How can I make text engine in cmd - windows

I try to make text engine in cmd.
So I use this code:
#echo off
echo h
echo he
echo hel
echo hell
echo hello
But when I run the file I can't see any text.
So I used another code:
#echo off
echo h
goto :2
echo he
goto :3
echo hel
goto :4
echo hell
goto :5
echo hello
When I first open the file I only see the he. After that I see no text.
What did I did wrong?
I want to know why it has error and how to fix it to make text engine.

Here's an example of a windowsbatch-file which doesn't do what your example is demonstrating, but does something I think you may prefer instead:
#Set "TextString=This is my text string!"
#For /F %%G In ('"Prompt $H&For %%H In (1) Do Rem"') Do #Set "BS=%%G"
#(For /F Delims^=^ EOL^= %%G In ('(%SystemRoot%\System32\cmd.exe /D /S ^
/U /V /C "Echo=!TextString!"^) ^| %SystemRoot%\System32\find.exe /V ""'
) Do #Set /P "=.%BS%%%G" 0< NUL & %SystemRoot%\System32\PATHPING.EXE ^ -n -q 1 -p 150 1> NUL) & Echo=
You simply place your required text to be printed, into the first line (between the = and closing "), and double-click it to run and view. If the intent is to run the script directly from cmd, you do not need the last line, #Pause, and can safely remove it.
As a result of a comment, I have decided to present the code in a slightly different way, so that it can be reused for different strings.
#Echo Off
SetLocal EnableExtensions DisableDelayedExpansion
For /F %%G In ('"Prompt $H&For %%H In (1) Do Rem"') Do Set "BS=%%G"
Set "TextString=This is my text string!"
Call :GhostTypeIt
Set "TextString=This is "another" string."
Call :GhostTypeIt
Set "TextString=This & That are <words>."
Call :GhostTypeIt
Exit /B
(For /F Delims^=^ EOL^= %%G In ('(%SystemRoot%\System32\cmd.exe /D /S ^
/U /V /C "Echo=!TextString!"^) ^| %SystemRoot%\System32\find.exe /V ""'
) Do Set /P "=.%BS%%%G" 0< NUL & %SystemRoot%\System32\PATHPING.EXE ^ -n -q 1 -p 150 1> NUL) & Echo=


Filter results in batch script for user printer selection

I am trying to create a script to allow users to temporarily set the default windows printer to a selected printer (PDF, XPS, OneNote) before printing and then automatically set the default back to the original printer after a specified time.
I have managed to incorporate elements of many different examples to get to the stage where the script is functioning, although it is creating an extra entry at the start and end of the list.
I would like to filter the list of printers the user is shown to just ones from the appropriate list (e.g. PDF, XPS, OneNote).
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
#echo off
setlocal enableDelayedExpansion
FOR /F "tokens=2* delims==" %%A in (
'wmic printer where "default=True" get name /value'
) do SET DefaultPrinter=%%A
ECHO ==============================================================
ECHO Current Default Printer
ECHO ==============================================================
ECHO Default Printer = %DefaultPrinter%
ECHO ==============================================================
ECHO Processing locally installed printers
ECHO ==============================================================
::build "array" of printers
set printerCnt=0
for /f "eol=: delims=" %%F in ('wmic printer get Name') do (
set /a printerCnt+=1
set "printer!printerCnt!=%%F"
::print menu
for /l %%N in (1 1 %printerCnt%) do echo %%N - !printer%%N!
:get selection
set selection=
set /p "selection=Enter a printer number: "
echo You picked !printer%selection%!
set NewPrinter=!printer%selection%!
::trim selection
set str=%NewPrinter%
for /l %%a in (1,1,31) do if "!str:~-1!"==" " set str=!str:~0,-1!
RUNDLL32 PRINTUI.DLL,PrintUIEntry /y /n "%str%"
RUNDLL32 PRINTUI.DLL,PrintUIEntry /y /n "%DefaultPrinter%"
[Edit /]
I have included the code I ended up using. This was based on the answer provided by #Hackoo and I incorporated elements provided by #Magoo also. There is probably a more elegant way to write this code but I am new to this so laid it out as I understood it.
#echo off
Mode 70,30 & color F0
Title Healthmail Printer Selection
FOR /F "tokens=2* delims==" %%A in (
'wmic printer where "default=True" get name /value'
) do SET "DefaultPrinter=%%A"
ECHO ==============================================================
ECHO Current Default Printer
ECHO ==============================================================
ECHO Default Printer = [%DefaultPrinter%]
TIMEOUT /T 2 /NoBreak>nul
ECHO ==============================================================
ECHO Available Printers
ECHO ==============================================================
Setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
::build "array" of printers
Set "FilterList=%Temp%\FilterList.txt"
REM Create a file to filter just for PDF printers
>"%FilterList%" (
echo PDF
set printerCnt=0
#for /f "delims=" %%a in (
'wmic printer get Name ^|findstr /G:%FilterList%"'
) do (
#for /f "delims=" %%b in ("%%a") do (
set /a printerCnt+=1
set "printer!printerCnt!=%%~nb"
::If no printers have been found, go to filterlistlong
IF !printerCnt!==0 GOTO :filterlistlong
IF !printerCnt! gtr 0 GOTO :printmenu
Set "FilterListLong=%Temp%\FilterListLong.txt"
REM Create a file to filter with each word like XPS,OneNote and PDF
>"%FilterListLong%" (
echo PDF
echo XPS
echo OneNote
set printerCnt=0
#for /f "delims=" %%a in (
'wmic printer get Name ^|findstr /G:%FilterListLong%"'
) do (
#for /f "delims=" %%b in ("%%a") do (
set /a printerCnt+=1
set "printer!printerCnt!=%%~nb"
SET "choices="
for /l %%N in (1 1 %printerCnt%) do SET "choices=!choices!%%N"&SET "printer%%N=!printer%%N!"&IF %printercnt% gtr 1 echo %%N - !printer%%N!
:get selection
:: If no available options, exit
:: If only 1 option, auto-select that
IF %choices%==1 SET /a selection=1&GOTO autoselect
choice /c %choices% /m "Enter a printer number: "
set selection=%ERRORLEVEL%
:: Error condition
IF %selection% gtr %printercnt% GOTO :EOF
:: Control-C
IF %selection% equ 0 GOTO :EOF
ECHO ==============================================================
ECHO You selected: !printer%selection%!
ECHO ==============================================================
echo. Please proceed to print document.
echo. This window will close automatically in 30 seconds.
::GOTO :setprinter
set NewPrinter=!printer%selection%!
ECHO ==============================================================
ECHO Printer selected: !printer%selection%!
ECHO ==============================================================
echo. Please proceed to print document.
echo. This window will close automatically in 10 seconds.
RUNDLL32 PRINTUI.DLL,PrintUIEntry /y /n "%NewPrinter%"
TIMEOUT /T 10 /nobreak > NUL
RUNDLL32 PRINTUI.DLL,PrintUIEntry /y /n "%DefaultPrinter%"
If Exist "%FilterList%" Del "%FilterList%"
If Exist "%FilterListLong%" Del "%FilterListLong%"
The output of WMIC is unicode !
The trailing <CR> can be removed by passing the value through another FOR /F loop.
This also removes the phantom "blank" line (actually a <CR>) and in this case you don't need to use the Trim function !
#echo off
Mode 70,30 & color 0A
Title Filter results in batch script for user printer selection
FOR /F "tokens=2* delims==" %%A in (
'wmic printer where "default=True" get name /value'
) do SET "DefaultPrinter=%%A"
ECHO ==============================================================
ECHO Current Default Printer
ECHO ==============================================================
ECHO Default Printer = [%DefaultPrinter%]
TIMEOUT /T 3 /NoBreak>nul
ECHO ==============================================================
ECHO Processing locally installed printers
ECHO ==============================================================
Setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
::build "array" of printers
REM We Ignore printer begin with Micro or Fax in the name
Set "FilterList=%Temp%\FilterList.txt"
REM We create a file to filter with each word like XPS,OneNote and PDF
>"%FilterList%" (
echo XPS
echo OneNote
echo PDF
set printerCnt=0
#for /f "skip=1 delims=" %%a in (
'wmic printer get Name ^|findstr /G:%FilterList%"'
) do (
#for /f "delims=" %%b in ("%%a") do (
set /a printerCnt+=1
set "printer!printerCnt!=%%~nb"
::print menu
for /l %%N in (1 1 %printerCnt%) do echo [%%N] - [!printer%%N!]
echo ==============================================================
:get selection
set selection=
set /p "selection=Enter a printer number: "
set "NewPrinter=!printer%selection%!"
echo. You picked [%NewPrinter%]
RUNDLL32 PRINTUI.DLL,PrintUIEntry /y /n "%NewPrinter%"
RUNDLL32 PRINTUI.DLL,PrintUIEntry /y /n "%DefaultPrinter%"
If Exist "%FilterList%" Del "%FilterList%"
#echo off
SET "printfilter=%1"
FOR /F "tokens=2* delims==" %%A in (
'wmic printer where "default=True" get name /value'
) do SET DefaultPrinter=%%A
ECHO ==============================================================
ECHO Current Default Printer
ECHO ==============================================================
ECHO Default Printer = %DefaultPrinter%
ECHO ==============================================================
ECHO Processing locally installed printers
ECHO ==============================================================
::build "array" of printers
set printerCnt=0
for /f "skip=1eol=: delims=" %%F in ('wmic printer get Name') do (
set /a printerCnt+=1
set "printer!printerCnt!=%%F"
IF DEFINED printfilter ECHO %%F|FIND /i "%printfilter%" >nul&IF ERRORLEVEL 1 SET /a printercnt-=1
iF NOT DEFINED printfilter (
set "printer%printerCnt%="
SET /a printercnt-=1
::print menu
SET "choices="
for /l %%N in (1 1 %printerCnt%) do SET "choices=!choices!%%N"&SET "printer%%N=!printer%%N:~0,-1!"&IF %printercnt% gtr 1 echo %%N - !printer%%N!
:get selection
:: If no available options, exit
:: If only 1 option, auto-select that
IF %choices%==1 SET /a selection=1&GOTO autoselect
choice /c %choices% /m "Enter a printer number: "
set selection=%ERRORLEVEL%
:: Error condition
IF %selection% gtr %printercnt% GOTO :EOF
:: Control-C
IF %selection% equ 0 GOTO :EOF
echo You picked !printer%selection%!
set NewPrinter=!printer%selection%!
::trim selection
set str=%NewPrinter%
for /l %%a in (1,1,31) do if "!str:~-1!"==" " set str=!str:~0,-1!
ECHO RUNDLL32 PRINTUI.DLL,PrintUIEntry /y /n "%str%"
ECHO RUNDLL32 PRINTUI.DLL,PrintUIEntry /y /n "%DefaultPrinter%"
First, to specify the filter, simply append an appropriate string (PDF, XPS, OneNote) to the batchname as a parameter. Omitting this selects ALL.
First step is to add the skip=1 to the for /f ... %%F... so that the Name line from the report is skipped.
Next, if the filter is invoked, detect whether the printername includes the filter string. If it does NOT, then back up the printer-counter.
Having built the array, noting that the last (bogus) entry will have been recorded UNLESS the filter is invoked, clear the last (bogus) entry and back up the counter.
The point with WMIC output is that it's not only Unicode, but it has a line-terminator of <CR><CR><LF> instead of <CR><LF>. The text values stored in the array each have a terminal <CR>. Hence the bogus last entry.
So, for each entry passing the filter, build a string of the options allowed into choices, and remove the last character from the printer name string and show it.
Now if there are no choices, exit (or something else).
If there's only one choice, auto-select it (and don't show the selection-list) Otherwise use choice to select the printers from the list.
You'd need to add to the list of choices to allow selection of printers beyond #9.
and I chose to simply echo the rundll32s and timeout for testing.
I'd just enumerate the printers once, and get rid of much of the unnecessary screen output:
#Echo Off
SetLocal EnableExtensions DisableDelayedExpansion
Set "SysDir=%SystemRoot%\System32"
For /F "Delims==" %%G In ('"(Set Printer[) 2>NUL"') Do Set "%%G="
Set "DefaultPrinter="
For /F "Tokens=1-3,* Delims=[,]" %%G In ('%SysDir%\wbem\WMIC.exe Printer Get
Default^, Name /Format:CSV 2^>NUL ^| %SysDir%\findstr.exe "E\>" ^|
%SysDir%\find.exe /V /N ""') Do For /F "Tokens=*" %%K In ("%%J") Do (
Echo([%%G] %%K
If "%%I" == "TRUE" Set "DefaultPrinter=%%K"
Set "Printer[%%G]=%%K")
If Not Defined Printer[1] (Echo No printers found.
Echo Press any key to end . . .
GoTo :EOF)
(Set DefaultPrinter) 2>NUL || Echo No default printer found.
Set "UserPrinter="
Set /P "UserPrinter=Enter the number for your preferred printer>"
Set "UserPrinter=%UserPrinter:"=%"
Set Printer[ | %SysDir%\findstr.exe /B /L "Printer[%UserPrinter%]=" 1>NUL || (
GoTo Selection)
SetLocal EnableDelayedExpansion
For %%G In ("!Printer[%UserPrinter%]!") Do EndLocal & Set "UserPrinter=%%~G"
Echo You Selected %UserPrinter%
%SysDir%\timeout.exe /T 3 /NoBreak 1>NUL
%SysDir%\rundll32.exe %SysDir%\printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /y /n "%UserPrinter%"
%SysDir%\timeout.exe /T 10
%SysDir%\rundll32.exe %SysDir%\printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /y /n "%DefaultPrinter%"
[EDIT /]
If you really do need to support windows-7, and windows-server-2008-r2, and you cannot guarantee that the XSL files have been copied up a level on the target machine, then it should still possible. Although it looks like a lot of extra lines, the following example should not seriously impact your script speed, other than the extra call to the relatively slow WMIC.exe, (your example, as well as the other currently submitted answers, already use more than one WMIC command).
#Echo Off
SetLocal EnableExtensions DisableDelayedExpansion
Set "SysDir=%SystemRoot%\System32"
%SysDir%\wbem\WMIC.exe OS Where "Version Like '6.1%%'" Get Version 2>NUL ^
| %SysDir%\find.exe "6.1" 1>NUL && Call :GetXSLDir
For /F "Delims==" %%G In ('"(Set Printer[) 2>NUL"') Do Set "%%G="
Set "DefaultPrinter="
For /F "Tokens=1-3,* Delims=[,]" %%G In ('%SysDir%\wbem\WMIC.exe Printer Get
Default^, Name /Format:"%XSLDir%csv.xsl" 2^>NUL ^| %SysDir%\findstr.exe "E\>"
^| %SysDir%\find.exe /V /N ""') Do For /F "Tokens=*" %%K In ("%%J") Do (
Echo([%%G] %%K
If "%%I" == "TRUE" Set "DefaultPrinter=%%K"
Set "Printer[%%G]=%%K")
If Not Defined Printer[1] (Echo No printers found.
Echo Press any key to end . . .
GoTo :EOF)
(Set DefaultPrinter) 2>NUL || Echo No default printer found.
Set "UserPrinter="
Set /P "UserPrinter=Enter the number for your preferred printer>"
Set "UserPrinter=%UserPrinter:"=%"
Set Printer[ | %SysDir%\findstr.exe /B /L "Printer[%UserPrinter%]=" 1>NUL || (
GoTo Selection)
SetLocal EnableDelayedExpansion
For %%G In ("!Printer[%UserPrinter%]!") Do EndLocal & Set "UserPrinter=%%~G"
Echo You Selected %UserPrinter%
%SysDir%\timeout.exe /T 3 /NoBreak 1>NUL
%SysDir%\rundll32.exe %SysDir%\printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /y /n "%UserPrinter%"
%SysDir%\timeout.exe /T 10
%SysDir%\rundll32.exe %SysDir%\printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /y /n "%DefaultPrinter%"
For %%G In (Default InstallLanguage XSLDir) Do Set "%%G="
For /F "Tokens=1,2*" %%G In ('%SysDir%\reg.exe Query
HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Nls\Language 2^>NUL ^|
%SysDir%\findstr.exe /I "\<Default\> \<InstallLanguage\>"'
) Do For /F "Tokens=2 Delims=:" %%J In ('%SysDir%\findstr.exe "::%%I:" "%~f0"'
) Do Set "%%G=%%J"
If Exist "%SysDir%\wbem\%Default%\*.xsl" (Set "XSLDir=%SysDir%\wbem\%Default%\"
) Else If Exist "%SysDir%\wbem\%InstallLanguage%\*.xsl" (
Set "XSLDir=%SysDir%\wbem\%InstallLanguage%\")
For %%G In (Default InstallLanguage) Do Set "%%G="
Exit /B

List all mp4 files with for loop and select one with choice

I was able to list mp4 files in a directory with a for loop, and depending on how many files are listed, a parameter is passed to the choice command. What I wasn't able to do is to select a file from a list that has been created with a for loop? This way I hope to use the selected file in another command as a parameter.
Here my code:
#echo off
setlocal enableextensions enabledelayedexpansion
set /a count = 0
for %%f in (*.mp4) do (
set /a count += 1
echo [!count!] %%f
for /l %%a in (1,1,%count%) do (
call set "cOpt=%%cOpt%%%%a"
choice /C %cOpt% /M "Select input video:"
echo %errorlevel% # selected option is shown here but no filename
#Echo Off & SetLocal EnableExtensions
For /F "Delims==" %%G In ('(Set File[^) 2^> NUL') Do Set "%%G="
For /F "Tokens=1,* Delims=[]" %%G In ('(Set PATHEXT^=^) ^& %__AppDir__%where.exe ".":"*.mp4" 2^> NUL ^| %__AppDir__%find.exe /N /V ""') Do Set "File[%%G]=%%~nxH" & Echo %%G. %%~nxH
If Not Defined File[1] GoTo :EOF
Set "#="
Set /P "#=Choose a file from the list by entering its item number. "
For /F "Tokens=1,* Delims==" %%G In ('(Set File[%#%]^) 2^> NUL ^| %__AppDir__%find.exe "="') Do Set "File[#]=%%H"
If Not Defined File[#] GoTo Select
Echo You chose item number %#% which was assigned to "%File[#]%" & Pause
You would obviously modify the last line to be your required command with parameter.
If you wish to include the full paths, simply change both instances of %%~nxH on line 5, to %%H. Additionally if you wish to stipulate a location, instead of the current directory, change ".", on the same line to e.g. "Y:\our\Path".

how to run cmd command netsh using notepad

I want to make autorun .bat program that automatically performs netsh cmd and save the result in .txt file by the just simple click of a button.
below is what I wrote in notepad and saved as getkey.bat
echo netsh wlan show profile name=wifi_name key=clear >Desktop/savedpasskey.txt
but it is not working
To show the password of your WIFI SSID , you must execute this batch file with admin rights :
#echo off & setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
Set "Copyright=by Hackoo 2017"
Title %~n0 %Copyright%
Mode con cols=75 lines=8
cls & color 0A & echo.
echo ***********************************************
echo %~n0 %Copyright%
echo ***********************************************
if _%1_==_Main_ goto :Main
Set Count=0
Set L=0
echo %~nx0 : self elevating
set vbs=%temp%\getadmin.vbs
echo Set UAC = CreateObject^("Shell.Application"^)
echo UAC.ShellExecute "%~s0", "Main %~sdp0 %*", "", "runas", 1
)> "%vbs%"
del "%temp%\getadmin.vbs"
goto :eof
Call :init
Call :CountLines
Set "PasswordLog=%~dp0Wifi_Passwords_on_%ComputerName%.txt"
echo ***********************************************
echo %~n0 %Copyright%
echo ***********************************************
Call :Color 0E " [N][SSID] ================ Password" 1
echo ***********************************************
echo %~n0 %Copyright%
echo ***********************************************
echo [N][SSID] ==============^> "Password"
for /f "skip=2 delims=: tokens=2" %%a in ('netsh wlan show profiles') do (
if not "%%a"=="" (
set "ssid=%%a"
set "ssid=!ssid:~1!"
call :Getpassword "!ssid!"
echo Done
If exist "%PasswordLog%" start "" "%PasswordLog%"
set "name=%1"
set "name=!name:"=!"
Set "passwd="
for /f "delims=: tokens=2" %%a in ('netsh wlan show profiles %1 key^=clear ^|find /I "Cont"') do (
set "passwd=%%a"
Set /a Count+=1
If defined passwd (
set passwd=!passwd:~1!
echo [!Count!][!name!] ====^> "!passwd!"
echo [!Count!][!name!] ====^> "!passwd!" >> "%PasswordLog%"
) else (
Set /a Count+=1
call :color 0C " [!Count!][!name!] The Password is empty" 1
echo [!Count!][!name!] The Password is empty >> "%PasswordLog%"
exit /b
prompt $g
for /F "delims=." %%a in ('"prompt $H. & for %%b in (1) do rem"') do set "BS=%%a"
exit /b
set nL=%3
if not defined nL echo requires third argument & pause > nul & goto :eof
if %3 == 0 (
<nul set /p ".=%bs%">%2 & findstr /v /a:%1 /r "^$" %2 nul & del %2 2>&1 & goto :eof
) else if %3 == 1 (
echo %bs%>%2 & findstr /v /a:%1 /r "^$" %2 nul & del %2 2>&1 & goto :eof
exit /b
for /f "skip=2 delims=: tokens=2" %%a in ('netsh wlan show profiles') do (
if not "%%a"=="" (
set /a L+=1
set /a L=!L! + 10
Set Mod=Mode con cols=75 Lines=!L!
exit /b
This works. You can change the TEMPFILE to wherever you want the file to be created.
SET "TEMPFILE=%USERPROFILE%\Desktop\savedpasskey.txt"
netsh wlan show profile name=wifi_name key=clear >"%TEMPFILE%"
It was not working because the path you specified to save your output text file was not getting recognized. The below code should work properly.
#echo off
netsh wlan show profile name=wifi_name key=clear >%USERPROFILE%\Desktop\savedpasskey.txt
It's always better to specify fully qualified path for the files. In this case it will be C:\Users\<User_Name>\Desktop\savedpasskey.txt where %USERPROFILE% will been replaced with C:\Users\<User_Name>.
Remove #pause if you don't want the command prompt to stay on screen after command is executed.

find where or which line error is occur while running in Batch Script?

I want to know error line number where error was occure by batch script and also i want to print whole line in batch script?
set t=%date%_%time%
set a="%m%\%x%"
cd /d "C:\PRQA\PRQA-Framework-2.1.2\common\bin"
qacli admin --set-license-server 5055# || goto :error
qacli admin --debug-level DEBUG || goto :error
goto :EOF
set remark= %ERRORLEVEL%
set status= Failure
echo ProjectName: %x%
echo Status: %status%
echo Remark: %remark%
echo Date: %t%
echo %x%,%status%,traceback(),%t% > "C:\Test\Build.csv"
echo Failed with error #%errorlevel%.
exit /b %errorlevel%
can any one help me out?
jeb has described how the search for the right line works. in the event of an error, a call is triggered and the parameters are a unique string and an offset, which points to the number of missing lines to the correct line. Findstr looks for the unmistakable string and prints that line number. With the settlement that's right again.
I've put together some macros to show that there are other ways to read the right line.
#echo off
set prompt=$g$s
call :setAllmacros
rem begin in echo off - what line is it please ?
(call )
%ID-1:##==001% call :ErrorLogging Line:%%L Errorlevel:%errorlevel%
echo 2
(call) || %ID-0:##==2% call :Errorlogging Line:%%L Errorlevel:%%errorlevel%%
echo %errorlevel%
find /n || %ID-0:##==003% call :Errorlogging Line:%%L Errorlevel:%%errorlevel%%
pushG 556
%ID-1:##==004% call :ErrorLogging Line:%%L Errorlevel:%errorlevel%
exit /b
#echo on
rem %*
#echo off
exit /b
(set ^"lf=^
%== define LF + CR ==%
for /f %%i in ('copy /z "%~f0" nul') do set "CR=%%i"
rem Prints the fullline itself with LineNumber into stderr
rem usage: %Line#print%:UniqueID"
rem command || %Line#print%:01"
set "Line#print= # <"%~f0" >&2 find /n "%%Line#print%%"
rem Read the fullline BEFORE into Variables with LineNumber; do something ...
rem usage: command 1 line before
rem %ID-1:##==01% [command %%L ... %%M ...]
set ID-1= if errorlevel 1 for /f "usebackQtokens=1*delims=:" %%L in (^
`cmd /v /c ^"findstr /n /r /c:"..*^!CR^!*^!LF^!.*ID-1:.#^=^##%%" "%~f0"^"`) do ^>^&2 echo BatchLine: %%L -- %%M ^&
rem Read the fullline itself into Variables with LineNumber; do something ...
rem usage: command || %ID-0:##==01% [command %%L ... %%M ...]
set ID-0= # for /f "tokens=1*delims=:" %%L in ('findstr /n /r /c:"ID-0:.#=##%%" "%~f0"') do ^>^&2 echo BatchLine: %%L -- %%M ^&
exit /b
hope it helps

Running a cmd .bat file with loops and conditions

Hi I am trying to run a scrapy spider using start command from a cmd batch file. I want to run the spider parallely for 10 names from a csv file which contains more than 500 names. So my thought is to basically add some conditions in the loop from 1 to 500 that checks if the 10 command windows have closed, if not then wait for them to close (they auto close after spider is finished). Once the 10 windows which had opened, are closed, open the next 10 and so on. Following is the code I have, i am pretty sure it has big syntax errors. Could you help me debug? Thanks
cd /d "C:\Users\xyz"
for /f "tokens=1,*" %%m in ('tasklist ^| find /I /C "conhost.exe"') do (set var1=%%m)
set counter=1
for /f "usebackq tokens=1 delims=," %%n in ("test.csv") do (
(START /MIN "" scrapy crawl xyz_scraper -a query="%%n" -a pages=20)
set /a counter=counter+1
for /f "tokens=1,*" %%p in ('tasklist ^| find /I /C "conhost.exe"') do (set var2=%%p)
SET /A _result=counter%%10
echo %_result%
IF _result EQU 0 (
timeout /t 10
if var2 EQU var1 (
goto bcde
goto abcd)
EDIT: deleted the for loop one. Edited the above code based on some suggestions. I don't understand where would i use quotes for variables and where not and how to print a variables value to cmd.
The updated code below:
cd /d "C:\Users\sodhian\sodhi-scraper"
for /f "tokens=1,*" %%m in ('tasklist ^| find /I /C "conhost.exe"') do (set var1=%%m)
echo %var1%
set counter=1
for /f "usebackq tokens=1 delims=," %%n in ("test comp.csv") do (
(START /MIN "" scrapy crawl ind_scraper -a query="%%n" -a pages=20)
set /a "counter=counter+1"
echo %counter%
SET /A _result="counter%%2"
echo %_result%
IF "%_result%" EQU "0" (
timeout /t 10
for /f "tokens=1,*" %%p in ('tasklist ^| find /I /C "conhost.exe"') do (set var2=%%p)
echo %var2%
if var2==var1 (
goto bcde
goto abcd)
Edit 2:
Based on Stephan's answer. Tried to accomplish what i mentioned in comment of the answer:
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
set counter=0
for /f "usebackq tokens=1 delims=," %%n in ("test comp.csv") do (
set /a counter+=1
start /MIN "MySpider!counter!" scrapy crawl ind_scraper -a query="%%n" -a pages=20
for /f "tokens=1,*" %%b in ('tasklist /v ^| find /I /C "MySpider"') do (set var1=%%b)
if !var1! geq 5 call :wait
timeout /t 5
for /f "tokens=1,*" %%p in ('tasklist /v ^| find /I /C "MySpider"') do (set var2=%%p)
if !var2! geq 5 call :wait
goto :eof
Changed it to the following: (the /v (verbose option in tasklist was making the above slow)
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
set counter=0
set max_scrappers=7
for /f "tokens=1,*" %%a in ('tasklist ^| find /C "conhost"') do (set var1=%%a)
for /f "usebackq tokens=1 delims=," %%n in ("test comp.csv") do (
set /a counter+=1
start /min "MySpider!counter!" scrapy crawl ind_scraper -a query="%%n" -a pages=20
for /f "tokens=1,*" %%b in ('tasklist ^| find /C "conhost"') do (set var2=%%b)
set /a var3=!var2!-!var1!
if !var3! geq !max_scrappers! call :wait
for /f "tokens=1,*" %%p in ('tasklist ^| find /C "conhost"') do (set var4=%%p)
set /a var5=!var4!-!var1!
if !var5! geq !max_scrappers! call :wait
goto :eof
As already noted in the comments, labels inside a code block don't work. But you can call a "function", where goto and labels are no problem:
I choosed other numbers and another command to make it work on every system (and faster). Replacing the timeout command with your spider and adapting the numbers should be no problem.
#echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
REM next line just for generating a testfile:
>"test comp.csv" (for /l %%i in (1,1,10) do echo !random:~-1!)
set counter=0
for /f "usebackq tokens=1 delims=," %%n in ("test comp.csv") do (
set /a counter+=1
start "MySpider!counter!" timeout %%n
if !counter! geq 3 call :wait
tasklist /v|find "MySpider">nul && goto :wait
set counter=0
goto :eof
Searching for conhost is not a good idea, because there could be other processes. Choose an unique window title instead (MySpider in my example) and look for that title (tasklist /v)
