Using both Laravel blade and vue variables together - laravel

I am trying to use both vue and blade variables to make calculation as follow :
#{{vueNumber}} * {{$bladeNumber}}
and I would want to get result of multiplying these 2 numbers.
I have tried using vue variable inside #php and it threw error , how can this be achievable ?


Vue varibale inside Laravel helper

This is my Laravel route:
Route::get('/article/{id}', 'ArticleController#show')->name('article');
This is my blade in Laravel:
I tried this:
How to place vue variable inside a laravel bracket
But for me this return:
I need something like that:
Where is a Vue variable.
How can I do this?
You can't do it this way. But you can use Ziggy which allows you to use route() function in vue like you are using it in laravel.
Then in your vue component you can call route('article', {id:})
You can try this

How to pass data from Vue component to Laravel route or controller

I'm using Laravel with a Vue component called vue-good-table. I just want to pass an array from my component to one of my Laravel routes and consequently to the respective controller.
I tried with axios but in this case it doesn't work, because the controller that receives the data must return straight away a Laravel view (but using axios the view is returned to the Vue component method as a response).
Maybe I can try to use a button that calls the route but I'm having trouble passing the array I need to pass. The route I specified must use the GET method.
<a :href="/pdf-download-selected/">
<button>Download PDF</button>
I really don't understand if my approach to Laravel with Vue is completely wrong or what..I mean I know how to pass data from Laravel to Vue, but not the opposite.
What do you recommend I do?

Shorten directive in laravel

I'm trying to use laravel component and slot.
As I'm using blade templates under components folder, my blade syntax is something like this
Here, every times I call it, I have to write the word "component" multiple times.
can I shorten it as below?
If yes, how can I achieve it?
You must use of Aliasing Components functionality
If your Blade components are stored in a sub-directory, you may wish to alias them for easier access. For example, imagine a Blade component that is stored at resources/views/components/alert.blade.php. You may use the component method to alias the component from components.alert to alert. Typically, this should be done in the boot method of your AppServiceProvider:
Blade::component('components.alert', 'alert');

Use a variable inside a variable in Smarty 2 template

I am trying to use a smarty variable inside a smarty variable in a template.
The following will work in smarty 3 but not in smarty 2:
to display for example:
In smarty 2 it only throws an error. Is there any way to do this in smarty 2?

Laravel 4.1 Blade + Handlerbar escaping issue (%20, %7B etc ..)

I'm working with Laravel 4.1 (recently update to) and Handlebars.
I have a view where I mix Blade template and Handlebars template.
My problem is that this line:
return me this :
instate of :
http://local/event/7 (if id = 7)
Note that this line return the correct value :
The issue occurs only in the url() Laravel helper :(
Thank you in advance!
You cant get Handlebars to put the $id there - because it is a Laravel PHP function url() that must resolve first, and the result is passed to Handlebars.
i.e. this would work:
But you cant get Handlebars to use an ID in the Laravel function.
What you are trying to do in your example is get Laravel to pass a URL to Handlebars, Handlebars inserts the ID, then Laravel finishes the function - which wont work.
In my case the workaround is
