why does a comma "," get counted in [.] type expression in antlr lexer - bash

I am making a grammar for bash scripts. I am facing a problem while tokenising the "," symbol. The following grammar tokenises it as <BLOB> while I expect it to be tokenised as <OTHER>.
grammar newgram;
code : KEY (BLOB)+ (EOF | '\n')+;
KEY : 'wget';
BLOB : [a-zA-Z0-9#!$^%*&+-.]+?;
OTHER : .;
However, if I make BLOB to be [a-zA-Z0-9#!$^%*&+.-]+?;, then it is tokenised as <OTHER>.
I cannot understand why is it happening like this.
In the former case, the characters : and / are also tokenised as <OTHER>, so I do not see a reason for ,, to be marked <BLOB>.
Input I am tokenising, wget -o --quiet https,://www.google.com
The output I am receiving with the mentioned grammar,
[#1,4:4=' ',<OTHER>,1:4]
[#4,7:7=' ',<OTHER>,1:7]
[#12,15:15=' ',<OTHER>,1:15]
line 1:4 extraneous input ' ' expecting BLOB
line 1:7 extraneous input ' ' expecting {<EOF>, '
', BLOB}
line 1:15 extraneous input ' ' expecting {<EOF>, '
', BLOB}
line 1:22 extraneous input ':' expecting {<EOF>, '
', BLOB}

As already mentioned in a comment, the - in +-. inside your character class is interpreted as a range operator. And the , is inside that range. Escape it like this: [a-zA-Z0-9#!$^%*&+\-.]+?
Also, a trailing [ ... ]+? at the end of a lexer rule will always match a single character. So [a-zA-Z0-9#!$^%*&+\-.]+? can just as well be written as [a-zA-Z0-9#!$^%*&+\-.]


Gocc to ignore things in lexical parser

Is there ways to tell gocc to ignore things in lexical parser? E.g., for
2022-01-18 11:33:21.9885 [21] These are strings that I need to egnore, until - MYKW - Start Active One: 1/18/2022 11:33:21 AM
I want to tell gocc to ignore from [21] all the way to until. Here is what I've been trying:
/* Lexical part */
_letter : 'A'-'Z' | 'a'-'z' | '_' ;
_digit : '0'-'9' ;
_timestamp1 : _digit | ' ' | ':' | '-' | '.' ;
_timestamp2 : _digit | ' ' | ':' | '/' | 'A' | 'P' | 'M' ;
_ignore : '[' { . } ' ' '-' ' ' 'M' 'Y' 'K' 'W' ' ' '-' ' ' ;
_lineend : [ '\r' ] '\n' ;
timestamp : _timestamp1 { _timestamp1 } _ignore ;
taskLogStart : 'S' 't' 'a' 'r' 't' ' ' ;
jobName : { . } _timestamp2 { _timestamp2 } _lineend ;
/* Syntax part */
: timestamp taskLogStart jobName ;
However, the parser failed at:
error: expected timestamp; got: unknown/invalid token "2022-01-18 11:33:21.9885 [21] T"
The reason I think it should be working is that, the following ignore rule works perfectly fine for white spaces:
!lineComment : '/' '/' { . } '\n' ;
!blockComment : '/' '*' { . | '*' } '*' '/' ;
and I'm just applying the above rule into my normal text parsing.
It doesn't work that way --
The EBNF looks very much like regular expressions but it does not work like regular expression at all -- what I mean is,
The line,
2022-01-18 11:33:21.9885 [21] These are strings that I need to ignore, until - MYKW - Start Active One: 1/18/2022 11:33:21 AM
If to match with regular expression, it can simply be:
([0-9.: -]+).*? - MYKW - Start ([^:]+):.*$
However, that cannot be directly translate into EBNF definition just like that, because the regular expression relies on the context in between each elements to ping point a match (e.g., the .*? matching rule is a local rule that only works based on the context it is in), however, gocc is a LR parser, which is a context-free grammar!!!
Basically a context-free grammar means, each time it is trying to do a .* match to all existing lexical symbols (i.e., each lexical symbol can be considered a global rule that is not affected by the context it is in). I cannot quite describe it but there is no previous context (or the symbol following it) involved in next match. That's the reason why the OP fails.
For a real sample of how the '{.}' can be used, see
How to describe this event log in formal BNF?

Replacing and substituting characters of the the string in Ruby

What is the best way to replace all characters in the string?
numbers to '.'
'.' to ';'
'-' to '_'
'_' to '-'
I used temporary characters to do it. But it is messed up when the temp character itself appeared in the first string.
I also tried tr method, and it doesn't work for dash and underline.
You have to escape the dash:
print "abc123.-_def.456".tr('-_.0-9', '_\-;.')
// here ___^

Combine multiple lines into single line

My file is mentioned below:
Based on the delimiter "[", I want to separate the lines. I want an output like:
[Suresh asdfala adsfafa sdfasdfa asdfas asdfasdfasd
[Sala sdfadsf adsfasd asdfa wewet
You can easily do this with string replacement, using Stirng.gsub
Just change the line breaks to nothing, and the [ symbol to a line break and the symbol itself.
Gives you an array of all parts that start with [.
You can then process this array and replace the line breaks by spaces:
s.scan(/\[[^\[]+/).map { | a | a.gsub(/\n/, ' ') }

ANTLR3 not ignoring comments that begin at the first character of a file

Sorry if any terminology is off, just started using antlr recently.
Here's the antlr grammar that ignores multi-line comments:
COMMENT : '/*' .* '*/';
SPACE : (' ' | '\t' | '\r' | '\n' | COMMENT)+ {$channel = HIDDEN;} ;
Here's a comment beginning at the first character of a file I'd like to compile:
This is a comment
Here's the error I get:
[filename] line 252:0 no viable alternative at character '<EOF>'
[filename] line 1:1 no viable alternative at input '*'
However, if I put a space in front of the comment, like so:
This is a comment
It compiles fine. Any ideas?
For ignoring multilines comments:
: '/*' ( options {greedy=false;} : . )* '*/' {$channel=HIDDEN;}
Maybe it's not because of your LEXER but because of your Parser. From lexer, with $channel=HIDDEN you are telling all these elements not to be passed to Parser. This is why parser finds EOF at first. You are sending nothing!
If you write a whitespace as the first character, parser receives something and it's able to process an input...
This should be your issue!!
I hope this would help you!

Salesforce Apex String replacement funny business

Is anyone aware of how to differentiate between the characters '\"' and '"'?
I am trying to pre-process a string and this statement confuses me.
system.assert(' "b" ' == ' "\"" '.replace('\"','b'); //FAILS, returns ' bbb '
In your example, Salesforce is essentially ignoring the backslash as illustrated here:
system.assert('"' == '\"'); // yup
system.assertEquals(1, '\"'.length()); // just one character
system.assertEquals(1, '"'.length()); // just one character--the same one
If your original string has a real backslash character in it, it's the backslash that you need to escape with another backslash like this:
system.assertEquals(1, '\\'.length()); // just one character: \
system.assertEquals(2, '\\"'.length()); // two characters: \"
system.assert(' "b" ' == ' "\\"" '.replace('\\"','b'));
Can you please try this one (replace('\"' instead of replace('\"'):
system.assert(' "b" ' == ' "\"" '.replace('\\"','b');
