Did Discord change something? - discord.py

On 10/26,
my react to role (gains access to my server, used over 2000 times) has stopped working.
I had a "watching #### users" status for the bot, that has stopped working, it went from 20k users now it says 6 users.
4 of my bots which have been online for half a year and post to discord many times a day has stopped working. (The bot still runs, it just doesnt post to discord...)
The server the code is running on has multiple other bots that are running just fine. I just find it odd that these all went down at the same time.
Anyone know if anything has changed?

yes there has been a new update, like u need intents or something
so data on members and stuff are hidden u have to enable intents to get this data
in discord.com/developer like if u go in the bot mode
update rolled out on 27 that is when i encountered it


Triggering scheduled reminders based on new Intercom customers

I don't even know if SO is the right place for this question but I thought I'd give it a go as I've found answers on here before.
I'm trying to solve the following issue using widely available SaaS tools if possible as non devs will be using/managing this process.
We are trying to set up an internal scheduled reminder system for our team to make following up with our customers easier, Our work tool set is pretty standard:
Our CRM is Intercom,
Slack is used for internal chat
Notion for task management
Stripe for payments.
We would want it to go a little like this:
1.Customer signs up.
2.Intercom tags new customer.
3.Tag Triggers scheduled reminders (After 1, 3, 5, 7 days etc.) in Slack or Notion (preferably)/ or something else.
I've looked into Triggering reminders in Slack based on new messages in a channel as well as Using Zapier and IFTTT but haven't found a way thus far.
Any advice on tools/services that would help would be appreciated.
This is easily achievable on zapier.
It would look something like this.
trigger (customer signs up), Intercom: New Company
optional: add a filter where it will only continue if the new company has certain
action, "delay by zapier" 1 day
do something, ie. post to slack/send email..
action, "delay by zapier" 2 days
do something, ie. post to slack/send email..
action, "delay by zapier" 2 days
do something, ie. post to slack/send email..
action, "delay by zapier" 2 days
do something, ie. post to slack/send email..

Google Admin SDK : Reports API Activities : Watch > Sends a tones of same notification

I have created a Gsuite channel as per this reference https://developers.google.com/admin-sdk/reports/v1/reference/activities/watch and its working fine. I can receive the webhooks for all the admin activities.
The problem is sometimes event such as "ADD_GROUP_MEMBER" or "REMOVE_GROUP_MEMBER" getting 10 to 12 times for the same user email and group email. I am also sending the response 200 for each webhooks but still, Gsuite keeps sending me the same events.
You can check on the attached events. I have received one webhook at 19:17:24 with some group member change. After 54 seconds I have again received the same event with all the same data. This happens almost 12 times. It only happens sometimes but when it happens it just hangs my server. Any idea of how can I prevent this?
Any help would be appreciated Thanks!!
Posting this just for documentation purposes.
This behaviour has been reported in Issue Tracker (I guess the author of this question reported it). Anyone who is experiencing this can keep track of the issue by clicking the star on the top left of the referenced page.
Google Admin SDK : Reports API Activities : Watch > Sends a tones of same notification

Error when Sending Messages to Skype for Business Bot Framework Bot

I'm having an issue with a Skype for Business bot in one of my Office 365 tenants. I have multiple tenants and in the first one I was able to add a Skype for Business bot framework bot with no issues. It took awhile for the bot to show up in the directory but it worked. In my second tenant, when I add the bot and attempt to send messages to it (even after 12ish hours of waiting), Skype for Business shows an error under each message I try to send to it - "The action couldn’t be completed. Please try again later." Any ideas what might be going on? One difference between the tenants is that the tenant that isn't working ha a custom domain name, and is using Azure AD Synchronization. Based on some tips I saw I made the address of my bot sip:username#mytenant.onmicrosoft.com rather than using my custom domain name. That didn't seem to make a difference... anyone else encountered this/have any ideas? I also tried leaving off the [BotAuthentication] tag on my MessagesController and that did not make a difference as well.
EDIT: Could this have something to do with my custom domain being federated? That's why I went with mytenant.onmicrosoft.com for the username of the bot.
I was able to resolve this. It seems like it has something to do with when you add a bot to a federated domain utilizing the custom domain name. This errors out when you use the New-CsOnlineApplicationEndpoint -Uri bot#domain.com. However, it still creates a bad endpoint. The cmdlet does not error out if you use a uri like bot#domain.onmicrosoft.com. However, after I had already added the bad endpoint, it seemed like no endpoints would work after that. To resolve, I removed all endpoints, including the first bad one with the uri bot#domain.com. Waited 8 hours, added a single endpoint using the onmicrosoft.com Office 365 domain, waited probably about 12 hours, and it started working.

unauthorized then endpoint authorization succeeded then unathorized

Curious if anyone else is experiencing problems with the botframework today?
My bot works, and then it doesn't, repeat. This is happening for all enabled channels: Facebook, Skype and Web Chat. Nothing has changed on the server end.
When I click on My Bots, and click Test, it will say: Unauthorized. Click a few more times and then it will say: Endpoint authorization succeeded. Click again and it goes back to Unauthorized.
As far as I can tell, this just started happening today and has been like this for the past four hours.
It appears to be completely working now. Even Facebook specific channel data is being processed by the bot. Nothing new was deployed. I'm not sure what happened. Keeping fingers crossed it continues...

In-App Billing subscription issues

With the release of the new subscription option from In-App Billing API we started a proof of concept of the service and we found a few issues. Has anyone else tried it and would have some answers for us? Here's the issues we have been facing so far:
1 – While testing the unsubscribe functionality, the Google Play interface displays a white page with an “Item not found” message and a retry button. Is it due to the fact the app is not yet published? If yes, how can we test this flow without publishing it first?
2 – Inter device synchronization. When making a subscription on one device, other devices tied to the same account did not receive a OnPurchaseStateChange event. Is it again due to the fact the app is not published? Or are subscriptions tied to a particular device and not to an account?
3 – On our Google merchant page, when we cancel a purchase, the device does not receive a notification telling the subscription has been cancelled. Is this a bug? As a workaround we are manually checking the current time and comparing with the expiration date to force a restore transactions call. At this point, we are able to see the subscription is no longer valid. Do you think this is an acceptable solution?
4 – When a subscription is made, two transactions show up on the Google Merchant page: a FAILED transaction with a value of $0 and a valid one with the value we charged. Is this the expected behavior? What’s the purpose of the $0 FAILED transaction?
If anyone has faced similar issues we would like to know. Maybe these could be bugs on Google's end or maybe we did not understand 100% how it is supposed to work.
Thanks in advance.
1.I had the same issue and after I published (and later unpublished) my app I could see the app page in the market,so you can publish and than unpublish.
2.I didn't check it with subscriptions ,but for managed item i didn't get purchaseStateChange on two different devices as expected.
3.I do get subscription expired after canceling one,but only after a while.
I didn't understood how you can get the expiration date ?
you only can get it with access to play developer api.
the restore transactions will give you same purchaseStateChange as you got when purchase the item.
*in the developer guide it is recommanded to use restore transactions only in first app use.
4.I have same issue,and i heard at least about 10 people with same 0$ charge.
