I want to run an AppleScript a bit like this:
tell application "Microsoft PowerPoint"
repeat with tSlide in (get slides of active presentation)
repeat with tPic in (get pictures of tSlide)
set is_decorative of tPic to true
end repeat
end repeat
end tell
But set is_decorative of tPic to true doesn't work and I don't know the correct incantation.
Even better would be able to set the "alt text" value for each image by popping up a dialog box showing the pic and asking the user for it when the script it runs.
Are these properties accessible via AppleScript? Could it be done on Windows, or otherwise in some programmatic way?
I just cobbled up a bit of VBA on a Windows version of PPT (2016 in this case).
For each picture in the active presentation, it asks the user for alt text for the picture; if they provide alt text, it assigns it. If they enter a blank or delete any alt text that's already there, it sets the image as decorative.
I haven't tested it on the Mac, but it should work there as well.
Sub SetPicsDecorative()
Dim oSh As Shape
Dim oSl As Slide
For Each oSl In ActivePresentation.Slides
For Each oSh In oSl.Shapes
If oSh.Type = msoPicture Then
' Here's the meat of the thing
' Ask the user for Alt text
oSh.AlternativeText = InputBox("Enter alt text or press ENTER to skip:", _
"Alt text for " & oSh.Name, oSh.AlternativeText)
' If they didn't enter any alt text, assume that the image is decorative
If Len(oSh.AlternativeText) = 0 Then
oSh.Decorative = True
End If
End If ' msoPicture
End Sub
For my job I often need to enter standard texts in an application to show which actions have been taken.
At a previous job I have been using a VBScript that I found that worked perfectly. What it does is open up an inputbox, you enter a number and the script runs the corresponding subroutine entering the text you requested.
Below you can find an example script of how it works.
In the past I used it in Windows XP, which worked perfectly:
I'm in my application, ready to input text.
I use a shortcut key to start up the VBScript, say CTRL-ALT-T
The inputbox opens
I enter a number
The inputbox closes and Windows XP automatically goes back to my application
The text is being put in the application
But Windows 7 has a slightly different task behaviour. When a window closes in W7, the previous window appears on screen but is NOT actively selected. As a result, the text is not being put in that window.
Is there any way to make the window actively selected?
I'm interested in a solution in VBScript form. But if someone happens to know a solution to change Windows 7's behaviour so it behaves like Windows XP concerning this issue, that would be interesting as well. I find the old behaviour much more convenient in general.
Here's a short example of the script:
'VBScript for inputting text
Option Explicit
Dim oFS, oWS, oWN, Shell
Set oWS = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Set oWN = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Network")
Set oFS = WScript.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set Shell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
' Menu
Select Case InputBox ( _
"Enter type of comment, then press enter or click Ok..." & vbCrlf & vbCrlf & _
" [1] Text 1" & vbCrlf & _
" [2] Text 2", _
Case "1"
Call sub1()
Case "2"
Call sub2()
Case Else
WScript.Echo "You entered an invalid menu choice!"
End Select
Call CleanUp
' Subroutines
Sub CleanUp()
Set oWS = Nothing
Set oWN = Nothing
Set oFS = Nothing
End Sub
Sub sub1()
WScript.Sleep 500
Shell.SendKeys "Standard text 1{ENTER}"
End Sub
Sub sub2()
WScript.Sleep 500
Shell.SendKeys "Standard text 2{ENTER}"
End Sub
I have found a simple solution which I have been using for a few days now without any problems. I added below code right after the beginning of each sub:
I am writing some text in to word file i want to change the color of that text any one can help on that one plz.
I want to print the 'message' from following script in red color.
Here is the Script:
set message to "mostly these windows are popup in application"
on ResultCreationFuction(message)
set text_to_save to message as text
tell application "System Events"
tell application "Finder"
set sortedList to sort (get files of folder "SofTestAutomationResult" of desktop) by modification date
set FileCount to get count of sortedList
set theFile to (item FileCount of sortedList) as alias
end tell
set file_ref to open for access theFile with write permission
write (text_to_save & return) to the file_ref starting at eof
close access file_ref
delay 2
end tell
end try
end ResultCreationFuction
Some Details:
The file is word which is all ready present on above location having name "10.012.2014_17_4_20.doc" (the name of .doc file is not fix)
What you are attempting is the wrong way to do it.
To manipulate content like that, including formatted text (not plain
text), you need to work within, ideally, a well-scriptable app, like
Pages (or Word, perhaps, but I don't have that on the machine I'm
writing this from).
Don't use System Events if you don't need to. Use the apps with the appropriate AppleEvents/dictionary, etc. If you don't know what I'm talking about, you need to take advantage of the infinite resource known as the web.
"Fuction" is just bad form.
I would suggest doing a lot more reading up on how AppleScript works (or scripting in general), but to start you out, here is a script I just wrote in pages which sets the color of a specific word of the open document after putting text in there:
tell application "Pages"
set body text of document 1 to "hello there mister fancy pants"
set color of word 3 of body text of page 1 of document 1 to {64614, 0, 111}
end tell
If you have Pages, try this by starting with a blank page and running this script. Obviously, you could get rid of "word 3 of" in the 2nd line, and the whole body text will be red.
I hope this makes sense and is of help.
I should mention that even TextEdit is scriptable and can open Word documents. Here's an example using TextEdit:
tell application "TextEdit"
set text of document 1 to "hello mister fancy pants"
set color of words 2 thru 3 of text of document 1 to {65535, 0, 0}
end tell
There is a little danger of non-Word apps losing formatting of Word files. But it just seems you are attempting something very simple, and I'm not sure if Word is really necessary here.
You can't add color using the write to eof. You should open the document in Word and then insert the line and add the color. Here's a script that should demonstrate how:
set text_to_add to "mostly these windows are popup in application"
set theFile to ((path to desktop folder) & "10.012.2014_17_4_20.doc") as string
tell application "Microsoft Word"
set theFile to theFile as string -- assuming theFile is an alias or :: path
open file theFile
tell active document
set endOfDoc to end of content of text object -- insert the text to end of document
set theRange to create range start (endOfDoc - 1) end endOfDoc
insert text text_to_add at theRange
set myRange to create range start endOfDoc end (endOfDoc + (length of text_to_add))
set color index of font object of myRange to red
end tell
end tell
How to search itunes store for app with applescript? I have been stuck on this and recording doesn't work in itunes.
I haven’t seen recording work in years. In this case, though, I’m not sure it could. While iTunes is scriptable, it doesn’t appear to have any direct means to perform a search of the Stores.
However, there is a means to perform a search using a URL and “open location”. It would look something like:
tell application "iTunes"
open location "itms://phobos.apple.com/WebObjects/MZSearch.woa/wa/search?WOURLEncoding=ISO8859_1&lang=1&output=lm&country=US&media=software&term=ia%20Writer"
end tell
Put the text you want to search for after &term=; here, that’s ia%20Writer (with the %20 meaning a space).
This combines info from Ars Technica and Doug’s AppleScripts.
Here's a way you can use an AppleScript display dialog to enter what App to search for in the iTunes Store using the answer provided by Jerry Stratton:
If the search has spaces in it, the script replaces it with %20 for you.
set theAppSearch to ""
set theAppSearch to text returned of (display dialog "App Search iTunes Store for:" default answer "" buttons {"Cancel", "OK"} default button 2)
if theAppSearch is not "" then
set theAppSearch to my replaceSpaces(theAppSearch)
tell application "iTunes"
open location "itms://phobos.apple.com/WebObjects/MZSearch.woa/wa/search?WOURLEncoding=ISO8859_1&lang=1&output=lm&country=US&media=software&term=" & theAppSearch
end tell
end if
on replaceSpaces(theString)
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to {" "}
set theString to text items of theString
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to {"%20"}
set theString to theString as text
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to {""}
return theString
end replaceSpaces
I'm back to writing Applescripts. I'm making a script that will Google things for you. Basically, I need to replace all of the spaces with %20. I know a little about text item delimiters, but I don't know how to implement them in this case.
Here's what I got so far:
if userInput contains "Google " then set {TID, text item delimiters} to {text item delimiters, {"Google "}}
if length of userInput is greater than or equal to 2 then set resultString to text item 2 of userInput
if userInput contains "Google " then set text item delimiters to TID
set openPage to (resultString as string)
if userInput contains "Google " then do shell script "open http://www.google.com/search?q=" & openPage
FYI, the userInput variable is the variable I use when dealing with textboxes.
I think this script demonstrates the principle of what you’re trying to do:
tell application "Safari"
display dialog "Search Google for:" default answer "" buttons {"Cancel", "OK"} default button "OK" with title (the name as text) with icon note giving up after 60
if the button returned of the result is equal to "OK" then
set theSearch to the text returned of the result
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to space
set theSearchList to every text item of theSearch
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "+"
set theQuery to theSearchList as text
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ""
set theLink to "http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=" & theQuery & "&btnG=Google+Search"
open location theLink
end if
end tell
However, it’s a lot easier if you just ask an app like BBEdit (or its free version, TextWrangler, which has the same AppleScript dictionary) to do the find and replace for you, because BBEdit is an expert at finding and replacing text, whereas AppleScript by itself is not. AppleScript is a “little language” — it deliberately lacks 95% of the functionality of most programming languages because the functionality is in the apps that you command with AppleScript. In other words, AppleScript expects you to have a text editor with which to process text, therefore AppleScript deliberately doesn’t have the built-in text processing ability of a language like Perl (which you can also use in your AppleScripts.)
So the above script gets a lot shorter, easier to write, easier to read, and easier to understand if you add BBEdit (or the free TextWrangler) into the mix:
tell application "Safari"
display dialog "Search Google for:" default answer "" buttons {"Cancel", "OK"} default button "OK" with title (the name as text) with icon note giving up after 60
if the button returned of the result is equal to "OK" then
set theSearch to the text returned of the result
tell application "BBEdit"
set theQuery to replace " " using "+" searchingString theSearch
end tell
set theLink to "http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=" & theQuery & "&btnG=Google+Search"
open location theLink
end if
end tell
Also, notice that you don’t have to run a shell script to open a link in a browser. So this line in your script:
if userInput contains "Google " then do shell script "open http://www.google.com/search?q=" & openPage
… can be written like this:
if userInput contains "Google " then open location "http://www.google.com/search?q=" & openPage
… or like this:
if userInput contains "Google " then
open location "http://www.google.com/search?q=" & openPage
end if
… and you can use the “open location” command with any app, not just Safari. If you tell Finder to “open location” the link will open in your default browser, which might be Chrome.
I'm trying to enable or disable all the control in a window as the programme changes from interactive to non-interactive mode. How can I ask a window to give me all its contents?
every control of window "mainWindow"
doesn't work, nor does
contents of window "mainWindow"
Actually, I haven't been able to find any good documentation for interacting with menu items from interface builder at all. Things like how to set the contents of popups, and buttons and so on.
The way I do it at the moment is:
property onlineControls: {"maxLength", "speed", "accelerationSlider", "accelerationField", "showInfo"} --and so on, listing all the controls by name
on enableControls(theList, enableState)
tell window "mainWindow"
repeat with theControl in theList
set the enabled of control theControl to enableState
end repeat
end tell
enableControls(onlineControls, true)
I've made several lists of controls tht get turned on or off depending on the state the programme is in. But it has to be hard coded, which I don't see as being the best way.
tell application "System Events"
tell process "Adium"
get entire contents of window 1
end tell
end tell
This script will give you as result all contents of front window of Adium: butons of window, tool bars of window, buttons of tool bars, etc. Enjoy =]
I haven't been able to find a way to get all the controls in a window, but here's an example of interacting with the menu of a popup button:
tell menu of popup button "somePopupButton" of window "mainWindow"
delete every menu item
repeat with i in someItems
make new menu item at end of menu items ¬
with properties {title:i, enabled:true}
end repeat
end tell
Is the same script as "BoB1990" with the possibility of getting back the information given by get entire contents of window in a string of whom you can observe or modify all the items listed :
tell application "System Events" to tell process "Adium"
set this_info to {}
display alert ((get entire contents of window (x as integer)))
on error errMsg set theText to errMsg
set this_info to do shell script " echo " & theText & " | sed 's#System Events got an error: Can’t make ##g;s# into type string.##g'"
end try
set info to {}
set info to do shell script " echo " & this_info
display alert (info)
end tell