I am using Bootstrap switch for Laravel project. Bootstrap switch worked with Desktop data table. But not working with data table responsive. Please any help or suggestion is appreciated.
I have a Laravel project with a dashboard that contains a side menu. When navigating through this side menu, it refreshes the whole page (layout & view in blade). This is my dashboard:
I want to know how I'm able to load my blade views without page refresh. So that when I'm clicking on a navigation link, only the yielded content changes. How am I able to achieve this? Please don't mark this as a dublicate as I've visited most of the similar topics but without any succes.
Oh, and I'd appriciate it so bad if there's someone that's willing to help me out using Teamview.
views cannot be loaded that way with laravel. you will need to use components to design your pages with vue. with components in place you can now use vuerouter to load your pages that way.
Run php artisan preset vue to start your project using Vue.
To access a menu link without refresh the page, use <route-link to="..."></route-link>
Is there a way to have wordpress like update system in my laravel app?
I want to be able to provide my users with the ability to click a button and the app will automatically override all changed files and all database seeders and migrations will run.
Any feedback is appreciated.
Thank you!
I am new to Joomla . So far I have accomplished the following :
i need to add own custom PHP code file and fetch data using MySQL and display in Joomla web page article
Should i do with PHP and MySQL is there any recommended plugin available
Jockham Reports will do that.
If you want more flexibility, you could also use a plugin like Sourcerer to put PHP directly into the article, then use JDatabase. Here is a good tutorial on it: JDatabase, Using the Joomla Database
I am trying to build an admin panel with Laravel framework for a website that is going to be in Bengali language. I can write Bangla fonts in my mysql database quite fine and when I insert directly into the database the fonts are displayed fine but when I try to insert Bangla from the panel and try to see the output through my laravel controllers, the fonts are not displayed. Can anyone give me a solution?enter image description here
This is where I am trying to add a category name in Bangla. You can see the font working well here. I am using Avro Keyboard for inserting Bangla. But when I try to display it, it is displayed like this
enter image description here
You can see that Bangla fonts are not working properly. Now this happens only when I am using laravel. I have inserted Bangla directly into mysql database in xampp but then it works fine.
$category->category_name = ucwords(strtolower($request->category_name));
This is the code I'm using in my controller to insert the category name.
I am using php 7 and database collation is utf8_general_ci. I am also using this meta tag <meta charset="utf-8"> in my site's head section. Now could anyone please provide me a solution? It would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
I have found the problem. In my controller I was using strtolower() and ucwords() when inserting the category name. That's what was causing the problem.
My client's website runs on Joomla and they would like me to add some custom functionality to the site.
It is a quotation system, so they will just need to be able to update the values that are used to caluclate the quote. So there would only need to be 4 parts to this:
Settings page in the admin section
Database table that stores the settings
Front end form
PHP script to process the form / query the database table
If I was not using a CMS I could easily accomplish this task but my client would like this system to be integrated with Joomla. Can anyone advise how I should approach this?
You should be able to accomplish this easily with Chronoforms and Chrono Connectivity from Chrono Engine. Use the Chronoforms to create the forms that access the data and Connectivity to display and edit the data.
Forms - http://extensions.joomla.org/extensions/contacts-and-feedback/forms/1508
Connectivity - http://extensions.joomla.org/extensions/directory-a-documentation/faq/5661
Try the Joomla Component Creator it will allow you to get started writing your logic.