return table except deleted_at (softdeletes) laravel - laravel

I'm trying to return a table without deleted rows (softdeletes)
This is my code
public function getMailRecipients($meoId){
return DB::table('mail_recipients')->where('meo_id', '=', $meoId)->select('name', 'email')->get();
but I get all rows, even those removed through softdeletes, What else should I add to avoid that?

you are using query builder (facade DB) in this case you should do this:
DB::table('mail_recipients')->where('meo_id', '=', $ meoId)->whereNull('deleted_at')->select('name', 'email')->get();
If you use the model, you must use the SoftDeletes trait
class Flight extends Model{
use SoftDeletes;
see more in the documentation

Note *: The soft deleting feature works when using Eloquent. If you are querying the results with query builder you will eventually see all the records trashed and not trashed.
You can try with this:
public function getMailRecipients($meoId)
return DB::table('mail_recipients')
->where('meo_id', $meoId)
->get(['name', 'email']);

If you arrived here because you are using protected $softDelete = true in your model and Laravel seems to ignore it, the solution is to use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\SoftDeletes in your model. Works everytime!


Laravel, eloquent and foreach in controller

I'm new in Laravel and I'm curious about one thing. I have 3 database tables: posts, comments, replies. I want to make a simple delete from each. But obviously post has many comments and comments has many replies. Whole thing is about these replies. Seems like I can't reach them.
I have properly working relations between tables.
namespace App\Http\Controllers;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use App\Post;
use App\Comment;
use App\Reply;
use App\Traffic;
use Image;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Storage;
class PostsController extends Controller
//few others things here...
public function destroy($id) //$id is an id of post
// Select Post and comments of post
$post = Post::find($id);
$comments = Comment::where('post_id', $id);
//remove image (working fine)
Storage::delete('public/img/' . $post->image);
// delete all replies of post comments <<< Here is the issue. Can I even do like this?
foreach ($comments as $comment) {
$post_comment_reply = Reply::where('comment_id', $comment->id);
// delete post record (working fine)
//delete comments of post (working fine)
// return to user profile (working fine)
return redirect('/home')->with('success', 'Post has been deleted');
There is an even easier way to do so.. if you just add a database constraint to the foreign key in the replies table to the comment..
The last part: onDelete('cascade') ensures that all the replies will be deleted once a comment has been deleted :) so you don't have to manually do that in the application layer.
Let me know if it makes sense :)
Instead of deleting the replies in a loop, you can delete them all at once:
$comments = Comment::where('post_id', $id);
$comment_ids = $comments->pluck('id');
Reply::whereIn('comment_id', $comment_ids)->delete();
What's wrong in your code is that you create a db query but does not execute it:
// You forgot the ->get() following the where statement
foreach ($comments as $comment)
$post_comment_reply = Reply::where('comment_id', $comment->id)->get();
However the code altogether is not quite optimal, you could make it directly on database level with onDelete('cascade'), or simply create a request to delete the replies without retrieving them and reducing the number of query to the db, like such:
foreach ($comments as $comment)
Reply::where('comment_id', $comment->id)->delete();
One step further reducing db queries like suggested above:
Reply::whereIn('comment_id', $comments->pluck('id'))->delete();
If you want to delete the relations via Laravel, you have to override the boot function.
Override the boot() on your Comment model like
protected static function boot()
static::deleting(function (Comment $model) {
This will delete all the replies associated to a comment when that comment is deleted via eloquent.

Retrieve all columns from table A and some from table B using laravel eloquent

I am trying to retrieve the thumb image path by joining the images table to the listing table. As such, I have the following query in my controller.
$listings = Listing::select('listings.*, images.path as image_path')
->where('listings.ownerid', '=', $ownerid)
->leftJoin('images', 'listings.thumbId', '=', '')->get();
After testing out the function, the query fails since laravel interprets the query as
select `listings`.`*, images`.`path` as `image_path` from `listings` left join `images` on `listings`.`thumbId` = `images`.`id` where `listings`.`ownerid` = 1)
Notice the asterisk (*) is joined with the ", images" word making it '*, images'.
The query works fine without laravel's odd typo. How does one fix this issue?
You need to do one change in your query. You are passing raw select fields so you need to use selectRaw() instead of select(). Like
$listings = Listing::selectRaw('listings.*, images.path as image_path')
->where('listings.ownerid', '=', $ownerid)
->leftJoin('images', 'listings.thumbId', '=', '')->get();
check by try above query.
I suggest you to use Laravel Eloquent Relationships feature. Since your code above is more like Query Builder rather than Eloquent. Let's see the example bellow:
You will have 2 Models, 1 for each table (listings, images):
App\Listing Model:
use App\Image;
class Listing extends Eloquent {
protected $table = 'listings';
// define Eloquent Relationship of Listing model to Image model
public function image() {
return $this->belongsTo(Image::class, 'thumbId');
App\Image Model:
use App\Listing;
class Image extends Eloquent {
protected $table = 'images';
// define Eloquent Relationship of Image model to Listing model
public function listings() {
return $this->hasMany(Listing::class, 'thumbId');
So how to get the data?
// get all listing data
$listings = Listing::all();
// loop through the data
foreach ($listing as $listing) {
// because we have define the relationship, we can access the related data of image
// call $this->image will return related Image model
You can see Laravel official documentation for more example and explanation.
Hope it helps.

How to use Laravel Eloquent with complex queries

I am trying to setup Eloquent for a new API that we're working on. I am using relations in a model.
Some relations are complex and aren't really suitable for a quick chained Query Builder statement. For example, I am trying to return metrics and some of those metrics are complex. Such as counting the total clicks generated by a user (it's not just a simple COUNT(*)). Here is the code that I have now:
namespace App\Models\Eloquent;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\DB;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Collection;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
class Affiliate extends Model
protected $table = 'user';
public function profile()
return $this->belongsTo('App\Models\Eloquent\Profile', 'id');
public static function clicks()
$sql = "SELECT
COUNT(*) / SUM(dummy_metric) AS total_clicks
FROM clicks
WHERE something = 'true'
AND another_thing > 100 # dummy filter for example only
GROUP BY user_id";
$rows = DB::select(DB::raw($sql));
return $this->belongsTo($rows, user_id);
Possible? I'd like to be able to write our own queries without relying on Query Builder all of the time, but I still want to be able to join the relation to Eloquent.
Assuming you have Clicks model defined, find below the eloquent version of your query.
Click::select(DB:raw("user_id, COUNT(*) / SUM(dummy_metric) AS total_clicks"))
1) Where method accepts an array of conditions, so you can add more than one condition in same method. Reference
I think thius should be your clicks() method:
public function clicks(){
return $this->hasMany('App\Models\Eloquent\Click',/*relevant ids*/);
And, now where you want a count of clicks(in controller for example), you can use following query:
$user = User::find("user_id")->with('clicks')->get();
$clicks = $user->clicks()->count();
To make it more efficient, refer to this article on Tweaking Eloquent relations
Update 2:
You can use Accessor function to retrieve total count
Add following 2 methods in User model.(change clicksCount string to anything you need )
public function clicksCount(){
return $this->hasOne('App\Models\Eloquent\Click')
->select(DB:raw("user_id, COUNT(*) count"))
public function getClicksCountAttribute(){
return $this->clicksCount->count();
Now, you can use $user->clicksCount; to get the count directly.
If you are using Laravel 5.4, you can use withCount() method to easily retrieve the count. Counting Related Models

Many-to-Many and Eager loading query

I am new with Laravel, I was able to query Many-to-Many relationships. Where 'template_dynamic' is the pivot of two tables 'template' and 'dynamic'.
// Template Model
class Template extends Eloquent
protected $table = 'template';
protected $guarded = array('template_id');
protected $primaryKey = 'template_id';
public function dynamic()
return $this->belongsToMany('dynamic', 'template_dynamic')
->orderBy('template_dynamic_html_sort', 'ASC');
here I was able to retrieve the records
// Template Controller
$dynamic_fields = Template::find($rec->template_id)->dynamic;
what I want to do now is that pivot table has-many properties 'template_dynamic_option'. How will I query the records and combine it with $dynamic_fields variable?
// What I want to do is something like this. But sadly this is an invalid syntax
$dynamic_fields = $dynamic_fields->with('template_dynamic_option');
Any recommendation or enhancements are welcome.
Thank you in advance.
First, I am pretty sure you don't need the select('*') in your relationship query there.
But let's get to your actual problem ;)
To access the pivot table in Eloquent is pretty simple.
$dynamic_fields = Template::find($rec->template_id)->dynamic;
foreach($dynamic_fields as $dynamic){
The thing is though, by default only the keys of the pivot table are present in the object.
To change that you have to define them with withPivot(). Actually like you already did but not with the id.
public function dynamic()
return $this->belongsToMany('dynamic', 'template_dynamic')
->orderBy('template_dynamic_html_sort', 'ASC');
And if you have multiple additional columns use this syntax:
->withPivot('template_dynamic_option', 'foo', 'bar');

Laravel 3 Eloquent ORM usage

I have the following code which works but doesn't seem to follow the laravel eloquent way:
Article::left_join('images', '', '=', 'images.article_id')
->join('article_category', '', '=', 'article_category.article_id')
->where('article_category.category_id', '=', $category_id)
I have 4 tables; articles and categories which have a many to many relationship with each other, a pivot table article_category table which holds the article id and category id and an image table which has one to one relationship with an article.
I setup my models as:
class Category extends Eloquent {
public static function get_articles($category_id) {
return static::find($category_id)->has_many_and_belongs_to('Article');
class Article extends Eloquent {
public function categories() {
return $this->has_many_and_belongs_to('Category');
public function image() {
return $this->has_one('Image');
However I can't seem to get all three bits of info together. I can do:
To get all articles in a given category but I can't seem to get the image for the article, there seems to be nothing I can chain onto? Unless I'm doing it incorrectly? Is there a trick I'm missing?
I even tried the stripped down version from the docs:
foreach (Article::with('image')->get() as $article) {
echo $article->image->foo;
However I get an error: Trying to get property of non-object, even though var_dump shows $article->image is an object! Weird.
If you have not setup a model for the image table, do that. The ORM needs the model there so it knows what 'Image' refers to.
Can you get the category information using the ::with method or is that troublesome too?
