Go mod use last version, not commit - go

I want to use library according to last commit not to last release. So I got that version:
$ go get github.com/epsagon/epsagon-go#636ea43
Now in packages cache I have:
$ cd /Users/sgetman/go/pkg/mod/github.com/epsagon && ls
epsagon-go#v1.14.0 epsagon-go#v1.14.1-0.20201105151128-636ea43d1943
But when I try go build, go test, go mod tidy:
go: finding module for package github.com/epsagon/epsagon-go/epsagon/wrappers/gin
github.com/nexmoinc/neru-runtimelib/router imports
github.com/epsagon/epsagon-go/epsagon/wrappers/gin: module github.com/epsagon/epsagon-go#latest found (v1.14.0), but does not contain package github.com/epsagon/epsagon-go/epsagon/wrappers/gin
At the same time my go.mod:
require (
github.com/epsagon/epsagon-go v1.14.1-0.20201105151128-636ea43d1943
github.com/epsagon/epsagon-go v1.14.0 h1:Tq7qyoyDs2aUCc/UsQEHFt89aXVdUmjWXHwvS5kfSC4=
github.com/epsagon/epsagon-go v1.14.1-0.20201105151128-636ea43d1943 h1:kJGvRsqRfo1h8vEEGajWa+szA9965Epw83Fm3UmmwEc=
github.com/epsagon/epsagon-go v1.14.1-0.20201105151128-636ea43d1943/go.mod h1:Q73D3EhfzqmQa6m6Xi5n0Ugw9l6XSNGCzMcozsFMD1c=
Could you please help me to sort why go mod relys on the latest version, not version I provided?

The go command is checking the latest version because package github.com/nexmoinc/neru-runtimelib/router contains an import statement like import "github.com/epsagon/epsagon-go/epsagon/wrappers/gin".
github.com/epsagon/epsagon-go v1.14.1-0.20201105151128-636ea43d1943 does not contain such a package, so the go command is trying to figure out whether it can upgrade that module to a newer version in order to find the imported package.
If you run go build -mod=readonly, you will hopefully get a clearer error message. (Note that -mod=readonly will be the default as of Go 1.16: see https://tip.golang.org/doc/go1.16#modules.)

These steps worked for me although I do not know if they are the recommended ones
Comment out all instances of that import path in all files
remove go.sum
did go mod tidy
did go mod vendor
did go get -u -d
uncommented the lines in all files again
did go mod tidy again


go: module found but does not contain package

I am trying to install the net package for go but get "does not contain package error".
Terminal screenshot:
I have consulted: go module #latest found but does not contain package but none of the solutions seem to work for me.
I am using go version go1.18.5 linux/amd64
You have to initialize your module with go mod init in the project root directory
For local codebase
go mod init test
OR for hosted codebase e.g. github repo: test, github user: radiant
go mod init github.com/radiant/test
It will produce a go.mod file.
Then you can get the required package as:
go get golang.org/x/net
go mod tidy
Then import and use the net packages.
Hope this helps.
go get -u golang.org/x/net
go install used for executable packages

go 1.14 to 1.17 update -> modules not working anymore

After updating Go from 1.14 to 1.17 I'm getting this error:
main.go:10:2: no required module provides package github.com/gin-gonic/gin: \
go.mod file not found in current directory or any parent directory; \
see 'go help modules'
I used to be able to fix that with go get github.com/gin-gonic/gin but now that doesn't help. Did something change?
I can repro this if I have a file like this:
package hello
import _ "github.com/gin-gonic/gin"
and run these commands:
go mod init hello
go build
Fix for me is running this command:
go mod tidy
As of Go 1.16, “Module-aware mode is enabled by default, regardless of whether a go.mod file is present in the current working directory or a parent directory. More precisely, the GO111MODULE environment variable now defaults to on.”
See the Migrating to Go Modules blog post for a quick overview of how to migrate, or Tutorial: Create a Go Module for more detail.
According to documentation we must use go install example.com/cmd#latest instead of go get for go 1.17+

Why cannot import library from go get?

I downloaded go-redis client using
go mod init github.com/my/repo
go get github.com/go-redis/redis/v8
But it showed cannot find package "go.opentelemetry.io/otel/api/trace". So I deleted go-redis from ${GOPATH}/src/github.com and then tried running it again
go get github.com/go-redis/redis/v8
But it does nothing. Doesn't show any error or any message. But when I try to import package it says
cannot find package "github.com/go-redis/redis/v8" in any of:
 /usr/lib/go/src/github.com/go-redis/redis/v8 (from $GOROOT)
 /home/username/go/src/github.com/go-redis/redis/v8 (from $GOPATH)
I tried go mod tidy go mod clean but none worked. What should I do?
ls $GOPATH , if is not showing your path of golang library source, you should set path first,
If point 1 is able, you should just doing :go mod tidy
tidy argument make you doing download package with sync method, without doing go get separately.
I would rather use go vendoring, it will add your dependencies to vendor/ and -mod=vendor will tell golang to search for dependencies locally.
Remove go.sum
Type export GOFLAGS=-mod=vendor
Type go mod tidy && go mod vendor
If you can't export variables, use go run and go build with the prefix GOFLAGS=-mod=vendor, for example GOFLAGS=-mod=vendor go run cmd/main/main.go
Don't forget to add vendor/ to your .gitignore

How to remove an installed package using go modules

I've installed a package using go modules (go get in Go 1.13) and now I want to remove it. In the documentation there is nothing about this and in go get docu neither.
Removing the package from go.mod manually doesn't solve the issue so it remains in go.sum.
How should I remove a package in a clean way?
Found it https://go.dev/blog/using-go-modules#removing-unused-dependencies
go mod tidy
So basically, once the package is not being imported in any package you can perform a go mod tidy and it will safely remove the unused dependencies.
And if you are vendoring the dependencies, then run the command below to make the module changes be applied in the vendor folder:
go mod vendor
#jesugmz answer doesn't say, what if you wanna remove a currently using package in go modules.
So, if you're using go modules (you have a go.mod file in your project) and you want to remove a currently using package, check $GOPATH/pkg/mod/ directory and simply remove the package named package#version.
For example, if you have github.com/some/project package installed, you should run the following command:
rm -rf $(go env GOPATH)/pkg/mod/github.com/some/project#v1.0.0
You can find the using package version in go.mod file.

fixing versions of tools used by go

I am looking to create reproducible builds with go.
For individual projects we are using glide.
So for example I use:
glide get github.com/stretchr/testify
to fix the version of the "testify" package.
This does not work for tools however.
For example:
glide install github.com/tebeka/go2xunit
returns success but does not actually install go2xunit
so I have to use:
go get github.com/tebeka/go2xunit
which installs go2xunit to $GOPATH/bin.
Q How can I fix the version of tools like go2xunit?
I also note that glide says use dep instead and dep says golang has diverged from its implementation and will probably end up using something based on vgo. There are a plethora of dependency management tools for go perhaps one of the less well known ones supports this?
In case its relevant I'm using go 1.7.4 as provided by Debian9.
The solution for go1.11 using go modules is to create a fake tools package.
You create a tools.go file like the following:
// +build tools
package tools
import (
_ "github.com/tebeka/go2xunit"
+build tools is a magic comment which prevents the package being built.
>go mod init tools
Will create a go.mod file for the fake tools package
>go install github.com/tebeka/go2xunit
Will install go2xunit and update go.mod as follows.
module tools
require github.com/tebeka/go2xunit v1.4.8 // indirect
Now if you run go install github.com/tebeka/go2xunit in the future (for a clean build say) its version will be fixed to v1.4 by the go.mod
For versions of go before 1.11 the tool to use is retool.
It works like this:
go get github.com/twitchtv/retool
add tool:
retool add github.com/jteeuwen/go-bindata/go-bindata origin/master
use tool:
retool do go-bindata -pkg testdata -o ./testdata/testdata.go ./testdata/data.json
Adding support for this may be on the roadmap to target go 1.12 (https://github.com/golang/go/issues/27653)
I did this very similarly, but just different enough that I think it's worth sharing again:
If you get an error
I was not seeing the dependency that I wanted added to the go.mod and I was getting this error:
tools/tools.go:6:5: import "github.com/UnnoTed/fileb0x" is a program, not an importable package
(fileb0x is the thing I'm trying to add)
I'm not 100% clear on the sequence of events that fixed it, but I did all of these things:
Using a "tools" package
I made a tools directory:
mkdir -p tools
I put the tools package inside of it (as mentioned above):
// +build tools
package tools
import (
_ "github.com/UnnoTed/fileb0x"
Note that the tag is mostly not important. You could use foo:
// +build foo
However, you cannot use ignore. That's a special predefined tag.
// +build ignore
// `ignore` is a special keyword which (surprise) will cause
// the file to be ignore, even for dependencies
Updating go.mod
The best way is probably to run go mod tidy:
go mod tidy
However, before I did that I ran a number of commands trying to figure out which one would cause it to go into go.mod:
go install github.com/UnnoTed/fileb0x # didn't seem to do the trick
go get
go generate ./...
go build ./...
go install ./...
go mod vendor
Later I did a git reset and rm -rf ~/go/pkg/mod; mkdir ~/go/pkg/mod and found that go mod tidy did well enough on its own.
In order to actually take advantage of the modules cache in a project you need to copy-in the source code
go mod vendor
That will grab all dependencies from go.mod
You also need to change nearly all of your go commands to use -mod=vendor in any Makefiles, Dockerfiles or other scripts.
go fmt -mod=vendor ./... # has a bug which should be fixed in go1.15
go generate -mod=vendor ./...
go build -mod=vendor ./...
That includes go build, go get, go install, and any go run called by go generate (and even the go generate itself)
//go:generate go run -mod=vendor github.com/UnnoTed/fileb0x b0x.toml
package main
// ...
