Autowire Bean and application.yml file in another jar file - spring-boot

I am experimenting with spring boot multi module projects for my understanding.
My Over All Goal is :
1.Build Spring boot project as independent jar and utilise it on another project.
2.Autowire Bean properties inside jar as per new project. Make it independent.
Things I have done so far.
Project providerModule1
Declare a Service(MyService).
public class MyService {
ServiceProperties serviceProperties;
public String getInfoFromProperties() {
return serviceProperties.toString();
Create a bean called ServiceProperties that will be used in to MyService.
package com.demo.multimodule.providerModule1.util;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Value;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;
import lombok.Data;
public class ServiceProperties {
private String name;
private String email;
private String age;
Load the bean ServiceProperties by reading propeties from yml file.
userName: userName1
age: 18
Build the Project ProviderModule1 using maven plugin
Project ParentProjectApplication
5. Load the maven dependency.
Autowire the MyService from project providerModule1
package com.multimodule.demo.parentProject.service;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;
import com.demo.multimodule.providerModule1.service.MyService;
public class HomeService {
private MyService myService;
public String getHomeInfo() {
return "Home Info from Home service : "+myService.getInfoFromProperties();
Initially myservice was not getting loaded .Hence I added this step to main application class:
#SpringBootApplication(scanBasePackages= {"com.demo.multimodule.providerModule1.service",
public class ParentProjectApplication {
Question 1 : Is this the only way using which I can autowire bean from a jar. If there is another way let me know.
I executed the Project ParentProjectApplication and it seem to work as expected.
Question 2 : Is it possible to autowire new yml property from Project ParentProjectApplication and make ServiceProperties bean of project ProviderModule1 utilise it.

you can try spring.factory to create beans.
refer the link below


Scan of fiegn client present in other package jar

We have one custom jar which has fiegn client in com.pack.mav.tru.client package of jar.
Now this jar is imported using pom.xml in our spring boot application.
In this main application we added the component scan with base packes and also that jar package.
Yet we see null object, when we autowire that fiegn client in that jar one class.
What we are missing, please help.
package com.pack.mav.tru.client;
#FeignClient(name = "user")
public interface UserClient {
public void getUser(#PathVariable String id);
package com.pack.mav.tru.service;
public class ProductService {
userClient userclient;
public void method(string id) {
userClient.getuser(id); ---> Here userClient is null
The above classes are present in one jar
We import same jar in our main spring application and added scan in main application class as below.
#ComponentScan(basePackages = { "com.mav.pack.*", "com.pack.mav.tru.client.*"})

Spring Boot: Autowiring app credentials within custom autoconfiguration bean returns null

I am working with a custom AWS Simple System Management client just to avoid the original from using the default AWS authentication chain, so I placed my class in /META-INF/spring.factories and excluded the original from being autconfigured in bootstrap.yml . What I'm facing right now is to get the credentials from application.yml and pass them to my new conf, but when I try to autowire them all I get is null. I wonder if there is any way to achieve it
Here is the code:
package es.example;
import lombok.*;
#ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "aws.credentials")
public class CustomAWSSSMAuthProperties {
private String accessKey;
private String secretKey;
package es.example;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.*;
public class CustomAWSSSMClient extends AWSSimpleSystemsManagementClient {
private CustomAWSSSMAuthProperties customProperties;
public CustomAWSSSMClient() {
String accessKey = customProperties.getAccessKey();
String secretKey = customProperties.getSecretKey();
uri: ${SPRING_CONFIG_URI:http://localhost:8888}
Many thanks
#ConfigurationProperties does not create a bean like #Configuration or #Component does. In your case CustomAWSSSMAuthProperties type bean/object will not be instantiated in the Spring context.
Generally #ConfigurationProperties is used with #Configuration or #Bean to bind the some properties to the bean.
You can annotate CustomAWSSSMAuthProperties with #Configuration to fix the issue.

Spring data repository not found at compile time

I am trying to use Spring data and repositories in a Spring Boot application, but I have an error when compiling the project.
Here is my Entity :
package fr.investstore.model;
import javax.persistence.Id;
public class CrowdOperation {
public Long id;
public RepaymentType repaymentType;
And the corresponding Repository:
package fr.investstore.repositories;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Repository;
import fr.investstore.model.CrowdOperation;
public interface CrowdOperationRepository extends CrudRepository<CrowdOperation, Long> {
I use it in a WS controller, generating a repository through the Autowired annotation:
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.EnableAutoConfiguration;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Controller;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.ResponseBody;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMethod;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestParam;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping;
public class SampleController {
private CrowdOperationRepository crowdOperationRepository;
#RequestMapping(path = "/", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public String getOperations(#RequestParam(required=true, defaultValue="Stranger") String name) { CrowdOperation());
return "Hello " + name;
And the code of the application:
package fr.investstore;
import org.springframework.boot.SpringApplication;
import org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.SpringBootApplication;
public class InvestStoreApplication {
public static void main(String[] args) {, args);
But when compiling the project I get:
Description: Field crowdOperationRepository in required a bean of type
'fr.investstore.repositories.CrowdOperationRepository' that could not
be found.
Action: Consider defining a bean of type
'fr.investstore.repositories.CrowdOperationRepository' in your
Woudn't Spring automatically generate a bean for the repository through the interface?
How can I resolve this?
EDIT: I also tried to put the Repository annotation (from org.springframework.stereotype.Repository) onto CrowdOperationRepository, but I got the same error
While creating a spring-boot application, we need to keep some point in our mind like
Always keep main class (class with `#SpringBootApplication annotation) on the top level package and other classes should lie under sub-packages.
Always mark your bean classes with proper annotation e.g. all repositories should be marked by #Repository annotation, all service implementation classes should be marked with #Service, other component classes should be marked by #Component, class which defines our beans should be marked as #Configuration
Enable the feature which you are using e.g. #EnableJpaRepositories, #EnableTransactionManagement, #EnableJpaAuditing, these annotations also provides functionality which let us define which package spring needs to scan.
So in your case, you need to mark InvestStoreApplication class with #EnableJpaRepositories annotation and CrowdOperationRepository with #Repository.
you have to tell your spring boot application to load JPA repositories.
copy this one to your application class
it will auto-scan your JPA repository and load it in your spring container even if you do not define your interface with #Repository it will wire that bean in your dependent class.
#EnableJpaRepositories(basePackages = { "fr.investstore.repositories" })
Thank to #JBNizet for his comment, that made it working.
I create this answer since he did not:
Replace, args); with, args);. And remove the useless #EnableAutoConfiguration on your controller.
Annotating your entity class as shown as spring hint below to allow spring get a valid repository bean
Spring Data JPA - Could not safely identify store assignment for repository candidate interface com.xxxxx.xxxxRepository.
If you want this repository to be a JPA repository, consider annotating your entities with one of these annotations: javax.persistence.Entity, javax.persistence.MappedSuperclass (preferred),
or consider extending one of the following types with your repository:
2022-05-06 12:32:12.623 [ restartedMain] INFO [.RepositoryConfigurationDelegate:201 ] - Finished Spring Data repository scanning in 3 ms. Found 0 JPA repository interfaces.

Using Spring boot, I am unable to refer a class present in another jar

I am trying to build a spring boot web application. I want to refer a class from another jar. The class name is SalaryHandler.
I have done the following configuration in the class having
#SpringBootApplication annotation:
public SalaryHandler iSalary() {
return new SalaryHandler();
In the class, where it is required, I have used autowiring annotation like this:
package hello;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;
import com.salary.SalaryHandler;
//#Service - not working
//#Component - not working
public class SalaryDelegatorImpl implements SalaryDelegator {
private SalaryHandler iSalary;
public void show() {
The code is compiling fine, but when this iSalary object is used to call its method, nullpointer exception is thrown.
Just to note that SalaryHandler is present inside another jar and is not using any spring annotation, its code is as below:
package com.salary;
public class SalaryHandler implements ISalary {
public void testSalary() {
System.out.println("Salary test successful...");
you need to attempt Autowire with #Component. In order to get this to work, you'll have to annotate a method in your #Configuration class. Something like this should allow you to autowire the class:
public class ConfigClass{
public JPADataService jpaDataService(){
return new JPADataService();
I am able to fix this. The problem was somewhere inside code, I was calling SalaryDelegatorImpl using new operator(from inside a factory class), so that was not being managed by Spring. As a result, the #Autowired on SalaryHandler, was not working.
I changed my factory to be spring managed, and then it worked fine.
Thanks everyone for the support.

Spring Data JPA repositories not being auto-created with CommandLineRunner

I am trying to write a simple Spring Data JPA app for Spring Boot in Groovy. I followed the getting started guide and did some basic transformation to make it work with Groovy and the Spring Boot CLI.
I am running the code with the Spring Boot CLI (v1.1.8):
spring run app.groovy
This results in the error:
NoSuchBeanDefinitionException: No qualifying bean of type [hello.CustomerRepository] is defined
Does anyone have an idea why the Repository is not getting created automatically? I feel like I must be missing something simple. Here is the app.groovy file containing all of the code:
package hello
import java.util.List
import javax.persistence.*
import org.springframework.boot.SpringApplication
import org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.EnableAutoConfiguration
import org.springframework.context.ConfigurableApplicationContext
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Configuration
class Customer {
long id
String name
Customer() {}
Customer(String name) { = name
interface CustomerRepository extends CrudRepository<Customer, Long> {
List<Customer> findByName(String name)
class Application implements CommandLineRunner {
ConfigurableApplicationContext context
void run(String[] args) {
CustomerRepository repository = context.getBean(CustomerRepository.class) Customer("Jack", "Bauer"))
A Groovy CLI app can only scan for JPA repositories if you give it actual classes (i.e. not the .groovy scripts). You can build a jar file and run that, and it should work:
$ spring jar app.jar app.groovy
$ java -jar app.jar
