vue-router doesn't render component after changing it - laravel

The Component is rendered correctly at first on initial render, however, when I press the router-link, it correctly changes the Component accordingly to routes given
const router = new VueRouter({
//mode: 'history',
routes: [
name: "Home",
path: "/",
component: HomeView
name: "Jobs",
path: "/jobs",
component: JobsView
linkActiveClass: "active",
linkExactActiveClass: "exact-active",
The router-view is implemented like this
Entry -> Game -> Content:
<div id="content" data-simplebar>
<NavigationBar />
<SettingsButton />
<router-view />
<ul class="navigation-bar__list">
<!-- Home Tab -->
<li class="navigation-bar__item navigation-bar__item--active">
<router-link class="navigation-bar__link" :to="{ name: 'Home' }">Home</router-link>
<!-- Jobs Tab -->
<router-link :to="{ name: 'Jobs' }">
<li class="navigation-bar__item">
So whenever I press the link, I can confirm that it works from VueDevTools, it places the appropriate component, but does not render it. No html is visible, plus after changing component, it places it as last child in parent element and not where router-view was originally located.
in devtools you can see that JobViews is there, and should be shown in the middle of the page, but it's not. Unless I refresh the page
P.S. I probably could have found the solution myself, but I'll give someone the opportunity to earn some internet points. Also, this is my first ever post on stackoverflow in 6 years of development. Cheers!


Use Vue-Router route information to generate page headers

This is probably really easy and I'm just missing something. I have a vue router page with links that all load up correctly and display correctly.
Hard part out of the way (well it was for me).
I would like to utilise some meta style data attached to each route to provide the page heading title.
So for example:
path: '/scenarios',
meta: {
title: "Scenarios!"
name: 'Scenarios',
component: Scenarios
The route with a meta title.
I would like to pull this data from here within the route declaration
Stick it on a vue page like this:
{{ $ }}
export default {
name: "PageTitle"
(this actually works to show the route name at the moment)
And I would like to plug it into my template like this:
<h1 class="h2">#yield('page-name')
(I am using Laravel (5.8 I think))
This similar post might help (using a directive) Pass var to vue router in meta but it would be nice to know if its simpler than that. Thoughts?
Screw it, ive answered my own question
{{ $ }}
{{ $route.meta.title }}

vue.js 2.0 load component dynamically in laravel 5.3

Is it possible to load a component dynamically when clicking a list item in vuejs 2.0 and laravel 5.3? I have a standard Laravel app but on one section of the site (shows reports) I want to turn this page into a single page application using vuejs. I load the default report in using a vue component and all works well, like so:
<div class="col-md-3 col-sm-6">
<div class="card-box">
<div class="col-md-9 col-sm-6">
<div class="card-box main">
What I'm trying to achieve is when one of the li items is clicked the <reports-homepage></reports-homepage> is changed dynamically according to which li is pressed. So it could become <reports-daily></reports-daily> for example.
I've tried putting a #click on the li component and catching that in a script below in the blade section but that gives me the following error:
[Vue warn]: Templates should only be responsible for mapping the state to the UI. Avoid placing tags with side-effects in your templates, such as <script>.
As pointed in the official documentation you can use dynamic components. In your case it could look something like this:
<div id="app">
<div class="col-md-3 col-sm-6">
<div class="card-box">
<li #click="setComponent('daily')">Daily</li>
<li #click="setComponent('weekly')">Weekly</li>
<li #click="setComponent('season')">Season</li>
<li #click="setComponent('label')">Label</li>
<div class="col-md-9 col-sm-6">
<div class="card-box main">
<component v-bind:is="currentComponent"></component>
var vm = new Vue({
el: '#app',
data: {
currentComponent: 'daily'
components: {
'daily': { /* component object */ },
'weekly': { /* component object */ },
'season': { /* component object */ },
'label': { /* component object */ }
methods: {
setComponent: function (component) {
this.currentComponent = component;
And that should do what you are trying to achieve. Let me know if it helped!

Ability to create a multi-tab interface, with multiple views open at the same time, using Aurelia

Each tab is a view and each view is loaded and active. When the user closes the tab by clicking on the [x] the view is then destroy and removed. Also, a single view can be loaded multiple times with a different variable, or id. Think multiple documents of the same type.
Views are created by going to a specific route.
This can be done by creating your own viewmodel, adding a collection of views, then adding components as the child views, but this ignores browser history.
After reading it seems the only way to accomplish this is to create your own router. Although I am not new to Aurelia, I am not confident enough to create my own router.
The question is how do you maintain browser history and have multiple active views.
With the help of "Patrick Walters #PWKad" on gitter I was able to put together a proof of concept.
I have the example uploaded to github. Here is the link.
The idea is to create routes in your app.js that will handle all of the tabs you will be creating. All of the routes need to point to one viewmodel that will host, compose, and manage them.
You can add more routes or wildcards as you need them. Also if your tabs are complex you could create a hash for a parameter.
I have not figured out how to remove an item from the browser history yet.
Hope this helps someone doing the same thing.
export class App {
configureRouter(config, router) {[
{ route: ['', 'shell/:section/:viewmodel/:id'], name: 'shell', moduleId: 'shell', nav: false, title: 'shell' }
this.router = router;
The shell page would then display the tabs and compose the views.
<div class="container-fluid">
<div class="row">
<ul class="nav nav-tabs">
<li repeat.for="workspace of controller.workSpaces" class="${workspace.isActive ? 'active' : ''}" role="presentation">
<a href.bind="workspace.href">
<button class="close" type="button">×</button> ${workspace.viewModel} </a>
<div class="container-fluid" repeat.for="workspace of controller.workSpaces">
<div show.bind="workspace.isActive" class="container-fluid">
<compose containerless view-model="./views/${workspace.section}/${workspace.viewModel}" model.bind="workspace" />

aurelia multiple viewPorts on the same component

Is it possible to use viewPorts with the same component, without it being instantiated twice. E.g.[
route: 'route1',
name: 'route1',
viewPorts: {
default: {moduleId: './route1-module'},
heading: {moduleId: './route1-module', view: './route1-module-heading.html'}
nav: true,
title: 'Route1'
route1-module is been instantiated and attached twice. I need to avoid it.
It sounds like you want to use the layouts feature that will be present in a later release (I'm not sure when but the PR has been merged recently).
The PR is here:
Essentially it gives you a chance to specify a view/viewmodel pair (a layout) that will sit in place of the original module when routed to. Instead the original content will be projected into the layout using slots.
{ layoutView: "layout.html", moduleId: 'page1' }
<div slot="slot1">some content</div>
<div slot="slot2">some other content</div>
<div class="some-fancy-container">
<p>This is slot 2</p>
<!-- slot2 content will be projected here -->
<slot name="slot2">some fallback content</slot>
<div class="sidebar">
<p>This is slot 1</p>
<!-- slot1 content will be projected here -->
<slot name="slot1">some fallback content</slot>
Resulting HTML output:
<div class="some-fancy-container">
<p>This is slot 2</p>
some other content
<div class="sidebar">
<p>This is slot 1</p>
some content
This is similar to MVC partials or ASP.NET master pages and allows you to specify an alternative layout for certain pages (without needing child routes).
It's very distinct from viewports (it also works with viewports in that you can specify a layout for a viewport too)

How to use autoscroll in Angular UI-ROUTER

I am pretty new to Angular UI-Router, when I come to ui-view, there is one attribute called "autoscroll" confused me so much, I thought it controll if the view page scroll(is my understanding correct, if not, please help with what this autoscroll does), but when I use it like:
<body ng-controller="main">
<div class="header">
<a ui-sref="home">HOME</a>
<a ui-sref="signup">SIGNUP</a>
<div class="body" ui-view autoscroll=false statename={{scroll}}></div>
.controller("main", function($scope){
$scope.scroll = true;
.config(function($urlRouterProvider, $stateProvider){
.state("signup", {
url: "/signup",
template: "<div class='signup'><span>This is a signup page. </span><p>And a long paragraph is follow</span></div>"
.state("home", {
url: "/home",
template: "<div class='home'><span>This is a home page. </span><span>And a long paragraph is follow</span></div>"
I have tried
//I set $scope.scroll to true and false
None of these works: when I scroll current view down and switch to another view, it always automatically scroll to Top, what I want is keep the view to current scroll position, any idea?
Thanks for help.
