Spring Security custom authentication provider's authenticate() method is not working - spring

I followed the article Using Custom Authentication Provider Spring Security adding a custom authentication provider in Spring Security.
I found that if I POST to /login, it is redirected to /login.
My custom Authentication Provider's authenticate() is not called.
Even if I use Spring Security's TestingAuthenticationProvider, POST to /login still get redirected to /login.
Is there some thing wrong with my WebSecurityConfigure? This is my configure.
protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
.antMatchers("/", "/webjars/**").permitAll()
I use Spring Boot. Do I need to modify the application.properties file? Is there any working sample project on using custom authentication provider?

Have you tried using
.antMatchers("/", "/webjars/**").permitAll()
in your WebSecurityConfigure?
You will get a generated login-window that is using your CustomAuthenticationProvider as soon as you are trying to call a page you have not included in
.antMatchers("/", "/webjars/**").permitAll().


Spring security protect logout url

I am using spring security in my project. I configure secured endpoints, using #PreAuthorize annotation. I want spring security to protect the logout URL, which I specified in the config file.
protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
Here I permit any request, except logout. I guess that this configuration is only for #RestController endpoints. But how to configure it to forbid not authenticated users to use logout.

Spring Boot Security: How to run authentication filter before CSRF in Spring Boot?

I am always getting unauthorize on Login.
On Login i need to authenticate user as well as generate CSRF token based on JWT token generated from user credentials.
I have CsrfCookieGeneratorFilter but i need to pass JWT generated after sucessfull authentication. My current code always execute CsrfFilterfirst and after that run authentication thing.
So Authentication First and then CsrfCookieGeneraterFilter.
Could anyone guide how to achieve using following builder (I am quite new to this Spring security thing implementation)
Following is code i am trying:
httpSecurity.addFilterAt(new CsrfCookieGeneratorFilter(customCsrfTokenRepository), CsrfFilter.class);
httpSecurity.addFilterBefore(jwtRequestFilter, UsernamePasswordAuthenticationFilter.class);

HttpSecurity With SpringBootDev

I'm working on spring reload with spring dev tools in remote app.
I got a bug with HttpSecurity configuraiton.
As explain on Here, I put this in config http security :
First requestMatchers doesn't exists in 2.2.4.RELEASE version so I replaced it by antMatcher. But the application has to authenticate others urls. I tried multi differents configurations but never worked.
authorizeRequests(aR -> aR
.addFilterBefore(new AuthTokenFilter(userRepository, env), UsernamePasswordAuthenticationFilter.class);
.addFilterBefore(new AuthTokenFilter(userRepository, env), UsernamePasswordAuthenticationFilter.class);
.addFilterBefore(new AuthTokenFilter(userRepository, env), UsernamePasswordAuthenticationFilter.class);
could you help me? Some conf's result are the exception :
Exception in thread "File Watcher" java.lang.IllegalStateException:
Unexpected 401 UNAUTHORIZED response uploading class files. Some are :
Can't configure anyRequest after itself.
I'm quite lost cuase thinking that antMatcher will work. Any ideas?

Should I disable CORS in spring backend? Unathorized request is blocked

I'm working on project with spring boot and Vue, I need to protect my endpoints. The user will have specific role, admin role or typical user role. When I search for tutorials how to configure JWT and spring security I'm getting articles with disabled cors by cors().disable() only . And that's my question.. May I send request from my front Vue app via axios if cors in spring backend is disabled? Is it right approach to disable it? A lot of my requests from api were blocked by cors so I enabled it but I didn't implement user roles and it made me confused what to do now because I have to do it... Another problem is when I implemented httpSecurity.csrf().disable().authorizeRequests().antMatchers("/authenticate", "/register","/login").permitAll(). and tried to call /authenticate from another device in same network then spring blocked it but it shouldn't be blocked.. On the top of controller I have #CrossOrigin(origins="*", maxAge=3600) and #RestController so I don't know why my request is blocked.
Help me please if You have some ideas.
Best regards!
Set this in top of every controller
#CrossOrigin(origins = "*")
And set the code in SecuriyConfig as follows. It worked for me.
.antMatchers("/authenticate", "/register","/login")
.antMatchers(HttpMethod.OPTIONS, "/**")

405 Method Not Allowed for POST

I have a very simple spring boot application, which is secured by the following code:
the idea is to secure "admin" portion. It exposes a REST API.
The problem is all the POSTS returns
405 Method Not Allowed
If I remove the security starter from the application, it works. This makes me believe that the security configuration is the problem. But I cannot find out how.
This should be easy.
POSTs and PUT requests would not be allowed if CSRF is enabled,and spring boot enables those by default.
Just add this to your configuration code :
that is :
Refer docs ,if you need to enable CSRF :
This can also happen if using Spring Security SAML extension and your SAMLUserDetailsService returns a UsernameNotFoundException. Seems pretty counter-intuitive, but that's what it does by default (in my experience).
