Laravel 8 Installer error -- The "--remove-vcs" option does not exist - composer-php

I've recently install new Laravel Installer to get version 8 I was having the following error:
| | | |
| | __ _ _ __ __ ___ _____| |
| | / _` | '__/ _` \ \ / / _ \ |
| |___| (_| | | | (_| |\ V / __/ |
|______\__,_|_| \__,_| \_/ \___|_|
The "--remove-vcs" option does not exist.
create-project [-s|--stability STABILITY] [--prefer-source] [--prefer-dist] [--repository REPOSITORY] [--repository-url REPOSITORY-URL] [--dev] [--no-dev] [--no-custom-installers] [--no-scripts] [--no-progress] [--no-secure-http] [--keep-vcs] [--no-install] [--ignore-platform-reqs] [--] [<package>] [<directory>] [<version>]
I thought primarily that was the installer of laravel and didn't find any article about, but the problem was in my composer that need update.
For it I tried:
composer self-update
And I got
SHA384 is not supported by your openssl extension, could not verify the phar file integrity
So the process would be uninstall Composer and install again
To remove:
sudo rm /usr/local/bin/composer
To install:
curl -sS | sudo php
Making composer Global:
sudo mv composer.phar /usr/local/bin/composer
Test Composer:
Finally I installed laravel again.
composer global require laravel/installer


running script in Dockerfile makes Container Exit with Code 0, running the same script with docker exec works fine

So Im building a Laravel application, I have a mysql db defined in my docker-compose.yml and an nginx webserver to go together with my php app.
this is the Dockerfile of the PHP app:
# Install dependencies
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y \
build-essential \
libpng-dev \
libjpeg62-turbo-dev \
libfreetype6-dev \
locales \
zip \
jpegoptim optipng pngquant gifsicle \
unzip \
git \
libonig-dev \
libzip-dev \
# Clear cache
RUN apt-get clean && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
# Install extensions
RUN docker-php-ext-install pdo_mysql zip exif pcntl gd mysqli pdo
WORKDIR /var/www
COPY composer.lock composer.json ./
# Install composer
RUN curl -sS | php -- --install-dir=/usr/local/bin --filename=comp>
# Copy existing application directory contents
COPY . ./
RUN chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www
#laravel + packages install
RUN composer install
RUN chmod -R guo+w storage
# Expose port 9000 and start php-fpm server
CMD ["php-fpm"]
ENTRYPOINT ["/var/www/"]
the shell script just is this:
nohup php artisan migrate:fresh --force
golb_app_1 exited with code 0
app_1 | Dropped all tables successfully.
app_1 | Migration table created successfully.
app_1 | Migrating: 2014_10_12_000000_create_users_table
app_1 | Migrated: 2014_10_12_000000_create_users_table (24.82ms)
app_1 | Migrating: 2014_10_12_100000_create_password_resets_table
app_1 | Migrated: 2014_10_12_100000_create_password_resets_table (17.29ms)
app_1 | Migrating: 2019_08_19_000000_create_failed_jobs_table
app_1 | Migrated: 2019_08_19_000000_create_failed_jobs_table (22.36ms)
app_1 | Migrating: 2021_06_09_080445_create_posts_table
app_1 | Migrated: 2021_06_09_080445_create_posts_table (47.77ms)
app_1 | Migrating: 2021_06_09_120221_update_users_table
app_1 | Migrated: 2021_06_09_120221_update_users_table (21.67ms)
golb_app_1 exited with code 0
Is the output that I am getting If i run my docker-compose up.
Then Container will restart and do it again and again.
If I comment out the script and run it with docker exec It will run and the DB works fine.
"exited with code 0" means it run successfully. And since it's the entrypoint, its expected for the container to stop.
You need to run the serve command after migrate:
php artisan serve --host= --port=$APP_PORT
sleep 15
php artisan migrate:fresh --force &
call script where php-fpm is called now (CMD)
delete Entrypoint

Build Chef client from source on Windows

I am trying to build chef client for windows using the instructions provided #
I think I have setup the pre-req steps correctly on windows and have run successfully load-omnibus-toolchain.ps1 from the omnibus-toolchain. After that if I run "bundle exec omnibus build chef -l internal" from powershell, I am getting the below error. Any help on this would be appreciated. Note that I am trying to build from the latest source 16.X.X.
C:/buildkite-agent is not a directory.
Bundler will use C:/Users/ADMINI~1/AppData/Local/Temp/2/bundler20201006-5812-gte5gk5812' as your home directory temporarily. [CLI] I | 2020-10-06T18:48:58+00:00 | Using config from 'omnibus.rb' [Project] I | 2020-10-06T18:48:58+00:00 | Loading project chef' from C:/chef-16.5.64/omnibus/config/projects/chef.rb'. [Software] I | 2020-10-06T18:49:02+00:00 | Loading software preparation' from C:/opscode/omnibus-toolchain/embedded/lib/ruby/gems/2.6.0/bundler/gems/omnibus-software-0e0686b82299/config/software/preparation.rb' using overrides from chef. [Software] I | 2020-10-06T18:49:02+00:00 | Loading software chef' from C:/opscode/omnibus-toolchain/embedded/lib/ruby/gems/2.6.0/bundler/gems/omnibus-software-0e0686b82299/config/software/chef.rb' using overrides from chef. [Software: chef] W | 2020-10-06T18:49:02+00:00 | Version local_source for software chef was not parseable. Comparison methods such as #satisfies? will not be available for this version. [Software: chef] W | 2020-10-06T18:49:02+00:00 | Version local_source for software chef was not parseable. Comparison methods such as #satisfies? will not be available for this version. [Software] I | 2020-10-06T18:49:02+00:00 | Loading software ruby' from C:/opscode/omnibus-toolchain/embedded/lib/ruby/gems/2.6.0/bundler/gems/omnibus-software-0e0686b82299/config/software/ruby.rb' using overrides from chef. [Software] I | 2020-10-06T18:49:02+00:00 | Loading software zlib' from C:/opscode/omnibus-toolchain/embedded/lib/ruby/gems/2.6.0/bundler/gems/omnibus-software-0e0686b82299/config/software/zlib.rb' using overrides from chef. [Software] I | 2020-10-06T18:49:02+00:00 | Loading software openssl' from C:/opscode/omnibus-toolchain/embedded/lib/ruby/gems/2.6.0/bundler/gems/omnibus-software-0e0686b82299/config/software/openssl.rb' using overrides from chef. [Software] I | 2020-10-06T18:49:03+00:00 | Loading software cacerts' from C:/opscode/omnibus-toolchain/embedded/lib/ruby/gems/2.6.0/bundler/gems/omnibus-software-0e0686b82299/config/software/cacerts.rb' using overrides from chef. [Software] I | 2020-10-06T18:49:03+00:00 | Loading software libffi' from C:/opscode/omnibus-toolchain/embedded/lib/ruby/gems/2.6.0/bundler/gems/omnibus-software-0e0686b82299/config/software/libffi.rb' using overrides from chef. [Software] I | 2020-10-06T18:49:03+00:00 | Loading software libyaml' from C:/opscode/omnibus-toolchain/embedded/lib/ruby/gems/2.6.0/bundler/gems/omnibus-software-0e0686b82299/config/software/libyaml.rb' using overrides from chef. [Software] I | 2020-10-06T18:49:03+00:00 | Loading software config_guess' from C:/opscode/omnibus-toolchain/embedded/lib/ruby/gems/2.6.0/bundler/gems/omnibus-software-0e0686b82299/config/software/config_guess.rb' using overrides from chef. [Software: config_guess] W | 2020-10-06T18:49:03+00:00 | Version master for software config_guess was not parseable. Comparison methods such as #satisfies? will not be available for this version. [Software] I | 2020-10-06T18:49:03+00:00 | Loading software ohai' from C:/opscode/omnibus-toolchain/embedded/lib/ruby/gems/2.6.0/bundler/gems/omnibus-software-0e0686b82299/config/software/ohai.rb' using overrides from chef. [Software] I | 2020-10-06T18:49:03+00:00 | Loading software libarchive' from C:/opscode/omnibus-toolchain/embedded/lib/ruby/gems/2.6.0/bundler/gems/omnibus-software-0e0686b82299/config/software/libarchive.rb' using overrides from chef. [Software] I | 2020-10-06T18:49:03+00:00 | Loading software libxml2' from C:/opscode/omnibus-toolchain/embedded/lib/ruby/gems/2.6.0/bundler/gems/omnibus-software-0e0686b82299/config/software/libxml2.rb' using overrides from chef. [Software] I | 2020-10-06T18:49:03+00:00 | Loading software liblzma' from C:/opscode/omnibus-toolchain/embedded/lib/ruby/gems/2.6.0/bundler/gems/omnibus-software-0e0686b82299/config/software/liblzma.rb' using overrides from chef. [Software] I | 2020-10-06T18:49:03+00:00 | Loading software bzip2' from C:/opscode/omnibus-toolchain/embedded/lib/ruby/gems/2.6.0/bundler/gems/omnibus-software-0e0686b82299/config/software/bzip2.rb' using overrides from chef. [Software] I | 2020-10-06T18:49:03+00:00 | Loading software nokogiri' from C:/opscode/omnibus-toolchain/embedded/lib/ruby/gems/2.6.0/bundler/gems/omnibus-software-0e0686b82299/config/software/nokogiri.rb' using overrides from chef. [Software] I | 2020-10-06T18:49:03+00:00 | Loading software libxslt' from C:/opscode/omnibus-toolchain/embedded/lib/ruby/gems/2.6.0/bundler/gems/omnibus-software-0e0686b82299/config/software/libxslt.rb' using overrides from chef. [Software] I | 2020-10-06T18:49:03+00:00 | Loading software gem-permissions' from C:/opscode/omnibus-toolchain/embedded/lib/ruby/gems/2.6.0/bundler/gems/omnibus-software-0e0686b82299/config/software/gem-permissions.rb' using overrides from chef. [Software] I | 2020-10-06T18:49:03+00:00 | Loading software shebang-cleanup' from C:/opscode/omnibus-toolchain/embedded/lib/ruby/gems/2.6.0/bundler/gems/omnibus-software-0e0686b82299/config/software/shebang-cleanup.rb' using overrides from chef. [Software] I | 2020-10-06T18:49:03+00:00 | Loading software version-manifest' from C:/opscode/omnibus-toolchain/embedded/lib/ruby/gems/2.6.0/bundler/gems/omnibus-software-0e0686b82299/config/software/version-manifest.rb' using overrides from chef. [Software] I | 2020-10-06T18:49:03+00:00 | Loading software openssl-customization' from C:/opscode/omnibus-toolchain/embedded/lib/ruby/gems/2.6.0/bundler/gems/omnibus-software-0e0686b82299/config/software/openssl-customization.rb' using overrides from chef. [Software] I | 2020-10-06T18:49:03+00:00 | Loading software ruby-windows-devkit' from C:/opscode/omnibus-toolchain/embedded/lib/ruby/gems/2.6.0/bundler/gems/omnibus-software-0e0686b82299/config/software/ruby-windows-devkit.rb' using overrides from chef. [Software: ruby-windows-devkit] I | 2020-10-06T18:49:03+00:00 | Resolving manifest entry for ruby-windows-devkit [Software: ruby-windows-devkit] W | 2020-10-06T18:49:03+00:00 | DEPRECATED: project_file (DSL). This is a property of the NetFetcher and will not be publically exposed in the next major release. In general, you should not be using this method in your software definitions as it is an internal implementation detail of the NetFetcher. If you disagree with this statement, you should open an issue on the Omnibus repository on GitHub an explain your use case. For now, I will return the path to the downloaded file on disk, but please rethink the problem you are trying to solve :). [Software] I | 2020-10-06T18:49:03+00:00 | Loading software ruby-windows-devkit-bash' from C:/opscode/omnibus-toolchain/embedded/lib/ruby/gems/2.6.0/bundler/gems/omnibus-software-0e0686b82299/config/software/ruby-windows-devkit-bash.rb' using overrides from chef. [Software] I | 2020-10-06T18:49:03+00:00 | Loading software ruby-cleanup' from C:/opscode/omnibus-toolchain/embedded/lib/ruby/gems/2.6.0/bundler/gems/omnibus-software-0e0686b82299/config/software/ruby-cleanup.rb' using overrides from chef. [Software] I | 2020-10-06T18:49:03+00:00 | Loading software more-ruby-cleanup' from C:/chef-16.5.64/omnibus/config/software/more-ruby-cleanup.rb' using overrides from chef. Building chef 16.5.64+20201006184858... [Software: cacerts] I | 2020-10-06T18:49:03+00:00 | Resolving manifest entry for cacerts [Software: openssl] I | 2020-10-06T18:49:03+00:00 | Resolving manifest entry for openssl [Software: libffi] I | 2020-10-06T18:49:03+00:00 | Resolving manifest entry for libffi [Software: zlib] I | 2020-10-06T18:49:03+00:00 | Resolving manifest entry for zlib [Software: preparation] I | 2020-10-06T18:49:03+00:00 | Resolving manifest entry for preparation [NullFetcher: preparation] I | 2020-10-06T18:49:03+00:00 | Fetching preparation' (nothing to fetch)
[Software: config_guess] I | 2020-10-06T18:49:03+00:00 | Resolving manifest entry for config_guess
[Software: config_guess] W | 2020-10-06T18:49:03+00:00 | Version master for software config_guess was not parseable. Comparison methods such as #satisfies? will not be available for this version.
[Software: config_guess] W | 2020-10-06T18:49:03+00:00 | Version master for software config_guess was not parseable. Comparison methods such as #satisfies? will not be available for this version.
[GitFetcher] I | 2020-10-06T18:49:03+00:00 | git ls-remote "" "master*" [Software: libyaml] I | 2020-10-06T18:49:03+00:00 | Resolving manifest entry for libyaml [Software: ruby] I | 2020-10-06T18:49:03+00:00 | Resolving manifest entry for ruby [Software: ohai] I | 2020-10-06T18:49:03+00:00 | Resolving manifest entry for ohai [Software: ohai] W | 2020-10-06T18:49:03+00:00 | Version v16.5.4 for software ohai was not parseable. Comparison methods such as #satisfies? will not be available for this version. [Software: ohai] W | 2020-10-06T18:49:03+00:00 | Version v16.5.4 for software ohai was not parseable. Comparison methods such as #satisfies? will not be available for this version. [GitFetcher] I | 2020-10-06T18:49:03+00:00 | git ls-remote "" "v16.5.4*"
[Software: liblzma] I | 2020-10-06T18:49:03+00:00 | Resolving manifest entry for liblzma
[Software: libxml2] I | 2020-10-06T18:49:03+00:00 | Resolving manifest entry for libxml2
[Software: bzip2] I | 2020-10-06T18:49:03+00:00 | Resolving manifest entry for bzip2
[Software: libarchive] I | 2020-10-06T18:49:03+00:00 | Resolving manifest entry for libarchive
[Software: libxslt] I | 2020-10-06T18:49:03+00:00 | Resolving manifest entry for libxslt
[Software: chef] I | 2020-10-06T18:49:03+00:00 | Resolving manifest entry for chef
[Software: chef] W | 2020-10-06T18:49:03+00:00 | Version local_source for software chef was not parseable. Comparison methods such as #satisfies? will not be available for this version.
[Software: chef] W | 2020-10-06T18:49:03+00:00 | Version local_source for software chef was not parseable. Comparison methods such as #satisfies? will not be available for this version.
[PathFetcher: chef] I | 2020-10-06T18:49:03+00:00 | Digesting C:/omnibus-ruby/src/chef/chef with sha256
[Software: nokogiri] I | 2020-10-06T18:49:03+00:00 | Resolving manifest entry for nokogiri
[NullFetcher: nokogiri] I | 2020-10-06T18:49:03+00:00 | Fetching nokogiri' (nothing to fetch) [Software: gem-permissions] I | 2020-10-06T18:49:03+00:00 | Resolving manifest entry for gem-permissions [NullFetcher: gem-permissions] I | 2020-10-06T18:49:03+00:00 | Fetching gem-permissions' (nothing to fetch)
[Software: shebang-cleanup] I | 2020-10-06T18:49:04+00:00 | Resolving manifest entry for shebang-cleanup
[NullFetcher: shebang-cleanup] I | 2020-10-06T18:49:04+00:00 | Fetching shebang-cleanup' (nothing to fetch) [Software: version-manifest] I | 2020-10-06T18:49:04+00:00 | Resolving manifest entry for version-manifest [NullFetcher: version-manifest] I | 2020-10-06T18:49:04+00:00 | Fetching version-manifest' (nothing to fetch)
[Software: openssl-customization] I | 2020-10-06T18:49:04+00:00 | Resolving manifest entry for openssl-customization
[PathFetcher: openssl-customization] I | 2020-10-06T18:49:04+00:00 | Digesting C:/omnibus-ruby/src/openssl-customization with sha256
[PathFetcher: openssl-customization] I | 2020-10-06T18:49:04+00:00 | Digesting C:/chef-16.5.64/omnibus/files/openssl-customization with sha256
[Software: ruby-windows-devkit-bash] I | 2020-10-06T18:49:04+00:00 | Resolving manifest entry for ruby-windows-devkit-bash
[Software: ruby-cleanup] I | 2020-10-06T18:49:04+00:00 | Resolving manifest entry for ruby-cleanup
[NullFetcher: ruby-cleanup] I | 2020-10-06T18:49:04+00:00 | Fetching ruby-cleanup' (nothing to fetch) [Software: more-ruby-cleanup] I | 2020-10-06T18:49:04+00:00 | Resolving manifest entry for more-ruby-cleanup [PathFetcher: more-ruby-cleanup] I | 2020-10-06T18:49:04+00:00 | Digesting C:/omnibus-ruby/src/more-ruby-cleanup with sha256 [PathFetcher: more-ruby-cleanup] I | 2020-10-06T18:49:04+00:00 | Digesting C:/chef-16.5.64/omnibus/files/more-ruby-cleanup with sha256 I | 2020-10-06T18:49:04+00:00 | 84f04b02a7e2fc8eaa9d52deee5f6d57b06fe447 refs/heads/master I | 2020-10-06T18:49:04+00:00 | 5a37f3e4347b42023e15015b8f5e56c3905e20bf refs/tags/v16.5.4 I | 2020-10-06T18:49:04+00:00 | 0487d320efda47bce88b68c0916e2f4b275244ae refs/tags/v16.5.4^{} [GitFetcher: config_guess] I | 2020-10-06T18:49:04+00:00 | $ git -c core.autocrlf=false cat-file -t 84f04b02a7e2fc8eaa9d52deee5f6d57b06fe447 [GitFetcher: ohai] I | 2020-10-06T18:49:04+00:00 | $ git -c core.autocrlf=false cat-file -t 0487d320efda47bce88b68c0916e2f4b275244ae I | 2020-10-06T18:49:04+00:00 | commit I | 2020-10-06T18:49:04+00:00 | commit [PathFetcher: chef] I | 2020-10-06T18:49:24+00:00 | Digesting C:/chef-16.5.64/omnibus/files/../.. with sha256 [Licensing] I | 2020-10-06T18:49:48+00:00 | Project 'chef' is using 'Chef EULA' which is not one of the standard licenses identified in Consider using one of the standard licenses. [Software: config_guess] W | 2020-10-06T18:49:48+00:00 | Version master for software config_guess was not parseable. Comparison methods such as #satisfies? will not be available for this version. [Software: ohai] W | 2020-10-06T18:49:48+00:00 | Version v16.5.4 for software ohai was not parseable. Comparison methods such as #satisfies? will not be available for this version. [Software: chef] W | 2020-10-06T18:49:48+00:00 | Version local_source for software chef was not parseable. Comparison methods such as #satisfies? will not be available for this version. [Licensing] I | 2020-10-06T18:49:48+00:00 | Software 'config_guess' uses license 'GPL-3.0 (with exception)' which is not one of the standard licenses identified in Consider using one of the standard licenses. [Software: preparation] D | 2020-10-06T18:49:48+00:00 | Forcing build because git caching is off [Builder: preparation] I | 2020-10-06T18:49:48+00:00 | Starting build [Builder: preparation] I | 2020-10-06T18:49:48+00:00 | Cached builder checksum before build: 2791faa48a03f3fe6e6b7283fd538d6bcdc9ec7235211dc02d0d6a04af3870bd [Builder: preparation] I | 2020-10-06T18:49:48+00:00 | <Dynamic Ruby block>: 0.0001s [Builder: preparation] I | 2020-10-06T18:49:49+00:00 | touch C:/opscode/chef/embedded/lib/.gitkeep': 0.0021s
[Builder: preparation] I | 2020-10-06T18:49:49+00:00 | touch C:/opscode/chef/embedded/bin/.gitkeep': 0.0013s [Builder: preparation] I | 2020-10-06T18:49:49+00:00 | touch C:/opscode/chef/bin/.gitkeep': 0.0011s
[Builder: preparation] I | 2020-10-06T18:49:49+00:00 | Build preparation: 0.257s
[Builder: preparation] I | 2020-10-06T18:49:49+00:00 | Finished build
[Software: zlib] D | 2020-10-06T18:49:49+00:00 | Forcing build because git caching is off
[NetFetcher: zlib] I | 2020-10-06T18:49:49+00:00 | Cleaning project directory C:/omnibus-ruby/src/zlib' [NetFetcher: zlib] I | 2020-10-06T18:49:49+00:00 | Extracting C:\omnibus-ruby\cache\zlib-1.2.11.tar.gz' to C:\omnibus-ruby\src\zlib' [NetFetcher: zlib] I | 2020-10-06T18:49:49+00:00 | $ tar zxf C:\omnibus-ruby\cache\zlib-1.2.11.tar.gz -CC:\omnibus-ruby\src\zlib I | 2020-10-06T18:49:51+00:00 | tar (child): Cannot connect to C: resolve failed I | 2020-10-06T18:49:51+00:00 | I | 2020-10-06T18:49:51+00:00 | gzip: stdin: unexpected end of file I | 2020-10-06T18:49:51+00:00 | tar: Child returned status 128 I | 2020-10-06T18:49:51+00:00 | tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now The following shell command exited with status 2: $ tar zxf C:\omnibus-ruby\cache\zlib-1.2.11.tar.gz -CC:\omnibus-ruby\src\zlib Output: (nothing) Error: tar (child): Cannot connect to C: resolve failed gzip: stdin: unexpected end of file tar: Child returned status 128 tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now C:/opscode/omnibus-toolchain/embedded/lib/ruby/gems/2.6.0/bundler/gems/omnibus-22ce15145e83/lib/omnibus/util.rb:139:in rescue in shellout!'
C:/opscode/omnibus-toolchain/embedded/lib/ruby/gems/2.6.0/bundler/gems/omnibus-22ce15145e83/lib/omnibus/util.rb:134:in shellout!' C:/opscode/omnibus-toolchain/embedded/lib/ruby/gems/2.6.0/bundler/gems/omnibus-22ce15145e83/lib/omnibus/fetchers/net_fetcher.rb:246:in extract'
C:/opscode/omnibus-toolchain/embedded/lib/ruby/gems/2.6.0/bundler/gems/omnibus-22ce15145e83/lib/omnibus/fetchers/net_fetcher.rb:187:in deploy' C:/opscode/omnibus-toolchain/embedded/lib/ruby/gems/2.6.0/bundler/gems/omnibus-22ce15145e83/lib/omnibus/fetchers/net_fetcher.rb:71:in clean'
C:/opscode/omnibus-toolchain/embedded/lib/ruby/gems/2.6.0/bundler/gems/omnibus-22ce15145e83/lib/omnibus/software.rb:1232:in execute_build' C:/opscode/omnibus-toolchain/embedded/lib/ruby/gems/2.6.0/bundler/gems/omnibus-22ce15145e83/lib/omnibus/software.rb:1123:in build_me'
C:/opscode/omnibus-toolchain/embedded/lib/ruby/gems/2.6.0/bundler/gems/omnibus-22ce15145e83/lib/omnibus/project.rb:1078:in block (2 levels) in build' C:/opscode/omnibus-toolchain/embedded/lib/ruby/gems/2.6.0/bundler/gems/omnibus-22ce15145e83/lib/omnibus/project.rb:1077:in each'
C:/opscode/omnibus-toolchain/embedded/lib/ruby/gems/2.6.0/bundler/gems/omnibus-22ce15145e83/lib/omnibus/project.rb:1077:in block in build' C:/opscode/omnibus-toolchain/embedded/lib/ruby/gems/2.6.0/bundler/gems/omnibus-22ce15145e83/lib/omnibus/licensing.rb:62:in block in create_incrementally'
C:/opscode/omnibus-toolchain/embedded/lib/ruby/gems/2.6.0/bundler/gems/omnibus-22ce15145e83/lib/omnibus/licensing.rb:57:in tap' C:/opscode/omnibus-toolchain/embedded/lib/ruby/gems/2.6.0/bundler/gems/omnibus-22ce15145e83/lib/omnibus/licensing.rb:57:in create_incrementally'
C:/opscode/omnibus-toolchain/embedded/lib/ruby/gems/2.6.0/bundler/gems/omnibus-22ce15145e83/lib/omnibus/project.rb:1076:in build' C:/opscode/omnibus-toolchain/embedded/lib/ruby/gems/2.6.0/bundler/gems/omnibus-22ce15145e83/lib/omnibus/cli.rb:89:in build'
C:/opscode/omnibus-toolchain/embedded/lib/ruby/gems/2.6.0/gems/thor-1.0.1/lib/thor/command.rb:27:in run' C:/opscode/omnibus-toolchain/embedded/lib/ruby/gems/2.6.0/gems/thor-1.0.1/lib/thor/invocation.rb:127:in invoke_command'
C:/opscode/omnibus-toolchain/embedded/lib/ruby/gems/2.6.0/gems/thor-1.0.1/lib/thor.rb:392:in dispatch' C:/opscode/omnibus-toolchain/embedded/lib/ruby/gems/2.6.0/bundler/gems/omnibus-22ce15145e83/lib/omnibus/cli/base.rb:33:in dispatch'
C:/opscode/omnibus-toolchain/embedded/lib/ruby/gems/2.6.0/gems/thor-1.0.1/lib/thor/base.rb:485:in start' C:/opscode/omnibus-toolchain/embedded/lib/ruby/gems/2.6.0/bundler/gems/omnibus-22ce15145e83/lib/omnibus/cli.rb:42:in execute!'
C:/opscode/omnibus-toolchain/embedded/lib/ruby/gems/2.6.0/bundler/gems/omnibus-22ce15145e83/bin/omnibus:16:in <top (required)>' C:/opscode/omnibus-toolchain/embedded/lib/ruby/gems/2.6.0/bin/omnibus:23:in load'
C:/opscode/omnibus-toolchain/embedded/lib/ruby/gems/2.6.0/bin/omnibus:23:in `'```
There is a CINC project, which is FOSS distribution of Chef Infra™ client, licensed under Apache-2.0. So, if you just need to workaround Chef Licensing model, you can use Cinc Client binaries.

I get error while run composer install at live server

When I try to run composer update | composer install | composer require, I got this error on the Production server:
composer install
Loading composer repositories with package information
Installing dependencies (including require-dev) from lock file
Warning: The lock file is not up to date with the latest changes in composer.json. You may
be getting outdated dependencies. Run update to update them.
Package operations: 19 installs, 55 updates, 0 removals
In Filesystem.php line 182:
/var/www/html/vendor/kylekatarnls/update-helper does not exist and could not be created.
install [--prefer-source] [--prefer-dist] [--dry-run] [--dev] [--no-dev] [--no-custom-
installers] [--no-autoloader] [--no-scripts] [--no-progress] [--no-suggest] [-v|vv|vvv|--
verbose] [-o|--optimize-autoloader] [-a|--classmap-authoritative] [--apcu-autoloader] [--
ignore-platform-reqs] [--] [<packages>]...

Dockerize Laravel Lumen

I have Laravel Lumen project
I have a Dockerfile for it.
FROM alpine:3.7
RUN apk --no-cache add \
php7 \
php7-fpm \
php7-pdo \
php7-mbstring \
php7-xml \
php7-openssl \
php7-json \
php7-phar \
php7-zip \
php7-dom \
php7-session \
php7-zlib && \
php7 -r "copy('', 'composer-setup.php');" && \
php7 composer-setup.php --install-dir=/usr/bin --filename=composer && \
php7 -r "unlink('composer-setup.php');" && \
ln -sf /usr/bin/php7 /usr/bin/php && \
ln -s /etc/php7/php.ini /etc/php7/conf.d/php.ini
RUN set -x \
addgroup -g 82 -S www-data \
adduser -u 82 -D -S -G www-data www-data
COPY . /src
ADD .env.example /src/.env
RUN chmod -R 777 storage
CMD php -S localhost:8000 -t public
I also have docker-compose.yml
version: '3'
context: .
dockerfile: Dockerfile
- 8000:8000
When I run docker-compose up, everything seem success
Creating network "lumen_default" with the default driver
Building portalmodules
Step 1/9 : FROM alpine:3.7
3.7: Pulling from library/alpine
5d20c808ce19: Downloading [> ] 21.15k5d20c808ce19: Downloading [============================> ] 1.195M5d20c808ce19: Extracting [> ] 32.77kB5d20c808ce19: Extracting [=====================> ] 917.5kB5d20c808ce19: Extracting [==================================================>] 2.107MB5d20c808ce19: Pull complete
Digest: sha256:fea30b82fd63049b797ab37f13bf9772b59c15a36b1eec6b031b6e483fd7f252
Status: Downloaded newer image for alpine:3.7
---> 6d1ef012b567
Step 2/9 : LABEL maintainer "John Doe <>"
---> Running in fb4f2dd6d1de
Removing intermediate container fb4f2dd6d1de
---> 8a45db7ddab9
Step 3/9 : RUN apk --no-cache add php7 php7-fpm php7-pdo php7-mbstring php7-xml php7-openssl php7-json php7-phar php7-zip php7-dom php7-session php7-zlib && php7 -r "copy('', 'composer-setup.php');" && php7 composer-setup.php --install-dir=/usr/bin --filename=composer && php7 -r "unlink('composer-setup.php');" && ln -sf /usr/bin/php7 /usr/bin/php && ln -s /etc/php7/php.ini /etc/php7/conf.d/php.ini
---> Running in 3de805731cad
(1/19) Installing php7-common (7.1.17-r0)
(2/19) Installing ncurses-terminfo-base (6.0_p20171125-r1)
(3/19) Installing ncurses-terminfo (6.0_p20171125-r1)
(4/19) Installing ncurses-libs (6.0_p20171125-r1)
(5/19) Installing libedit (20170329.3.1-r3)
(6/19) Installing pcre (8.41-r1)
(7/19) Installing libxml2 (2.9.8-r1)
(8/19) Installing php7 (7.1.17-r0)
(9/19) Installing php7-dom (7.1.17-r0)
(10/19) Installing php7-fpm (7.1.17-r0)
(11/19) Installing php7-json (7.1.17-r0)
(12/19) Installing php7-mbstring (7.1.17-r0)
(13/19) Installing php7-openssl (7.1.17-r0)
(14/19) Installing php7-pdo (7.1.17-r0)
(15/19) Installing php7-phar (7.1.17-r0)
(16/19) Installing php7-session (7.1.17-r0)
(17/19) Installing php7-xml (7.1.17-r0)
(18/19) Installing libzip (1.3.0-r1)
(19/19) Installing php7-zip (7.1.17-r0)
Executing busybox-1.27.2-r11.trigger
OK: 25 MiB in 32 packages
All settings correct for using Composer
Composer (version 1.8.4) successfully installed to: /usr/bin/composer
Use it: php /usr/bin/composer
Removing intermediate container 3de805731cad
---> ff5d58488a6d
Step 4/9 : RUN set -x addgroup -g 82 -S www-data adduser -u 82 -D -S -G www-data www-data
---> Running in 634b56b930cd
Removing intermediate container 634b56b930cd
---> 395f7f861700
Step 5/9 : COPY . /src
---> 0b4e7b92df73
Step 6/9 : ADD .env.example /src/.env
---> 2848f770f17d
Step 7/9 : WORKDIR /src
---> Running in cbba620f9904
Removing intermediate container cbba620f9904
---> 819ee9222de7
Step 8/9 : RUN chmod -R 777 storage
---> Running in 135b707d5008
Removing intermediate container 135b707d5008
---> 4bf78fca1236
Step 9/9 : CMD php -S localhost:8000 -t public
---> Running in 55d0a643fb43
Removing intermediate container 55d0a643fb43
---> bb0d3d1da9a9
Successfully built bb0d3d1da9a9
Successfully tagged lumen_portalmodules:latest
WARNING: Image for service portalmodules was built because it did not already exist. To rebuild this image you must use `docker-compose build` or `docker-compose up --build`.
Creating lumen_portalmodules_1 ... done
Attaching to lumen_portalmodules_1
portalmodules_1 | PHP 7.1.17 Development Server started at Fri Mar 29 20:16:45 2019
But I don't what is the URL - I should go to see my site ... 🤦🏻‍♂️
I've tried go to : http://localhost:8000/
I kept getting this
Am I doing anything wrong ? What is my site URL ?
Have you tried : CMD php -S -t public ?
localhost is refering to the container local ip not your host machine's

composer install not executed by docker build

I'm trying to build a laravel image with docker build. Here is my dockerfile
FROM php:7.1.14-fpm
COPY . /app
COPY ./ /tmp
RUN touch ./resources/assets/less/_main_full/main.less \
&& mv ./.env.local ./.env \
&& mv ./.dockerignore-local ./.dockerignore \
&& apt-get update -y && apt-get install -y openssl zip unzip git npm \
libfreetype6-dev \
libjpeg62-turbo-dev \
libmcrypt-dev \
libpng12-dev \
libmagickwand-dev vim --no-install-recommends \
&& apt-get purge --auto-remove -y g++ \
&& apt-get clean \
&& rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* \
&& docker-php-ext-configure gd --with-freetype-dir=/usr/include/ --with-jpeg-dir=/usr/include/ \
&& docker-php-ext-install pdo pdo_mysql mbstring zip -j$(nproc) iconv mcrypt -j$(nproc) gd
RUN curl -o- | bash \
&& export NVM_DIR="$HOME/.nvm" \
&& [ -s "$NVM_DIR/" ] && \. "$NVM_DIR/" # This loads nvm \
&& nvm install node \
&& npm cache clean -f && npm install -g n && n stable && npm install cross-env && npm install && npm run dev
RUN curl -sS | php -- --install-dir=/usr/local/bin --filename=composer \
&& composer install --no-interaction
RUN chown -R www-data:www-data \
/app/storage \
/app/bootstrap/cache \
&& chmod 755 /tmp/
CMD ["/tmp/"]
but when I execute it with:
docker build -f laravel-local.dockerfile . -t xoco/kendozone:local-1.0.0 --no-cache
Composer install is not doing anything:
Step 7/9 : RUN curl -sS | php -- --install-dir=/usr/local/bin --filename=composer && composer install --no-interaction
---> Running in 90d05a566269
All settings correct for using Composer
Composer (version 1.6.3) successfully installed to: /usr/local/bin/composer
Use it: php /usr/local/bin/composer
Do not run Composer as root/super user! See for details
Loading composer repositories with package information
Installing dependencies (including require-dev) from lock file
Nothing to install or update
Package phpoffice/phpexcel is abandoned, you should avoid using it. Use phpoffice/phpspreadsheet instead.
Generating autoload files
> Illuminate\Foundation\ComposerScripts::postInstall
> php artisan optimize
Removing intermediate container 90d05a566269
---> 7665c4fefb57
I don't understand this behaviour. I have a .dockerignore that has vendor folder inside, so I don't know why shouldn't it install composer dependecies:
# Laravel 5 & Lumen specific
Any ideas?
