poetry on heroku: can't find (any!) modules after many tries - heroku

I'm trying to move to poetry as a system for python virtual environments, but I've never deployed it to heroku before, and am having no luck at all.
I've tried this now with two different fresh poetry projects, and two different fresh git repositories. I:
create a fresh poetry project
initialize it as a git repo
add all the relevant libraries (poetry add flask gunicorn etc)
add the SINGLE file that holds the entire app, and push it to heroku, which is configured with the poetry buildpack from https://elements.heroku.com/buildpacks/moneymeets/python-poetry-buildpack
When I try to run the file directly, my Procfile is "web: python project/website.py", I get "ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'flask'" (which is imported in the first line of the file)
When I try to run the file indirectly (because maybe it makes a difference?) my Procfile is "web: gunicorn wsgi:app", I get "bash: gunicorn: command not found"
I am absolutely certain that the pyproject.toml is up to date, and have manually verified that the requirements.txt file it produces contains both flask, and gunicorn, by looking at the build files on the heroku server with "heroku run bash"
I have tried resetting the heroku cache, manually creating requirements.txt before build, emptying, and then re-filling requirements.txt, and other things I'm sure too. I get one of these two errors, every time. ALL of the questions I see about this issue just ask if the libraries are in the requirements files. Mine are. They are not being seen, or found, or noticed, or used, or something.
I have absolutely no idea what else to do. After this many tries the only sane thing would seem to be to just use pipenv, but the error seems so flagrant, and presumably simple, that it's driving me completely nuts.
EDITS (in response to comment): My file tree has changed through different attempts to make things work, so I've tried a number of configurations. Sometimes the Procfile and app file are in the same, top-level directory -- I've also tried having a runserver script at the top level, and putting the app script inside another directory.
I have also tried having, and not having, local requirements.txt files, in case poetry wasn't successfully creating them as it's supposed to, but the poetry build-back does appear to successfully build its own when launched on heroku. I examined that one, on the heroku machine, and it contained lines for both flask, and gunicorn (among others, but these are the specific two the system says are missing)

Test to run locally "poetry run flask run".


Yarn failing to start service based on "path/" argument must be of type string, Vue application, windows10

I am using a template, Vue cli3 application and it stopped working and I don't recall why. The error I am receiving is when I try to start the application I get this error.
yarn run serve
yarn run v1.16.0
error An unexpected error occurred: "The \"path\" argument must be of type string. Received type object".
info If you think this is a bug, please open a bug report with the information provided in "C:\\node\\TradeTriggers\\yarn-error.log".
info Visit https://yarnpkg.com/en/docs/cli/run for documentation about this command.
I can delete the node_modules and package.json.lock
I cannot do anything with yarn. No yarn install, yarn run serve, nothing and npm doesn't seem to want to run the application. I'm sorry there are a lot of tools to know in the JS world!
The machine is a windows10 machine and I cannot find yarn in my env variables, so the issue may lie there. I even tried installing the Yarn MSI but my version is still the one I installed through npm a while ago, still nothing.
I had problem that was caused by yarn looking at first the global settings file, ie global registry. It might be similar. On Windows, first check your yarn config path:
yarn config bin
Windows shows the path. Then in that folder, check whether you have a "rc" file, ie that is yarn configuration.
Try move this file out of the folder, for test. Have it as a copy somewhere else, where you can restore it if this does not help.
Then, once file is out, run your yarn commands again like you used to.
Sideline: on Linux, I had to remove a leftover buggy .yarnrc file in
to get similar things working again. It was not a Vue app, but similar kind of error.
This error can occur when you are using Yarn Workspaces and have incompatible directories in the packages/ directory.
In my scenario, I used git subtrees to pull another repo into my project's packages/ directory. This directory had a package.json file, but it did not have compatible values for the fields required by Yarn Workspaces.
Moving the problematic package out of packages/ should fix this issue.

Is there any harm in using NPM and Yarn in the same project?

I have been using npm for a personal project and just recently stumbled across yarn. Would there be any harm or "intended side effects" to switching to yarn's package manager in the same project where I had been using npm?
Although a few commenters here say its ok to mix both yarn and npm on the same project, after using yarn and npm and then yarn again, this is what yarn has to say about it:
warning package-lock.json found. Your project contains lock files generated by tools
other than Yarn. It is advised not to mix package managers in order to avoid resolution
inconsistencies caused by unsynchronized lock files. To clear this warning, remove
Since to me it is not any harm to using both them into one project.
I use npm and yarn (50/50) in dev environment.
But on ci/di i use only yarn because it is faster, and i reduce build minutes thanks yarn.
Also they both create different .lock file names.
Nobody told about the lock files.
Imagine you use yarn on dev environment, and yarn on your build/production servers. When you install a package using yarn, and your project works on your computer, you probably would want to keep it working on a production environment (your server).
That being sad, you would commit you yarn.lock file, that "saves" the exact versions of each package you have, when the project ran on your computer.
On your buid/production server you should call yarn install, but asking to keep all the same versions with --frozen-lockfile parameter. Some even say "yarn install --frozen-lockfile should be the default behavior", and I agree.
Then... another dev jump in the project you are working and install a package using npm (other than yarn). That new package will not be included in your yarn.lock file, but, a new package-json.lock file would be created, telling the exact packages versions it is using.
When that commit arrives on your build/production server, it will crash, fail, because that new package doesn't exist on yarn.lock file. Someone would need to pull that changes, call a yarn to install the dependences and update the lock file with the new package dependences, and push it again to the repo.
A quick point about using the lock file or not. If you call a 'yarn install' on your build/production server some weeks after the last install on your machine, the server would have many other new versions than your last "stable" version. It already happened to me many times.
I published recently the package-locks-checks, which help ensure you have not just one lock file but also locked each package version on your project.
There will be a point that one or both will no longer work and your project will be stuck at only using the existing lock file. Meaning, the issue probably will involve installation fails if you opt to reinstall without a lock file. And that also means failure to create a new lock file, so you are stuck with the existing one that you are trying to get rid off in the first place. We are actually encountering this issue in one of our projects. Because it is so big, no one tries to fix the issue and just rely on the existing lock file.
So, even if we say it's a rare case that it won't cause harm. Mixing npm and yarn should be avoided.
Here https://classic.yarnpkg.com/en/docs/migrating-from-npm/ we may find a confirmation that Yarn's resolution algorithm is compatible with NPM resolution algorithm.
Inside a npm project (with package.json) if you run yarn it will read your node_modules folder (using the resolution algorithm) and create a yarn.lock file with your project's locked dependency tree.
Based on that I assume that they are compatible inside the same project.
Update 30/04/2021
My original reply refers to yarn 1 (classic), although I've just created a React app with create-react-app tool and it creates the project's repository with package.json + yarn.lock by default. Again, another demonstration that it's fine (even with the warning mentioned by Dave Pile).
At the end of the day this is a matter of putting both together to work and checking yourself...
Plus you get a warning from yarn as Dave Pile said because we have to push *-lock.json files changes you have to consider using npm version >= 7 to make sure whenever you install packages by npm it will update your yarn-lock.json file too.
Because whenever you install the packages either by npm or yarn depends on what you have chosen for updating a dependency in the package.json (Using tilde ( ~ ) which gives you bug fix releases and caret ( ^ ) gives you backward-compatible new functionality) it will update you.lock file and since you have to push it might happen that you have different version of lock files.

Install wkhtmltopdf on heroku using a java application

I manged to get my spring boot website online on Heroku. But I also use wkhtmltopdf to create a pdf. This works locally but now I have some problems.
Offline it works as follow :
ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder
" cd C:\\Program Files\\wkhtmltopdf\\bin && wkhtmltopdf.exe "
+ "http://google.com C:\\MainWebApps\\TestApp\\src\\main\\resources\\userstorage\\Google2.pdf");
But how do I install this on Heroku?
Where do I store the temporarily html page so I can create a pdf from it ?
And where is wkhtmltopdf installed on Heroku ?
Can I call the wkhtmltopdf with a processbuilder on heroku?
So after the comment of ceejayoz I googled a bit more and did find some interesting stuff.
So for Compile the binaries on Heroku I used this:
heroku run /bin/bash
Then I did a curl of wkhtmltopdf like this:
curl -O http://download.gna.org/wkhtmltopdf/0.12/0.12.0/wkhtmltox-linux-amd64_0.12.0-03c001d.tar.xz
Then I tried to extract it on the server but without success:
$ tar -xjvf wkhtmltox-linux-amd64_0.12.0-03c001d.tar.xz
tar (child): wkhtmltox-linux-amd64_0.12.0-03c001d.tar.xz: Cannot open: No such file or directory
tar (child): Error is not recoverable: exiting now
tar: Child returned status 2
tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now
I also found this https://github.com/dscout/wkhtmltopdf-buildpack on github.
So I did following :
heroku buildpacks:set 'https://github.com/heroku/heroku-buildpack-multi.git'
echo 'https://github.com/dscout/wkhtmltopdf-buildpack.git' >> .buildpacks
This created a file named .buildpacks but how do I proceed from there on ?
I also found this post but vulcan is deprecated and uses ruby
Using Wkhtmltopdf with Nodejs on Heroku
Can somebody provide me with good information because I am completely stuck with this?
You actually have two problems that you need to solve -
How to install/invoke the executable
How to handle the generated .pdf
Assuming you have the basics of Heroku deployment (push to the Heroku git remote), for #1, #ceejayoz is right - check the binary into your git repository. For example, under a ./bin directory. The root of your project (where the Procfile is) will be your working directory, and you should be able to invoke the program with ProcessBuilder using relative paths.
Caveat - since it looks like you are developing on Windows, you will need to pay attention to ensuring both platform-specific binaries are available, and add some logic to know which one to invoke (for example, by setting/checking a specific environment variable).
I recommend against trying to build with a custom build pack - you will spend a lot of energy for little to no benefit. Aside from the platform issue, you don't need to rebuild a third party tool when your code changes...
The second problem is that you can't leave the generated PDF in place. It will go away when the dyno is restarted (see https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/dynos#ephemeral-filesystem). Thus, the first thing you should do when the process completes is move the generated file to an external storage service (Amazon S3 is a good starting point).
Hope this helps.
You might want to use wkhtmltopdf-binary. With that solution, you do not need to put wkhtmltopdf executable into your VCS. You can use it for example with Maven or Gradle.

Git bundled into Cocoa app cannot find helpers in bundle

I have a Mac app. I want to include Git in this app because some functions of my app use Git and I don't want the user to have to install it on his machine.
I have downloaded Git from source. I edited the Makefile to declare these two lines:
The first line tells the build process to skip localizing and just use English.
The second line declares the path to where libcurl is installed. I downloaded libcurl_devel and built it from source. This is required to enable Git to pull/push from http and https repos.
Git builds successfully. I then copy all of the resulting files into my app's bundle. I'm using NSTask to run Git and attempt to pull an https://-based repo.
The Problem:
The error I get is:
fatal: Unable to find remote helper for 'https'
I googled this, and everyone said that as long as I had libcurl installed when I built Git, Git would work with HTTP and HTTPS addresses. And, in fact, if I run the installed Git from the command line, it does!
What I Need:
So, I must be missing a path setting or an environment variable or SOMETHING that tells Git where to find those remote helpers. They ARE in my app bundle; the screenshot below shows them:
So: what the hell do I need to set in order to resolve this problem when I run Git from within my application bundle?
Unbelievable. I've been trying to fix this for 8+ hours and five minutes after I finally break down and post this question, I figure it out:
Git has an option called --exec-path. I had been passing this argument to the NSTask like this (Where APP BUNDLE is replaced by the path to the application bundle on the user's machine):
--exec-path=[APP BUNDLE]/git/bin
Since bin was the folder where the Git binary was located, I figured that was the appropriate path. However, if I do this:
--exec-path=[APP BUNDLE]/git/libexec/git-core
It works.

Proper files for socket.io 0.7?

I'm developing something with node.js and socket.io, but I'm doing my local dev on Windows for my own convenience. Installation instructions for socket.io say just do npm install socket.io. This is fine for my linux environment, and I'm guessing node will just find it in modules. But on Windows I don't know what to do. I got version 0.6 working fine somehow, managing to find the files I need.
Now, it looks like I need two sets of files, one for the server side and one for the client. There's also two repos on github, socket.io and socket.io-client. So I'm trying to just download all the files I need from there. The issue is that the server one refers to the client one, but the socket.io-client files aren't in the server repo. If I put the server files in, and reference them in my node server, it crashes on startup saying Cannot find module 'socket.io-client'.
tl;dr If I'm just copying files into my project directory, rather than doing an npm install, what is the proper file structure to get socket.io version 0.7 running?
Had the same issue here and I'm not using NPM either. But nothing to do with Windows: I'm on Ubuntu with the same prob.
You also need to have the socket.io-client module available in your node_modules path or wherever you keep the server-side socket.io module.
For solving similar issues I created a runner script that simply set the NODE_PATH env variable as needed and then execute my script. I also put my own modules (or the modules I don't want to install via npm) in the node_modules subdirectory of my project. A better explanation is here http://www.bennadel.com/blog/2169-Where-Does-Node-js-And-Require-Look-For-Modules-.htm
export NODE_ENV=development
if [ "${NODE_PATH}" = "" ]; then
export NODE_PATH=$(npm -g root 2>/dev/null)
node ${1}
