How do I include an image in a nested list with Asciidoc without the image tabbing over? - asciidoc

I want to include an image at the end of an ordered, nested list using Asciidoc. For example:
. Item
.. Option A
.. Option B
... Sub-option B.1
However, the image ends up getting tabbed to be even with the third bullet. Is there any way to keep the image on the same vertical line as the first bullet?
Getting rid of the + before the image doesn't work, because then the numbering on subsequent items in the ordered list gets thrown off.

Yes, there is a way.
The image should be part of the first bullet, but there are other elements in between. So, you have to group those other elements — an "open block" does the trick:
. Item
.. Option A
.. Option B
... Sub-option B.1
See "Open Blocks" for details:


How do i open the list of sibling files on the top navbar in vscod

at the top of VS code breadcrumbs, theres a list of sibling files.
i want to open it with a shortcut.
By the way, to switch between files, I use CTRL+TAB
By pressing Ctrl + Shift + <, it both focus the last segment of the breadcrumb and selects it. You can then use the up and down arrow keys to select the file you need.
If ever your cursor is in a method for example, the keyboard shortcut I just describe won't exactly fit, as the last segment of the breadcrumb may not correspond to the file but to its outline content. In this case you may need to favor Ctrl + Shift + . instead which only gives the focus to the breadcrumb and then use the left arrow key to reach the segment you need and then select it.

Converting embedded images to pictures in word document

Is there any way to convert all the embedded images in a document to inline pictures in a word Document?
To convert the inserted objects as images, you may use the short cut key on the keyboard.
Click the embedded object you want to convert.
You may select the whole document first
Once the Object is converted to images, you may later save it to desired file format by right clicking on the object and click on save picture as and select the format.
Source: Microsoft
Just to clarify the answer, because I think he gave you the right one:
I think you meant that when you create a document in word and add the images as fields, so they update when you change them, then how do you convert those fields to plain images? For example to share the file with someone who doesn't want a pdf but a word and doesn't have the images on his computer?
Click shift + F9 to "reveal" the field codes. Then click ctrl + shift + F9 to unlink them. Click shift + F9 to make sure they are gone. Then save the file.
If what you meant was the opposite and you mistyped "inline" and wanted to say "online", then you have to go to insert - quickparts field - includepicture - mark data not stored with document and if you want to, preserve formatting during updates.
I always prefer to use Latex but sometimes people need to see a document in word...and it's always a hassle.

Xcode Editor text selection issue

If I want to delete few lines of text in most of text editors, not touching some words on the bottom line and the whole upper line, I put cursor on the bottom row leaving all unnecessary words to the left of the cursor. Then I select few lines vertically by holding Shift + ↑. I stop on upper row and get some selection: part below + right part of the upper row:
In this example I want to get rid of if word and an empty space between the function header and the code, not touching the function header (even hough let will stick to the opening bracket {).
Normally (not in Xcode) I would still hold Shift and will press cmd + ➝ to deselect the right (selected) part or the top row.
Result will be like this:
I can simply press Delete and job is done.
However, in Xcode such shortcut usage makes bottom row fully selected (till the right) and not changes upper row selection:
Same thing happens if you select from top to bottom and you need to remove extra selection from the bottom line.
I tried to rebind shortcuts in Preferences but didn't find a solution.
This example is very particular and maybe not the best, however I face such selection problems only in Xcode and have to use mouse which is not handy.
This is a rather old question, but what you want is fairly simple to achieve. If your cursor is between the if and the let, you would only need to press option-shift-left arrow twice. The first time, it would select the if and the leading tabs, and the second would select the empty line.

How to delete everything to the right of selected text in Sublime Text 3 ?

I am not sure if this possible. I am just checking to see if it is.
Is there a way to delete everything to the right of whatever I select in Sublime Text ?
When you select "//" using Command + D adding a cursor to each element found (like you did) you can use Command + Shift + Arrow Right to select the text between the cursor and the end of the line then you can delete the selected text.
As Mauricio stated, after using + D to add multiple cursors, + K (twice) should do it. This will delete anything to the right of the cursor. To delete to the left of the cursor, select + K, followed by + .

Making TextMate2 highlight every occurrence of a variable?

Is there a way to make TextMate2 highlight every occurrence of a variable when I place the cursor on the variable like in Eclipse?
Not exactly, however it is quite easy to get this selection. Once you have it, TextMate's multiple cursors afford easy refactoring. Lets start by discussing some shortcuts:
Ctrl + s gives you an "Incremental Search" dialog, reduced to a text bar along the bottom of the window, this far simpler than the command+f version. Pressing Escape will select the current result.
Command + e sets search query.
Option + Command + f searches the entire document for your query
So to highlight every instance you could
Select the string
Command + e (set search query)
Option + Command + f (select all instances in the document)
What is really neat about this is that it creates a selection and cursor on each search result, so:
If you wanted to refactor you could simply start typing the new variable name.
The cursors also support multiple selection copying and pasting, and some bundle actions.
