Route for resetting password in Laravel 7 - laravel

I am using the custom password reset option in Laravel 7. When the user clicks the reset password button (in the inbox of her/his email), the user is redirected to the password reset link. Here is my link
Here is the code which generates the link
$token1= md5($fp_email);
$token2 = Str::random(60);
$fp_token = $token1."-".$token2;
//some more codes here
$link = 'localhost/LaraTest/public/reset/' . $fp_token . '?email=' . urlencode($fp_email);
//$link is sent to user as email
Route (after some research)
public function resetpassword(Request $request){
return view('resetpassword');
How would I define my route? I am a bit confused as my link contains
both the password reset token and the email id.
How will I retrieve the password reset token and the email id from the link above,after being redirected to the new password form?

Your route should be:
In then the actual handler:
public function resetpassword(Request $request, $token){
$email = $request->email;
return view('resetpassword', compact('token', 'email');
Then in your view you can have:
<input type="hidden" name="email" value="{{$email}}" />
<input type="hidden" name="token" value="{{$token}}" />
and your actual password reset handler this would probably be defined in a route like:
Route::post('reset', 'LoginController#doPasswordReset');
and the method body would be (code borrowed in some part from the laravel source):
public function doPasswordReset(Request $request){
$validatedRequest = $request->validate([
'token' => 'required',
'email' => 'required|email',
'password' => 'required|confirmed|min:8',
$email = $request->email;
$token = $request->token;
$broker = app(PasswordBrokerManager::class);
$response = $broker()->reset(
$validatedRequest, function ($user, $password) {
// save new password here
return $response == Password::PASSWORD_RESET
? // Reset response?
: // Reset failed response?
This will ensure Laravel can verify the user by the provided email and password before doing the actual password reset.


How to send custom password reset link in laravel (customized link with prefix)?

I Laravel custom authentication (Laravel Breeze). I want to send my customized password reset link. In default, the link is sent in this format localhost:8000/reset-password/{token} but I want to send link localhost:8000/system/reset-password/{token}.
// forgot-password
public function store(Request $request)
'email' => 'required|email',
// We will send the password reset link to this user. Once we have attempted
// to send the link, we will examine the response then see the message we
// need to show to the user. Finally, we'll send out a proper response.
$status = Password::sendResetLink(
return $status == Password::RESET_LINK_SENT
? back()->with('status', __($status))
: back()->withInput($request->only('email'))
->withErrors(['email' => __($status)]);
Following the Laravel documentation about Password Reset you would be able to override the password reset link!

How do I manually send a password reset request in Laravel 5.8

I would like to manually send a password reset request to a specific user (not the one currently logged in) from within a controller. I did some digging around in the Laravel code and I searched many articles but I do not get output.
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Password;
public function sendResetEmail(Request $request)
// I will assueme that you already have $email variable
$response = Password::sendResetLink(['email' => $email], function (Message $message) {
switch ($response) {
case Password::RESET_LINK_SENT:
dump('We have e-mailed your password reset link!');
case Password::INVALID_USER:
dump('We can\'t find a user with that e-mail address.');
You can do it using the Password facade
$email = '';
$response = \Illuminate\Support\Facades\Password::broker()->sendResetLink($email);
$ok = $response == \Illuminate\Support\Facades\Password::RESET_LINK_SENT;

How To Get Auth ID form user table and grab it for store to other table on database

I want to get Auth ID from user who has logged in and then use the Auth ID to store on other table
User_detail Controller
this is my store function
$data = new ModelUser();
$user= new user();
$data->id_user = Auth::get('id');
$data->jenis_kelamin = $request->jenis_kelamin;
$data->no_tlp = $request->no_tlp;
$data->jurusan = $request->jurusan;
$data->wilayah = $request->wilayah;
return redirect()->route('surveylist');
and this is function Login
public function LoginPost(Request $request)
$email = $request->email;
$password = $request->password;
$data = user::where('email',$email)->first();
if($data) //check email apakah ada atau tidak
return redirect('userdt');
return redirect('index')->with('alert','Password atau Email yang anda masukan salah !!! ' );
this is the routes files
//reward routes
protected $fillable = [
protected $table ='user_detail';
public function user()
return $this->belongsTo(user::class);
and I get error like this
Argument 1 passed to Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model::fill() must
be of the type array, null given, called in
E:\Laravel\surevey\app\Http\Controllers\UserController.php on line 110
You don't need to use $data->fill(Auth::user()); as you have only single user_id field need to set.
Also you can get the current logged in user's id using. \Auth::user()->id
So your code would be as follow:
$data = new ModelUser();
$data->id_user = \Auth::user()->id;
$data->jenis_kelamin = $request->jenis_kelamin;
$data->no_tlp = $request->no_tlp;
$data->jurusan = $request->jurusan;
$data->wilayah = $request->wilayah;
return redirect()->route('surveylist');
Note: Make sure you have included auth middleware with your route.
Route::get('profile', ['middleware' => 'auth', function() {
// Only authenticated users may enter...
And you have followed the authuntication process carefully.
Your loging should be changed as:
public function LoginPost(Request $request)
$email = $request->email;
$password = $request->password;
if (Auth::attempt(['email' => $email, 'password' => $password])) {
// Authentication passed...
return redirect()->intended('userdt');
return redirect('index')->with('alert','Password atau Email yang anda masukan salah !!! ' );
If your reverse one-to-one relationship in the User Model looks like this:
public function detail()
return $this->hasOne(ModelUser::class);
And you are sure a user is logged in, you could simply do this
$data = Auth::user()->detail()->save($request->all());
return redirect()->route('surveylist');
Laravel's ORM takes care of the rest.
should be Auth::id() or Auth::user()->id but seems like your Auth::user() is returning a null.make sure you sessions, routes are set up properly.
use Auth::attempt()to login user

How to attach variable to reset password link view in laravel?

I am using laravel 5.2 where I need to sent an OTP code to reset password, though email is being sent with built in subject and limited message done by make:auth command but how to customize? I have tried to follow the link unfortunately I am unable to understand how i can use this to solve.
I customized the api like this
public function sendResetLinkEmail(Request $request)
$broker = $this->getBroker();
$email = $request->input('email');
$userid = DB::table('users')->where('email','=',$email)->value('id');
$uniqueotp = "DIYA".uniqid();
$curr_timestamp = strtotime(date("Y-m-d H:i:s"));
$date = strtotime("+7 day", $curr_timestamp);
$expiry_otp = date('Y-m-d H:i:s',$date);
$ip_address = $request->ip();
'user_id' => $userid,
'status' => 0,
'otp_code' => $uniqueotp,
$response = Password::broker($broker)->sendResetLink(
switch ($response) {
case Password::RESET_LINK_SENT:
return $this->getSendResetLinkEmailSuccessResponse($request,$response);
case Password::INVALID_USER:
return $this->getSendResetLinkEmailFailureResponse($response);
Any idea how I can achieve?
My required email message like this:
Hello, Tamaghna Banerjee Click here to reset your password:
Your OTP is: B16445512121
Reset Your Password through http://localhost/diya/public/password/reset/83baba9f61fc851b9d80b515415ec86c43b03b56b068e1888256db7a7831ba83?

Hash::check() return false in laravel 5

I'm just starting with laravel 5, I'm doing a simple login function to check if email and password passed by user matches with the email and password stored in the database. I've been reading the documentation ([ but Hash::check($content['password'], $user->{'password'}) returns false always. My code looks like this.
When I create a new user I hash the password like that:
$content = json_decode($request->getContent(), true);
$user -> password = Hash::make($content['email']);
And my login function looks like that:
public function login(Request $request)
$content = json_decode($request -> getContent(), true);
$user = DB::table('users')->where('email', $content['email'])->first();
if (Hash::check($content['password'], $user->{'password'}))
// Redirect to dashboard
Thanks in advance!!
Actually you are hashing the email instead of password while creating the user. change the code from
$user->password = Hash::make($content['email']);
$user->password = Hash::make($content['password']);
i came up with same issue. check database users table, password field. make the size of the field to 60 or more. this fixed mine.
The facade Hash just will encrypt your data:
is the same that:
$password = bcrypt('123456');
to login a user you need to use AuthController functions:
Auth::attempt(['email' => '' , 'password' => Hash::make('password')]);
it's a example.
If you're receiving a request, you can add this method to login:
if(Auth::attempt(['email' => $request->email, 'password' => $request->password , 'active' => 1])){
flash()->success('Successfully logged in!');
return redirect('/');
the attempt function will hash your password field and will compare with database data.
