Laravel relationship gives me "?" instead of email - laravel

I'm setting this relationship
public function nonAcceptedContracts()
return $this->belongsToMany(UserContract::class, 'invite', 'email', 'usercontract')->where('status', 'pending');
And calling it like that.
What I get is
"select * from `usercontract` inner join `invite` on `usercontract`.`id` = `invite`.`usercontract` where `invite`.`email` = ? and `status` = ? and `usercontract`.`deleted_at` is null"
The query seems to be the one I'm looking for but why do I get this question mark there? Shouldn't be there the email of my user model? Also the "status" value, should be "pending" and there is another question mark.

That's just how toSql() works. What you are seeing is a parameterized query. These parameterized queries allow type-specific value when replacing the ? with their respective value. They are frequently used when executing dynamic SQL from a program.
You can read more on this topic here:
If you really want to see the actual queries, try enabling the query log. One thing to note here is that this logfile can grow very large on a busy server.


Getting Second Order SQL Injection in Spring Hibernate

I am facing Second Order SQL Injection in the Spring-Hibernate application after scanning through the Checkmarx tool, I have gone through multiple questions in StackOverflow and in other platforms as well but did not get the right finding.
could you please look into the below code snip,
public String getOrderId(order_name){
String returnId= null;
Query query = entityManager.createNativeQuery("select order_id from order where order_name=?");
List<String> dataset = query.setParameter(1,order_name).getResultList();
returnId = dataset. Get(0);
return returnId;
In this above method, while calling getResultList(), getting a high vulnerability issue that, this method returns data flows through the code without being properly sanitized or validated, and eventually used in further database query in the method.
Earlier code was like this,
public String getOrderId(order_name){
String returnId= null;
String q = "select order_id from order where order_name="+order_name;
Query query = entityManager.createNativeQuery(q);
and directly it was used as a string append in query, which I have modified with set parameter,
Query query = entityManager.createNativeQuery("select order_id from order where order_name=?");
List<String> dataset = query.setParameter(1,order_name).getResultList();
but still after getting data from query.getResultSet(), it is asking for sanitizing and validating the data before use in further database query method.
and this return data is being used in further query like select * from return_Data where clause. (properly used in where clause to set parameter to avoid SQL injection).
and in the above query is used in another method where we pass return_Data as input to it.
could you please help here to know what checks and validation can be added to overcome this type of issue. Thanks in advance for prompt response.

Insert using a raw SQL query to avoid SQL injection?

I have personalized tables and a bunch of composite keys in my database so I am using raw SQL queries to perform the CRUD operations needed. I found a way to make an insert following the documentation and it worked, but I am wondering, isn't this method vulnerable to SQL injection? I am using the user's input to insert this data and I don't see where's the sanitization of it, maybe I am just wrong though. Can you guide me? Here's my code:
public function store(Request $request)
/*No composite keys here so I am using Eloquent*/
$song = new Song();
$song->code = $request->code;
$song->title = $request->title;
$song->artist = $request->artist;
$song->length = $request->length;
$song->album = $request->album;
$genre = new Genre();
$genre->id_gen = $request->genre;
$genre->id_song = $request->code;
DB::insert('INSERT INTO genres (id_gen, id_song) values (?, ?)', [$genre->id_gen, $genre->id_song]);
return $song;
Using an insert in this fashion does not mean a SQL injection risk as this is what is known as a parameterized query. You are generating a query as a string, and then the database system performs its own properly managed replacements to construct the query. I can't recall if this is done at the database or driver level.
What you have done is exactly what Laravel does internally anyway (construct parameterized queries).
In terms of your actual code, you're doing something a little odd. By creating the Genre object, applying your request to it and saving, you're doing an insert anyway. There is no real need for the raw insert;
Be sure to validate your request object!
The query uses placeholders (in other words the query-string can be stored as a template or as a constant).
This gives the sql-engine a chance to convert the query to a prepared-statement.
I do not have any knowledge of laravel but this looks like a legitimate use of prepared statements (and consequently immune to sql injection).
In other words the approach looks safe (atleast w.r.t sql-injection).

Table with a foreign key

how can I build a table of "orders" containing "IdOrder", "Description" and "User"?... the "User" field is a reference to the table "Users", which has "IdUser" and "Name". I'm using repositories.
I have this repository:
Repository<Orders> ordersRepo = new OrderRepo<Orders>(unitOfWork.Session);
to return all Orders to View, I just do:
return View(ordersRepo.All());
But this will result in something like:
IdOrder:1 -- Description: SomeTest -- User: UserProxy123ih12i3123ih12i3uh123
When the expected result was:
IdOrder:1 -- Description: SomeTest -- User: Thiago.
PS: I don't know why it returns this "UserProxy123ih12i3123ih12i3uh123". In Db there is a valid value.
The View:
It is showed in a foreach (var item in Model).
#item.User //--> If it is #item.User.Name doesn't work.
What I have to do to put the Name on this list? May I have to do a query using LINQ - NHibernate?
What type of ORM are you using? You mention "repositories" but does that mean LinqToSql, Entity Framework, NHibernate, or other?
It looks like you are getting an error because the User field is not loaded as part of the original query. This is likely done to reduce the size of the result set by excluding the related fields from the original query for Orders.
There are a couple of options to work around this:
Set up the repository (or context, depending on the ORM) to include the User property in the result set.
Explicitly load the User property before you access it. Note that this would be an additional round-trip to the database and should not be done in a loop.
In cases where you know that you need the User information it would make sense to ensure that this data in returned from the original query. If you are using LinqToSql take a look at the DataLoadOptions type. You can use this type to specify which relationships you want to retrieve with the query:
var options = new DataLoadOptions();
options.LoadWith<Orders>(o => o.User);
DataContext context = ...;
context.LoadOptions = options;
var query = from o in context.Orders
select o;
There should be similar methods to achive the same thing whatever ORM you are using.
In NHibernate you can do the following:
using (ISession session = SessionFactory.OpenSession())
var orders = session.Get<Order>(someId);
This will result in only two database trips (regardless of the number of orders returned). More information on this can be found here.
In MVC the foreign key doesn't work the way you are using it. I believe you have to set the user to a variable like this:
User user = #item.User;
Or you have to load the reference sometimes. I don't know why this is but in my experience if I put this line before doing something with a foreign key it works
Maybe when you access item.User.Name the session is already closed so NHib cannot load appropriate user from the DB.
You can create some model and initialize it with proper values at the controller. Also you can disable lazy loading for Orders.User in your mapping.
But maybe it is an other problem. What do you have when accessing "#item.User.Name" from your View?

Doctrine toarray does not convert relations

I followed doctrine documnetation to get started. Here is the documentation.
My code is
$User = Doctrine_Core::getTable("User")->find(1);
when I access relations by $User->Phonenumbers, it works. When I convert User object to array by using toArray() method, it does not convert relations to array. It simply display $User data.
Am I missing something?
By using the find method you've only retrieved the User data which is why the return of toArray is limited to that data. You need to specify the additional data to load, and the best place to do this is usually in the original query. From the example you linked to, add the select portion:
$q = Doctrine_Query::create()
->select('u.*, e.*, p.*') // Example only, select what you need, not *
->from('User u')
->leftJoin('u.Email e')
->leftJoin('u.Phonenumbers p')
->where(' = ?', 1);
Then when toArray'ing the results from that, you should see the associated email and phonenumber data as well.
I also noticed an anomaly with this where if you call the relationship first then call the ToArray, the relationship somehow gets included. what i mean is that, taking your own eg,
$User = Doctrine_Core::getTable("User")->find(1);
$num= $User->Phonenumbers->office; // assumed a field 'office' in your phone num table
$userArray = $user->toArray(true);
In the above case, $userArray somehow contains the whole relationship. if we remove the $num assignment it doesn't.
am guessing this is due to doctrine only fetching the one record first, and it's only when you try to access foreign key values that it fetches the other related tables

Linq Containsfunction problem

I use Ria Service domainservice for data query.
In My database, there is a table People with firstname, lastname. Then I use EF/RIA services for data processing.
Then I create a Filter ViewModel to capture user inputs, based it the input, I construct a linq Query to access data.
At server side, the default DomainService query for person is:
public IQueryable<Person> GetPerson()
return this.Context.Person;
At client side, the linq Query for filter is something like(I use Contains function here):
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(this.LastName))
q = q.Where(p => (p.LastName.Contains(this.LastName)));
The generated linq query is something like(when debugging,I got it):
MyData.Person[].Where(p => (p.LastName.Contains(value(MyViewModel.PersonFilterVM).LastName) || p.Person.LegalLastName.Contains(value(MyViewModel.PersonFilterVM).LastName)))
When I run the app, I put "Smith" for last name for search, but the result is totally irrelevant with "Smith"!
How to fix it?
I'm guessing here as to what your error is so this might not work for you.
In your 2nd code snippet you do the following.
q = q.Where(p => (p.LastName.Contains(this.LastName)));
This is where I think your error is. Linq does not evaluate the where clause until you iterate over it. Try changing the line to the following.
qWithData = q.Where(p => (p.LastName.Contains(this.LastName))).ToList();
The .ToList() call will load the query with data.
When you check in the debugger, does value(MyViewModel.PersonFilterVM).LastName evaluate to Smith at the time the query is resolved?
Recall that queries are not resolved until they are enumerated.
