SpringBoot App, working fine in Intellij but Debug is failing - spring-boot

I was able to Debug and Run my spring boot application on intellij, until I made some changes in my application-profile.yml. which caused some failures.
I played with some debug options in intellij to figure out the issue.
I corrected the YML and then I was able to run the application fine.
But now when I start my application in Debug, Intellij is not taking new values, Its still failing with old reasons. I can run my application as Run Main class, but not Debug main class.
Seems some caching in intellij,
I restarted intellij,
restarted my Machine
I did maven clean
Deleted Configuration (Alt_shift+F9 --> EditConfiguration -- deleted the one present)
But still when Debugging, even if Junit or Main Application class, its failing for same reason.
Reading old YML value which
I'm using community addition.

Wasted more than an hour, still dont know the solution, I just deleted .idea folder and .iml file. and reimported the project in intellij.. all worked fine..


SpringBoot Kotlin project wont run and debug from Intellij

We have inherited a SpringBoot project written in Kotlin. Using Intellij, I would expect to be able to go to the Application main method and click the green arrow to start the project. I would also expect to be able to run the project in debug mode and set breakpoints, this only works with tests.
When I try and run the project I get a exception FileNotFound which has yielded me no answers. Every file appears to be accounted for and there is clearly nothing missing.
This is a multi-module gradle project with many unique configurations and I suspect one is causing an issue. I am having trouble determining which configuration is causing the issue because the project doesn't even seem to get to the point of standing up Spring (no banner).
I have tried many different combinations of bash scripts, environment variables, and gradle tasks and the project does not seem to run at all. Is there any way I can use Intellij to debug the sequence of configurations and gradle tasks?
So, I am answering my own question because searches lead me nowhere and this was a surprisingly difficult problem to debug. It turns out I was taking the wrong approaches and asking the wrong questions. I took a lot of time to study up on Spring configurations and Gradle tasks to realize none of our stuff was wrong. The Kotlin compiler was failing at the very beginning.
What had happened was one developer naively cd'ed into the Application's module and ran an echo statement that piped gradle output to a file called out with no extensions.
Kotlin would find this file and then proceed to not compile anything starting at the Application main. When we ran the app from terminal the app would recompile itself from the very beginning with no problems. But the automatically generated Intellij config simply ran the app with the bad file every time.
The troubling part was that our .gitignore file was configured to ignore all of the kotlin /out/ directories, but not files like /out so this troublesome file was committed to the repository for quite a while.
Surprisingly, deleting this out file fixed most of the issues our project had with Intellij.
Another note:
Our script was also set to source certain variables from other scripts, which meant we either had to carry them over to the runtime configs. We could also run Intelli from the same terminal we had already sourced the script in (using Tools> Create command line launcher). Once I had that sorted the project ran and debugged perfectly.

Inconsistent run of springboot application when run in Eclipse

I have observed an inconsistent way properties are being read in Eclipse. I have a very simple Springboot web project with typical property files. Here is my project layout:
Notice the two property files: testapplication.properties and application.properties. They are identical at this point, the intention is to use them for test and non test environments.
When I try to run this application in Eclipse, I am getting an error about missing expected property values, for example:
Could not resolve placeholder 'min.thread.count' in value "${min.thread.count}"
When I run the same setup using gradle's bootRun task, it works fine.
When I run the same setup in InteliJ it works fine.
If I rename the testapplication.properties to application.properties the application runs fine in Eclipse. As such it is using property form test folder.
In addition, I am pretty sure when I started Eclipse this morning I was able to run the application with a proper application.properties and testapplication.properties files. I was working on a unit test and renamed the testapplication.properties to application.properties, did some work, then renamed it back to testapplication.properties the application refused to start. I have attempted to replicate it: shut down eclipse with two different property files (application and testapplication), start it again and run application. However, at this moment I have the same issue (complaining about missing property value).
As you can see this i weird behaviour. As it stands I find that I cannot use Eclipse as I am not sure what it will do. I've switch to community edition of InteliJ as it seems to be working correctly. But as a long time fan of Eclipse I am heartbroken :)
Does anyone have any clue what could be causing this?
I have checkin in my test project here:
https://github.com/twolak2003/CamelSpringBootEureka.git in branch PropertyFileIssue. Simply clone, switch to PropertyFileIssue branch, import to eclipse as gradle project.
It is a simple vanilla spring cloud boot project running a eureka server and eureka client. For the purpose of this issue we'll just concentrate on eureka-service.
I am using latest Eclipse Oxygen. I did notice the same issue in Eclise Neon. I switched to Oxygen hoping the issue will go away. Only plugin is the Spring IDE. Using Java 8 to run this.
Test 1: Start the EurekaService/src/main/hello.java as Java application.
It starts fine and will read the src/main/resources/application.property file.
Test 2: Rename the EurekaService/src/main/test/resources/restapplication.properties to EurekaService/src/main/test/resources/application.properties. Start the EurekaService application again.
Findings: It starts fine as well BUT it uses property file in the /src/test/resources. This to me is issue as well, it should not be using /test/ for running the application.
Test 3: Now rename the /src/test/resources/application.properties to /src/test/resources/testapplication.properties again. (this is repeat of test1). Once again run EurekaService/src/main/hello as java application.
Finding Despite this being a repeat of test1 the test failed due to "Could not resolve placeholder 'tomek.prop' in value "${tomek.prop}"".
Am I doing something really stupid or is there an issue?
For now with heavy heart I am switching to InteliJ to keep my project going. The behaviour of Eclipse is just too unpredictable for me to stomach for now :(
So far I don't have a correct answer for this other than stop using Eclipse :). But there is workaround.
DO NOT use more than one application.property file.
If you need test properties to override actual properties then name your file as anything else but "application.property". Otherwise you'll get unpredictable behaviour and your Eclipse runtime get's confused.

how to debug spring boot gradle projects faster in intellij idea?

When I develop spring boot gradle projects in intellij idea, if I want to change some code and restart the project, I have to click the Make Project menu item and this will trigger a gradle build.If the gradle deamon is dead, it will start first which is an upset process.
While in Spring Tool Suite, everything is so easy, just Ctrl S and STS will restart immediately witout the long gradle build. So is there any way to make intellij idea restart faster?
I know if the gradle deamon is alive, gradle build in intellij idea is not very slow and is acceptable. But on my computer, the deamon can usually live for only several minites. When I change some codes and want to see the effects, the deamon died. I have to start the deamon every time! Is there any other ways to make the deamon live longer?
Thanks a lot if there is any useful tips!
Well, thanks to #Gregg and #CrazyCoder 's comment, I found some useful links:
Developing/Debugging a Gradle-built Spring Boot app in IntelliJ IDEA
I accidently enable the delegate to gradle option in idea, which will trigger gradle build instead of idea's build, which is faster than gradle's. So disable the delegate to gradle option is a choice.
From another post, I get some idea to use the continuous build in gradle: open a terminal and run gradle assemble --continuous, when files are changed(for example save files or defocus window), gradle will compiles files automatically. Then run the spring boot app use gradle bootRun or from the tasks in idea, everything is ok. But this way will start two gradle so ram usages are larger.
I found another way to automatically compile. Fisrt, enable build project automatically option, then use ctrl shift a and input registry to open a dialog, and then enable compiler.automake.allow.when.app.running opiton. Finally, project will compile automatically and spring boot will also restart automatically.

Debugger doesn't stop at break points (Arquillian, TomEE, OpenJPA Enhancer, Maven, JUnit, and IntelliJ)

I'm writing a web app that uses JAX-RS (Apache CXF) and JPA (Apache OpenJPA) and is deployed using TomEE+. I've started using Arquillian via the arquillian-tomee-embedded maven dependency to unit test my REST services.
When I use IntelliJ to launch the test phase of Maven's build lifecycle everything works great. It runs OpenJPA's enhancer on my JPA Entities, kicks off the unit tests, and I'm able to successfully call my web services and they're able to successfully access the database.
Unfortunately, if I launch the test phase in debug mode everything still works but none of my breakpoints hit. What must I do to correct this problem?
I've found a tedious workaround. I can right click each unit test and run in debug mode and the debugger will hit breakpoints...but I have to manually run the OpenJPA enhancer beforehand in order for the JPA code to work.
When you "launch the test phase in debug mode ", it means that Maven runs in debug mode, not that it debugs your app. You cannot debug your app through maven. Maven runs the tests using surefire-plugin, and you cannot use breakpoints and debug.
There can be two possibilities:
1) The code / break-point(s) are not reachable / not getting called with current context.
2) You are NOT running application in Debug mode.
Make sure that you are Debugging the application and not run it like "Run As..."
Considering that you are using Eclipse, Run -> Debug As -> <-Your Target Application->
Also make sure that where ever you have added breakpoints, those lines are reachable.
I've hit problems with IntelliJ debugging not hitting breakpoints before. You may have luck disabling the JUnit plugin and restarting IDEA.

Tomcat requires restart to take Jasper Reports changes

I'm using Jasper Reports as part of my Spring application. I deploy my application on a Tomcat 6 server through eclipse, so my project is a WTP project. The problem I have is that when I change a Jasper Reports file (jrxml) I need to restart the server in order to get the changes published. I already checked on the deployment folder and the .jrxml is updated, but for some reason the browser keeps getting the old report, I already cleaned the cache on the browser without luck.
Any ideas on how to solve this, is super annoying when doing development.
I suppose that you use ireport to change .jrxml, when you save changes in that, the eclipse will not be immediately notified that. So you need to fresh your project in eclipse, if necessary, clean and rebuild the project, and redeploy to tomcat.
Also, you can set eclipse to auto build project (Porject-->check Build automatically) and keep refresh the project. When you see the status 'Synchronized' of your project changes to 'Republic' in the 'Server' View, you can restart the server and see the changes. Press 'ctrl+f5' to fresh the page with refreshing all the cache.
