Not able to assign var to $2 var from command line bash - bash

I have the bash script. I have to assign to second passed var other var, or upper-cased content of the same var. When I try to do sth like this:
I got: line 173: xxx=XXX: command not found
When I try this command : set -- ${2^^}
$2 seems to be..empty. When I echo it, terminal shows empty line.
How to fix it?

You can't assign to $2 directly, yo need to use set. Copy the $# array to a named array, change its second element, and use set to assign the values back:
set -- "${arr[#]}"
printf '%s\n' "$2"
set -- ${2^^} sets the value of upper-cased $2 to $1 and clears the remaining positional arguments.


how to assign each of multiple lines in a file as different variable?

this is probably a very simple question. I looked at other answers but couldn't come up with a solution. I have a 365 line date file. file as below,
I need to read this file line by line and assign each day to a separate variable. like this,
I tried while read commands but couldn't get them to work.It takes a lot of time to shoot one by one. How can I do it quickly?
Trying to create named variable out of an associative array, is time waste and not supported de-facto. Better use this, using an associative array:
declare -A array
while read -r line; do
printf -v key 'd%03d' $((++c))
done < file
for i in "${!array[#]}"; do echo "key=$i value=${array[$i]}"; done
key=d001 value=01-01-2000
key=d002 value=02-01-2000
an array is acceptable
array index should start with 1
Sample input:
$ cat sample.dat
One bash/mapfile option:
unset d # make sure variable is not currently in use
mapfile -t -O1 d < sample.dat # load each line from file into separate array location
This generates:
$ typeset -p d
declare -a d=([1]="01-01-2000" [2]="02-01-2000" [3]="03-01-2000" [4]="04-01-2000" [5]="05-01-2000")
$ for i in "${!d[#]}"; do echo "d[$i] = ${d[i]}"; done
d[1] = 01-01-2000
d[2] = 02-01-2000
d[3] = 03-01-2000
d[4] = 04-01-2000
d[5] = 05-01-2000
In OP's code, references to $d001 now become ${d[1]}.
A quick one-liner would be:
eval $(awk 'BEGIN{cnt=0}{printf "d%3.3d=\"%s\"\n",cnt,$0; cnt++}' your_file)
eval makes the shell variables known inside your script or shell. Use echo $d000 to show the first one of the newly defined variables. There should be no shell special characters (like * and $) inside your_file. Remove eval $() to see the result of the awk command. The \" quoted %s is to allow spaces in the variable values. If you don't have any spaces in your_file you can remove the \" before and after %s.

adding to and changing a parameter in bash

Is there a way to take a parameter regardless of what it is and change it to a more specific output.
I'm trying to find a way that I can change M26 (or M27, M28, L26, L27....) to M0000026.00 so later on in the script I can call on the new form of the parameter
I know i could do something like:
./ M26
if [ "$1" = M26 ]
set -- "M0000026.00" "${#:1}"
some function to call $1 in file string /..../.../.../$1/.../..
but I'm looking more for a generic way so I don't have to input all the possible if statements for every 3 character parameter I have
If your version of bash supports associative arrays, you can do something like this:
# Declare an associative array to contain your argument mappings
declare -A map=( [M26]="M0000026.00" [M27]="whatever" ["param with spaces"]="foo" )
# Declare a regular array to hold your remapped args
# Loop through the shell parameters and remap them into args()
while (( $# )); do
# If "$1" exists as a key in map, then use the mapped value.
# Otherwise, just use "$1"
args+=( "${map["$1"]-$1}" )
# At this point, you can either just use the args array directly and ignore
# $1, $2, etc.
# Or you can use set to reassign $1, $2, etc from args, like so:
set -- "${args[#]}"
Also, you don't have to declare map on a single line as I did. For maintainability (especially if you have lots of mappings), you can do it like this:
declare -A map=()
map["Z99"]="foo bar"

Set bash variable equal to result of string where newlines are replaced by spaces

I have a variable equal to a string, which is a series of key/value pairs separated by newlines.
I want to then replace these newline characters with spaces, and set a new variable equal to the result
From various answers on the internet I've arrived at the following:
#test.txt has the content:
vars="$(cat ./test.txt)"
formattedVars= $("$vars" | tr '\n' ' ')
echo "$taliskerEnvVars"
Problem is when I try to set formattedVars it tries to execute the second line: line 7: test=example
what=s0omething: command not found
I just want formattedVars to equal test=example what=s0omething
What trick am I missing?
Change your line to:
formattedVars=$(tr '\n' ' ' <<< "$secretsContent")
Notice the space of = in your code, which is not permitted in assignment statements.
I see that you are not setting secretsContent in your code, you are setting vars instead.
If possible, use an array to hold contents of the file:
readarray -t vars < ./test.txt # bash 4
# bash 3.x
declare -a vars
while IFS= read -r line; do
vars+=( "$line" )
done < ./test.txt
Then you can do what you need with the array. You can make your space-separated list with
, but consider whether you need to. If the goal is to use them as a pre-command modifier, use, for instance,
"${vars[#]}" my_command arg1 arg2

how to find the position of a string in a file in unix shell script

Can you please help me solve this puzzle? I am trying to print the location of a string (i.e., line #) in a file, first to the std output, and then capture that value in a variable to be used later. The string is “my string”, the file name is “myFile” which is defined as follows:
this is first line
this is second line
this is my string on the third line
this is fourth line
the end
Now, when I use this command directly at the command prompt:
% awk ‘s=index($0, “my string”) { print “line=” NR, “position= ” s}’ myFile
I get exactly the result I want:
% line= 3, position= 9
My question is: if I define a variable VAR=”my string”, why can’t I get the same result when I do this:
% awk ‘s=index($0, $VAR) { print “line=” NR, “position= ” s}’ myFile
It just won’t work!! I even tried putting the $VAR in quotation marks, to no avail? I tried using VAR (without the $ sign), no luck. I tried everything I could possibly think of ... Am I missing something?
awk variables are not the same as shell variables. You need to define them with the -v flag
For example:
$ awk -v var="..." '$0~var{print NR}' file
will print the line number(s) of pattern matches. Or for your case with the index
$ awk -v var="$Var" 'p=index($0,var){print NR,p}' file
using all uppercase may not be good convention since you may accidentally overwrite other variables.
to capture the output into a shell variable
$ info=$(awk ...)
for multi line output assignment to shell array, you can do
$ values=( $(awk ...) ); echo ${values[0]}
however, if the output contains more than one field, it will be assigned it's own array index. You can change it with setting the IFS variable, such as
$ IFS=$(echo -en "\n\b"); values=( $(awk ...) )
which will capture the complete lines as the array values.

Unable to set second to last command line argument to variable

Regardless of the number of arguments passed to my script, I would like for the second to the last argument to always represent a specific variable in my code.
Executing the program I'd type something like this:
sh -a arg_a -b arg_b special specific
echo $test
The results will show 'special'. So using that same idea if I try this (since I won't know that number of arguments):
echo $secondToLastArg
The results will show '3'. How do I dynamically assign the second to last argument?
You need a bit of math to get the number you want ($(($#-1))), then use indirection (${!n}) to get the actual argument.
$ set -- a b c
$ echo $#
a b c
$ n=$(($#-1))
$ echo $n
$ echo ${!n}
Indirection (${!n}) tells bash to use the value of n as the name of the variable to use ($2, in this case).
You can use $# as array & array chopping methods:
echo ${#:$(($#-1)):1}
It means, use 1 element starting from $(($#-1))...
If some old versions of shells do not support ${array:start:length} syntax but support only ${array:start} syntax, use below hack:
echo ${#:$(($#-1))} | { read x y ; echo $x; } # OR
read x unused <<< `echo ${#:$(($#-1))}`
