Spring boot validation CGLIB enhanced controller components not autowired - spring-boot

I have created a spring boot application (user spring-boot-starter-parent V. 2.2.2.RELEASE) with Rest controllers, that work fine, now I have added a dependency to :
And have added #Validated on my controller class so that all methods in it should be validated:
public class UserController {
private UserService userService;
public void init() {
Now the controller methods when called start throwing NullPointerExceptions because the userService is null; I did a #PostConstruct as a test. Apparently it is called on a normal unenhanced bean which has the fields autowired correctly. But when calling the controller through HTTP, this unenhanced bean is not called, but it is a bean of class UserController$$EnhancerBySpringCGLIB$$ and it has the userController not autowired. I don't really know why cause this is supposed to be really simple, there is not much to configure as far as I know. So I guess for some reason spring does not inject dependencies to CGLIB enhanced classes or just injects it into a wrong class. When I remove #Validated, everything is working fine again, but there is no validation of course.

This was the most ridiculous error I had for ages. I mistakenly set controller methods in my original project as private. This caused the CGLIB to not enhance them and instead just have them with original code. Spring did not complain and is happy to run those methods

Taking your supplied code and making a dummy UserService class, HTTP requests work fine in other environments.
To help solve the issue you're having, you should create a new project, adding the lombok, starter-web, and starter-validation dependencies. Create the following classes.
public class UserController {
private UserService userService;
public void init() {
public int test(){
return userService.getAge();
public class UserService {
private int age = 21;
Then test http://localhost:8080/test
If this doesn't work for you, then you should try invalidating your cache and restarting your IDE. Intellij has an option for that if you click on File > Invalidate Caches / Restart .... Alternatively, you can delete the artifacts (or the full local repo) from your .m2 folder. C:\Users\<username>\.m2\repository and rebuild with maven.
If this still doesn't solve your issue, please update your question with a more complete reproducible example of your problem along with a full console log of your error, and I will update my answer.


Dependency injection through constructor vs property [duplicate]

So since I've been using Spring, if I were to write a service that had dependencies I would do the following:
public class SomeService {
#Autowired private SomeOtherService someOtherService;
I have now run across code that uses another convention to achieve the same goal
public class SomeService {
private final SomeOtherService someOtherService;
public SomeService(SomeOtherService someOtherService){
this.someOtherService = someOtherService;
Both of these methods will work, I understand that. But is there some advantage to using option B? To me, it creates more code in the class and unit test. (Having to write constructor and not being able to use #InjectMocks)
Is there something I'm missing? Is there anything else the autowired constructor does besides add code to the unit tests? Is this a more preferred way to do dependency injection?
Yes, option B (which is called constructor injection) is actually recommended over field injection, and has several advantages:
the dependencies are clearly identified. There is no way to forget one when testing, or instantiating the object in any other circumstance (like creating the bean instance explicitly in a config class)
the dependencies can be final, which helps with robustness and thread-safety
you don't need reflection to set the dependencies. InjectMocks is still usable, but not necessary. You can just create mocks by yourself and inject them by simply calling the constructor
See this blog post for a more detailed article, by one of the Spring contributors, Olivier Gierke.
I will explain you in simple words:
In Option(A), you are allowing anyone (in different class outside/inside the Spring container) to create an instance using default constructor (like new SomeService()), which is NOT good as you need SomeOtherService object (as a dependency) for your SomeService.
Is there anything else the autowired constructor does besides add code
to the unit tests? Is this a more preferred way to do dependency
Option(B) is preferred approach as it does NOT allow to create SomeService object without actually resolving the SomeOtherService dependency.
Please note, that since Spring 4.3 you don't even need an #Autowired on your constructor, so you can write your code in Java style rather than tying to Spring's annotations.
Your snippet would look like that:
public class SomeService {
private final SomeOtherService someOtherService;
public SomeService(SomeOtherService someOtherService){
this.someOtherService = someOtherService;
Good to know
If there is only one constructor call, there is no need to include an #Autowired annotation. Then you can use something like this:
public class NiceController {
private final DataRepository repository;
public NiceController(ChapterRepository repository) {
this.repository = repository;
... example of Spring Data Repository injection.
Actually, In my experience, The second option is better. Without the need for #Autowired. In fact, it is wiser to create code that is not too tightly coupled with the framework (as good as Spring is). You want code that tries as much as possible to adopt a deferred decision-making approach. That is as much pojo as possible, so much such that the framework can be swapped out easily.
So I would advise you create a separate Config file and define your bean there, like this:
In SomeService.java file:
public class SomeService {
private final SomeOtherService someOtherService;
public SomeService(SomeOtherService someOtherService){
this.someOtherService = someOtherService;
In ServiceConfig.java file:
public class ServiceConfig {
public SomeService someService(SomeOtherService someOtherService){
return new SomeService(someOtherService);
In fact, if you want to get deeply technical about it, there are thread safety questions (among other things) that arise with the use of Field Injection (#Autowired), depending on the size of the project obviously. Check this out to learn more on the advantages and disadvantages of Autowiring. Actually, the pivotal guys actually recommend that you use Constructor injection instead of Field Injection
I hope I won't be downgraded for expressing my opinion, but for me option A better reflects the power of Spring dependency injection, while in the option B you are coupling your class with your dependency, in fact you cannot instantiate an object without passing its dependencies from the constructor. Dependency Injection have been invented for avoid that by implementing Inversion of Control,so for me option B doesn't have any sense.
Autowired constructors provides a hook to add custom code before registering it in the spring container. Suppose SomeService class extends another class named SuperSomeService and it has some constructor which takes a name as its argument. In this case, Autowired constructor works fine. Also, if you have some other members to be initialized, you can do it in the constructor before returning the instance to spring container.
public class SuperSomeService {
private String name;
public SuperSomeService(String name) {
this.name = name;
public class SomeService extends SuperSomeService {
private final SomeOtherService someOtherService;
private Map<String, String> props = null;
public SomeService(SomeOtherService someOtherService){
this.someOtherService = someOtherService;
props = loadMap();
I prefer construction injection, just because I can mark my dependency as final which is not possible while injecting properties using property injection.
your dependencies should be final i.e not modified by program.
There are few cases when #Autowired is preferable.
One of them is circular dependency. Imagine the following scenario:
public class EmployeeService {
private final DepartmentService departmentService;
public EmployeeService(DepartmentService departmentService) {
this.departmentService = departmentService;
public class DepartmentService {
private final EmployeeService employeeService;
public DepartmentService(EmployeeService employeeService) {
this.employeeService = employeeService;
Then Spring Bean Factory will throw circular dependency exception. This won't happen if you use #Autowired annotation in both beans. And this is understandable: the constructor injection happens at very early stage of Spring Bean initialization, in createBeanInstance method of Bean Factory, while #Autowired-based injection happens way later, on post processing stage and is done by AutowiredAnnotationBeanPostProcessor.
Circular dependency is quite common in complex Spring Context application, and it needs not to be just two beans referring one another, it could a complex chain of several beans.
Another use case, where #Autowired is very helpful, is self-injection.
public class EmployeeService {
private EmployeeService self;
This might be needed to invoke an advised method from within the same bean. Self-injection is also discussed here and here.
There is a way to inject the dependencies through constructor using #RequeiredArgsContructor annotation from Lombok
class A {
private final B b // needs to be declared final to be injected
In this way you don't need to specify a constructor

Spring #Cachable method within the same class (self-invocation, proxy issue) - What is the best way to solve it?

I'm trying to call a #Cacheable method from within the same class.
And it didn't work. Because of:
In proxy mode (the default), only external method calls coming in through the proxy are intercepted. This means that self-invocation (in effect, a method within the target object that calls another method of the target object) does not lead to actual caching at runtime even if the invoked method is marked with #Cacheable. Consider using the aspectj mode in this case. Also, the proxy must be fully initialized to provide the expected behavior, so you should not rely on this feature in your initialization code (that is, #PostConstruct).
It means, #Cachable(also #Transactional) works by proxy classes which is Spring AOP in. a internal call in the same class make call by 'this' instead of proxy classes.
To solve the problem, I should call a method by proxy or using AspectJ(another AOP).
So, I found 4 solutions.
What is your choice? and why others are not recommended?
Please, share your opinion!
using AspectJ (another AOP)
get the Bean from ApplicationContext and use it
public class UserService implements Service {
private ApplicationContext applicationContext;
private Service self;
private void init() {
self = applicationContext.getBean(UserService.class);
self-autowiring using #Resource //since Spring 4.3
#CacheConfig(cacheNames = "SphereClientFactoryCache")
public class CacheableSphereClientFactoryImpl implements SphereClientFactory {
* 1. Self-autowired reference to proxified bean of this class.
private SphereClientFactory self;
#Cacheable(sync = true)
public SphereClient createSphereClient(#Nonnull TenantConfig tenantConfig) {
// 2. call cached method using self-bean
return self.createSphereClient(tenantConfig.getSphereClientConfig());
#Cacheable(sync = true)
public SphereClient createSphereClient(#Nonnull SphereClientConfig clientConfig) {
return CtpClientConfigurationUtils.createSphereClient(clientConfig);
make the Bean scope of the class as 'prototype' instead of 'singleton'
#Scope(proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS)
class AService {
private final AService _aService;
public AService(AService aService) {
_aService = aService;
public List<EmployeeData> getEmployeeData(Date date){
..println("Cache is not being used");
public List<EmployeeEnrichedData> getEmployeeEnrichedData(Date date){
List<EmployeeData> employeeData = _aService.getEmployeeData(date);
I'm a newbie in spring :)
Actually, I choose the 4th solution, but I felt it isn't a good way. because I just need to call the caching method by proxy, and it make several beans to achieve it.
After reading articles, I think AspectJ is the best choice. It looks cool, Spring recommends it, and many people also recommend too.
But I don't understand how to AspectJ works (I will study) and I also don't know why others is not recommended.
Spring Cache #Cacheable - not working while calling from another method of the same bean
Spring cache #Cacheable method ignored when called from within the same class

Order of Autowiring in SpringBoot

I would like Spring to inject Beans in a given order. I faced a strange issue with the code below. Both setAuthenticationProvider() and configureAuthManager() methods are injected in a random order. If configureAuthManager() is injected first, then during the login I get a NPE. Otherwise it works well.
So I want to force Spring to keep the order. I tried to annotate setAuthenticationProvider with Order(1) and the latter with Order(2) - did not help (why?). Then I also tried to to use #DependsOn annotation but it also didn't solve my problem.
public class SpringSecurityConfig extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {
private AuthenticationProvider authenticationProvider;
// #Order(1) - does not help
public void setAuthenticationProvider(AuthenticationProvider authenticationProvider) {
this.authenticationProvider = authenticationProvider;
// #Order(2) - does not help
// #DependsOn("daoAuthenticationProvider") - does not help either
public void configureAuthManager(AuthenticationManagerBuilder authenticationManagerBuilder) {
The ordering of the bean creation shouldn't matter. If you need dependencies to be injected before you can call a method either
Use constructor based dependency injecetion
Add the argument to the method that needs it and use #Autowired (or #Bean if it creates a bean).
Either way Spring will be able to figure out in which order to create the beans to satisfy all the dependencies at the right time.

Does #WebMvcTest require #SpringBootApplication annotation?

My goal is to migrate a Spring Boot application previously developed with Spring Boot 1.3 to the newest Spring Boot version 1.4. The application consists of several maven modules and only one of them contains class annotated with #SpringBootApplication.
One part of migration is to use #WebMvcTest annotation to efficiently test controllers, and here I get an issue.
Consider an example application from Spring Boot github page. #WebMvcTest annotation works perfectly, because, as far as I understand (after I did several tests), there is a class in the main package annotated with #SpringBootApplication. Note that I follow the same concept as shown in the example above for my own #WebMvcTest tests.
The only difference I see that in my application, controller classes are located in a separate maven module (without #SpringBootApplication annotated class), but with #Configuration and SpringBootConfiguration configurations. If I do not annotate any class with #SpringBootApplication I always get an assertion while testing controller. My assertion is the same as when SampleTestApplication class in the example above modified to have only #EnableAutoConfiguration and #SpringBootConfiguration annotations (#SpringBootApplication is not present):
getVehicleWhenRequestingTextShouldReturnMakeAndModel(sample.test.web.UserVehicleControllerTests) Time elapsed: 0.013 sec <<< FAILURE!
java.lang.AssertionError: Status expected:<200> but was:<404>
at org.springframework.test.util.AssertionErrors.fail(AssertionErrors.java:54)
at org.springframework.test.util.AssertionErrors.assertEquals(AssertionErrors.java:81)
at org.springframework.test.web.servlet.result.StatusResultMatchers$10.match(StatusResultMatchers.java:664)
at org.springframework.test.web.servlet.MockMvc$1.andExpect(MockMvc.java:171)
at sample.test.web.UserVehicleControllerTests.getVehicleWhenRequestingTextShouldReturnMakeAndModel(UserVehicleControllerTests.java:68)
How should I deal with that? Should I always have class annotated with #SpringBootApplication in order to run #WebMvcTest tests?
EDIT 1: I did a small maven project with 2 modules and a minimal configuration. It is here. Now, I get NoSuchBeanDefinitionException exception for repository defined in another module. If I configure "full" #SpringBootApplication - everything is fine.
EDIT 2: I modified small test project from EDIT 1 to give an original issue. I was playing with different annotations and added #ComponentScan on configuration class, because I suspected that beans are not registered properly. However, I expect that only #Controller bean (defined in #WebMvcTest(...class)) shall be registered based on magic behind #WebMvcTest behaviour.
EDIT 3: Spring Boot project issue.
Short answer: I believe so.
Long answer:
I believe #WebMvcTest needs to find the SpringBootApplication configuration since WebMvcTest's sole purpose is to help simplify tests (SpringBootApplication would rather try to load the whole world).
In your specific case, since you don't have any in your non-test packages, I believe it also finds SampleTestConfiguration which is annotated with #ScanPackages and somehow loads every beans.
Add the following in src/main/java/sample/test
public class SampleTestConfiguration {
And change your test to this:
public class MyControllerTest {
private MockMvc mvc;
private MyService ms;
private ApplicationContext context;
public void getDataAndExpectOkStatus() throws Exception {
public void testMyControllerInAppCtx() {
assertThat(context.getBean(MyController.class), is(not(nullValue())));
public void testNoMyAnotherControllerInAppCtx() {
try {
fail("Bean exists");
} catch (BeansException e) {
// ok
#WebMvcTest finds the SpringBootApplication, then load only a limited number of beans (see documentation):
#WebMvcTest will auto-configure the Spring MVC infrastructure and
limit scanned beans to #Controller, #ControllerAdvice, #JsonComponent,
Filter, WebMvcConfigurer and HandlerMethodArgumentResolver. Regular
#Component beans will not be scanned when using this annotation.
WebMvcTest requires SpringBootApplication: WebMvcTest inherits many AutoConfiguration, so it needs SpringBoot to load them. Then it disables many other AutoConfiguration and your Controllers become easily testable.
The whole point of using WebMvcTest is when you have a SpringBootApplication and you wish to make it simpler to test by disabling all beans except Controllers. If you don't have SpringBootApplication, then why use WebMvcTest at all?
It's an old topic, but there is a solution which wasn't mentioned here.
You can create a class annotated with SpringBootApplication just in your test sources. Then, you still have a nice, multi-module structure of your project, with just one "real" SpringBootApplication.
Yes,according to the spring boot docs
The search algorithm works up from the package that contains the test until it finds a #SpringBootApplication or #SpringBootConfiguration annotated class. As long as you’ve structure your code in a sensible way your main configuration is usually found.
But after I started using #WebMvcTest,spring boot still try to load other beans, finally TypeExcludeFilter did the trick.
#WebMvcTest(controllers = {JzYsController.class} )
public class JzYsControllerTest {
private static final String REST_V4_JZYS = "/rest/v4/JzYs";
private MockMvc mockMvc;
private JzYsService service;
public void deleteYsByMlbh() throws Exception {
mockMvc.perform(delete(REST_V4_JZYS + "?mbbh=861FA4B0E40F5C7FECAF09C150BF3B01"))
#ComponentScan(excludeFilters = #Filter(type = FilterType.CUSTOM, classes = TypeExcludeFilter.class))
public static class config{
There is one more solution. You can not use #WebMvcTest, but configure MockMvc yourself through the builder
class TestControllerTest {
private MockMvc mvc;
public void setup() {
mvc = MockMvcBuilders.standaloneSetup(new TestController())
void test() throws Exception {
// When
var res = mvc.perform(MockMvcRequestBuilders.get("/test/test"));
// Then
But this solution may entail a number of other problems, such as problems with configurations, environment property injections, etc.

Can I mock only one dependency of my controller

I have a controller with multiple dependency which are solved by using spring configuration and Autowired in the controller class.
For Example:
public class MyController{
private Type1 myDependency1;
private Type2 myDependency2;
I want to test this controller so that "mydependency1" is mocked and everything else is autowired.
How can I do this?
I was previously following following test:
private Type1 myDependency1;
private Mycontroller controller = new MyController();
private MockMvc mockMvc;
public void setUp(){
mockMvc = standaloneSetup(controller).build();
But this is only returning the controller with mock of myDependency1 and not injecting myDependency2.
Alright after playing around with different mock tools, I gave up on the mock part and went back to profiles Function of spring.
I created a new profile called mockXYZ in my application-context.xml
And created the service i wanted to mock, or give a certain response as
public class Type1Mock implements Type1{
And when testing, I made mockXYZ as my active profile, and used autowired my controller.
Like this I was able to mock only one dependency while other dependency working as normal, as they have only one implementation and would be selected for any profile.
Hope this helps others as well.
Thank you
