How to set customPaper for domPDF in laravel? - laravel

This is my code in Controller. Now I want to set CustomPaper for printing because A4 size is not Portable for large width file in domPDF.
$category = Category::where('id',$request->category_id)->first();
$file = 'Client Ledger Report - '.date('d-m-Y').'.pdf';
$pdf = PDF::loadView('admin.reports.client_statement_report',compact('records','category','type','from','to'));
return $pdf->download($file);

Just write custom dimension in an array variable and by using setPaper() method and chain it with PDF::loadView()->setPaper($dimension).
$category = Category::where('id',$request->category_id)->first();
/* Custom Dimensions */
$dimension= array(0,0,680,920);
$file = 'Client Ledger Report - '.date('d-m-Y').'.pdf';
$pdf = PDF::loadView('admin.reports.client_statement_report',compact('records','category','type','from','to'))->setPaper($dimension);
return $pdf->download($file);


How to generate multiple qr codes in laravel

I am working on a project in which i have to generate QR codes based on number of members in database. Each qrcode will have a unique string so i am generating a random string of 30 chracters. As of now i have 5000 members in database and i need to generate 5000 QR Codes.
When i run the application it fetches total number of records from database and in foreach loop i am generating QR Code, but the server responds to 503 error after 40-50 seconds though i set the limit in php ini setting for max execution time at 3600. below is the my code. I need advice on how can i achieve my goal what is best practice and how i can generate QR code in bulk with unique string and avoid duplicating qr code and store the qr image in storage folder as well its filename in database for later use to print it.
$data = \DB::connection('mysql2')->table('basicinfo')->where('is_approved','=','1')->whereIn('classOfMembership',$member_arr)->get(); //this return 4808 records
foreach($data as $d){
$randomStr = Str::random(33);
$image = QrCode::format('png')
$time_now = time();
$output_file = '/qr-code/election-'.$request->election_year.'/img-' . $time_now . '.png';
$image_name = 'img-' . $time_now . '.png';
$insert_arr[] = [
'election_year' => $request->election_year,
'position' => $request->post,
'qr_hash' => $randomStr,
'qr_code_image' => $image_name
Storage::disk('local')->put($output_file, $image);

Properly evaluate a test dataset

I trained a machine translation model using huggingface library:
def compute_metrics(eval_preds):
preds, labels = eval_preds
if isinstance(preds, tuple):
preds = preds[0]
decoded_preds = tokenizer.batch_decode(preds, skip_special_tokens=True)
# Replace -100 in the labels as we can't decode them.
labels = np.where(labels != -100, labels, tokenizer.pad_token_id)
decoded_labels = tokenizer.batch_decode(labels, skip_special_tokens=True)
# Some simple post-processing
decoded_preds, decoded_labels = postprocess_text(decoded_preds, decoded_labels)
result = metric.compute(predictions=decoded_preds, references=decoded_labels)
result = {"bleu": result["score"]}
prediction_lens = [np.count_nonzero(pred != tokenizer.pad_token_id) for pred in preds]
result["gen_len"] = np.mean(prediction_lens)
result = {k: round(v, 4) for k, v in result.items()}
return result
trainer = Seq2SeqTrainer(
model_dir = './models/'
The code above is taken from this Google Colab notebook. After the training, I can see the trained model is saved to the folder models and the metric is calculated. Now I want to load the trained model and do the prediction on a new dataset, here is what I tried:
dataset = load_dataset('csv', data_files='data/training_data.csv')
tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(model_checkpoint)
# Tokenize the test dataset
tokenized_datasets =, batched=True)
test_dataset = tokenized_datasets['test']
model = AutoModelForSeq2SeqLM.from_pretrained('models')
It threw the following error:
*** AttributeError: 'Dataset' object has no attribute 'size'
I tried the evaluate() function as well, but it said:
*** torch.nn.modules.module.ModuleAttributeError: 'MarianMTModel' object has no attribute 'evaluate'
And the function eval only prints the configuration of the model.
What is the proper way to evaluate the performance of the trained model on a new dataset?
Turned out that the prediction can be produced using the following code:
inputs = tokenizer(
translation = model.generate(**inputs)

Magento 2 - wrong number of digits between separators for prices in Indian Rupees

I am using Magento 2.2.3. my default currency is INR, but it shows in the wrong format:
But it should be ₹77,65,000.00. How do we correct price format? Currently its wrong... like USD.
You can set the currency format by following code.
$objectManager = \Magento\Framework\App\ObjectManager::getInstance(); // Instance of Object Manager
$priceHelper = $objectManager->create('Magento\Framework\Pricing\Helper\Data'); // Instance of Pricing Helper
$price = 1000; //Your Price
$formattedPrice = $priceHelper->currency($price, true, false);
File path: vendor/magento/zendframework1/library/Zend/Locale/Data/en.xml
On line number 3353, under section currencyFormat and type = "standard", change the pattern from <pattern>¤#,##0.00</pattern> to <pattern>¤ #,##,##0.00</pattern>
Still, on PDP page and cart page summary the price format does not change because the prize format is coming from the JS in which Magento using a RegExp function for only US price format.
For that, please change the code in the below file.
File path: vendor/magento/module-catalog/view/base/web/js/price-utils.js (First extend this file in your theme directory and do the respected changes)
Under the function formatPrice below this line comment all the line in the respective function.
i = parseInt(
amount = Number(Math.round(Math.abs(+amount || 0) + 'e+' + precision) + ('e-' + precision)),
) + '';
And add this set of code below the above line.
var x=i;
var afterPoint = '';
if(x.indexOf('.') > 0)
afterPoint = x.substring(x.indexOf('.'),x.length);
x = Math.floor(x);
var lastThree = x.substring(x.length-3);
var otherNumbers = x.substring(0,x.length-3);
if(otherNumbers != '')
lastThree = ',' + lastThree;
var response = otherNumbers.replace(/\B(?=(\d{2})+(?!\d))/g, ",") + lastThree + afterPoint;
return pattern.replace('%s', response);
deploy and `rm -rf var/cache/*
And then you're done. For Example: A price previously displayed like 453,453, will now display in the Indian manner like 4,53,453.

Laravel chained jobs as array not working. Attempt to assign property of non-object

I'm trying to loop over multiple servers that need to run 1 at a time using Laravel's withChain. The first job completes just fine but the data I'm passing within the chained jobs gives me the
Attempt to assign property of non-object
When I log out the initial dispatched data it looks just like the constructed data in my array so I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong.
$new_jobs_array = [];
foreach ($this->wasRequest->nodes->sortByDesc('pivot.node_type') as $node) {
if ($node->pivot->node_type != 'WAS_DMGR')
$snode = strtolower($node->hostname);
$shortname = strtok($snode, '.');
$fileName = strtolower($mnemonic).'_'.$shortname.'_'.$reqId.'.json';
$sourceJsonPath = base_path() . "/json/was/" . $fileName;
$new_job = 'new BootStrapWasNode('. $node .', '. $this->wasRequest .', '.$sourceJsonPath.')';
array_push($new_jobs_array, $new_job);
} else {
$dmgr_node = $node;
$dmgr_node_sname = strtok($this->wasRequest->nodes->where('pivot.node_type', 'WAS_DMGR')->pluck('hostname')[0], '.');
$fileName = strtolower($mnemonic).'_'.$dmgr_node_sname.'_'.$reqId.'.json';
$sourceJsonPath = base_path() . "/json/was/" . $fileName;
$this->wasRequest->status = 'Bootstrapping Nodes';
//Log::info("DMGR-------------------".$dmgr_node.", ".$this->wasRequest.", ".$sourceJsonPath);
BootStrapWasNode::withChain($new_jobs_array)->dispatch($dmgr_node, $this->wasRequest, $sourceJsonPath);
I can attach the log view if needed but there is a lot of data for each node. The issue is with the $new_nodes_array, the initial dispatch($dmgr_node,$this->wasRequest,$sourceJsonPath) completes without issue.
Was able to figure out the issue.
This line was incorrect
$new_job = 'new BootStrapWasNode('. $node .', '. $this->wasRequest .','.$sourceJsonPath.')';
It should be
$new_job = new BootStrapWasNode($node, $this->wasRequest, $sourceJsonPath);

Laravel multiple PDF generation

I am using Laravel-pdf package package to generate pdf. I want to generating two pdfs with different contents. But this package does not allow me to create second pdf with different content. I am getting first content in the second pdf.
This is my code
$pdf = PDF::loadView('pdf.bill', $data);
return $pdf->save('invoice.pdf');
$pdf = PDF::loadView('pdf.invoice', $data);
return $pdf->save('agreement.pdf');
I have solved the issue by changing PDFWrapper class's save method as below
public function save($filename) {
$mpdf=new \mPDF('c','A4','','' , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0);
$mpdf->list_indent_first_level = 0; // 1 or 0 - whether to indent the first level of a list
return $mpdf->Output($filename, 'F');
