x => x !== true);
