Is there a way to get event in spring (+junit) fired after all tests classes? - spring

I use spring 5 + junit 5. And I have two classes - BarIT and FooIT.
#ContextConfiguration(classes = ModuleContextConfig.class)
public class FooIT {
public void foo() {
#ContextConfiguration(classes = ModuleContextConfig.class)
public class BarIT {
public void bar() {
This is my suite:
public class SuiteIT {
I want to get event when tests in two classes have been executed, I mean event after and, however, I can't do that. I hoped to get ContextClosedEvent but it is not fired:
#Scope(value = ConfigurableBeanFactory.SCOPE_SINGLETON)
public class ApplicationListenerBean implements ApplicationListener {
public void onApplicationEvent(ApplicationEvent event) {
System.out.println("Event:" + event.toString());
And this is the output:
Could anyone say how to do it, if it is possible.


How to test a try...finally method only been called once in SpringBoot?

I am following this article to implement a database read/write separation feature by calling different methods. However, I got the error:
Missing method call for verify(mock) here: verify(spyDatabaseContextHolder, times(1)).set(DatabaseEnvironment.READONLY);
when doing the testing.
My test case is trying to verify DatabaseEnvironment.READONLY has been set once when using TransactionReadonlyAspect AOP annotation:
#ContextConfiguration(classes = {LoadServiceImpl.class, TransactionReadonlyAspect.class})
public class TransactionReadonlyAspectTest {
private TransactionReadonlyAspect transactionReadonlyAspect;
private LoadServiceImpl loadService;
public void testReadOnlyTransaction() throws Throwable {
ProceedingJoinPoint mockProceedingJoinPoint = mock(ProceedingJoinPoint.class);
Transactional mockTransactional = mock(Transactional.class);
DatabaseContextHolder spyDatabaseContextHolder = mock(DatabaseContextHolder.class);
when(mockProceedingJoinPoint.proceed()).thenAnswer(invocation -> loadService.findById(16));
transactionReadonlyAspect.proceed(mockProceedingJoinPoint, mockTransactional);
verify(spyDatabaseContextHolder, times(1)).set(DatabaseEnvironment.READONLY); // got the error: Missing method call for verify(mock)
verify(loadService, times(1)).findById(16);
assertEquals(DatabaseContextHolder.getEnvironment(), DatabaseEnvironment.UPDATABLE);
public class TransactionReadonlyAspect {
public Object proceed(ProceedingJoinPoint proceedingJoinPoint,
org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional transactional) throws Throwable {
try {
if (transactional.readOnly()) {"Inside method " + proceedingJoinPoint.getSignature());
return proceedingJoinPoint.proceed();
} finally {
public class DatabaseContextHolder {
private static final ThreadLocal<DatabaseEnvironment> CONTEXT = new ThreadLocal<>();
public static void set(DatabaseEnvironment databaseEnvironment) {
public static DatabaseEnvironment getEnvironment() {
DatabaseEnvironment context = CONTEXT.get();
System.out.println("context: " + context);
return CONTEXT.get();
public static void reset() {
public enum DatabaseEnvironment {
public class LoadServiceImpl implements LoadService {
#Transactional(readOnly = true)
public LoadEntity findById(Integer Id) {
return this.loadDAO.findById(Id);
I just want to test DatabaseContextHolder.set(DatabaseEnvironment.READONLY) has been used once then in the TransactionReadonlyAspect finally block it will be reset to DatabaseEnvironment.UPDATABLE which make sense.
However, how to test DatabaseContextHolder.set(DatabaseEnvironment.READONLY) gets called once? Why does this error occur? Is there a better way to test TransactionReadonlyAspect?

Verifying pointcuts being called in tests

I have a dummy project where I try figure out how to test pointcuts being triggered.
My project consists of 1 aspect bean which just prints after a foo method is called
public class SystemArchitecture {
#After("execution(* foo(..))")
public void after() {
And a FooServiceImpl with implemented foo method
public class FooServiceImpl implements FooService{
public FooDto foo(String msg) {
return new FooDto(msg);
The code works and and I can see "#After" being printed to console, but I can't check programatically if after pointcut was called using the test below.
public class AspectTest {
private FooService fooService;
void shouldPass() {"hello");
I've also tried using non-bean proxy as was adviced in, but this time I'm getting an obvious error cannot extend concrete aspect because my spy proxy is no longer viewed as an aspect:
public class AspectNoContextTest {
void shouldPass() {
FooService fooService = Mockito.mock(FooService.class);
SystemArchitecture systemArchitecture = Mockito.spy(new SystemArchitecture());
AspectJProxyFactory aspectJProxyFactory = new AspectJProxyFactory(fooService);
DefaultAopProxyFactory proxyFactory = new DefaultAopProxyFactory();
AopProxy aopProxy = proxyFactory.createAopProxy(aspectJProxyFactory);
FooService proxy = (FooService) aopProxy.getProxy();"foo");
verify(systemArchitecture, times(1)).after();
Ok, after some digging, I found that it's possible to accomplish this by making an aspect a #SpyBean. Also AopUtils can be used for performing additional checks
public class AspectTest {
private FooService fooService;
private SystemArchitecture systemArchitecture;
void shouldPass() {
verify(systemArchitecture, times(1)).after();

Mocking a service in a Testcontainer Spring boot test

I am quite new in Spring and I am facing an issue right now with testing:
I have the following Service:
public class MyService {
public Integer getKey() {
List<Integer> keys = getKeys(1);
if (keys.size() == 1) {
return keys.get(0);
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Error!");
... and a getKeys() method, which provides a list based ona rest call...
And I use this service class in antother class:
public class MyOtherClass extends MyClass {
private MyService myService;
#Override public KeyValue<Object, Object> doSomething(Object key, Object value) {
if (conditionIsTrue(key, value)) {
MyObject obj = new MyObject();
myObject.setKey(keyService.getKey()); ----- here is always null the keyService
} else {
return KeyValue.pair(null, null);
And I try to write a test but the MyService is always null..
#SpringBootTest(classes = Application.class)
public class MyTest extends TestContext {
void init(final TestInfo testInfo) {
void deinit() {
public void myTest() {
How can I inject a mock MyService into the test container?
Thank you!

Why did #TestConfiguration not create a bean for my test?

My service
public class StripeServiceImpl implements StripeService {
public int getCustomerId() {
return 2;
My test
public class StripeServiceTests {
StripeService stripeService;
static class TestConfig {
public StripeService employeeService() {
return new StripeServiceImpl();
public void findCustomerByEmail_customerExists_returnCustomer() {
The error: java.lang.NullPointerException. I had checked and the stripeService is actually null.
Since you are autowiring you need an applicationcontext so that Spring can manage the bean and then can get injected in your class. Therefore you are missing an annotation to create the applicationcontext for your testclass.
I have updated your code and it works now(with junit 5 on your classpath). In the case dat you are using junit 4 it should be #RunWith(SpringRunner.class) instead of #ExtendWith(SpringExtension.class):
#ContextConfiguration(classes = TestConfiguration.class)
public class StripeServiceTests {
StripeService stripeService;
static class TestConfig {
public StripeService employeeService() {
return new StripeServiceImpl();
public void findCustomerByEmail_customerExists_returnCustomer() {

SpringBootTest - how to assert if context loading fails

I wrote an ApplicationListener that should check if the environment is prepared during context initialization. I'm having trouble testing the scenario since I'm adding the listener manually both in my configure() and main() methods.
ApplicationListener class:
public class EnvironmentPrepared implements ApplicationListener<ApplicationEnvironmentPreparedEvent> {
public void onApplicationEvent(ApplicationEnvironmentPreparedEvent event) {
//code that checks if conditions are met
if (checkTrue) {
throw new RuntimeException();
Main class:
public class MyApp extends SpringBootServletInitializer {
protected SpringApplicationBuilder configure(SpringApplicationBuilder application) {
return application.listeners(new EnvironmentPrepared()).sources(MyApp.class);
public static void main(String[] args) {
SpringApplication springApplication = new SpringApplication(MyApp.class);
springApplication.addListeners(new EnvironmentPrepared());;
The test I want to execute:
#SpringBootTest(webEnvironment = SpringBootTest.WebEnvironment.RANDOM_PORT)
#ContextConfiguration(loader = OverriddenProfilesTest.CustomLoader.class)
public class OverriddenProfilesTest {
public static class CustomLoader extends SpringBootContextLoader {
protected SpringApplication getSpringApplication() {
SpringApplication app = super.getSpringApplication();
app.addListeners(new EnvironmentPrepared());
return app;
* Checks if spring can bootstrap everything
#Test(expected = RuntimeException.class)
public void test() {
This would be the test I want. A RuntimeException is thrown but the exception happens during context initialization so the test doesn't even start.
Here is the solution I used. I removed the manual adding of the listener to the application and used spring.factories file instead.
Regarding the test, I first created a custom runner class:
public class SpringRunnerWithExpectedExceptionRule extends SpringJUnit4ClassRunner {
public SpringRunnerWithExpectedExceptionRule(Class<?> clazz) throws InitializationError {
protected Statement methodBlock(FrameworkMethod frameworkMethod) {
List<ExpectedException> testRules = getTestClass().getAnnotatedFieldValues(null, ExpectedExceptionClassRule.class, ExpectedException.class);
Statement result = super.methodBlock(frameworkMethod);
for (TestRule item : testRules) {
result = item.apply(result, getDescription());
return result;
Then I create following annotation:
#Target({ FIELD })
public #interface ExpectedExceptionClassRule {
And finally, I was able to run the test with my runner:
#SpringBootTest(webEnvironment = SpringBootTest.WebEnvironment.RANDOM_PORT)
public class OverriddenProfilesTest {
public static ExpectedException expectedException = ExpectedException.none();
public static void before() {
public void testThatShouldThrowExceptionWhileSettingContext {
static Matcher<Throwable> runtimeExceptionMethod() {
return new IsRuntimeException();
static class IsRuntimeException extends TypeSafeMatcher<Throwable> {
//do stuff
More on the solution can be found here.
